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  • west coast sign with your hands?

    im no way trying to be a wannabe gangsta or anything but some friends were teaching me how to do the west side thing with your hands then they started arguing about how it should be done. is it ring finger over middle or middle over ring finger. i just need to know this for the sake of knowing.. it's one of those discussions that keep going on and on so if anyone can please tell me what the right way is it would really help. thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are your recent annoying songs?

    what is on your list of annoying songs? here are mine:

    the helen keller song (Shush girl, shut your lips, do the helen keller and talk with your hips! aaaargh!)

    the Blue song with Flo-rida (lips like suga...)

    Rihanna's song that sounds like Numa Numa (limosine, fancy car...blah blah blah)

    taylor swift songs

    miley songs

    dead and gone (please enough already!)

    pitbull songs (i know you want me and krazy)

    because of the recent passing of mj, his songs are now overplayed on tv and radio. rest in peace michael. may the living also promote peace and sanity by NOT making your music sound like broken records. the whole world is aware of his talent. lets savor his music by enjoying each note not by playing his whole discography whenever there is a chance. sorry i had to add that, although his music is great it is getting a bit tiresome hearing it over and over again.

    more to the list:

    kiss mt thru the phone by soulja boy

    blame it used to be chill but is again overplayed

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • chest pains?

    i am 24, five foot 2, almost 190 pounds and a smoker. i generally healthy and avoid carbs and sweets and normally eat chicken, seafood and turkey meat. i have increased my activity by walking 2-5 miles a day. i was very sedentary before. last october i started noticing a weird feeling in my chest (left). it stopped in december then came back in april. it is painful but not unbearably painful. it is like a pinching feeling. sometimes i get headaches too. my family has a history of heart attack and strokes on both sides. i don't have insurance yet because the company that i am working at does not want to hire me as a regular employee (so no benefits) i am planning to go to the doctor for a check up but i don't think i can get everything checked out in one meeting. has anyone experienced pains like this? is id dangerous? what should i do. does smoking affect it greatly? i am trying to quit too.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • how do i remove eyeshadow from a white carpet?

    some dark green eyeshadow got onto our white carpet. its not a typical carpet. it has like embossed designs. i used some dishwashing soap and scrubbed it with a toothbrush. i also finished with a little bit of makeup remover. there is still a green tinge left. how do i remove this?

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • who/what show/band from the 80's do you miss?

    and if given the chance would you like to see them in their original format or reinvented?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • how do you deal with people who impose themselves on you?

    OK, we have a close family friend who has a daughter who is a recovering drug addict/user. The daughter has developed some kind of chemical imbalance causing her to have some psychological problems maybe like ADD/ADHD. anyway, this daughter lets call her "Kate" is my age. we used to hang out when we were little and we caught up again when she started using drugs. i wasn't really in touch with her because she had to go to rehab. now, she is out of rehab. she always wants to hang out with me. she wants me to always spend the night at her house and her mom is willing to drive from long beach to l.a. just to pick me up. when we are together she doesn't talk to me but she always insists on coming over or hanging out. Even her mom insists. If i make up an excuse or even a valid reason her mom is always willing to drive me or pay for stuff. The main reason why I really don't want to hang out with her is that i feel like i am babysitting her. Her mind doesn't function and she cannot...

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • where can i get loose cosmetic grade glitter?

    What is a reliable brand of inexpensive cosmetic glitter. The MAc in my area(Glendale CA.) does not have any loose glitter or glitter liners available. Sephora has MAkeup Forever and Urban Decay but are also over my budget. Is there a cheaper brand out there?

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • how might the presence of different organelles help plant cells and animal cells perform different functions?

    How would this help the organism?

    Don't worry I am 23 and this is not my homework, this is my 5th grade cousins homework.

    Please help.

    Mean, sarcastic and filler answers will be reported.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • Annoying relative?

    I have an aunt who is really annoying and I asked a question about her:;_ylt=ApFAG...

    because she is a self invite...

    Anyway, there is more to her being a self-invite. She has 2 sons whom she speaks very highly of. Of course she is a proud parent.Who wouldn't be right? I have another cousin who is a pro basketball player and at the start of his career she became a really obsessed fan. She ordered me around to cheat online surveys and be a regular at the fan site. Obviously she has too much time on her hands and doesn't understand that I just don't feel like doing what she does. Also, my dad comes out on tv alot since he is in the back up band of a popular singing contest. She acts like a crazy fan. At our reunion introduciton she mentioned my dads and my cousins occupation and her sons occupation(a dj and the other one a project manager) but didn't mention the others even if she knew .cont'd

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Self-invite relative?

    I know it sounds mean but I have a self-invite relative. She is my dads sister and she is divorced. The rest of our family, including her children are in another country so technically, we are the only family she has here. Anyway, about 7 years ago when we just moved into this house, we invited her over for sunday lunch...a couple of times. So after like a month of inviting her, she started coming over on sundays as if it were a regular thing. Not only having lunch but staying till about 9-10pm. She watches tv, uses our internet(since she has dial up and ours is dsl/broadband) and she even naps with us. We turn on the airconditioning on in one room and sleep there. We don't turn on the fan as it gets air from a warm area and spreads warm air. We've told her about the fan so many times but she still does it. Sometimes, i devise little plans like hiding the fan but she still finds a way to get one.....

    to be continued....

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do I ask my new boss for a break?

    I am moving to California from the Philippines. My aunts jumped ahead and got me a job as their friends assistant. Of course, I said yes and felt lucky to be hired instantly. At least I don't have to struggle looking for jobs when I get there. The thing is, she is making me work while I'm still here in the Philippines. Also, she expects me to work immediately, and start the day after I arrive. i have been living here for 15 years, don't you think I deserve an adjustment period of at least a week. Just so I can adjust myself to the time zone? i don't mean to sound picky, I am very grateful that I have this job waiting for me, I was just wondering how I can tell her without seeming to smitten and uncaring of the work that needs to be done. I have 2 weeks to go before I leave, what should I do?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Who do you think best represents the typical American Dad?

    I know this seems so stereotypical and a bit judgmental but for curiosity's sake, who among the listed would be the typical American dad?Or if there is a character you think best represents the typical American dad please share!

    Homer Simpson

    Stan Smith (American Dad)

    Peter Griffin

    Ray Barone (Everybody loves Raymond)

    Al Bundy (Married with children)

    Sean Finnerty (Grounded for life)

    Danny Tanner (Bob Saget - Full House)

    Carl Winslow (Family matters)

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When did you loose your virginity?

    and did you regret loosing it or did it happen at the right time. Right meaning (you being physically, emotionally and mentally ready) or right meaning of age and in a marriage. Share but not too much details please...

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • who has experienced rudeness from a service personnel?

    waiter, sales personnel, cashier, restaurant manager etc...

    tell me about it.

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is this a good question?

    I asked a very good question that raises social/political issues but doesn't burn your brain cells from thinking or raise your blood pressure from being too affected. I got the really lazy answerers to answer my questions. Will you answer it?;_ylt=AsMhe...

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do local police have jurisdiction over tribal activities that are against the law?

    It is common knowledge that many tribes around the world still practice rites and traditions that are considered immoral and illegal in democratic civilizations. They kill, eat and harm fellow humans as a part of tradition and as a huge part of their beliefs. With that being said, do the local law enforcement have any jurisdiction and control over this situation or do they ignore it? Should the law educate these people of their ignorant and primitive ways,not to mention their immoral and illegal practices? Or should we leave them be to be a living legacy and example of history?

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Did Mya do a cameo appearance in The Games video Dreams?

    In the song, he talks about his want to have sex with Mya. In the video it shows a girl kissing him. The girl really looks like Mya. My boyfriend and I are arguing if its just a look-a-like or if its really her.

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • How can i stop my laptop from heating?

    Memory and disk space are ok and running. No hardware or software problems. I kept my laptop on for 4 hours and found it really hot. I have not installed any heavy applications either.

    12 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do you deal with a tattle tale?

    How will you deal with someone who is sarcastic and is a tattle tale or goody-goody?

    This is a question and it is a hypothetical one.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is this wrong?

    I just answered this question in all honesty.;_ylt=AjrnQ...

    and i get a ton of thumbs down. I don't really mind getting thumbs down since I can't really control that part of y/a but i find it weird that they'd react like I was a total jack*ss that spends time on y/a to annoy people. Send me a star if you think I did whats right.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago