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  • What is normal in a facial scab healing? What is not?

    I got a few big pimples popped on my chin. I had a scab from those, and a few days later I got more infected pus out of the pimples. I washed my face once daily with my Salicylic Acid face wash and left it alone. It is red and angry looking. I feel like I have a bruise underneath my chin, it feels sore, but I have no bruise. Is it normal for the surrounding area to feel bruised? I have been putting hydrogen peroxide on it 2 times a day starting today. It is having a normal yellow tinted discharge. I was doing funny faces the other day, could this be why under my chin is sore? Or is it my chin wound? I noticed it today when washing my face.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years ago
  • Is changing flourescent lights dangerous?

    I know they contain mercury and with one that is burnt out but not broken is it safe to replace, will the mercury not be exposed to me since it is still inside the lightbulb? I am paranoid.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • Is it safe to take 1000mg Tylenol nearly 48 hours after taking Norco?

    I took Norco last at 79pm on Thursday night. I took no pain meds at all since. I then today took 1000mg Tylenol (Acetaminophen), I feel lightheaded, but not in much pain at all. Is this just the way my liver breaks it down? I am taking it because I got 2 teeth extracted on Thursday. I took the Norco on Thursday night at 7pm then again at 1am and was very lightheaded. I then quit taking it for the pain had already subsided. I then today am in pain again, but not too badly, just an annoying ache in my mouth, so this was my next pain pill, none in between. Is it normal to feel lightheaded after Acetaminophen?

    4 AnswersMedicine3 years ago
  • Is it safe to inhale Sharpies while drawing?

    I had been drawing with a black Sharpie for 40 minutes in my room while on hold on the phone and I was in my room because it was quieter. I had been near the paper as I drew and was inhaling the fumes in intentionally. Now I feel lightheaded and am wondering if it may do me any harm. I did not mean to do it. Will breathing in fresh air help me? I put my fan on in my room to circulate the air and got the paper away from my bed to not have the Sharpie smell near me when I was in there. Now I am out of my room. So how long will this feeling last? Has it done any damage?

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases3 years ago
  • Is it normal to feel lightheaded after taking a penicillin VK pill?

    I took my Penicillin VK 500mg pill last night. It was the second to last pill and I took it 3 hours after eating. After a half hour I went to stand up and had a "brain zap" and felt lightheaded. I have not stop feeling lightheaded no matter how much I eat or drink. I was on the antibiotics for wisdom teeth removal. I have an abcess in my mouth now that I felt the other day. It is infected. I am going to the dentist tomorrow to get on antibiotics again. I have felt lightheaded ever since. I don't know if its normal.

    2 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Is there supplemental potassium in Penicillin VK pills?

    Potassium seems to come up in the name if I search for this pill. I am wondering if it has any potassium in it? Like the mineral? Or if it is just a part of the name?

    3 AnswersMedicine3 years ago
  • Can I drink caffiene containing soda after getting my wisdom teeth out?

    I got my wisdom teeth out on Friday the 27th of July. I am wondering if it would be safe to drink caffiene containing sodas? I am asking here because the dentist office is closed.

    3 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Is Hydrocodone/ Acetaminophen safe to use for short term relief of wisdom tooth removal without causing addiction?

    Are there any side effects that can happen if you take it as directed? I am paranoid it will cause problems. Do I have to eat food before taking it?

    3 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Will 800mg Ibuprofen daily harm my liver?

    I am taking it for pain from my wisdom teeth growing in. I am wondering what problems it may cause. I take it with food.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • Is this a problem?

    I had taken my pills and one of them was dry going down, it is a capsule. I took a drink of water and took a shower. After my shower I had a mucus in throat noise and coughed up a bit of my pill after clearing my throat. Now 4 hours later the wheezing/mucus in throat noise has not gone away and I have been coughing up bits of white flakes and green mucus, quite possibly my pill that went down dry. Is this bad? I don't know what to do. I know the white flakes are not tonsil stones and they come up after I cough or clear my throat. I don't know what to do. Will the pill just dissolve fully over time in my throat, lungs, or wherever it ended up? It is a 100mg Gabapentin capsule that went down dry and ended up heck knows where.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases3 years ago
  • Can I use a TENS unit if I have titanium clips in me after gallbladder removal? Is it safe?

    I am just wondering if the titanium clips are conductive and if it is safe to use a TENS unit, having titanium clips in my body.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Can flossing your teeth two hours after an amalgam filling make the filling shift and screw up the filling?

    I got an amalgam filling today and 2 hours later I flossed those teeth that had the filling and there after was a wedged filling in between the two teeth that got the fillings along the edges. It went away but I am wondering if I screwed up the amalgam fillings.

    4 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Is an abnormal T wave on an EKG something to worry about?

    I had an EKG on the 3rd of February and they told me the EKG was normal on that day. I later (a day ago) looked over that hospital visit note and they noted in the notes that I had "Normal sinus rythym with sinus arrhythmia, T wave abnormality, consider anterior ischemia. Abnormal ECG" yet they told me my EKG was normal, yet I see this in my notes from that visit. I am wondering if this is anything to worry about. I have hypothyroidism, anxiety, depression, GERD, a fatty liver,sensory processing disorder, and had my gallbladder removed. If any of this info helps.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases3 years ago
  • If you keep taking and stop taking your hypothyroidism medication can your thyroid fail?

    If you keep taking and quit taking your thyroid medication over and over again can your thyroid "burn out" or fail from the big influxes of hormones as you take and quit taking your thyroid medication?

    2 AnswersMedicine3 years ago
  • Is this normal for GERD? Or after a gallbladder removal surgery?

    I have had GERD for almost two years (Chronice heartburn). I got my gallbladder removed on February 8th of this year. I had no problems and all was well until after I ate Italian food for dinner one night and woke up with bad stomach/esophagus burning and so I took 4 Tums and went to bed. I ever since have been having the burning pain that feels like a gnawing& burning pain 24/7. Even on my maximum dose medications for my GERD it is still there. It has not gone away for one second of one day. My doctor wants me to see a gastroenterologist and prescribed me Carafate, but has to talk to my insurance and have me get a professional opinion.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases3 years ago
  • Why do allergy pills help me and give me problems at the same time?

    I am on Zyrtec, it does not matter they all do the same thing. I get a stuffy nose at night in the spring, summer, and fall. If I do not take an allergy pill it is a stuffy nose I deal with and when I switch sides, so does it. If I take an allergy pill I get this constant feeling of a film on yhe back of my, not throat, but on the piece between my back of nose and roof of mouth. I am constantly swallowing for it feels like stuff is acumulating there and it seems to make my saliva thick at times. Why is this post nasal drip like symptoms there when I take allergy pills? It is annoying. I also have GERD, so that bugs me too.

    2 AnswersAllergies3 years ago
  • How to moisturize my hands with sensitive skin?

    I have hands that have sensitive skin. Smelly lotions like Bath and Body Works makes my hands burn when I apply it, for it finds the cracks in my skin I was unaware that I had before. I can not use Bag Balm because my cat tries to lick it off my hands. I find that anything smelly makes my hands burn. I ovsrwash my hands during the flu season and I can't seem to find the right lotion for my hands. Anything I try that does not smell like just "pure" aloe Vera does nothing for my hands. Most non smelling lotulions take forever to help my hands out. My hands are so dry I feel my skin every time I move my hands. So what would be immediate and long term, 365 days a year use relief?

    8 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years ago
  • Why do the top of my legs from my thighs to my feet tingle at night? Is it the cold?

    The tops of my legs get waves of tingling at night. It is like a cold chill, but it is a nerve wave coming through. I have peripheral neuropathy. It seems to go away if I put on a blanket. Is it a weird cold chill? It happens when my legs or knees are cold then I feel the tingling.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Should I be concerned about this?

    I had my gallbladder taken out on the 8th of February. I have had explosive diarrhea since. Last night I had a normal bowel movement and ever since I have been having pain in my lower left quadrant that is there, and cramping, but not that bad. I have been passing a lot of gas. Should I be concerned that my guts are cramping, but my bowels seem to not be moving after my last bowel movement last night? I am passing a lot of gas, have been all night. I really do not know what is not normal gut activity after a gallbladder removal.

    3 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago