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I'm a child of '76 making me earliy 30's as i write this. I have a very dry sense of humour so if you think my answers are strange in any way it might just be that. I live in south wales and as such love rugby and real ale. I'm happly married and the only way i can see that changing is if one of us carks it. if you want to contact me you cant except through te message service and then if your nice enough i may give you my mail address, anyhoo stop wasting time reading this your sposed to be answering questions.
What would you concider the top 10 songs of all time?
Please do not stick to one genera or decade and think outside of the norms.
in other words be eclectic
"the staves" white winter trees
Vs "The cure" Love cats
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoAssassins creed brotherhood help?
I have completed all the requirements for the assassins guild level 1 and the courtesans guild but do no know how to use this to level them up to level 2 help please.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAssassins creed brotherhood help?
Can any one tell me how to kill the borgia captain in the raised town ( Antico district ) that is on the horse, he always runs away!
i have shot him from a hidden position with the cross bow and he falls off the horse and gets back on.
I have shot him with a poison dart and nothing happens.
i have wiped out everyone but cannot get close to him without him running away.
this is now starting to upset my game experience.
8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoThis may be difficult,whats the movie?
It was late 80's early 90's.
It starts with an astronaut going into space while there he is exposed to cosmic rays (sun or Comet i can't remember) while he has his visor reflector open.
Now back on earth when in bright sunshine he has accelerated mental and physical abilities. while this is happening his eyes change colour. green, blue.......
When they reach red it means his brain is overloaded and could fail...
any help would be great thanks.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoPlease explain the American tipping culture?
I have read on several travel guides, that nearly everyone expects a tip for any service provided and on top of this food tipping is expected to be around 17%.
In Britain you would only tip for service above the normal standard and a lot of people won't tip at all.
Secondly we like to know who our tips are going to.
Now i understand we have a minimum wage so tips are extra income not relied upon unlike the US.
Having said that if there is no minimum wage and tips are expected why not just charge a standard service charge, then tipping could go back to what it was intended for, to reward exceptional service.
Please could you explain the tipping protocol as you see it for your state.
I would not like to visit and offend.
17 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agojust wondered How Many Computers?
I amazed how many people on here ask things like my computer has blown up, my monitor does not work, my hard drive crashed what do i do?
Well how are you on here asking the questions how many computers do you have?
I have only ever needed one.
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIs this the best Musician / comedian duet ever?
I would like to see them do a mix tour how about you?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agocan any one tell me the name of the movie?
It was released either end of the 70's or early 80's it starts with a boy sat in his room bored when a giant box tied with ribbon floats through the window. he opens it and steps inside. At this point the film turns to animation. inside the box he explores a world. three main point i remember are a dog with a watch in his chest (he's a watch dog). At one point in the film he gets stuck in the duldrums ( a swamp like area with creatures that look like oozing mud). Finally a tall thin creature with no face that wants him to move a mountain of sand from one location to another, one grain at a a time using tweezers.
Other details which i'm sketchy about is there is a guy called the whether man not weather man.
the fates make an appearance.
finally he emerges from the box which closes and back to live action. The box then floats off out of the window.
3 AnswersMovies1 decade agoHow many of you hate when a lyric is stuck in your head but you cannot remember the song?
it only took me 3 days and now i can stop humming it!
so how about you do you care or not for the unknown song in your head?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agowhy all the animosity?
In this group many of the questions and answers are asked and replied with such venom.
I am an atheist and as such i don't believe in god (No-brainer There)
however i respect the right of others to do so, if asked i will debate my reasoning and listen to yours. However i do not and never have felt the need to verbally or by script attack another simply for a disagreeing, so my question is why do so called Intelligent people ask / answer questions with such venom (religious and atheists equally) just because they don't agree with the others standpoint?
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agodo you love it or hate it?
i love when people combine two things for comedic effect, what do you think?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIs this the best version of over a rainbow?
if you think so why, if not why not?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agois it possible to search for a profile not a question in answers?
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWho remembers bright fluorescent socks from the 80's?
Did you wear yours as one Colour or wear odd ones one green one yellow etc..?
34 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhy does yahoo call it suspention?
A suspension is for a specific period of time this is not, failing getting an appeal that passes, you are gone forever. so why not just call it a expulsion?
5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agodo you form an opinion of someones answer on the way their avatar looks?
If it is a silly avatar do you disregard their opinion as a joke?
or if it is hot do you take their relationship advice more readily?
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoDo you think this is a good Remake of the classic Vdub?
I would love them to start producing the old style camper again how about you?
There is a concept what do you think?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhy do the funny comercials never make it (link)?
Please be adviced mild language
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoDo you .....?
Like me have some blinding moments of stupidity only to realise 5 seconds after, you have made an AS5 of yourself?
15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agois you a grmma junki?
can you read a question and not correct or can you not help yourself and after answering attach a friendly correction.
thereplenty in this one to correkt.
13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago