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  • how to deal with a difficult coworker?

    I have only been at my job for a month and am new to the company; yet already I have run into a problem that is not of my own doing. There is a woman who expected she would be awarded my job (for various reasons, including the fact she is a trouble maker) she wasn't given the job. Needless to say I was walking into a situation that was really no win for me, at least in terms of her. I found out the other day she has already been in to my boss complaining about me, about what I consider stupid things (like I offered to clean the office - she reported this as I was slagging off the company, rather than how it was meant - which was to do something that no one else wanted to do). Basically my boss recognizes that she is hardcore coming after my job. My coworkers have warned me about her - she pulls the same stuff with them. A coworker and I spoke to our boss, and although he is aware of it, right now there is little they can do about her (the company needs her because of a far larger issue - they are also afraid to ruffle her feathers because of this issue). Now I feel I am stuck between a rock and a hard place - I love my job - I love everyone else I work with - but I'm terrified she is going to destroy me and get me fired (she did get the woman in the position before me fired). To my face she is nice and I have been nice to her (until the other day I was unaware of all the BS). Now going back into work tomorrow, I don't even want to say 'hello' to her (for the record she refuses to say hello to almost everyone in the office except me) - I really feel to call her on her BS and tell her I know what she is about - the thing is I'm a really nice person, the last time I had to deal with someone like her, I ended up quitting to avoid confronting the situation. Basically I already can't sleep over this - what do I do? Confront her? Ignore it and hope she doesn't succeed?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Invention of Lying - the movie?

    Have any Christians watched this movie? Were you offended by it?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists - A question about reincarnation?

    Firstly - how many people believe in reincarnation?

    Secondly - if you do have you ever considered that perhaps the reason you don’t believe in God, heaven or hell is because you have subconscious knowledge of your previous death?

    I’m not slagging off Atheists (I am one), or asking a troll question – I’m serious. Last night I was laying in bed thinking about how I know at my core that God, heaven or hell don’t exist and started thinking that maybe it was because I have been dead before. I know this could imply that Christians could know the same way, but a lot of their beliefs come from what they have been taught and not personal knowledge.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • something I heard in the mall today?

    I was at the mall today and there was a man there pearching that the time has come, it is time to put down our car keys and start walking towards heaven - could he be right? Apparently God told him.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How much Celexa would cause an overdose?

    I'm not asking because I want to OD or anything like that - this isn't a "please tell me how to kill myself" question. I took 60mg of Celexa around 10:00, I completely forgot I took it, and around 2:30 took another 60mg - I only realized I had taken it twice because I count out all my pills on Sunday and I realized that I should have still have 3 left. I feel okay, I have a bit of a headache, but I often get headaches - the only other pills I have taken is folic acid and a multi-vitamin.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Questions for Christians?

    How do you feel about the Gnostic Gospels?

    Why are they any less "right" or believable than the Bible? (saying because they aren't the Bible isn't a reason) I really would like to know why Christianity puts belief in the books of the Bible but not on the Gnostic Gospels.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • This isn’t one of those ‘am I pregnant questions’...?

    I know I’m not pregnant – my hormones during PMS have always been rather intense and mimicking of pregnancy – I get extremely nauseated (soda crackers and peppermints are my best friends) and I can smell anything from any distance (like right now I can smell Burger King even though it is like a mile from my house).

    Today however, I was craving tacos big time, I cooked the meat took a bite and it tasted horrible – I thought the meat was off, my husband said it was fine – I threw it out and started again with different meat and when I was done that meat tasted funky too (he ended up eating it and said it was fine). I tried to eat a turkey sandwich and that tasted wrong – I made a salad and it tasted like chemicals. I ended up eating a grilled cheese (which tasted good) , but later I took a bite of my husband’s snickers bar and it tasted bad as well.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has this issue when they are PMSing?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Proper clothing for an Indian wedding?

    We are going to a wedding for one of my husband's cousins, we aren't going to the religious bit, just the reception. My MIL offered to purchase me a salwar (but I didn't feel comfortable with that, I know his cousins are wearing western style dresses) anyway the dress I am planning to wear is black, I know in traditional Anglo culture black can be frowned upon (although not so much anymore) I was wondering if wearing a black dress is a big faux pas for an Indian wedding.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Racism in Savannah Area?

    This is a serious question, my husband and I are planning a trip to Georgia in the fall (Savannah/Tybee Island to be exact) my mother-in-law called today freaking out that as a bi-racial couple we will not be accepted in Savannah and basically be harassed. My husband and I aren't worried about it, but I was wondering if it is something we should be concerned about?

    1 AnswerAtlanta1 decade ago
  • Looking for a store in Arlington?

    I am looking for the name of a plus-sized clothing store in Arlington. It is on South Cooper towards Sublet Road - but not really that far up - it is on the right hand side of the street facing when you are travelling towards Sublet - it is in a plaza, there is a Jack in the Box near the front of the plaza (closer to the road) there is a grocery store in the plaza (I think) - even if you could just tell me the name of the plaza or cross road right by it, I would appreciate it.

    1 AnswerDallas1 decade ago
  • How do you talk to a friend about cell phone use?

    Okay so, I have been best friends with the same person for over twenty years, but we have a fairly disfunctional friendship - we get along very well but mainly because we never bring up issues that would upset the other person (ie she wore a horrible ugly dress to my wedding - as the maid of honour - her taste in clothes is very different than mine - she is very hippiesque and I'm more of a stylish person - she tends not to wash her hair and tends to get it cut every four years, I am dying if I don't get mine cut every two months) anyway I never bring up any of these things to her because I understand we are different people and make different choices. But the cell phone issue is something I feel I need to address and don't know how. She texts constantly when we go out, from the time she gets in the car until the time I drop her off at the end of the night. She eats dinner with her cell on the table in front of her. We go see movies and she texts the entire time. I think it is so rude and insulting to me. Yet she has made snarky comments to me when I make a 1 minute phone call to tell my husband that our plans have changed or to ask him to do something for me (I make these calls from my car when we are parked). I understand a lot of young people think this type of behaviour is acceptable, but I'm a believer in social ettiquette and manners. How do I bring this up to her without sounding rude or demanding?

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Did I miss a Bachlorette?

    Did Jillian ever take the guys to meet her mom and dad? I'm really positive I have watched them all, but I didn't see this occur - which makes me wonder how she could go on about not meeting Ed's parents when the guys hadn't met hers.

    As a side note: Does anyone feel Jillian is too obsessed with the married aspect than the finding love aspect? She seems to be looking for someone who will marry her, not someone to build a relationship with (which are two totally different things).

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Anyone with basic Laptop Suggestions?

    Basically what I am looking for is a "cheap" (under $600) laptop and would love suggestions. As for what I need, lets put it this way, I have a P1 IBM Thinkpad that weighs nearly as much as my CPU for my desktop and believe it or not if it wasn't so old, and didn't freeze up frequently, I would be completely happy keeeping it around - so basically I need a super basic laptop - I do not game, I might send e-mail from it on occasion - my only need for it is word processing. For my needs does it really matter what I buy? I don't want something that will fall apart, but I really don't need the gaget factors either - I considered a netbook, but the keyboards are way too small for my needs - any suggestions? I was looking at an Acer 5515?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Why are so many 13-14 year olds concerned about losing weight fast?

    Seriously I am getting disturbed by the completely healthy sounding kids that are worried about being some perfect physical ideal - and I would really like to understand why you are so focused on getting thin quick, losing weight fast - do you not realize that at your age your bodies are in the process of making huge changes within yourself and that are your age you do require more calories than adults of the same height as you? Why is not educating yourselves on making healthy choices, enough? Why being as thin as possible so important?

    34 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Adult Adoptees: how you would feel about your own children asking about your adoption or about your biological?

    My mom and I are very close, but her adoption is something I have always treaded lightly on; but I have so many questions about her biological parents.

    Most of the stories she tells about her childhood involve her adopted family - however she was with her biological mother until she was 7 or 8. I know her biological father tried to contact her when she was in her early 40's and she had no interest. I know he died a few years ago and that her b-mom died very young (early 30's - this is one of the things I would like to know about, I know she died of an illness, yet I don't know what - I also don't know why she gave my mom and her siblings up). It isn't that she is closed off about the subject as a whole, last summer she even went to a family reunion and she emails with one of her biological aunts (yet has no interest in seeing her). I just feel like I might hurt her feelings by asking about this family (we were both very close to my grandma and I would never want my mom to think my interest in her biological family has anything to do with not loving my grandma) I just have questions specifically about mental health.

    9 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Has anyone taken Celexa (or other anti-depressants) while pregnant?

    I'm not pregnant, but am looking to research my brain out before getting pregnant. I have been on anti-depressants for 10+ years (on Celexa for 4 years), I have read a bunch of studies and literature about realize it basically comes down to side-effects of the drugs risk verus the side-effects of being depressed while pregnant. To be perfectly blunt, I don't want or need replies about how you shouldn't take drugs whilst pregnant (or even more unwanted are replies about how sunshine and rainbows will cure depression), I recognize the risks - what I would like to know is how other women faced with this decision made it and their decision affected their child or themselves through their pregnancy.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • MIL's Birthday - do I have any right to be upset?

    My husband and I got married last fall, we had a small wedding that everyone enjoyed, I planned the entire event myself, it was a simple ceremony and dinner at an upscale restaurant for 45 guests. There was no dancing, but all the other "wedding" things, flowers, centre pieces, favours. Throughout the planning of the wedding my MIL seemed content and after the wedding kept telling me how beautiful it was. So tonight my husband and I meet his parents for dinner that the same restaurant and from the time we arrive there she starts complaining about what was wrong with my wedding "there was no dancing" "there wasn't enough people" and told me the food she had raved about before wasn't what she thought we should have had (we had a choice of prime rib and salmon). Then in the middle of dinner she announces this coming fall she wants us to throw her a b-day party at the same restaurant, in the same room, only this time things will be done the way she wants it and it will be "fun". I didn't know what to say, I put so much effort into the wedding, most of which was for her benefit, because really my family would have been more content with going to Vegas for the wedding, it was she who wanted the whole proper wedding in the first place, yet when I did share planning details she kept saying "oh its up to you two".

    Anyway when we got home and I kind of mentioned it to my husband as in "umm, we don't really have the money to throw a party like that for your mom" he said that she would pay for it and that she had been upset I didn't let her pay for the wedding in the first place (long story, but my parents have far more money that his and I am their only daughter). Anyway I guess with all the back story what it comes down to is I feel like my mother-in-law is trying to recreate what was a special day for my husband and I, but this time putting herself in the centre of attention, do I have any right; not that I would pick a fight or anything, I just wondered if anyone else would be upset in the same situation or if I should just look at it as she wants to have a big party for herself and it just happens to be where I got married.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is there a correlation between age and the amount of money spent on weddings?

    This might sound judgemental, but when I read some posts regarding the cost of weddings I started thinking - is there a correlation between younger people willing to shell out more cash and have more extravagent weddings than older couples (I don't mean 80 years getting married in a nursing home).

    I'm 30 and he is 31, my parents are paying for the entire wedding (only daughter to higher income parents - I was given no limits), but we are trying to keep it under 5K, just because I can't comprehend spending more (I would have done it for cheaper if I wasn't "required" to do something); many of my friends are of the same thought process and are eloping or having small intimate weddings. Yet many of my coworkers who are younger, and friends who married in their early 20s spent downpayments for a house on their weddings - with fireworks displays and over the top parties

    Does this have to do with age (not neccessarily chronological)? or is it something else?

    26 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Maid of Honour dress?

    My wedding is going to be fairly casual in terms of "proper" wedding mandate - not jeans and t-shirts, but lacking formal pomp - my dress is deep purple and cream - but is still a "gown", my future-hubby is wearing a suit rather than a tux - my bff is my maid of honour (the only attendant other than the best man who is my brother) anyway I told her from the beginning I wasn't going to make her wear a bridesmaid dress and that our colours were purple and blue and as long as it was any shade of either I was open to it - so she calls to tell me she bought her dress - it is green and rust coloured and very multi-layered fairie-ish - and she bought it... I'm only slightly bothered in terms of appearance - what bothers me is I feel she intentionally underminded me - am I being a bridezilla if I bring it up - I won't ask her to not wear the dress, I just want her to know how it made me feel?

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Jeans or Genes in the Different Stokes theme?

    We don't want to know the "correct" answer we want to know opinions - which one you think makes more sense

    My boyfriend says "jeans" because they were poor and it is referring to they only had the clothes on their backs

    I say "genes" because they were brothers and therefore did have something more than clothing - they had each other and at the end of the day even Gary Coleman grew out of his jeans.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago