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Toledo Engineer

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I know a little bit about a lot of things, and nothing very extensive about any one particular topic. I tend to graze through the categories at random, never really stopping in any one section for very long. I am a father-to-be (Mar 2012). I am a Libertarian.I believe in a small federal gov't and a "live and let live" attitude towards others. I believe in Karma. I am Agnostic. And I try to be fair and unbiased as much as humanly possible.

  • My genetic testing bloodwork was cancelled, am I wrong for thinking this was unjustified?

    Our son was born with a cleft lip and palate. Due to this, his chromosones were tested to see if anything else could potentially be wrong. It came back that he is missing 12 genes from C-18 and a few of those attached on C-9. Due to this anomaly, both of us had to have our blood work taken for FISH studies testing to determine how his anomaly came about. His mother's test came back that she had a very similar anomaly, and my test was cancelled after finding her results. The same sections were missing and transposed, but they could not say definitely in the report that this was the reason for his defects. They just said it was possible. The ONLY other cleft we know about is on MY side of the family, albeit somewhat distant.

    Children get 23 chromosones from each parent, to end up with a pair of each. So my son has 2 chromosone 18s that could possibly be affected. Not just one. Am I justified to be upset that we have incomplete results here? Or can someone more knowledgeable explain to me why this is acceptable? I am an Engineer. Part of my job requires me to run thermal efficiency testing on our products. If I do not consider EVERY possibility and combination, ALL of my results are invalid. I feel that our genetic test results are incomplete because some Doc at the Mayo Clinic decided (without any patient knowledge) that my test didn't need to be run.

    We were supposed to be sent to a Genetic Counsellor to determine the possibility of this occuring with furthur children...which we definitely plan on having. And she has three other boys from a previous marriage without any defects.

    Is this wrong of me to think this?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • My genetic testing bloodwork was cancelled, am I wrong for thinking this was unjustified?

    Our son was born with a cleft lip and palate. Due to this, his chromosones were tested to see if anything else could potentially be wrong. It came back that he is missing 12 genes from C-18 and a few of those attached on C-9. Due to this anomaly, both of us had to have our blood work taken for FISH studies testing to determine how his anomaly came about. His mother's test came back that she had a very similar anomaly, and my test was cancelled after finding her results. The same sections were missing and transposed, but they could not say definitely in the report that this was the reason for his defects. They just said it was possible. The ONLY other cleft we know about is on MY side of the family, albeit somewhat distant.

    Children get 23 chromosones from each parent, to end up with a pair of each. So my son has 2 chromosone 18s that could possibly be affected. Not just one. Am I justified to be upset that we have incomplete results here? Or can someone more knowledgeable explain to me why this is acceptable? I am an Engineer. Part of my job requires me to run thermal efficiency testing on our products. If I do not consider EVERY possibility and combination, ALL of my results are invalid. I feel that our genetic test results are incomplete because some Doc at the Mayo Clinic decided (without any patient knowledge) that my test didn't need to be run.

    We were supposed to be sent to a Genetic Counsellor to determine the possibility of this occuring with furthur children...which we definitely plan on having. And she has three other boys from a previous marriage without any defects.

    Is this wrong of me to think this?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Why are almonds considered a tree nut?

    Almonds are technically not a nut, but a drupe. So botanically, they are more closely related to a peach or a cherry, than a walnut or cashew. The "nut" part of the almond, the part that we eat, is basically the pit of the almond fruit.

    It baffles me as to why the FDA would classify Almonds as a nut when they are biologically just the seed of a fruit. Any ideas as to why? Also, the same could be said of the coconut. It is technically a drupe.

    3 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • Would I be considered a putative father?


    My girlfriend is expecting our child. She is due the first week of March. We have been dating for just over 13 months and recently bought a house together. We plan to get married in the next few years, but are not yet engaged. She has three young children from a previous marriage. She is the primary custody parent and they live in our house 4 days of the week (and with their father the other three days).

    I was looking into step parent rights today, just to know what I could be getting into (turns out there aren't any legal rights...), and found that I could potentially (and perhaps legally) be considered a putative father in the case of my own child. In some cases it looks to mean just an "unwed" father, but in other cases it looks to mean a person who could be the father. (There is absolutely zero question about myself being the baby's father.) And there looks to be some discrepancies on whether or not I could legally be my biological child's father.


    Has anyone gone through a similar circumstance?

    Should I register on the Ohio Putative Father's Registry just in case?

    If my name is on our child's birth certificate, am I legally considered the child's parent with all legal rights and responsibilities?

    3 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Onslaught of Tipping equation?

    Does anyone have an equation handy for the onslaught of tipping? Trying to figure out if a narrow object that is rather top heavy would be ok to ship on a particularly wide pallet. The object would be fastened to the pallet through metal straps, but we're looking to see if the pallet could tip with it.

    Cannot find anythign worthwhile on the web. Everything either deals with tipping a server, the economy, or some book called The Tipping Point. Which is all useless.

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • freaky LOST coincidence?

    The lottery numbers in Bulgaria's National Lottery have been 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 and 42 in the last TWO drawings in a row.

    The Dharma Initiative numbers from LOST are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42.

    How freaky is that? 4 of 6 happening not once, but twice. IN A ROW.

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Digital TV getting worse reception now?

    Ok so during Memorial Day Weekend of 2008 I bought a brand new Samsung HDTV. Reception was great. I picked up all sorts of digital channels. Probably about 20 of them (antenna, not cable or dish). So this past Friday, I go to watch tv and nothing. I rescan. I now have 5 channels. But still no only one channel has a picture. I move the antenna and rescan again. Now four channels. Again with only the one having a picture. Let me note that the channels that don't have a picture are still sending enough to let me know what is currently on (thru my info button). But here's the kicker. My parents, who have the same brand tv, just a little larger and bought two months prior, has excellent reception. And is just downstairs. I currently am using a little rabbit ear antenna, it has a hoop as well. My parents are using the 3m antenna outside that's up about 45 feet. Yet I had comparable reception, with maybe just as many distant channels.

    So, even though I thought I was completely ready for and well informed about the DTV transition, does anyone have any info on what could be wrong? It's just confusing as I was ALREADY receiving these channels for the past year.

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Finding a childhood friend through property records?

    I had this friend that lived down the street from me when I was really little. Like before kindergarden. She went to a different school (her catholic, me public) even though we lived just a few houses away, but we sorta remained friends and would say hi every so often. And I had become friends with her two younger brothers as well. The family moved away when I was in the sixth grade, but I'd like to try to get in touch with them through facebook or something to see how they are doing. Only thing is that I only ever heard their last name once. And I do not remember it. Only one family has owned the house since they moved out, so I'm hoping that it's possible to find their family name through some sort of property records. Does anyone know if this is possible online? I'm sure I could do it at the local library (both my parents actually work there) but I've never been good at finding things in local history.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • How to make an mp3 cd for car stereo?

    My car stereo supports mp3 format. I've made cds through media player and similar programs that use mp3s and have been able to use them in my car. What I am trying to do is make one of those cds that has like 100 - 150 songs on it instead of just the 20 - 30 that will fit when using one of the standard media programs as a wizard. I'm trying to get down to two or three cds instead of carrying around two dozen. Also, I'd like to have the folder structure so I can easily find things. (This is also supported by my player - , page 159).

    What I did was inserted a (new) blank CD-R into my computer and did the drag and drop feature that Vista has for burning cds. It seemed like the process completed alright, but then I go to play the cd in my car and I get "Disk Error" and it pops it back out at me. I dont see the problem here. Player supports mp3 format and HAS played them in the past, and it supports the folder structure, but it wont recognize the disk. I should also note that the disk WAS finalized before attempting to play it.

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • How to pick out blueberries?

    So here's my situation, I don't really care that much for the sweet blueberries, but I really like the tart ones. Whenever we buy them, they come in the little plastic carton so there really isn't any way to pick and choose which ones you get. But once you get home and open it, is there any way to know which blueberries are sweet and which are tart?

    My first thought was that the riper berries would be sweeter. This is the case for pretty much all the fruits I know about, so I guessed it held true for blueberries as well. So...first thought, I figured that the larger ones would be the riper ones. I tried a few of the large and a few of the really small, but no success. They were all mixed pretty evenly. My next thought was that the bolder colored ones would be the sweeter, riper berries. It works for apples, oranges, and bananas so why not.... After about a dozen of each (bold blue and that sort of grayish blue), that too didn't not work. My final thought was that it might have something to do with surface tension, like an apple, cantaloupe, or banana. The softer the surface, the more over-ripe the fruit. So I looked for and tried a mix of soft and taught (for lack of a better word) berries. I had hoped this worked, but no success.

    So, has anyone figured out, or knows how to find the tart blueberries? Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone ragging on Junior when he admittedly just had a bad day?

    OK...sorry for the length of this, just trying to explain my opinion....

    He admitted that the pit stops errors were his fault. He just plain missed his pit the first time. And the second error should be his pit crew to blame since they didn't have him back up into the pit box before starting work.

    But in regards to the vickers nudge and subsequent pileup, you can clearly see in the replay that jr had plenty of speed to get around him and was attempting to do so. But vickers came down and forced jr below the double yellow. if he would have let up off the gas too much, he would have gotten stuck down there and been passed by a line of drivers, so he came up right away (matching vickers' speed) to get back in his spot. he just barely clips vickers' rear quarter panel, and vickers looses control and takes out 8 other cars.

    most the affected drivers (and media) were talking about two ppl fighting over nothing and blaming jr for the accident. personally, i think vickers should have let the obviously faster car pass him instead of trying to block. they were both a lap down and jr had the room and the speed before vickers forced him below the double yellow. if he would have let him by, instead of "fighting over nothing" the pileup would have NEVER happened.

    Yes, before you even ask, I am a junior fan and a senior fan before that. And before that crash, Jr was driving the best i've seen him drive in a LONG time. He was easily making up ground he lost on his earlier mistakes. But, two pit mistakes and vickers being greedy caused him to look like a @ss.

    I'd like to know your thoughts? Did you see something different than I did? I may be a fan of his, but that doesnt mean i'll turn a blind eye when he messes up. I watched as they played the replay probably a dozen times and it looked like vickers was (more, but not entirely) to blame.

    15 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Who assigns cases to judges?

    I'm talking about criminal trials, small claims, and federal district court where there is only one judge. Is there actually a person that decides this judge gets this case and this one gets that one? Or do the judges themselves pick them out?

    I've always thought it was a random process, but I started thinking just a few minutes ago that that might not be the case. I dont know what made me think that, but I did. Just curious.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Macro Question with printing in MS Excel?

    I'm admittedly not the best with writing macros. I've got a macro written that when you push a button, the set print area will print. What I'm trying to do is to specify where it prints to. I'd like it to print to PDF every time the button is clicked. But it seems like whatever the last selected printer is, it will print there.

    Does anyone know how to specify a printer to print to within an excel macro?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Macro Question with printing in MS Excel?

    I'm admittedly not the best with writing macros. I've got a macro written that when you push a button, the set print area will print. What I'm trying to do is to specify where it prints to. I'd like it to print to PDF every time the button is clicked. But it seems like whatever the last selected printer is, it will print there.

    Does anyone know how to specify a printer to print to within an excel macro?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • If you have a blackberry, do you have to get the extra service package for it?

    I'm really liking the new blackberry storm that comes out on the 21st. Been wanting to get something new for a couple months now. I've got a 2ng gen chocolate current. But I don't really need, nor want, all the extra stuff that comes in the extra service package that people get with blackberrys.

    For example, I check my email at least a dozen times during the day at work, i don't need to be able to with my phone. Nothing that i'd get through that medium will EVER be that important to me. Same goes for internet access. I don't really care to have it on my phone. Screen's too damn small, even with the larger one that comes with a touchscreen.

    For those of you that either work at Verizon or actually own a blackberry, is this package req'd? Everyone i've asked already has said they think it is, but none of them have ever owned one or worked for a cell provider.

    I should note that I have yet to actually see one in person and all that i have seen is based upon the tv and internet ads and the couple articles i've read. seeing it in person might change my mind. But then again, it might reinforce it.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • For those of you that own an LG Dare....?

    ...I'd like to know what sort of limitations the phone has. I've heard all about how awesome it is, but it makes me wonder if I were to get it, what would I find out then.

    For example, I own a (version 2) LG Blue Chocolate. I can tell you first and foremost that the camera sucks. It doesn't have a flash (only a minescule, fisheye mirror that you can't see cr@p in). And even though it has removable memory, you cannot transfer ringtones as with some other phones.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How should I celebrate reaching Level 6?

    It only took me 363 days of randomly answering questions.

    July 26, 2007 to July 23, 2008 (note this includes leap day).

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this song by Red? (See below for lyrics)?

    I hear this song on the radio evey couple of days and I love it, but I've never caught the name. Even when I hear it on XM and I can check, it's always like the very end and info has already switched. And I know the group that sings it is called Red.

    Ok, the only lyrics I know are "just open your eyes" and "i don't want anybody to". Not a lot to go on, but much thanks to anyone who knows the name. I can't find it anywhere. I've looked on their website, amazon, myspace, wiki, and no luck.

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know when the new Season of Dr. Who starts on the CBC?

    It started on BBC3 (I think) this past Saturday. Being that I live in Ohio and can't get that kind of reception (from England), I have to watch it on CBC 9 out of Windsor. I actually get pretty good reception too. NOTE: I have broadcast TV, and not cable or satellite, so I can't watch it on Sci-Fi either.

    I can't find it anywhere on CBC's website. And their schedule doesn't show anything. From past seasons, I think it was pretty much in line with the BBC, so I'm guessing that it should be starting very soon. But I just can't find anything to support that.

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • If you were stranded on a Island with a group of strangers, what would you be able to provide to the group?

    good cook?

    medically trained?

    good fisherman?

    good with your hands?

    an entertainer?

    are you the reality check person that has no hope?


    Personally, I think I'd be the one building all the shelters (being an Engineer) and getting the signal fire going (being an Eagle Scout).

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago