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  • What should I do?

    My 17 year old cousin who was just potty trained (he had seizures and he had a hard time following directions + his parents didnt have time) has just told me he feels more comfortable wearing diapers during the day because it relieves his anxiety about having an accident. But his sister does not want him to wear them. She wants him to get used to not not wearing them. I dont know what to do. I think I will let him and just not tell his sister.

    Teen & Preteen3 years ago
  • What can I do if my cousin gets overwhelmed?

    My 17 year old cousin is with me for the whole weekend. He gets overwhelmed by certain things though and I have never dealt with that. I might want to take him out for dinner or for shopping. But I might not be able to. The thought of him getting overwhelmed makes me want to sleep in the guest room with him(2 beds). I will do that.What do I do if he gets overwhelmed? I asked if he had sensory toys and he said he didnt bring any.

    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Is the library an ok place to go to with sensory issues?

    I want to take my cousin to the library but I am not sure he can fully handle it. He gets overwhelmed in new environments and I dont want him to get stressed. He was pretty stressed when he showed up to my house tonight. It isnt that much different than school is it? He managed a building like a school. I mean we can always find a quiet room. What can I do if I take him there and he gets overwhelmed?

    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • How can I practice handwriting with my cousin?

    His sister wants him to practice handwriting because he has a very hard time doing it. I want to start this tomorrow. He has a hard time holding the pencil. How can I help him?

    3 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Should I monitor my cousin?

    My cousin let me take care of her younger brother for this day until monday. He is awesome. However he still wets the bed. I have goodnites though. This is my first time having him over. He used to have seizures though. Should I put him in a bedroom closer to mine? In case he sleepwalks. My cousin does smother him though.

    2 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • How can I celebrate?

    So I have my cousin over. He used to have seizures and he can finally do things like go to the washroom and sleep alone. I feel so proud of him. It took him a long time to get to this point. Until a few days ago he wasnt fully potty trained. He used to be judged so harshly. I want to show him how proud I am.

    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen3 years ago
  • What is wrong with my cousin?

    My cousin has been feeling a bit upset lately because his parents never told him much about himself. He wants to know why he cant handwrite or why he has to have things explained to him so much. He also wants to know why he finds it hard to sit still and concentrate. He had his own chair in class. He also wishes people would tell him why he had to write his tests in a different room. He thinks that his sister is hiding stuff from him. He confides in me a lot

    2 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • How can I help my cousin?

    I have a cousin who wasnt pottytrained til 17 and didnt talk til 4. I think we have a good relationship but I cant be sure because he doesnt talk that often. He also needs things to be explained a few times. He used to have seizures which was scary. He has told me he feels stupid though. He doesnt like that he cant handwrite and is self concious of his bedwetting. I want him to feel good about himself. What can I do?

    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • What is wrong with me?

    I have felt terrible since I was 14. I started drinking and pill popping at 14 as well. I started smoking weed at 16. I felt so depressed when I was 14. I felt numb most days or angry at myself for being talentless. Then I got drunk for the 1st time. That made it better. I wouldnt care about my problems. Then I popped dxm,gravol, and codeine pills. They would make me feel really euphoric. I love feeling euphoric. I also love weed. I had a year when I was 15 where I felt fairly happy about my life. My parents were worried about my low mood but then I would tell them it was all gone. It always came back though. Then I started feeling euphoric without drugs and that was pretty awesome. Now I get this weird feeling of pure happiness or purpose and I want to spread it around but I cant because nobody cares. That feeling only lasts a couple of days though. Then I feel either sad or angry for a while. Now I feel very low. I dont want to wake up tomorrow or go to school again. I feel more numb. Im just not interested in stuff. I have just accepted these feelings though. I wish I was a better person. I have to start being better now. I feel bad for people who know me. I also have this feeling that everyone who likes me doesnt actually like me at all. I just dont know right now. My mom wants me to see a counsellor but I feel like I would just be wasting their time. I am just a moody teenager and I will get over this phase in a year or 2. I hope.

    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • whats the deal with 123 movies?

    I found this site called 123 movies and now I can watch a ton of things for free and with no catch. I still watch Netflix though. So what is up with this website?

    2 AnswersMovies4 years ago
  • Is this a normal feeling to have while tripping?

    I tripped off of DXM recently and I had the weirdest feeling in the world. I felt like I was on the best and worst emotional rollercoaster in the world. I was feeling like I was dying and I was super paranoid but I was also feeling the best exhilaration I have ever felt. I felt so Amazing and Scared at the same time. I felt like everything just clicked but I was so scared of monsters who might have got me and the paranoia. It was weird

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • How can I be a good family member?

    I am definitely the black sheep of my family. I am such a goddamn failure and I want to not be related to anyone. My family is so amazing but with me they are a white tablecloth with a gross stain on it. I'm the gross stain. I like my family but not with me in it. I am not necessary. I am like an ugly accessory. I am useless. I cant ever do anything right. Everyone lies to me and tells me how great I am but I know they hate me. I wish they would tell me the truth. I cant stand myself and I think that God was drunk or something when he made me. I wish I wasn't born. I prefer my dreams over reality. I wish my parents had used condoms and stuff instead of trying to conceive me. I wasn't worth the pain. My siblings are definitely better. They are such great people compared to me. I am a disappointment and a piece of ****. I don't even understand why anyone would ever want to be my friend. I would certainly not want to be my friend.

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • How can my sister style her bangs?

    my older sister got bangs and dyed her hair red but she is getting tired of her bangs being the same. She is not basic though. She wants to style her bangs in a more punk way. She likes 50s style and 80s style. She is masculine and feminine at the same time. She loves old cars and classic tattoos. She wants her bangs to reflect her style. Things she wears are plaid shirts, leather jackets, jeans, converse sneakers, vintage graphic shirts and over shirts, vintage boots, chokers and lots of leopard print.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories4 years ago
  • Why do I feel like my family is dishonest to me?

    I feel like my family and people I know, know things about me that I don't know that they know. They know that I don't want them to know these things. They probably just talk about them while I am gone and laugh about me while I am gone. Then when I confront them about it they play stupid and say I shouldn't worry because they don't know much about me. But they are probably just laughing about me behind my back. I don't like that idea. I changed my youtube and now only use it on my Laptop. They probably really want to see what I search up and laugh about it. This makes me lose sleep thinking about it. I do clear my search history though. I just don't like feeling like people can know things about me.

    2 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • What is my subconscious trying to tell me?

    I was having a nap when all of a sudden I started to spin a lot. Then I just let it happen and see what would happen. I could see just pitch black. Then all of a sudden I was in water. My eyes were partially open. I was weirded out. Then I started to imagine a shark was going to eat me. Then a shark materialized and started swimming up. I tried to swim away but I was paralyzed for some reason. I couldn't move a muscle. Then it stopped and I could move again. Then I saw a lady's face and I think she was trying to talk to me.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Was I buzzed,High or Stoned?

    I am a new weed smoker. I started in June and the last time I smoked was early July. The first time I felt the effects I knew I was only buzzed. I could see the outlines of things more clearer and I was scared of my parents. The 2nd time I was buzzed. I know that the third time I was more than buzzed. I smoked half a joint and almost burned my fingers. I looked at pictures of food and the tastes were popping up in my mouth. I had a bath and it was wonderful. My head and heart were pounding. I felt extremely tingly. I was very hungry but too lazy to grab food. Then I did and it was amazing. I got fascinated by my eyes in the mirror. They looked extremely weird. Everything felt alright.i thought my lips were burning though. Then I went to a dog park with my sister and mom and couldn't stop laughing when my dog took a **** on the grass. It felt like it lasted for 5 hours. The 4th time I would find myself lying down and just smiling. Then I would freak out because I thought I had been doing that for hours. Then I hallucinated being on my computer and of people trying to talk to me. I woke up feeling like **** though. The last 2 times I felt weird while walking and I felt paranoid about my voice. My eyes never get that red. They only get a bit glossy and sleepy looking

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • How can I deal with my family?

    I came to visit family for 2 months to work and hang out. It is my last week right now and the whole thing has turned to family feud. My grandma apparently forces me to do things I don t want to do. She doesn t. Some of my other cousins hate her. Then it turns out that my uncle might be narcissistic and is manipulating people into hating my grandma. I got in an awful situation today. I feel terrible and I don t know whose side to go on. I almost just want to jump off a bridge or something. I cant stand this feeling. My younger cousin gives me lectures on how I shouldn t listen to my grandma. I tell him to treat her with some damn respect. He is a brat. He never has to do anything. He dropped out of elementary school because he wanted to be homeschooled. He is lazy and he gets whatever he wants. He doesn t even have to clear his own plate. I think hes cool and all but he is not respectful and is never made to do anything. My uncle also backs him up. My cousin never gets in trouble. He played a prank on his other grandma that involved a mug filled with water that he somehow put upside down on the counter. Then she picked it up and got covered in water. He didn t get in trouble at all. I hate this family conflict. I want to go somewhere else right now. I cant stay in this family battlefield. I also don t want to go home because I am not always getting along with my parents and I am starting school. I just want to get so ****** up drunk right now

    3 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • What could this dream mean?

    I had a dream where I had the power to hear everyone in the worlds conversations 24/7. It ended up being the worst power ever. I couldn't sleep in my dream because there were always conversations happening. They were about every topic too. I wanted that power to end. I woke up eventually and sat for awhile. I was scared to sleep after that

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • What could this dream mean?

    Last night I woke up in the middle of the night because I started getting very stressed about this meeting that I forgot about. I was going to remind people about it. It turned out that the meeting was in my dream.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Is this vertigo or something similar?

    I keep on getting this weird dizzy feeling that lasts for a while and it causes me to feel paranoid because I get it in public and at school. It makes me walk very funny and my reactions are slowed because of the dizziness which also impairs my depth perception. I also talk weird while feeling dizzy. I talk much slower and it takes more time to think for some reason. I am never high or drunk while this feeling is happening. I also get this weird feeling where everything feels slightly crooked such as the keyboard or my phone screen.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care4 years ago