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  • Very vivid dream -- could there be an interpretation?

    I had a very bizarre dream that I was jumping up and down but, it was in very slow motion. I was consciously aware that it was in slow motion and it seemed I was actually jumping to exploit the bizarness of that particular "state". As I jumped up for the 2nd or 3rd time, I didn't get the "downward" feeling of returning to the ground and my vision at that point began to fade. I began to see images that are consistent with "out of body/dear death" experience accounts such as swirling stars, passing through a tunnel, having an overhead/outside view of my own body (in color). I struggled to call out for help and at first I couldn't make my voice audible. I finally woke myself with my calls for help which were not very clear -- almost as if I was having mechanical difficulty in generating the sounds.

    I'd like to get an interpretation of this.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Who can I report my property management company to?

    My property management people are trying to force me to submit a letter of intent to vacate and break my lease because I work in DC during the week and I'm only in the apartment on the weekends. I've read my lease and the only "abandonment" clause beyond simply permanently leaving is it states my lease could be subject to termination if I'm absent from the property for more than 7 consecutive days -- which I am not in violation of. I'm also current on my rent. Is there an organization I can report them to or, seek support from to avoid being evicted? What options do I have to protect myself?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can my lease be terminated?

    I have an apartment in SE Virginia with 5 months remaining on the lease. I've started a new job in DC recently and have temporary housing in DC during the week and go back to the apartment on the weekends. Because I spend more time in DC, I've had my mail forwarded to the DC address. The property management people got the change of address notification and said that I'm in violation of the lease because I "no longer live there". My lease states that it may be subject to termination if I am absent from the property for more than 7 consecutive days which, I am not in violation of -- and, I'm current on my rent. Property mgmt has told me that I am required to submit a letter of intent to vacate because I am breaking my lease. I disagree however, does anyone have knowledge of the VA Code and how this may be interpreted by a judge? And, why wouldn't they simply present me with an eviction notice? Why are they telling me I'm "required" to submit a letter of intent to vacate? Personally, I feel like they are trying to toss me out on my ear so they can collect the balance of the lease while at the same time, get another renter in there to increase their revenue. But, again... I'm not an attorney. Any advice?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Business Decision Makers -- I need some advice!?

    I'm a sales person. It's generally understood that high level executives in businesses don't have time for "cold callers". However, there is a local business that I know is in the throws of evaluating solutions that my company specifically provides. Time is becoming very critical and I'd like to get in the door quickly before the evaluation period ends. The company switchboard would not put me through to voice-mail and I have no other contact info for the DM. She does not have a LinkedIn profile but, has a Facebook profile. Would it be overly intrusive to send a polite message via Facebook to initiate contact? I could send a letter but, I'm afraid it will be lost in the shuffle and not stand out or, thrown in the stack of other collateral material they probably receive (i.e. the trash can).

    Appreciate your thoughts on this. I've never tried the FB route and would like to get some input on how you (business decision makers) would respond to this type of contact.

    3 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Business decision makers -- I need some advise!?

    I'm a sales person. It's generally understood that high level executives in businesses don't have time for "cold callers". However, there is a local business that I know is in the throws of evaluating solutions that my company specifically provides. Time is becoming very critical and I'd like to get in the door quickly before the evaluation period ends. The company switchboard would not put me through to voicemail and I have no other contact info for the DM. She does not have a LinkedIn profile but, has a Facebook profile. Would it be overly intrusive to send a polite message via Facebook to initiate contact? I could send a letter but, I'm afraid it will be lost in the shuffle and not stand out or, thrown in the stack of other collateral material they probably receive (i.e. the trash can).

    Appreciate your thoughts on this. I've never tried the FB route and would like to get some input on how you (business decision makers) would respond to this type of contact.

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Legal rights -- Utility pole on my property and easement issue.?

    We purchased our house in 2005. On the back edge of our back yard (total property is about 1/3 of an acre) is a very large electrical utility pole which sits entirely on our property. When we purchased the house we were never informed about an easement and it's restrictions, other than we could not obstruct access to the utility pole by placing any structures beyond the outside edges of the house. In 2006 we purchased and installed an above ground pool in the back yard and within the "guidlines" that were explained to us when we purchased the home. Recently, we received a letter from the utility company stating that our pool was in their easement and must be moved or taken down. Per their letter, they secured a property easement in the late 60's (the house wasn't even built until 1978) that extends over 3/4 of the way from the property line to our back door... essentially rendering our back yard useless.

    So, I have 2 questions. 1) Should it have been disclosed to us that the easement exists when we purchased the house or, was it incumbent on me to find out on my own? 2) If I am forced to remove the pool, what rights (if any) might I have to charge rent to the utility company who's gigantic power tower rests entirely on the property that I've purchased and pay taxes on? We live in Virginia. Any insight to either of those questions or, the issue in general is appreciated.

    18 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • IRS audit... is my tax preparer liable?

    We've used the same tax preparer for many years. Nothing fancy, one of the big name franchise's. Without any major deductions or audit flags we've been selected for an IRS audit. My wife and I are both W-2 workers and collectively earn just under $100K/yr, claim standard deductions (mortgage interest, kids (no EIC), nominal business expenses -- less than $1000/yr for business supplies, lunches, etc... and some mileage for business travel in a car that I own, (less than 10K miles per year and I'm in B2B sales), no investment losses or non-standard or "creative" deductions). Just seems so odd that we'd be selected for an audit. Is my tax preparer accountable to me for this audit? Is selection totally arbitrary or, are certain flags looked for?

    12 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Business copywrite law question?

    Would it be a copywrite violation if I were to have "music on hold" for my business that has on hold messages with music from copywritted/commercial music CD's? Under what circumstances would this be permissable?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • God or no God, what does it matter?

    The quesiton of whether God exists has been one of polarizing division. I am a believer, myself. I have seen God make such amazing and remarkably positive impact and changes in the lives of so many people time and time again. That is people who have made such amazing accomplishments or improvements to themselves after making a proclamation of faith in Him. The question I have is why should those people (inspite of their accomplishments and/or improvements etc... simply because they give credit to God for what's happened in their life) be so ridiculed for holding that belief? While a non-believer will scoff and call them delusional as they are perfectly normal in every other aspect of their life, why would it bother them so much? I don't mean to be antagonistic here, I'm just genuinely curious.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question for Agnostics?

    I am a believer and I'm trying to learn more about the Agnostic positions. A recurring sentiment I keep coming across is that there has not been sufficient proof that God or a higher power exists. I'm curious to know 1) what you would accept as sufficient proof, and 2) is physical or tangible evidence always required to prove actual existence?

    I'm not challenging your belief, I'm just curious about your position. Thoughtful repsonses are appreciated.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Vick or Grossman?

    Of these two choices, who would you start in your Fantasy Football team this week? Grossman goes up against the Miami D, Vick goes up against the Lions D. Who and why?

    8 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • What is this?

    I get a dull, very painful ache that radiates from my neck and/or upper back (over the left shoulder blade) that radiates down my arm and into my hand. Sometimes there is numbness and tingling in my fingers as well. I've had an EKG which comes back fine and I'm in good health otherwise (I'm 36). It comes and goes. The last time I had it, I took Skelexin which worked really well. This time, it doesn't seem to have any effect at all. Any ideas what this could be?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Family Law?

    What do I do when a court appointed GAL does not find the following as enough justification for granting me custody of my 3 boys (ages 7, 9, and 15): Oldest never turning in homework, failing almost every class but, still has a healthy schedule of liitle league hockey, football, baseball, etc.., kids tell me about parties at their house where "drunk people eat frogs, people jumping off the roof into a big pile of boxes, people throw up after doing beer bongs", all kids have excessive absenses (20+) and numerous tardies, youngest son (7) brags about "doing beer bongs with root beer", youngest and middle child say "mommy told us you're trying to take us away from her forever and that she'll have to go to the hospital if that happens", I have a "no-contact" order against a member of her family for abusive behavior toward my son, and the litany goes on and on. The GAL finds there is not sufficient evidence to support a change of custody. Any advice on what more I can do?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What can I do?

    What do I do when a court appointed GAL does not find the following as enough justification for granting me custody of my 3 boys (ages 7, 9, and 15): Oldest never turning in homework, failing almost every class but, still has a healthy schedule of liitle league hockey, football, baseball, etc.., kids tell me about parties at their house where "drunk people eat frogs, people jumping off the roof into a big pile of boxes, people throw up after doing beer bongs", all kids have excessive absenses (20+) and numerous tardies, youngest son (7) brags about "doing beer bongs with root beer", youngest and middle child say "mommy told us you're trying to take us away from her forever and that she'll have to go to the hospital if that happens", I have a "no-contact" order against a member of her family for abusive behavior toward my son, and the litany goes on and on. The GAL finds there is not sufficient evidence to support a change of custody. Has anyone prevailed through anything like this?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Virginia DCSE?

    If a custodial parent owes the non-custodial for over paid CS, does the non-custodial parent qualify for enforcement services (i.e. wage garnishments, tax intercept) through DCSE?

    Normally, it's the other way around, granted but, just curious to know if it works both ways.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago