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"The more I see of man, the more I like dogs." ~Mme. de Staël

  • Did I do this correctly on my AP Spanish test?

    I was trying to say the glowing stars. I wrote "las estrellas resplandeciendas". It seemed kind of weird to me, did I mess something up here?

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Marrying for in-state tuition?

    Although I was born/raised in Texas, I now live in Kansas and have for several years. My dream school is UT, but the out of state tuition is so steep. One of the ways to waive the tuition, as listed online, is to be married to a Texan for a year. Now, completely hypothetically speaking, if I had a good male friend in Texas willing to legally marry me during my college years, would that be an awful idea? Would it be taken as seriously as someone who marries for american citizenship?


    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Where can I send things to Iraqi children?

    This year my best friend and I are starting a club/charity for Iraqi children. We want to send clothes, toys and school supplies. In general, we just want to send the children a message that Americans aren't against them and want to help. We have lots of people interested and support from our school and a major business that my parents work for. My question is, where do we send all this stuff and how do we get it there? We want to be sure it gets to children in need. If you have any ideas or someone we can get in touch with, that would be so great!

    1 AnswerCommunity Service10 years ago
  • Got sick during my math final, definitely failed. What do I do?

    I have been extremely sick these last few days. Today was the first day of finals at my school, so I forced myself out of bed to go. Today I just had my Honors Geometry final (HS freshman), a subject I'm really good at and currently have a high A in. My head hurt so bad (I have migraines in addition to the flu thing I'm going through right now; not a good combination) it took all I could do not to run out the classroom and cry. I just sat there and held my head for what seemed like a few minutes, but the next thing I knew the proctor was telling us we had five minutes. In the end I only answered about half the questions even though I know the material really well. I think I have to get about an 80% to keep my A, and I didn't even answer that many questions. I hate to lose my good grade over this when I don't deserve it, but the woman administering the test said that was all the time we had. I don't know what I should do. My mom and I sent an e-mail to the school but they haven't responded. Are schools usually understanding in this type of situation? Any other advice? Thanks.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • I'm worried my mom is severly depressed, maybe suicidal; I don't know what to do?

    This may run a little long- sorry in advance. I'm really worried about my mom. She's always been a really positive, happy person but she hasn't been herself in a long time. I think a lot of problems have just been piling up. I know she wants a divorce from my father, but she's been out of work for over a year and has no way to pay for it. This summer, her dad (my Grandpa) died unexpectedly of overdose. It hit her really hard and she hasn't come to peace with it. Since then she has some good days but a lot of bad ones. I can't have a conversation with her anymore without her taking offense to something, crying, and locking herself in her room. I know she takes medication for depression and was suicidal after I was born (postpartum). We have always had an extremely close bond but she's so detached from me right now. I'm scared it might be serious. I want to help but I really don't know what to do. Please don't suggest I talk to my dad- besides all the problems in their marriage, he believes depression is a made-up condition and wouldn't take my concerns seriously. We don't have any other close relatives nearby other than my 9 year old sister and I. Everything feels wrong right now. My family has completely fallen apart and we're all strangers to each other. It's always sort of been my unofficial job to fix things in our family but I'm so lost. What do I do? I'm 15 if that helps.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Which countries draft women into their militaries?

    I'm writing a persuasive speech on why the U.S. should require women to register for the draft alongside men. I'm trying to figure out which countries draft women, but so far I'm getting several different answers. The only one all the sources seem to agree upon is Israel. Are there any others? Thanks in advance, and I would appreciate a link to your source.

    1 AnswerGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Been invited to Indian dinner, don't like Indian food?

    My friend invited me to go to this dinner thing her family's indian club has. The problem is that every time I've eaten Indian food in the past, I've gotten sick and thrown up, my stomach is really sensitive. She said there would be some regular food too, but I don't want to be the only one eating french fries or something, and I really don't want to offend anyone; I love Indian culture, I just can't eat the food. What should I do?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Mom angry at me after my Grandpa's death?

    My grandpa died about a week and a half ago, and it's been really hard on my family, but it's hit my mom the worst. Since we've returned from the funeral my mom's been easy to anger and very snappy, but I don't mind because I know she's going through a lot. But today I found out my mom's mad at me for not grieving publicly. Unlike my mom and my sister, I tend to deal with things on my own. I only cry about it when I'm alone and I don't like to talk about death. Because of this, my mom thinks I just don't care about his death or the way she's feeling. I don't know what to do or how to comfort her, it's so hard seeing my mom like this and it hurts that she thinks I don't care.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like something you would read? (guardian angel story)?

    I'm in the early stages of writing a new story at the moment titled Charlotte's Guardian.

    Greg is a member of an underground network of good samaritans or 'Guardian Angels' dedicated to giving people a little push to improve their lives.

    Charlotte is a young woman whose childhood consisted of a violent bipolar father and a mother who stood by and let it happen. As a result, she is now very timid and lets life pass her by. Greg is instructed to help her.

    He grows a deep appreciation for Charlotte, but by the 'guardian angel' rules he must make minimal contact with her and must learn to walk away after she is happy and her life is back on track.

    I'm sorry, I'm not so good at giving descriptions, but I was wondering if my plot could use some work. Any criticism is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Would you read a book about an alternate view of Hell?

    Let me explain. I'm an atheist, but I recently answered a question explaining why I thought Hell sounded fun. In my opinion, Satan seems to be an open-minded and accepting being. Many of our best musicians would reside there, as would insightful individuals such as Gandhi and Darwin. I've always thought Heaven seemed boring, and God extremely full of it. I mean, the guy only accepts people who worship him, and his idea of paradise is all the fundies basking in his glory.

    I'm looking for something new to work on, and I thought this was a good idea for a short story. Would you R&S guys read it? Christians, feel free to answer, but only if you refrain from being hateful. I know you're worried about my soul and all, but that's not the information I'm asking for.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the point of swearing on a bible in court?

    You could lie, and later repent, and God would just forgive you, right? Can you really just do anything, repent, and be forgiven?

    I think that for as long as I live, I never will get Christianity.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How often do you think the door to door religion salesmen actually manage to convert someone?

    I find it comical that some people believe that they can convince someone to convert just because they knock on their door early in the morning. They must convince some people, or else you'd think they'd have given up by now.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If parents divorced, could I use my mother's maiden name?

    My father manipulates and abuses me. Thankfully my mother will soon have the financial support she needs to get the divorce she's wanted for years. I want as little to do with my father as possible, and I don't want his name. I am 13. Is it possible to use my mother's maiden name?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite part of the bible?

    I like all the times God says, "they shall be put to death."

    I'd like to meet this God fellow. He sounds pleasant.

    What parts of the bible make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christian friend is critizing me on my Buddhist beliefs. What should I do?

    Not only does she tell me what I believe is wrong, I worship false idols and I will go to hell, she clearly has little understanding of my belief, stating only things her biased church taught her. Please don't tell me she's not my friend, she is. I think she really does mean well, but I want to find a way to politely tell her to back off what I believe. Advice?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: hypothetical situation, please help me on?

    In sixth grade, my social studies teacher taught us about the major world religions. We had a video and a worksheet about each, and focused on one religion per day (about a 45 min. period) I didn't convert to any of the religions I learned about, obviously.

    I have heard Christians say that if you have never heard of God or Jesus, you are an exeption and make it to heaven without being a Christian. Fair enough, right? But let's just say there is a student who was raised to be, say, Hindu. Say he also learns about major religions and hears of Christianty and the story of how Jesus died for his sins in his school. Technically, he does not qualify for the exeption. Like me, he does not convert, because he has been taught Hinduism his entire life by everyone he loves. Do Christians expect him to have converted after this? It would appear to him that all the religions he is taught are wrong, exept for the one he follows.

    I want to know, if hypothetically, heaven/hell exist and Jesus and God are real, would this Hindu boy go to hell?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would this be considered sexism in my school?

    A few weeks ago my school did a fund-raising dodgeball tournament. The rules were that each team had to have 6 players. There could not be a team of all guys, there must be at least two girls. However, it was allowed to have a team of all girls.

    It's dodgeball, for god's sake. And we're young enough that the physical differences aren't an issue yet. I was incredibly angry. Do you think this is sexism?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • HP Fans: is it too late for my sister?

    Yesterday I was watching the Goblet of Fire on TV (some Harry Potter marathon or something) and my sister came in the room and said, "Omigosh it's Edward!" It took all I had not to strangle her. What should I do about her?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Does he like me? I can't tell!?

    Ok so I'm in 8th grade. Don't give me any crap about how I'm too young 'cause I'm probably the last in the grade to get a boyfriend anyway. So I've liked this guy, let's call him Joe, for a couple weeks now. He's really cool and funny (and adorable!). We've talked a couple times at school/on facebook before. We have this mutual friend who knows I like him. Without me asking for him to, he asked Joe who he liked and he named me! The problem is I'm not sure if I should trust our friend. He's never lied to me about anything before and we're really really close. He even gave me scout's honor that Joe said he liked me. (yes my friend's a boy scout) So under normal circumstances I would have no trouble believing him, it's just Joe is probably like two levels above me on the social pyramid, and I'm really not pretty at all. He's way out of my league. My friend offered to talk to him for me this week to see if he's really interested in going out. I'm nervous. Should I tell him not to? I've never been in a real relationship before. Please help, I'm sorry it's long, I'm kinda freaking out!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A couple questions on daisies?

    My science assignment is to create a 3-D model of a flower of our choice and write an essay explaining a few things. I chose to do a daisy and for my essay I'm having trouble finding a few things. Like, what insect would pollinate it? I was thinking a butterfly, since the daisy's flat. And I need to know how they disperse their seeds. By animals, wind, water, or something along those lines. If anyone knows the answers or has a link to a good website, that would be much appreciated!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago