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I LOVE making things. Sewing, origami, weaving, paper things and yeh. Love animals and decorating stuff. SO LETS HAVE FUN!!!

  • How do I take in the waist of my school dress?

    Hi. I'm 14 and I have a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big school dress. The waist is too big.

    I know how to use a sewing machine and how to hand sew so I just need to know how.

    Heres a picture of what it looks kinda like.

    It also has a pocket on the right side.

    Any tips or ideas welcome!

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • how do you quote someone out loud? like in a speech?

    im writing a formal speech and would like to start with a quote.

    how do i say that i am quoting someone?

    and how can i flow into what im going to say it?

    thanks in advance. much appreciated ^-^

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • i need help for censorship debate?

    Hey, i am currently doing a debate on censorship on tv. We are on the affirmative team. Which means yes, we agree there should be censorship. The boys in my group chose that we should do a country each and about their censorship. I am the 3rd speaker which summarizes our topic. If we are doing a different country each i do not know how to summarize our topic. plz help and give me furder ifo on debates

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • enchanted folk and the school of wizardry river monster? Help?

    Im up to the quest about the river monster pollluting all the rivers. All i could pull out was rubbish from the river. This morning when i went on, it suddenly disappeared and i could pull out fish again from the river. I searched on the web and it said to keep on fishing until you get paper, not tin cans. But thats my problem, i cant fish out paper because i can only fish out fish and the monster is gone!! I checked in the medal room and i havent finished that quest yet. Please help!, i will appreciate each answer.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Problem with masterlock combination lock??? NOT HOW TO OPEN?

    My lock has some problems.. its really hard to lock.

    i've seen other people easily lock their locks by just gently pushing but i have to smash it to get it to lock.

    does anyone know why this is happening?

    its on my school locker

    it was working fine at first then it went funny one day..

    thanks in advance

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • Making a woodwind instrument with a cardboard tube?

    Its for a music project and it has to be woodwind so it must have a reed or be a flute.

    I have found a cardboard tube from the middle of a gift wrap. That seems to be the only main material i can uuse for the body.

    i have no idea what to do. i have tried making a mouthpiece but it didnt work.

    help me please!

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Where can i find labels like this to print off the net?

    You know how some school bags have those little clear pockets for slip-in labels? Well im looking for them to print off. They really should include one with the bag... anyone know any good websites with things like this?

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • I have a problem with my friendship group. What can I do to solve it?

    Okay, first of all, thankyou for reading this. I seriously appreciate it.

    The problem. We all have little friendship groups at school right?? Well, somewhere near term 2 this year, a new student came and got dumped onto our group. I hated the way she just came into our group like that by having a teacher talk to us. We tried to put up with it up until now but we have finally "exploded" and went to talk to our teacher. This girl annoys me so much. Her personality, the way she talks, just seeing her makes me want to slap her. We didn't want to hurt her feelings or anything by telling her to leave. But the way she deals with problems is DISGUSTING! She either copies or get someone else to do it 4 her. the teacher. Our group consists of 7 so it's 6 against 2. My teacher understands very well but when we talked to the vice principal it all kinda made it worse. She was crying when she found out and i felt that they were favoouring her just because she's crying. I was so mad i had to stare at something and grit my teeth. It didn't solve anything at all. My friend broke down and started crying because of this. It's just too much. After that she acted as if nothing has happened. Tomorrow we're having another "meeting". Kicking her out of our group is not a choice. So we have to think of some "constructive" solution. It has so pissed me off. The teachers have no right to interfere with our problems but since it was the teacher who started it, they should solve it is what i think. we cant do anything by ourselvs without her running of to tell a teacher.

    I hope you lovely people in this world can help me. It's not long before the end of the year but i dont think i can hold on anymore with being violent in some way. Lunch and recess sucks because of it. They keep saying about walking in her shoes. If i was her i would just leave the group instead of pressuring them to play with me. 2 of my other friends did just that. (that's how they ended up with me. lol) I really hope you can help me survive the rest of this year. Next year at highschool im gonna pretend i dont even know her. I'm being honest her so please if u feel that im being mean, think about how you would feel if u had to play/chat/ eat with/ see every single day with no choice.

    I dont want to make this too long... But this is very important to me so thank you very much for reading and i hope you can give me an answer.

    Say what you feel. All i can do is give u a thumbs down. lol.

    Seriously, thank you

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What do you think is a real champion is?

    Need some ideas. No right or wrong. Best answer 10 points. ^-^

    To me, it's someone who never gives up.

    6 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • What can I do when I'm bored?

    Got athletics tomorrow. Will be sitting all day. No electronics. What can I bring to stop being bored?

    11 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • What is a malapropism for "choir practor"?

    I'm not sure if i phrased the question right.

    This i the sentence:

    Sam told his dad that his mum was at the choir practor. I need the correct word for choir actor... hehe...

    Please help...... Thannnks if you answer!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks that Julie shouldn't still be on Masterchef Australia?

    Julie mucked up heaps. I don't know why she's still there.

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • I suck at running. What can I do?

    I hate running, long distance that is. I always end up panting and get stitches. I especially hate fun runs at school. For once I don't want to come last! I'm not fat or anything. I don't have asthma anymore. Tips? Oh, and my shoulder always end up sore.

    Please help me!!!!!


    10 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • When is Shugo Chara 72 gonna come out?

    I just love this anime! I recommend it to everybody!!! I've already watched 71 and want to know when 72 comes out! If you want to watch 71 go here No need to pay like crunchyroll! Please help! Amuto 4 eva!

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Tips for taking a scholarship test?

    I'm gonna be taking a test soon fryear 7. is there any tips that you can give me? Also if there are any good websites that help you study would be good. And do they usualyy include history? I suck in history! My keyboards gone funny. Any ways, if you have taken one youself please tell me about it! 10 points for best answer!

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Where can I get free test papers online?

    I am in Victoria (AU) year 7 please!!!

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • What bag should I sew?

    I want to sew a bag that and fit my NDS and a little extra. I don't want to make something that my grandma would wear so please help! Websites are very welcome and I need it soon!!! (Hope to make it today)

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Super EASY cuddly soft toys to make?

    I want to make a soft toy for my 3 y/o cousin (boy). What sort should I make. I have a sewing machine please include a website if possible!


    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Gifts to sew for my cousins?

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! My cousins will be coming over from Sydney next week and I want to make (or sew) gifts for them. I have a sewing machine and plenty of fabric. They are 9 (girl) and 3?(boy) I have thought of headbands for the girl but i dont really know what for the boy. Thanks again to all those who answered!!!!!

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Animes at the beginning of Pretear?

    At the beginning of the Pretear episodes there are all these animes and I would like to know what they are. I already know Mermaid Melody, Tokyo Mew Mew, Futari Wa Pretty Cure and Sailor Moon are there. I especially want to know what the last one is with the girl with long hair. You can watch it here. --->

    Please see if you can reconise them!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago