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Hello everyone and... ROCK ON. ;-)

  • Translation from english to german, please :-)?

    -My librarian told me about it and it sounded really interesting so I asked to participate.

    -I will never forget our Filmteam and the political Conference. All the things we experienced together got us closer and turned E. into a great experience.

    -Not only I met new friends but I also practiced my german. I really enjoyed this experience of cooperation with people from different cultures.

    - Now I am planning on doing my Phd in german philology.

    -I would say that E. is definitely an extraordinary experience that one shouldn't miss and will never forget.

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Greek to Deutsch translation please?

    Σαράντα παλικάρια από τη Λιβαδιά

    Το Σαράντα παλικάρια από τη Λιβαδιά είναι ελληνικό δημοτικό τραγούδι, κλέφτικο, το οποίο απαντάται σε συλλογές από την Πελοπόννησο, την Ήπειρο, τη Στερεά Ελλάδα, τη Μακεδονία, τα Επτάνησα, τη Θεσσαλία, τη Θράκη, τη Λέσβο, την Κρήτη, τη Μικρά Ασία και την Κύπρο. Τραγουδιέται και σαν τραγούδι χορευτικό με σκοπό τσάμικου χορού.

    Οι παραλλαγές του [Επεξεργασία]

    Οι τυπικά διαφορετικές μορφές που έχει το τραγούδι είναι δύο: στη μία τα παλικάρια πηγαίνουν για κλεψιά[1] και συναντούν στο δρόμο τους ένα γέρο και τον καλούν να τους συνοδεύσει σαν οδηγός. Ο γέρος αρνείται επειδή είναι ηλικιωμένος και δεν μπορεί να περπατήσει. Τους συστείνει να πάρουν το γιό του, ο οποίος γνωρίζει τις τοποθεσίες και είναι πιο γρήγορος.

    Στην άλλη εκδοχή τους συμβουλεύει παράλληλα να προσέξουν να μην παρασυρθούν από την γοητεία των όμορφων κοριτσιών του χωριού και να φυλαχθούν από το πιοτό και το μεθύσι[2]. Όμως τα παληκάρια δεν ακούνε τον γέρο, μεθούν και συλλαμβάνονται. Ο γέρος σπεύδει να μεσολαβήσει για την απελευθέρωσή τους.

    Σε άλλες παραλλαγές αναφέρονται και διαφορετικοί τόποι: ΄΄Καστοριά΄΄, ΄΄Βουργαρία΄΄, ΄΄Αρμενία΄΄, ΄΄Μοριάς΄΄, ΄΄Βάβδος΄΄

    I hope someone answers this question

    Danke schon!!!

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Help me correct this german paragraph please?

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    ich schreibe dieses Email,weil ich ein Problem mit der Einsendung der Anmeldung hatte.

    Ich habe zwei Anmeldungen hier beifuegen. Meine und die Anmeldung von M. N.

    Ich moechte fragen, ob M. nach Deutschland an 1. August fliegen kann. Ausserdem moechte ich fragen, ob ich die Flugkarten reservieren kann. (I want to ask whether I can already book the tickets or it is better to wait )

    Gruesse ?

    (οh i also want to thank them in advance)

    Thank you too ,yahoo answerers!!!

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Check my german paragraph please :-)?

    Ich habe fast allen die Pruefungen bestanden. Trozdem habe ich 3 Lehrfaecher, die ich im September hoffe, dass ich sie bestehen werde. (I mean to say that I have to give 3 exams in September)

    Ich glaube, dass du bei jetzt in deinem neuen Haus sein wirst.

    Kennst du Eurocamp? Ich plane nach Deutchland fliegen durch dieses

    multikulturelle Programm. Wenn ich es schaffe, werde ich in Deutschland sein von 29. Juli bis 18. August.

    Es ist moeglich, dass du in dieser Zeit in Griechenland sein wirst. Ich hoeffe, dass wir es schaffen, wir uns zu treffen.

    Ausserdem hoffe ich, dass du Spass habst und darauf freuest dich, dass der Sommer schliesslich angekommen ist.

    Mit freundlichen Gruessen

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • I need clever ideas:I like the trainer at my gym.How do I approach him?

    Hello! Last saturday I tried for the first time the team work out at my gym! Wow I liked it so much-actually what I liked was the trainer(!) but anyway...

    He does this program every Saturday and I'm planning not to lose a day!

    I was thinking that I should make some eye-contact for the beginning and then..after some time approach him in a way.I am not sure though How to do that.

    It's difficult for me because in order to be alone with him I've to wait in order all of the other people to go...It's kind of embarrassing.

    Do you have any good plan to suggest?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Which in your opinion is the best country worldwide to do your master/Phd(?) in Psychology?

    which country and why?

    i'm really interested in clinical psychology or neuropsychology but i don't know yet.

  • Is it possible to find a guy who looks like Ashton kutcher and has a nice personality like not being arrogant?

    or not being a player etc


    p.s just a silly question

    p.s still thinking that Ashton is an adorable guy,talking about his looks cause I don't know his personality :P

    thank you all answerers


    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Translation from greek to english?


    I would like some help translating 'Εβγαλα 18.000 μόρια' in english

    Thank you very much

    5 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Could anyone please translate some hebrew?



    חקירת פונקציות ב5 בבוקר, מה זה בכלל לישון

    אני חייל בצבא הפיזיקה

    יא אללה איזה סיום פסיכי

    לילה טוב חיים חברתיים

    thank you so much

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Information about a travel to Italy.?

    I am in Greece and I would like to visit the beautiful lakes of Northern Italy on August (maybe 26/08-30/08). How much may this travel cost?

    I am not interested in expensive hotels and stuff. I'd like just to know about the plane tickets and general the prices in Italy.

    Would 1000 euros be ok for the whole travel?

    I won't eat much :P :-)

    thank you so much

    2 AnswersOther - Italy1 decade ago
  • Anyone who knows about computer me please?

    Is there any other program for windows XP which is like windows movie maker? if you can suggest something..I'll be grateful!

    (a program which I will be able to download)

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Why really I feel so much the need to be tender and have a boyfriend?

    OK so my details are:

    I am 16

    I never had a boyfriend (I had some ''suggestions'' but I was not attracted to I just rejected them...) However

    I really sometimes feel the need to have a boyfriend in my life and just be tender and have fun with him </3 duh! I don't know I don't want to be thinking about this issue all the time and losing the present! BUT it just got my head! =(

    I know I sound pathetic but I just feel the ''hormones of adolesence'' gone crazy :P


    because I know I have my studies right now and my friends and family..I may even do not have the time for a bf...STILL...WHY am I thinking about it all the time? :(

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that we can change the world?

    Sometimes...I see all these bad things,all this hunger,pain,destitution...I'm getting disappointed with people and how can their morals be corrupted...

    On the other hand,sometimes I see the world from a more positive point of view...Like,I am not so focused on the ''world's problems'' duh!

    I dont know what should I do..I feel like I haven't decided yet in my mind which attitude should I choose towards ''me and the world''

    LOL I am sorry if I am difficult to be followed but I am just a teenager on search... :)

    Just wanted to here some opinions... :) :)


    Do you believe we can change the world? Maybe improved it?

    What do you do about that?

    How you balance your concerning about your personal problems and the problems which are more probably...communal...

    Thank you in advance! :):)

    Have a nice day you all! :D

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • His name is Ares...<3<3<3?

    I first saw him yesterday...And he was so so so so awesome....<3 I really liked him..But we didn't talk much..we were at a concert...Anyway..I feel like I have head over heels...<333 We have some common friends..but I don't know if I will ever meet him again..And I don't know if he liked me..:( I wish I could do seems really so impossible for us to have something...Should I do something?Any ideas?? :( please...

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can any any any any one tell me...:D?

    what does Anthony say in Otherside live at hyde park

    mins 3.57-58??? Please tell me!

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Well...Where can I find new online friends who share the same music taste with me?

    please do not suggest facebook :P any other ideas?

    :D thank you very much all of you! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Ok my question is simple :?

    My aunt is 38 years old,she looks like 30,she is not THAT pretty but she is OK...her personality is really interesting! she likes having conversations,she is open-minded,she is responsible...anyway she hasn't something weird in her personality or appalling...ANY ANYWAY...what i wanna ask is : Why cant she find a man to love her and make a family with him?---IS IT SO DIFFICULT to find a man to fall in love and to love her? i don't know...i used to see world in more romantic eyes..but things are disappointing me all the time...

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago