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Lv 621,846 points

Jas Key

Favorite Answers18%
  • How many of you martial artist have an EDC(everyday carry) self defense weapon? And what are they?

    Curious as to what people carry and what options I might missed.

    Personally I carry a knife and a pepper spray. Pepper spray for creating an advantage(easier to fight 5 semi blind attackers) rather than to end fights, though if it does end fights without anyone getting hurt that would be nice.

    I have carried flashlight(kubotan purpose) and the like, but I found that it's not that much more advantageous compared to what I can do with my empty hand training. So I stopped carrying that kind of small blunt damage tools.

    So wondering what other people carry as their go to, and what they stopped carrying because it doesn't work effectively enough to justify the carry.

    4 AnswersMartial Arts5 years ago
  • What happens if you reheat already tempered metal?

    I was going to try baking the premo sculpey clay around a tempered metal(so heating to about 200 degrees F). Would this seriously weaken the metal?

    4 AnswersSculpture5 years ago
  • Can you learn marital arts from a book?

    And to all who may answer no. How do you propose we break it to the HEMA guys?

    10 AnswersMartial Arts6 years ago
  • citizen's arrest?

    If a violent crime involving a lethal weapon was taking place and I was able to step in and stop the attacker and disarm and I had him under control. What would I do next? Should I put him under citizen's arrest and detain him until the police arrives? Or should I make sure the victim makes an escape and then bolt it out of there myself alerting the police once I'm in a safe area? It's unlikely situation, but it's one of those make the decision while my mind is clear rather than during the situation when I'm not going to be making the best of decisions things. So what would be your course of action?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts6 years ago
  • citizen's arrest?

    If a violent crime involving a lethal weapon was taking place and I was able to step in and stop the attacker and disarm and I had him under control. What would I do next? Should I put him under citizen's arrest and detain him until the police arrives? Or should I make sure the victim makes an escape and then bolt it out of there myself alerting the police once I'm in a safe area? It's unlikely situation, but it's one of those make the decision while my mind is clear rather than during the situation when I'm not going to be making the best of decisions things. So what would be your course of action?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Knife and self defense law question?

    I know it varies from state to state, but I want to get a general view on this before I start searching later.

    Using a knife against unarmed person even in self defense seems to be looked down upon by law unless there is a huge power imbalance. It sounds like the court expects you to fight a fair fight even in self defense. So here's the question, what if I managed to draw the knife after surviving the initial attack from the attacker and used the knife only as a prop to try to get the attacker to stop, would that be okay? If the attacker continues to attack and I end up using the knife is that okay?

    I'm asking because I'm trying to see if there is a reason for weapon carry with the laws that are in place. Or rather if the laws makes sense with the limitations they put on the innocent person with weapons.

    6 AnswersMartial Arts7 years ago
  • Would umbrellas make a good self defense weapon?

    I'm wondering what the argument for and against this practice would be. I'm thinking of a golf umbrella(the big umbrellas that can usually fit 1.5 person) for this purpose. I can't use my fencing training in this because the side and the tip of the umbrella isn't going to do much damage against a person. Rather I was thinking of using it like a bayonet but deliver blunt damage rather than puncturing damage, and use it to parry against a blade if such situation rises. Let me know your thoughts and arguments. Thank you.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts7 years ago
  • How many rounds per range visit?

    How many rounds do you regularly go through when you get to the range? Also do you shoot for distance accuracy, speed shooting, or combative shooting? Curious what the regular amount would be for each, and how my range time compares.

    13 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Do gun stores mind online orders being shipped to them?

    I’m going to alert them in advance and I’m willing to pay the fees, but I was wondering if it’ll be a big bother to them or if they are usually okay with it.

    11 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Martial Menu: how do you guys eat?

    For the traditional and the sportive martial artists out there. Are there special diet plans or strategies you follow, and if you do what is it and what do you do?

    7 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • It is possible to learn swimming from a instructional video?

    I know this example gets used a lot for why a person can’t learn martial arts from instructional video, but is it actually impossible to learn to swim from videos? I can’t do any fancy swimming techniques like free style and such, but I think I’m going to take up the challenge and learn the navy SEALs combative side stroke. I will watch videos and go through the muscle memory on dry land and ease myself into the pool until I can actually learn to swim through the lessons purely online.

    So what’s your opinion on this experiment? Do you think it’s going to be impossible? Are you starting to change your mind and thinking it may be possible learn from media? Or do you think this moronic question has nothing to do with martial arts? ^^

    12 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • What are some good firearms related tv shows that you like?

    I just have normal cable channels(so nothing on the special channels) and was wondering what was good. I been watching top shot which is interesting. Used to watch sons of guns which was a lot of fun. Anything else you would recommend?

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • What is a good and cheap revolver?

    I’m thinking of getting a revolver for self defense. What is a cheaper end and reliable DS revolver?

    Also if possible, I would like something that can take cheaper calibers. I figure cheaper ammunition means more practice I can get in.

    I know I'm asking a lot in a gun, so thanks guys in advance.

    7 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • How do you train weapon defense?

    Do you train your techniques and sparring to prevent the opponent from being able to draw their weapon at all times, or do you assume they would already have the weapon drawn(since the attack is most likely to be an ambush) and train specific weapon defense techniques for drawn weapons.

    6 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Question for those who practice bjj for self defense.?

    How do you train for people that suddenly draws a knife while ground fighting? And does your game plan revolve around preventing access to weapons like that at all times, or is the plan to react with weapon specific technique once the weapon is drawn?

    8 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Would NIJ level II vest lessen the damage of a higher round?

    The NIJ level II wouldn’t stop higher calibers or rifle rounds like level IIIa or III would, but would it at least help lessen the damage caused by those rounds? Or would it be such small amount of difference that it can’t be really called 'lessening the damage'?

    6 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • A good place to get a saber?

    Can anybody point me to a good and cheap place to get a functional saber? It can be historical reconstruction or a modern one it doesn’t really matter. I know few places, but they are running from $300-500+ range. Wanted to know if anybody here knows of a good place that’s cheaper?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Bulletproof myth and an idea for a project?

    Okay, I understand. I saw a youtube clip showing a home constructed bulletproof material. It was essentially a ceramic tile wrapped in and back layered with vinyl fabric material(not Kevlar) made solid with resin. The idea was that the hard front layer will take some of the bullet momentum and send the bullet spinning(making the energy disperse in random directions), then have the vinyl resin material catch the spinning bullet.

    Taking the idea I was thinking maybe I could construct something with a layer of thin wood(1/4”), then a layer of thin metal(1/8” steel), finished with two layers of thin wood (total ½”) curved to a shape of a semi circle. (Think of ‘ ( ‘ this as a top view if that helps) So I would have the shape to dissipate energy, the hard then soft material to spin and catch, and I have the first layer of wood to help catch some of the metal fragments that would fly around when bullet hits the metal panel.

    Do you think this would be something worth trying out or it doesn’t sound plausible at all? And up to what round do you think it would be able to hold up.

    PS By the way this is more out of curiosity and fun. (For Science!)

    4 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • What’s a good pistol to start learning on?

    I’m completely new to this and I’m looking to take the beginner’s class and rent some guns at the range to shoot and learn/review after the class. What would you recommend I try first? (A well known brand and model please, since I don’t think they’ll have more of specialty models at the range.) Thanks.

    8 AnswersHunting8 years ago