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Favorite Answers10%
  • Why does US support Israel?

    Why are Americans forced to spend their tax dollars to support this government? Why is the pro-Israel lobby so strong in American that our country supports Israel's racist, violent policies when the rest of the world is waking up to see that they commit war crimes? It's bad enough that they justify their apartheid against Palestinians by claiming that anyone who stands up against their occupation is a terrorist! They don't want us to see how they have caused the Palestinian people to suffer, and their claim to their country is weak (God gave you the land? Don't people who claim God gave them the right to brutalize people wind up in a nut house?). There was a Jewish kingdom before Rome, but they did not control ALL of that land. Why is it a problem to allow Palestinians PART of their land back? Why are people in the US not up in arms about our blind support of a violent, oppressive regime? Is it okay to steal and kill innocent people if you are Jewish?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Move to Egypt forever?

    can a US citizen move to Egypt?

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Can't use a vet?

    what's wrong with some people who get animals and think vet care is too expensive? if you can't afford to care for an animal, don't get one! do you people think they don't feel pain or don't deserve health care?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • male cats fighting?

    I have two altered declawed cats (not my choice)... one I had since before he was 1, the other I rescued when he was about 5 years (according to the vet). They bump noses and hang out together, but at night they pounce on eachother! they pin their ears and roll around, crashing into stuff, and they've even bitten eachother. It's pretty equal-the 5+ year old is a Maine Coon (maybe mixed) and the younger guy is from Newark alleycat stock, so neither is really bullied. But is it normal for them to fight and still be brotherly to eachother? Is it for fun or are they just being, well, guys?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Extra mushy pit bull?

    Of all the dogs I've been around, our pit bull (and the pit bulls who belong to other families we're friendly with), is super mushy! She just loves to be loved! Anyone else have any super SUPER sweet pit bulls? I know they were bred to be really submissive to humans even while hunting or being aggressive to other animals, but the pit bulls I know are just big teddy bears!

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • doggie in heat?

    is anyone's dog really sleepy when she goes into heat? Mine is and I'm a little worried!

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • pregnancy chicken nausea?

    Every time i eat chicken in the past few weeks I wake up with the worse nausea, vomitting... I'm 38 weeks. I'm pretty sure its the chicken... anyone else had this?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Dog in heat?

    Hi! My beautiful little girl has gotten her second heat two days ago. The first time she had it she had a difficult time adjusting to not being able to play in the yard alone, but this time she just wants to sleep and rest. My husband still walks her (because he is strong enough to protect her.... we won't accept any pregnancies), but she is really pooped and quiet. Does anyone else's dog get like this when they are in heat?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Cops: Skeeved by Sean Bell verdict?

    I was in shock looking at the newspaper with the not guilty verdict, and I said out loud that they were murderers and should be in jail. I guess a plainclothes cop was in there, and he actually came over and SCOLDED me about saying that in front of my child! I told him I was horrified that he was defending someone who shot an unarmed man 50 times for having a possible "attitude problem" and that murderers can't hide behind a badge, and I teach my child to respect ALL LIFE no matter if we like their music or clothes.

    I'm curious to know how people feel about this, cops in general. I feel that if a cop can't tell the difference between a neighborhood kid and a drug dealer, then he had best do a little more research. I want to know, HOW could that cop in 7/11 defend the psychotic Detective Oliver (who also bashed a cabbie's head threw a windshield the year before for backtalking him.) He is a criminal with a badge and should be punished!

    13 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Listing of Pit Bull confirmation winners?

    I am going crazy googling this and can't find anything! Anyone know of a site where the title holders at UKC and ADBA shows are listed and pictured?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Ace of aces pit bulls?

    Anyone know who some of the top American Pit Bull Terriers are on the confirmation class circuit??

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you need to breed a dog?

    Tonight there have been a ridiculous number of questions from the back yard breeders of YA. I am curious... if you like dogs, and you are interested in breeding, why would you NOT want to know how to do it right? Why would you want to be looked on as, well, the crackheads of the dog world? Wouldn't you want to breed the best quality animals, place them properly, make sure they are free of genetic defects?

    Why would anyone set out to do something in the WORST way when just a little research and effort could gain you the respect of the dog world, rather than the disgust of it?

    Do you people care for the animals or just see dollar signs? Do you know that a dog is alive and not, say, tupperware?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pit bull breeding?

    In the Breeder's Code of Ethics, it's recommended that all potential owners should be chosen and screened before the pups are born (or even conceived). Does anyone have experience doing this? Is it rude to solicit this at dog shows? Does anyone have suggestions in finding QUALITY owners for pit bull puppies? Pup's parents will have done well in shows and have good genetic scores with OFA, CERF, etc...

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • NJ pit bulls AVENGED!!?

    Does anyone think that this is a great day for NJ pit bulls?

    Anyone living in the Newark area has long known that ex-mayor Sharpe James was a crook. His concern was for money, and that was his reason for twice proposing BSL in our state. NJ is a safe haven against BSL, but James wanted to change that with a bill that would level HEAVY financial penalties on anyone with a pit bull or dog who LOOKED like one (which could include any short hair, medium sized, floppy eared dog!). Since James is not concerned for safety, proven by his awful record on gang/drug violence in Newark, it's pretty easy to guess that he way preying on NJ's most popular dog as a source of revenue!

    Well, today Sharpe James has been convicted of CORRUPTION, fraud, and misusing state money. He is facing over 20 years in prison, with most people thinking he will get 7-9 years.


    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • gross pre-labor question?

    Hi, I'm about 36 weeks by the doc's estimate (but I think a little more). This morning I had a violently upset stomach (i mean coming from both ends for about 3 hours). My mom says that this can happen to some women before they go into labor... anyone know about this? PS-there is nothing "going around" at my daughter's school, I didn't eat any shady food or anything... even now hours later my stomach is a little shaky but hubby took off work to get me ice pops and soup and hold my hair and all, so i'm not getting sick anymore

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How are these SUV hybrids?

    any good? Safe? are they actually making a real difference in cutting emissions?

    6 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • Does CO2 cause warming?

    In seventh grade we all learned about greenhouse gasses. Anyone with a ninth grade education understands that our burning of fossil fuel releases loads of CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps heat. The CO2 levels have risen dramatically since we began using fossil fuels in the industrial revolution. The average temp is steadily going up.

    Can anyone out there STOP hating Al Gore long enough to disprove THAT??

    And what exactly are you fighting for? The right to pollute?

    13 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Jeremiah B has global warming proof?

    This person has claimed he is a "scientist" and there is no global warming. He claimed that a university in Oregon made a "petition" and 19,000 scientists signed it saying that global warming is some hoax. Never mind that Oregon is one of the most progressive states, and that EVERY University and institute of learning knows that GW is real, I would like to SEE a link to this petition, as well as a link to some of Jeremiah B's published works (all scientists will have work published).

    I personally think that Jeremiah B is a thirteen year old troll looking for attention.

    Can Jeremiah B prove who he is and his claims, which might mislead people? (that's the ?)

    And why are the "I don't believe it's real" crowd always resorting to crap like this, or attacks on Al Gore (instead of the scientists whose findings Al drew attention to)??

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • keep dog outside?

    Why do people think it's okay to keep dogs alone in the yard all the time?

    ANYONE who knows about dogs knows that dogs must have company, and that keeping a dog alone is extremely cruel. Five minutes reading a book could teach these people that dogs roam in packs, and are NEVER seen alone in nature, and would never choose to be alone.

    Also, guard dogs must have a bond to the owner to guard the house, or they will not be able to distinguish between friend and enemy. Research shows that dogs kept alone and unsocialized are responsible for up to 90% of dog bites!

    WHY would you buy a dog just to treat it this way? Why not give it to someone who will care for it?

    Just because you don't care to learn about dog behavior doesn't mean that the dog's needs don't exist...

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Alternatives to neutering/spaying?

    Curious about this... When a human wants to be sterilized, they just nip the tube that the sperm/egg travels on to prevent pregnancy... with a dog, they whop the whole thing off or cut it all out... obviously we don't do this with humans because we believe it will affect quality of life. Why can't we do this with dogs? I am pretty certain that the loss IS noticed, even though it is a great way to prevent idiots from allowing their dogs to make hundreds of litters.

    Wouldn't the HUMAN style operation be more humane and why is it not performed?

    For the record, I have a show dog, so she is intact and will remain a "virgin", but I'm curious...

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago