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Favorite Answers28%
  • Questions about volcanoes?

    I'm trying to help one of my ESOL students with his science schoolwork. Can anyone help answer the following questions? I tried looking in his textbook but couldn't find the answers in it. There wasn't much about volcanoes at all. Science is not my best subject.

    1. A wide, gently sloping mountain made of mainly basalt lava is a _____ volcano.

    2. A volcano that erupts lava and ash is called a _____________ volcano.

    3. A volcano that erupts only ash is a ______________ volcano.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • Economics Question: price elasticity?

    I'm trying to help one of my students with a question for his econ class. The question asks them to compare the relative price elasticities of the following three things: heart transplant surgery, lawn care, and tanning salons. I have a general idea how to answer but wanted to check if anyone here could give a good answer, as econ is not my strength. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Fostering a lactating cat - what does this involve?

    I have applied to foster cats for the local humane society. I just got an email from them saying they have two mama cats who have recently been separated from their kittens and need to be fostered for a week and a half for lactation. Does anyone have any idea what this would involve? I live alone and am at work Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 5:00 or so, although I am off this Monday. Do these mama cats need someone who will be home more, or would my schedule still allow me to help?


    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Quality wet cat food with chunks, not pate?

    My cat prefers wet food with chunks of meat, not the pate type. I am trying to find a quality brand of wet food in chunky form. I feed both wet and dry and I already switched to the Wellness dry food which she likes. I've tried the Wellness canned food but they are pate and she doesn't like them much. I know Wellness has pouches of chunky wet food but I'm afraid the pouches will be messier than cans. I've seen other quality brands in the stores (Merrick, Halo, EVO, Blue Buffalo, etc) but I can't tell what is chunky and what is pate and their websites don't help clarify much either.

    Thanks for your advice!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my cat? Experienced cat owners, please help!?

    I adopted a cat 5 weeks ago - my first pet ever and I'm 41 years old! She is about 10 months old. Up until today she had been following me around everywhere, being very playful, letting me pick her up and cuddle, etc.

    But this morning as I was getting ready for work she did not follow me around. She didn't even come downstairs when I left. When I came home from work, she was waiting at the door as usual and I thought things were back to normal. Wrong. She barely ate her dinner - when she didn't eat what I first put out for her, I gave her something else, and she didn't eat much of that either. She is usually very playful but tonight neither the laser pointer nor the fishing pole toy could interest her. Normally she can never get enough of them! She hasn't been following me around. I tried to pick her up several times but she yowled and didn't let me.

    Not sure if this is normal - maybe she is growing up and is becoming more independent and less playful? Or is there something wrong? I looked around the house but didn't see any vomit anywhere, and she is still using her litter box appropriately.

    I have taken her to the vet twice, once when I first got her and again two weeks ago for more shots. He said she was doing fine.

    Not sure if I should take her to the vet again or just wait it out.

    Any advice? Thanks!

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My car's AC blows hot air when I am stopped at a long traffic light, just idling, or driving very slowly...?

    ... such as when I'm circling around in a parking garage, but the AC works just fine when I am driving normally.

    A friend said he thinks it's the compressor. Can anyone confirm that? If so, how much do you think it would be to fix? My car is a 1999 Saturn SL2.

    Any recommendations? If I decide not to fix it, is the AC likely to stop working entirely?

    Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Help! Permanent marker on dry erase whiteboard!?

    One of my little darlings used a non-dry erase marker on my whiteboard. I managed to get most of it off with Clorox wipes, but there are still some faint traces. Any suggestions on how to get it completely off? It has been there since Monday and I discovered it today when I finally erased the board (we had no school yesterday for election day.) Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Should I stay or should I go?

    I need some advice from impartial people so I am posting this here.

    I am from the USA and have been in Ankara, Turkey since August 2007. I am here on a teacher exchange program. I am teaching at a private high school here. A Turkish teacher from the school here is taking my place back in the US, where I teach ESL at a public high school. The exchange program is just for the 2007-08 school year and we will return to our own jobs in the fall.

    To make a long story as short as possible, I am miserable teaching here. The students at this private school are horrible. They are by far the worst I have ever encountered in my 13 years of teaching. I cannot teach, but am just a babysitter, and a very ineffective one at that. To make matters worse, I have a horrendous schedule. I teach 25 hours a week, 5 different levels, and 10 different classes of students. Although most of the other English teachers at the school here have about as many teaching hours, nobody teaches as many levels or classes of students as I do. I guess they wanted as many students as possible to "benefit" from a native speaker.

    Back in early November, I had tearfully told my department chair here how unhappy I am. She said she would think about what could be done to help me. I have discussed my problems with her at least twice more since our initial conversation. Well, nothing was ever done. I had thought she would set up a meeting with the principal to discuss my issues, but no.

    I had also talked with S., the person in charge at the exchange program's office here about my terrible schedule back in September, and she said I would get used to it. Then a few weeks later in October, when I went to the office again to pick up some reimbursement money, I was hoping to discuss my problems with S. but she left as soon as I came. (She had known I was coming that day, by the way.) Then on December 14, I went to the office again to participate in interviewing the Turkish candidates for next year's exchange program. I told S. everything and how I was thinking about terminating the exchange and going home. She said that she would arrange a meeting with my department chair and principal to discuss all the problems and see about getting my teaching load reduced for the second term. Well, five weeks have passed and still no meeting has been held.

    This past Thursday was really the breaking point for me. I'm ashamed to admit that one class got me so upset that I cried in front of them. In thirteen years of teaching, students have never made me cry in front of them before. I went home Thursday afternoon and cried some more, and stayed home Friday and cried even more. I think I've been having a nervous breakdown! And I'm ashamed to go back to school next week after crying in front of students there.

    Since I have not received the support I need from either the school or the exchange program's office here in Turkey, I have been contemplating terminating the exchange, since the first semester here is just about over, and returning to my job and home in the US. Thursday night I contacted the exchange program's office in the US and they told me to think it over this weekend and be sure it's really what I want to do. Since it is an exchange, my exchange partner in the US would most likely have to return here, and I'm almost positive she won't want to do that. I had set up things very well for her at the American school, finding many people to support her. Unfortunately she did not reciprocate for me here.

    I also want to stress that homesickness is not the issue. I have lived abroad before, both studying in France and also volunteering in sub-Saharan Africa for two years. I like Turkey well enough, but the teaching conditions here are awful.

    I'm normally not a quitter, but I really am overwhelmed and don't know if staying here through June would be good for my mental health when I have been feeling so miserable ever since I started teaching here.

    The one benefit of finshing the exchange and staying here through June would be saving some money. I get paid my US salary from my home school. But here I do not have to pay rent, as the school provides me with a (not very nice) apartment and they take care of utilities too, except phone and Internet. My exchange partner is living in my apartment in the States, and we had agreed to split the rent for it and she pays the utilities there. I'm definitely not spending as much in Turkey as I would at home, and have been paying off my credit card debt. I'm almost finished with that and would be able to save up some money during the last few months here. But, the question I ask myself, is saving up some moeny worth the crap I have to deal with here and what it's doing to my mental health?

    Thank you so much for reading this. I wanted the opinions of people who don't have a personal interest in either keeping me here or having me come home.

    13 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Help! I can no longer access my main Yahoo account...?

    The password no longer works. My Caps Lock is not on and I have not changed my password recently. I contacted Yahoo security and am waiting to hear back from them. I have had my other Yahoo account for years and would really like to keep it. Plus I have lots of old emails in there, including personal information. Do you think someone stole my password? I was on my home computer, not a public one. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago