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blessed mommy

Favorite Answers13%
  • What is a good name for used watch business?

    I am looking for a unique name to call my used watch business. Any suggestions?


    3 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • Group activity for nutrition and weight control?

    I am leading a group about nutrition and weight control in a couple of weeks. I am needing an activity that is appropriate for adults that can also be used as a teaching tool about nutrition and weight control. I am having a hard time coming up with something that isn't too kiddish. The activity needs to be about 10 minutes long or under, and must be something everyone in the group can do. It can be as simple or elaborate as it needs to be as long as it gets the point across. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Introducing dog to cat?

    I am planning on getting a 6 month old dog tomorrow. He is a lab/terrier mix and from the shelter. Everyone there says he is etremely friendly and has never had any problems with the shelter cats. My concern is that I have a 3 year old cat who can be very skittish and cautious at times. Both cat and dog have to live peacefully since we have a small house and 2 young boys. Does this sound like it is possible or am I only dreaming? Also any good tips on how to introduce them without traumatizing the cat?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I want to change my hair from light brown to blonde?

    My hair is naturally a beautiful golden blonde color. After my second pregnancy it darkened to an ashy blonde gray color. I decided in march to dye it a light brown to liven it up a bit. The brown looks okay but I really want my blonde hair back. I will have this done at the salon but will it be possible to do it and not damage my hair? I've heard I'll have to have my hair stripped and that just screams damage to me. I don't want it too light blonde just a cool toned medium type blonde. Has anyone ever done this successfully and not had damaged hair?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • What do you go looking for at the flea market? And what do you actually end up buying if it is priced right?

    I am selling different merchandise at the flea market and what to know what most people actually buy.


    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Short sale - When do I have to move out?

    We can't afford our payments and need to do a short sale. Do we just stop making payments and wait till the house sells before we move out? I heard it takes atleast 3 months late payments to approve and even longer to sell the house. So technically can we just save all the money for 3-? months and then rent when we are forced to move out? If so it seems like a really easy way out and I wonder why more people don't do it. I understand the credit will be impacted but we are debt free except for the house. Also we live in a non-recourse state so we won't owe the difference? What are your thoughts?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • 7500 tax credit question?

    If I bought a home last year in 2008 and received the 7500 tax credit and now lost my job and have to foreclose, do I have to pay back the 7500?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • my toddler may have broken his nose

    I have a 19 1/2 month old son who just fell off the couch and hit his nose on our coffee table about an hour ago. It bled but not for very long and swelled up almost immediately. He cried for about 20 minutes but is now fine and went to sleep. I gave him some tylenol and tried to put some ice on it but he won't let me do that. He seems to feel better now. Is it okay that he went to bed for the night? And should I take him to the pediatrician tomorrow? It wasn't black and blue yet so i'm not sure if it's broken or if he just really banged it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • pregnancy ticker?

    how do you paste the pregnancy ticker on to my yahoo home page. Am I just really stupid or is it that hard? I'm using the one from! I don't get where I paste the code to. Help!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • 4 1/2 weeks pregnant and only sore in one breast?

    I just found out 2 days ago that I'm pregnant with our second child. With my first my breasts were sore right off the bat and grew really big. I know that with second pregnancies they usually don't get as big but I've been having some tingling and tenderness but only in my right breast. It's really weird. I've been feeling it for over a week now and I was just wondering if this is a common thing or if anybody else had this happen? My other hurts every once in a while but not nearly as much as my right!! Is this normal?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • whats a good name for an errand/planning business?

    me and my husband are starting an errand business that will also include wedding or party planning. I need a good name though. Our creative juices seem to be running low tonight. Anything clever would be appreciated. Thanks so much

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • jungle themed baby shower?

    I am planning a baby shower for my great friend and cousin n law in 2 weeks. I have pretty much everything figured out except for some good game prizes and food ideas. I was only planning on about 15 people but found out everyone is bringing their boyfriend or husband. So it's going to be around 30 people. I thought about maybe sandwiches or something but need some other ideas. I'm going to make cupcakes and green punch. It's at 2 on a Sunday so it doesn't have to be a big meal. Any ideas would be great. Thank you so much

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • False positive pregnancy test?

    So i took two pregnancy tests last week on different days and they both came back positive. I was so excited and went ahead and scheduled all my appointments and everything. Then Sunday night I started to bleed. I waited until Monday morning and when the bleeding got heavier I went straight to the doctor fearing that I was miscarrying. I was an emotional wreck all day and so they took my blood. Then they called me yesterday afternoon and said my blood work said I wasn't pregnant. It's strange though because my period was heavy yesterday but has tapered off some today which isn't normal for me. I usually have 3 really heavy days. Is it possible that I'm still pregnant and the blood work was wrong? I've heard of having a false positive test before but I had two on different days. Anyways any help or insight would be appreciated. I'm so confused and on an emotional roller coaster!! Thanks

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • fun ways to tell parents we're pregnant?

    Me and my husband just found out we're pregnant with our second child. We are going to my parents house tonight for dinner and have been trying to think all day of something creative to do to tell them they'll be grandparens x2!!! We've thought of a few things but can't think of anything really creative. So does anyone have any ideas of how we can break the news without just blurting it out? My two younger sisters will be there too so we would like for them to be included as well. thanks so much

    42 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • family tree?

    So I've looked this up and can't seem to find any info so maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to figure out how my parents kids affect my own. If my mom and dad had a boy first and then 4 girls, and then my husbands dad had one boy and then a girl does it increase our chances of having a girl the second time around? is there any affect at all? Just curious cause we have a one year old son and we're going to try to get pregnant again and we're hoping for a girl. thanks so much

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Which shoes work best with my outfit?

    I'm going to a wedding tomorrow night and am going to wear a black A-line dress with black tights. I was going to wear some gold peep toe heels but I need to know if that looks trashy or chic? I could also wear red heels if need be. thanks

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • can we qualify for a car?

    We have a 610 credit score and are trying to get qualified for a car. We've been trying for over a year because we have a truck and we desperately need a family car. We pay all of our credit cards on time every month but we do have a reposession from last July which we pay on every month on time as well. My husband makes 3000 dollars a month and we only pay 500 a month in rent. Is there anyway we'll be able to qualify for a car or is it completely out of the question? If so where could we get a loan?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • what kind of dress looks good with black tights?

    I have a wedding coming up and I have really wide and purplish stretch marks on my legs from having my son and I was going to wear black tights to hide them. I have a few ideas for some dresses but I was wondering if there was a certain style or length that only worked for tights or if pretty much anything would look okay? Thanks

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago