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Hi! I am a Canadian Mom of one adorable little boy, born in early 2008. I am always looking to share and receive new information. Thanks for viewing my profile!

  • Another Term for "This Point in the Game"?

    I need a more professional term for "at this point in the game" for a business presentation to executives. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • All of my sinks/drains are clogging?

    Hi! Last week two of my bathroom sinks clogged, and in the third bathroom the shower drain clogged as well. We used Draino, and that seemed to fix the problem. Our sink drains seem to clog every few months. Just this morning, I noticed that our dishwasher is clogged as well. Any ideas? Please help!

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry10 years ago
  • All of my sinks/drains are clogged?

    Hi! Last week two of my bathroom sinks clogged, and in the third bathroom the shower drain clogged as well. We used Draino, and that seemed to fix the problem. Our sink drains seem to clog every few months. Just this morning, I noticed that our dishwasher is clogged as well. Any ideas? Please help!

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Should I Buy a Tassimo or Keurig?

    I know all of you fellow mommies (and daddies!!) are drinking a lot of coffee due to lack of sleep, lol! Tassimo or Kuerig?? I want to consider cost, ease of use, environmental impact, taste, etc. Please help!

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Help!! Baby Sleep Question!?

    Hi, please help! My son is 11 weeks old (12lbs if it is relevant). I have been sleeping on the floor in his bedroom for the last 2.5 weeks as he has become a horrible sleeper (he had a bad cold a few weeks ago and ever since then he hasn't been able to sleep even though he's over the cold). He can't sleep without a swaddle (arms flail and he smacks himself in the face), but he's always breaking out of it or even pulling the blankets up over his face. I've tried sleep sacks but they don't work because his arms aren't kept tight to his body. He needs a pacifier to sleep, but when it falls out he screams. He's up about every 20-30 mins through the night. My husband isn't open to co-sleeping (and I'm not keen on the idea either). I am exhausted and can't go on like this. Please, Moms and Dads, provide your advice and wisdom and support!

    Many thanks!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When Did Your Baby Gain Control of his Arms?

    When did your baby gain control of his/her arms enough for you to be able to stop swaddling at night?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When Did you Take Your Child to their first movie?

    How old was your child when you took him/her to their first big-screen movie? What did you see? Did he/she sit through it and do well with the volume, etc.?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do You Ever Feel Sorry for Your Second (Third, etc.) Born?

    My almost three-year-old demands so much attention and energy, my poor six week old ends up spending a lot of time in the swing or bouncy seat, etc. He doesn't get nearly the amount of attention that my first born received when he was born. Does anyone else experience this and feel guilty, too?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How Old is Your Baby and What Type of Blanket Does S/He sleep with?

    Hi there!

    How old is your baby? What type of blanket do you use to keep him/her warm at night and during naps?

    My second son is now 5 weeks old, and I'm still swaddling him... if I don't, his hands get freezing cold (we live in a cold climate) and he also wakes himself up often as he doesn't have control of his arms yet (he moves them and it startles him).

    He has shown signs of almost rolling over, and last night each time I went in to feed him he was in a different position in the crib (i.e. 90 degrees from where I left him), and also his swaddled blankets are starting to come up over his mouth.

    I have sleep sacks from when my first son was a baby, but that won't keep his arms from flailing about, and I'm not sure if they're warm enough (his little hands get so cold).

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are some current hit songs (baby book question)?

    Hi! I am filling out my new born's baby book and realize that I must not be up on current pop culture! Can anyone help me out with current hit songs?


    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Taking Guesses - when will baby be born? (Just for Fun)?

    Hi! I am due with my second baby boy tomorrow. I have been 4cm dilated and 50% effaced, but no sign of labour for 2 weeks now. Labour with my first son (who is almost 3) was only 6 hours, and he was born the day after his due date. The wait is really getting to me! Any guesses on when the little mister will arrive?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby Book Question Help?

    Hello, can anyone help me with an answer(s) for my little one's baby book (he's due Dec 21)?

    What clothes are in style right now?


    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Potty Training Toddler - No Poop in 3 Days?!?

    Hi! I am potty training my 33 month old son. He got the hang of telling me he has to pee in the toilet after two days, but he still hasn't had a number 2. He generally poops about twice a day (sometimes more), but he hasn't pooped in 3 days now! We are giving him lots of exercise, fruits, vegetables, etc. but he won't poop on the toilet (or even in his underpants). What can I do to help him? I've put vaseline on his bum so that when he does poop hopefully it's not painful (I told him it was "magic cream" that would help him, but that's not working either)... please help!

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Halloween Costume (for Pregnant Lady) that takes 10 Mins or Less?

    Hi! Looking for unique ideas for an 8-month pregnant lady that takes 10 mins or less to make with items I could find around the house. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Halloween Costume Idea for a Pregnant Lady that Takes 10 Mins or Less to Make?

    Hi! Looking for unique ideas for an 8-month pregnant lady that takes 10 mins or less to make with items I could find around the house. Thanks!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Second Pregnancy - Did you delivery early?

    Hi! Several people I have spoken with tell me that they delivered their second baby early (2-4 weeks on average). I am expecting my second boy in December. My original due date was Dec 14, but two ultrasounds have confirmed that the date is more like Dec 21. That being said, I am consistently measuring two weeks ahead (at 22 weeks, my belly was measuring at 24; at 26 weeks, my belly was measuring at 28).

    I also feel huge (and I'm asked quite often if I'm having twins - which I'm not!). Baby is already head down and has been since week 26 (I am 28 weeks now).

    Any bets on whether I'll delivery early? Did you deliver early with your second pregnancy?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Reputable online companies for printed greeting cards?

    Hi! Anyone know of some reputable, online stores to purchase customized greeting cards with photographs? I have prego brain and all I can think of right now is Kodak. It needs to be somewhere that ships to Canada. I'm looking for the folded greeting cards, not just the wide, one-sided ones you get at the kiosks.


    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Home Made Edible Christmas Gifts?

    Hi there! Can anyone share some good (and quick/easy - I'm pregnant, have a toddler, and work full time!) home made edible Christmas gift ideas? I am going to make some cranberry jam, but also looking for other ideas. Something that will last wrapped under a tree (and not get gobbled up by dogs and cats!).


    3 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Heart Burn/Acid Reflux - Ladies, Please Help!!! Desperate!?

    Hi! I am looking for some advice - I am desperate!

    I've hit the 23 week mark with my second little boy and the heart burn / acid reflux has hit with avengance. My heart feels like it is on fire - I can't sleep, can't eat, and it's making me nauseous! I've tried everything I know of:

    - Tums (don't help at all)

    - Gaviscon (works for 30 mins tops)

    - Drinking milk or eating yogurt

    - Eating smaller meals

    - Not eating several hours before bed

    - Propping myself up to sleep

    - I don't eat anything remotely spicy. The spiciest thing I've had to eat in days is a Tic Tac.

    Please, please help. Anything else I can try? I am desperate here! Thanks everyone!!!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago