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Lv 58,445 points

Erica L

Favorite Answers13%

I am a huge fan of Lost and I have a crush on Daniel Radcliffe.

  • What are my chances for getting a nomination to the Peace Corps?

    I had my interview about a month ago, but I am still waiting for a nomination. What are my chances of receiving that nomination, based on these facts:

    -Graduated with a B.A. in English, with a minor in Education and a 3.3 GPA

    -Three years of experience working in an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school.

    -Tutored part time in high school

    -Cited "no preference" in where I can be assigned to, although I mentioned in my interviews that I took classes on East Asian and South East Asian education

    -Not a vegetarian

    -Social drinker who has been known to abstain from alcohol for up to a year (I once won a bet where I didn't drink for a year).

    -Extreme omnivore

    -Mentally sound and in good health

    -Can learn a language easily. I took German and did well in that, however, I also mentioned I had a hard time with learning Japanese because I took a class in it in high school, where I was bullied. I then explained that I have since resolved the bullying issue and I am a lot stronger emotionally now than when I was fifteen.

    So, what do you think of my chances? I should also mention that I am gunning towards teaching English Education, where there are the most volunteers.

    1 AnswerCommunity Service8 years ago
  • What would be an example of a critical writing sample? This is part of an application for a tutoring job.?

    Hi, I recently applied for a tutoring job. Today, I got a response back from the potential employer, who likes my resume and my cover letter but who would like to see a critical writing sample from me.

    What would qualify as a critical writing sample? I was thinking of submitting either an essay of mine or a friend's essay which I edited. But I'm not so sure. If you can help me, that will be fantastic. I really need this job and I want to impress my future employer with what I can offer as a tutor.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • During the Victorian Era, why did women have to cut their hair following a serious illness?

    I'm doing research for a project set during this time period. I keep finding articles stating that women only cut their hair during the Victorian era following a serious illness, but they never specify why they had to. If there is a historian out there or someone who knows a lot more about Victorian hairstyles than I do who knows the answer, can you please explain why? I had a feeling it was because the illness damaged their hair or caused their hair to fall out, but nothing on Google seems to verify this theory.

    4 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • What is a good occupation for someone who is interested in sports? (serious answers only)?

    My boyfriend is looking into a new job, but he doesn't know where to start. He is a big sports fanatic (he also lives in Australia) and he likes physical fitness. He also enjoys travel, but he is mostly a sports fan.

    What kind of job should I recommend him? I don't know much about sports so, I need some outside help.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Could an ISTJ be a Published Writer?

    I am asking so settle an argument with a friend who thinks that it would be impossible. I happen to be an ISTJ who writes and who is currently working on her first novel. On the other hand, I've tried searching for other writer's who share the same personality type but have come up empty. It seems that most writers tend to be INFPs.

    So, my question is, could an ISTJ be capable of having a work of creative fiction published? Not technical writing. But a bonafide novel.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • I need help understanding this one Australian law... it's for a novel.?

    I'm writing a story involving a character whose father is serving prison time for selling pornography in Queensland. It's just regular porno magazines of women that this character's father is selling from under the counter of a liquor store he owns. He is busted as part of a sting operation (and because he has sold porn to some Aboriginals who are not allowed to possess the stuff).

    My question is, would this be plausible in the real world? And if so, what is the average sentence for a person convicted of this crime? Again, this is for a novel I'm writing.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can someone please identify this cello piece based on this song:?

    I was listening to the Indigo Prophecy soundtrack when I heard the first four notes of the "Main Titles" track. Those first four notes sound really familiar, like I heard them in another cello piece, but I can't remember where. All I remember of that piece is that the notes are really drawn out and sound really mournful. If there is a cello enthusiast out there, can you help me identify this song.

    Here is the "Main Titles" to help. Thank you

    3 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • I have dual Japanese and American citizenship. How can I claim Japanese citizenship.?

    I'm 22 years old, with a mother who was still a Japanese citizen when I was born and an American dad. As a result, I have dual citizenship. But in the last year, I have been seriously considering on renouncing my American citizen ship in favour of becoming Japanese. The reasons for this being:

    1) I plan on working in Japan after I graduate from college in June of 2013

    2) Because I have family there, I intend on immigrating some time in the next few years.

    and 3) I really want nothing to do with the United States if Obama gets reelected.

    How can I reclaim my Japanese citizenship? I've tried looking up instructions online but I found nothing and I haven't found anyone else other than my parents, who support my decision, who can help me. Is there anything I need to be made aware of before I make it all official.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • Would it be possible, in 1963, to record a TV show on home video?

    Please don't think I'm an idiot for asking this question. It's for a story I am writing. There is a scene I want to add where one of my characters accidentally gets sent back in time to the 1960's. Being a massive sci-fi geek, my character, Herman, realizes that he could be able to watch the William Hartnell episodes of Doctor Who that are considered to be "lost". He then gets the idea to record the episodes on a tape and plans on hiding it with instructions so his descendants can locate the tapes and make Doctor Who history as being the people who found the lost episodes from the 1960s. As for why Herman is going to wait years before letting his descendants find the tapes... he realizes that he might change history forever if he reveals he had the episodes a few decades to early. "And besides, people are still going to be watching Doctor Who in 2012," he explains.

    3 AnswersHome Theater9 years ago
  • Is it bad if I lose interest in a show that I used to really love? More to the story than it seems.?

    Up until a few hours ago, I was a huge fan of the show Doctor Who. But then the unthinkable happened. I tried watching the newest episode "Asylum of the Daleks" but found myself bored by it. So I tried watching a few of the other episodes that I used to love like "Girl in the Fireplace" and "Blink" but find myself in that same conundrum. I find myself bored with these episodes.

    What aggravates things further is that all I can think when I try watching Doctor Who is how much my stupid ex liked this show and how his idea of a good date for Friday night was pizza and this show. So it's a combo of being bored with the programing and hating what my ex likes.

    So is it a bad thing if I start to lose interest in a show that I used to be a huge fan of? Even more so because of the following:

    1) general lack of interest and

    2) it reminds me of the moron I "dated" and how I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

    And if so, how can I deal with this problem? I'm afraid this might be a symptom of depression but I don't know.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Can a Mormon say the word "badass" (no sarcastic answers. Please respond if you actually are Mormon)?

    Background: I'm writing a scene for a story in which one of the characters is a Mormon. She is a twenty-four year old woman who grew up in a conservative household and who did her mission work in New Mexico. She is also a member of a group of misfits who are exposed to a unknown substance that grants them the ability to never die.

    The scene in question has my Mormon character calling out another friend of hers with the same ability. This character, Kate, is a pin up model who is really prissy and likes to wear dresses. Caitlyn (my Mormon) gets fed up with Kate's attitude and behavior and calls her out, even going as far to say, "God, even Rarity is more badass than you!" (My Little Pony reference since it is established early on that Caitlyn is a brony).

    But my question is: can an actual Mormon be allowed to say "badass" or should I find another word to replace it.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I need input: Should I go to this group outing to Six Flags despite a fear of roller coasters?

    Back story: I am a part of a social group composed of fans of a certain cartoon show that organizes get togethers several times a month. For someone living in a town with no friends still living there, this group has helped me meet new people and have fun.

    Next Saturday, this group is planning a big trip to Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia. I would love to go, seeing as how I am going back to university in a few weeks and I might not see these people again until December, when I'm back for Christmas. However, I am also terrified of roller coasters. As in the huge rides like Goliath. Trying to get me on a ride like that is trying to get a Mormon to watch a Saw movie... it is not going to happen.

    My question is: should I still go along with this trip or sit this one out? I don't want waste sixty dollars on a park ticket when I'm more than likely going to sit most of these rides out. However, I do want to see many of the friends I have met through this meet up group again, especially since I won't be able to see them again for several months.

    So what should I do? Should I go and try to have a fun time or sit this meeting out and wait for the next event to come?

    Oh, and please don't leave comments saying that I am a pansy for not wanting to go on a roller coaster. It's rude and inconsiderate to someone who knows a little something called "limits".

    3 AnswersAmusement Parks9 years ago
  • I need help. I am jealous of my housemates because of their boyfriends and don't know how to deal with it.?

    So, I'm living in an apartment with three other girls. Two of whom are dating these two British guys studying at the same university as us. Every time I see the four of them together, I feel extremely jealous of my two housemates because 1) they're dating, and 2) they're dating two very handsome and very awesome British guys (they're into going to music gigs and are always taking the housemates out for various adventures).

    But the main reason of my jealousy is because I am envious of what they have. I am (or was because I'm trying everything to stay away from him) seeing this guy who I just plain despise. He is not very attractive, he's boring, he is more interested in video games and anime, and outings with him are usually to anime conventions (which I have no interest in and where I am always bored).

    My jealousy is reaching a boiling point to where I am taking out my anger and rage on the guy I am seeing (I refuse to call him my boyfriend). I am just realizing that my jealousy is hurting others (even if I hate him) and preventing me from getting through the day without either breaking down into tears or taking my anger out on someone else.

    I just don't know how to get help. And I am in desperate need of advice regarding how to deal with my jealousy. So please, serious answers only.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do I need to bleach my hair if I want to get vibrant colour from washable hair dye?

    I am going to a costume party this Friday and part of my costume (I'm dressing up as Lyra from My Little Pony) involves dyeing my hair a light aqua colour. I want to use a dye that I can wash out. I also have dark brown hair. Do I need to bleach my hair if I want to achieve that vibrant aqua colour?

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • What is the normal teacher dress code? Actual teachers responses preferred.?

    I'm currently training to be a teacher and never gave much thought to what a teacher can and can't wear in the classroom. Then today, a friend of mine emailed me an article regarding how a school district in Arizona wants to enforce a new, more conservative dress code on their teachers.

    This got me reevaluating what I can and can't wear in the classroom. Because up until now, I decided that when I start teaching, I'll just wear flat or converse with dark jeans, a fitted suit jacket, and one of my geeky t-shirts (for the record, my geeky t-shirts aren't offensive. They're all just in jokes to stuff like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic). I decided on that ensemble because I figured it would be more comfortable and allow me to express myself as an unrepentant pop culture junkie than just wearing a suit and high heels all day. Would this outfit be ok for a teacher to wear or do I need to wear something more "conservative"? And if so, what would be considered appropriate?

    3 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • Is it natural for someone to just one day wake up and realize...?

    that the guy she has been dating for over three months and didn't really care for him (ie, she just feels meh about his) just flat out despise him? Like, she just really really hates him all of a sudden.

    'Cause this is happening to a friend of mine right now and I'm getting worried.

    I think it might be because she just found out the guy she has crush on is dating someone else and now she is convinced that the guy she is currently with will outline all the (and I quote) "f-tards [she] will ever date in her lifetime". But I need a second opinion.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Is it ok to wear a brown pinstripe suit to a job interview?

    This sounds silly, but I have a job interview coming up soon and I want to know if it's ok to wear a brown pinstripe suit to the interview. I don't have any other professional looking clothes to wear, and the suit is something I used for a Doctor Who costume a few years ago.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Chronicle: What is the song that is playing when Andrew dons his dad's old firefighter suit?

    It sounds like either David Bowie or Ozzie Osbourne, but I can't be too sure. If you know the title of the song, fantastic. Thank you.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How do I style my short hair into the pin curled/flapper hairstyle?

    I am going to a New Years party on Saturday and plan on wearing this cute 1920's inspired dress. The only problem is that I have short hair (about a semi-longish pixie cut) and I don't want to wear it in my usual spiky style for the party.

    In tune with my dress' vintage look, I want to wear my hair in a pin curled look (kind of like how Alice Cullen wears her hair for the wedding in the newest Twilight movie). I realize her actress was wearing a wig, but I still want to see if it is possible if I can recreate that same hairstyle. So, if you are a professional hairstylist or just know a lot about styling hair, please send me some links or video tutorials so that I can recreate that flapper girl hairstyle.

    Pictorial reference:

    6 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • My computer crashes every time I try to play Left 4 Dead 2 on my laptop. Need help from a gaming expert.?

    This has been happening since mid-June of this year. Everything with the game is fine, but every time I try to play a campaign, my computer won't load the campaign, the music and sound starts to skip, and the mouse controls freeze.

    I have a Dell Studio laptop from 2009. Is there something that was downloaded that isn't compatible with my computer or something else? And if so, what should I do to fix the problem?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago