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  • parable of the prodigal son?

    Luke 15:11-32 states a story about a fathers younger son. My question is: was the son Lazy before he asked his father for his inheartance? And if he was, how do you know this?

    The reason I'm asking this is because a lady I know posted on facebook a phrase that said:If we have everything we need, then what we have left over we all should give to the poor. Not the working poor, she said, but the ones that wont work, those that work the system with nothing in return. I was speechless. . Any help with this will be great.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Maybe Hackers can help us?

    Since our boys-men are fighting for our country, is it possable for our very best hackers to hack into our enemies computers? Seems to me they, the hackers, could in this way help end our war with whatever country we are fighting. Just think of the news coverage they would get.

    the movie HACKERS portrayed how good some are & this was only kids. I'm sure our govt. is trying this to but as we all know, hackers rule.

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Computer is blacked out at the top of my screen.?

    Where my favorites button at the top of my screen "was" is now dark-black. I've tried going to tools & reseting the default setting but no luck. I used the restore & it works for a time but changes back to black after I use the pc. The blacked out portion is under the search bar at the very top. I have no idea how or what caused this. Any help in restoring will be written down for future reference. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • colon cleanse. How do you do this & what are the details?

    What is the best method to clean ones colon?

    I've heard this is a must do to stay healthy. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Putting tolet paper wipes in the trash can?

    My wife has a child care business & she has hispanic women working. They are outstanding helpers & never complain about issues. The problem is, every one she has had in the past & also present ones that work there, put their tolet paper in the trash can, & after two or three days, this trashcan reeks! She speaks their language fluently & is hispanic born, so there is no communication barrier. After telling them not to do this again, they comply with a little,"harmless", laugh.They told her, all their family in their country do this, it is a common practice. Even the ones that have come & gone told her the same thing. Are we missing something ?Do they do this in their country? All her hispanic employees have been from Mexico! Any help on this matter will be grateful & serious answers please!

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Renewing an immigrant United States citizen drivers license in Oklahoma?

    My wife has been here over 10 years, renewed her drivers license twice, but this year, she can't!

    No tickets ever, no warrents, no record, a model U.S. Citizen. We went to 2 tag agency, both said the same thing, the U.S. Govt. has passed a new law stating all recent legal u.s. citizens have to go see a drivers license instructor with all legal documentation before she can renew! I asked, do I have to do the same my license expires in 2012? She said No, & I said, isn't that descrimination? She said her hands are tied because of the NEW LAW. I told her, she is a U.S. Citizen, with all rights abiding by the Constitution of these United States, & she said, not really! I'm so angry, I dont know what to do! Is there a new law?

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Outlook Express Problem?

    Ok, I use Yahoo as my email. when I get on craigslist & "try" to reply to the add Outlook Express pops up & it fails. I do not use Outlook Express nor want to. How do I make it use Yahoo? I run Windows XP

    & have tried everything I know to make Outlook stop. Yahoo works just fine useing my Yahoo email. In the past, I didn't have this problem. We had our computer serviced a month ago, more memory but thats all, or I thought. Help if you can! Thanks!

    1 AnswerSending and Receiving Messages1 decade ago
  • Patriotic Restistance?

    Just wondering how many know of this group, of what they stand for, & would you join to keep informed?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Just read where Patrick Stewart of Star Trek fame is gay. any truth to this?

    as I was skimming across the web, I read where Patrick Stewart divorced again, It also read that he prefered men over women. Does anyone know if this is truth or fiction? Patrick Stewart is one of my favorite actors .

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • France to disclose ufo's this coming Friday?

    this Friday, June 19th, 2006, France is disclosing all information on their version of our Blue Book UFO information & they are to confess that we are not alone, that there really are UFO'S. My question is, This is fantastic news, one would think, Why isn't this being televised on every channel available.? the taboloids say our American Government , the good old U.S. of A is royally pissed because of France's actions & are saying Americans are not ready for the truth, & France say's "thats nonsence"! That the peoplle should know the truth. What do you think? as in one question.

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • 1996 Ford Ranger 4 cylender. ?

    My truck, a 1996 Ford Ranger XL auto, p/s, p/b w/air needs a new thermostat & the repair shop told me it takes 4 hours to put a thermostat in because its location is on the bottom & behind the bottom radiator hose. since the serpentin belt also needs replaced, I told them to go ahead. My question is, has anyone ever heard of a thermostat being on the bottom? & are they being honest? I've checked on a diagram of my little 4 on the enternert & it shows it to be on the top. The mechanic is a reputable one here in Tulsa. Total cost will be approx. $450.00 Yea, thats steep!

    3 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Yesterday I asked a question about

    I found out later it ended up in Dateing? Relationships?

    What did I do wrong? The original question was, what do you think of

    I got a few weird answers now I know why!

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I need your honest opinion please!?

    As I was surfing thru the net one day I happened to land on a site that I was not familuar with & that it was brand new, still under construction. Since I am not an expert on Web Designs, or its workings, I knew I'd find the answer I seek here. My question is, what do you think of this :

    If it is a new site & I do like the sound of it, I'd like some honest opinions, good or bad! Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats up with my computer?

    I have AVG virus protection & it works fine except for one vital thing, it has a mind of its own. Everytime I log on it downloads updates. I hit stop, but it keeps going. I've put in the correct settings in the scheduler, even stopped windows up-dates & other things as well. I thought I was good at computers but this one has me stumped! I went into settings on AFG & clicked dont download unless I say so but its like my commands dont matter! Help Please!?

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why did a bank take a lower offer in cash?

    We've been trying to buy a fourclosure home the past 6 months. When we find a house we like, someone else outbids us & we start looking again. This past Friday, a house listed for $46,500 so we bid $51,500 because this house was to die for, My wife said this is my home. We have used "4" different Realtors so far. "The Realtor" called & said we lost the bid as the bank that held the home took a lower "CASH OFFER". We are very let down on trying to buy a fourclosure home. Can anyone enlighten us as to what we are doing wrong? If I didn't know better I'd think we've been scamed or worse, discriminated against because we dont have cash. Be well!

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • On conserving water.?

    What if one had the room for {2} washing machines & {1} dryer & when you wash your clothes, wash one in one washer with detergent then before the cycle ends to rinse remove the clothes to the other washer with clean water, let them wash to tinse, then before it spins, take out the clothes & wring them out then put them in the dryer & repeat the process for the next load. I asked a person? I know whom was too high on something? & he couldn't answer it. All he said was, could I repeat that?

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Illigal immigrant , What?

    My friend works every shift available. She saved enough $$ to pay half down on a new, not so many optioned Kia, & to pay for exise tax, insurance. She was straped for cash, but like any security guard, work is abundant.She got full coverage insurance except un insured motorist. That ment, if someone hit her, her insurance would not pay to fix her car but they would fix it with their insurance. She figured, why should she have to pay for their insurance! The first day, she drove down a street, on the way to work, Christmas eve, 11:30 pm, a car full of `hispanics ran a stop sign, completely totaling her car & sending her to the hospital. The hispanics scattered like mice, the car was not registered to anyone & the driver was not found. She deals with hispanics every day & before passing out, could hear spanish words & laughfter. What would you do in this situation? This is not ment to be a hate subject towards hispanics, but an understanding.

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • AVG starts up every time?

    Great answers on Norton 2003

    The reason I got rid of AVG is because it would start downloading new updates everytime I loged on & it took so long to do it. I've got my PC setings on "update when I say so". but AVG somehow over wrote my commands.

    Question is, Why is AVG doing this?

    It has worked fine for many months.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Norton 2003?

    How do I remove a program that refuses to get out? Norton 2003 has been irratating. Everytime I go to Add/Remove, click on remove my P.C. tells me access denied! & it controls "other things'

    , but I dont have other things thru Norton.

    I've dug deeper but still refuses to get out. I've got 2 more somethings of Norton left. Any help would be great!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Flying Saucers/?

    Why isn't there a catagory for Sci Fi buffs to ask questions? I think it would be good because it would get our minds off all the bad stuff floating around & it would be fun!

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago