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Lv 57,508 points

Big Time Fan

Favorite Answers6%

I love Big Time Rush! They are truly amazing! I love my best friend! We are BTR buddies <3 <3 Kendall Schmidt March 1st, 2012~ BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE <3 BTR FTW I also LOVE Michael Jackson! Never Can Say Goodbye <3

  • Which should I go to?

    I know I shouldn't be asking this and I probably sound like a spoiled brat for doing so but I want an honest answer. My parents got me lady gaga tickets for mothers day weekend since my Grandma passed on and we wanted to get our minds off of it. However, that same night as the concert my best friends 16th birthday party is happening. Which one should I go to, I am completely torn?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • I have a serious boyfriend problem! Please help?

    I have a problem. Im dating this guy who I really like but theres one problem. He liked this girl about 3 months ago and his best friend ended up dating her. They got into a huge fight and it still makes him upset that they aren't that close till this day. He tells me that he is completely over her and I am the only one he has feelings for. However some people still believe he likes this girl. My friends however think he only likes me. Should I talk more about it to him; should I end the relationship because it bothers me or should I just let it go? Thank you so much.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I want to quit, but I don't want to upset others..?

    I really want to quit dance team at my school. I feel like its just not for me and also I have a lot of things going on right now that conflict with it. My best friend is in it and I am worried that she will be mad at me, along with the captains. How do I tell them that I don't want to be on the team anymore?

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Please help with this Math Mean Problem!?

    A survey of Town X found a mean of 3.2 persons per household and a mean of 1.2 televisions per household. If 48,000 people live in Town X, how many televisions are in Town X?

    Please Show the work. Your effort is much appreciated.

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How Do I Write These Expressions as Single Logarithms?

    1) log^3 9 + log^3 24

    2) log^4 16^3

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Will I get into Northeastern?

    Hi, I am a junior at the top public school in my state.

    I have a 3.3 GPA average and scored 2010 on my SATs.

    I have three part time jobs

    -ski instructor

    -intern at a medical office


    I also am in several clubs

    -yearbook (1 year)

    -writers club (1 year)

    -reading club (3 years)

    -drama club(3 years)

    -chorus (3 years)

    -best buddies (2 years)

    - I took the national Spanish exam twice

    As well as competitively ballroom danced outside of school.

    I am a female, white girl and my cousin and uncle went to this school.

  • What is the spanish word sembrar in these different tenses?

    -Mandato Informal, Negative

    -Mandato Nostros, Positive and Negative

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How do you say this in spanish?

    Throughout my life I will always love John Mayer.

    6 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How do you say this in Spanish?

    Its possible that I will be in trouble for months.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Suicidal Friend, Did I make the right decision?

    My friend the other night was very emotionally unstable. He kept saying how he was going to kill himself and that no one cared about him. I told him that I cared about him and that if he died I don’t know what I would do without him since he’s helped me so much. I hadn’t heard from him for a few days and every time I called him he never picked up. Out of concern, I called my friend who lives by him, I live a half an hour away from him, and told him to keep an eye on my friend. I didn’t know that he had no idea that my friend had been struggling with depression and I ended up telling him the whole story. He then contacted my friend and my friend got really angry with me. He started yelling saying that I was a sh**ty person and that I should f**k off. I told him that the only reason why I did that was because I cared about him and that he needed to get better. He kept swearing at me and I tried explaining to him why I did it. Now he won’t even talk to me and he said he never wants to see me again. I know I did the right thing but it still feels like I made the wrong decision.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Stay Lonely or Get back out there?

    I don't know what to do, it feels like I am the only one in my friendship group who is single. Everyone has a boyfriend or is going out on dates. I just was recently broken up with and am just really lonely from that. It didn't hurt that much since I saw it coming for a while and am moving on pretty well. I don't know whether I should try my best to put myself out there even if I'm not ready, to be like the rest of the gang, or focus on myself, even if I may be lonely?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What is wrong with my health?

    I have had a dizzy spell, a slight fever, stomach craps, a cough, and a stuffy nose.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What to do when you see your ex daily... URGENT PLEASE?

    My boyfriend and I broke up about three days ago. I don't feel absolutely devastated because I knew it was coming but my feelings are hurt. When my ex told me we were going to break up I told him for four specific things: I wanted my space, didn't want to be friends, didn't want any drama, and no contact. Today he broke the rules. As most of you may know it is Valentine's Day so I was kind of emotional already. At lunch I always sit with my friends and some of my friends are friends of his. So he walks into the lunch room and decides to come sit down right next to me. He tries making an effort to talk to me and I try my best to be civil. My friend offers to move and I immediately take her offer. Now the way I usually get over someone is the out of sight, out of mind technique. I don't want to get back together with him but I want to get over him. Should I speak to him about this conflict and ask him to respect my wishes?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What to do when you see your ex daily... URGENT PLEASE?

    My boyfriend and I broke up about three days ago. I don't feel absolutely devastated because I knew it was coming but my feelings are hurt. When my ex told me we were going to break up I told him for four specific things: I wanted my space, didn't want to be friends, didn't want any drama, and no contact. Today he broke the rules. As most of you may know it is Valentine's Day so I was kind of emotional already. At lunch I always sit with my friends and some of my friends are friends of his. So he walks into the lunch room and decides to come sit down right next to me. He tries making an effort to talk to me and I try my best to be civil. My friend offers to move and I immediately take her offer. Now the way I usually get over someone is the out of sight, out of mind technique. I don't want to get back together with him but I want to get over him. Should I speak to him about this conflict?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How long do the stages of a breakup last?

    When I say stage I mean that when you break up with someone you go through different emotional stages. E.g. there's the stage where you feel sad, the stage where you start to feel like you 'hate' them, the stage where you aren't sad or angry anymore but still think about them and then the stage where you start to forget about them. How long does each stage last, from your own personal experiences.

    We went out for about six months so I realize its not too long of a time but I am still fairly upset over it.

    Also if you have any helpful advice about getting over a break up that would be great as well :). Much appreciated!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get through Valentines Day when I'm like this?

    So Valentines Day is this week and unfortunately today I got broken up with. I kind of saw it coming but it doesn't mean it does not hurt. What should I do to get through Valentines Day without being an absolute wreck?

    1 AnswerValentine's Day8 years ago
  • Please help, girl drama... I am dreading to go back to school tm!?

    There is this girl who i have been "friends" with since the 4th grade. She has always been a drama queen no doubt about it and always manages to pull me into her drama. So her birthday is coming up and her really close friend Claire was going to throw her a surprise party. This girl, Julia, has friends but everyone overtime has become very sick of her drama. Anyways I could not go to the party due to the drama club play being that weekend (which I'm heavily involved in) and a lot of my friends decided not to go to the party as well for the sake of some not liking her and others just having plans. So apparently my friend Katy told Claire that a lot of people, including me and this other girl Sandy, were not going to Julia's party and that we should do something else instead. So of course Claire told Julia that we were going to have a surprise party for her but we decided to cancel it because a lot of people weren't going including Sandy and I. Julia then texts me and yells at me asking me why i am not going to her party and screaming at me about how hurt she is. I explained to her how drama club got in the way and I was sorry if her feelings were hurt. She never responded. Now I have to go to school tomorrow and see her and I'm worried by the time I get there I'm not gonna have any friends left. (She has turned my friends against me before.) What should I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago