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18, male, gay, atheist, dog person.

  • I'm a gay man but hate men?

    Ever since I was young all men has been a disappointment, especially my alcoholic father and uncles.

    I have no male role models.

    I have no male friends.

    I was sexually assaulted by a random man while walking on the streets!

    I was almost raped by a guy I met on grindr. (gay dating app).

    My ex-bf use to hit me, intimidate me and verbally abuse me by calling me a f*g, even tough he is gay himself...

    I feel like I get along with women way better.

    All my role models are females.

    All my friends are females, I have 0 male friends.

    I have a great relationship with my mom and sis.

    Even though I am not feminine at all, which is surprising.

    I feel empowered by female presences. For example, when I'm at the gym and see a woman working out I feel so empowered and motivated.

    Is there something wrong with me? Again, I am not a feminine gay man which is weird...

  • I'm gay and and I have a fear of men?

    Im 19 gay male and all my best friends and friends are female with only like 3 distant male friends whom I barely and rarely associate with.

    Throughout my life I grew up with my sister and mum whom I'm very close with and have absolutely no relationship with my father.

    I always had female role models as I feel I could relate to them more.

    And no i am not suffering from an identity crisis, I am well aware and proud to be a gay man. Also I'm not feminine either which surprises me.

    I was bullied by males in my school who would call me names and tease me for being gay, i realised women are more accepting of my sexuality than most men are.

    I was in a abusive gay relationship where my ex bf would rape me multiple times and hit me physically and in my another relationship, my exbf would stalk me and control every aspect of my life. All my exes made used and manipulated me as I'm extremely naive.

    Anyways, whenever i get approached by any men or even be looked at by a men in public I always have a fear in me and get very self conscious. Both gay and straight men. The only exception is feminine gay men that does not scare me.

    I am also suffering from social anxiety disorder and ocd to make matters worse.

    Sorry for the long detail, how do I get my fear over men coupled with my social anxiety? :(

  • Is it weird that I am into older men (gay male)?

    Okay so I'm like 19, gay male and bottom. I usually find myself dating top guys way older than me. The minimum being 30+ and the maximum being 60. I usually get approached by older gay men a lot.

    Theres something about mature man that turns me on, like their maturity, masculinity, independence, ability to take care of me, and they just seem sexy overall!

    I think the reason for this is maybe that I never really had a father figure in my life as me and my father are very distant and we have a bitter relationship, I also hate him as well!

    Don't get me wrong, I am attracted to guys my age as well but the majority of the guys my age are so immature and childish!...

    I told my gay friend about this and he says its weird and I should be going for guys my age and he said, ''Its like dating your dad, its gross!'' he also added that these older men I date are usually creeps with pedophelic tendencies!. (Which I do not agree on as I am not a child physically, however, I am smooth, skinny and a twink, so thats what my friends is talking about when he meant, 'pedophelic tendencies').

  • Racism in the gay community by white men?

    I am gay, Indian, 19 and male.

    I have experienced racism in the male gay&bi community by white men.

    One time I went to a gay bar, I was sitting by myself and using my phone, instead of dancing.

    A few minutes went by, and a white guy approached me. He said and this was his exact words, ''you horny?''..I said, ''No''.. and he kept saying, ''I have a great big c**k and I would love to plough your a**''...

    I immediately felt uncomfortable and told him to back off. He took it offensively and replied, ''why so sour? Thought you asians LOVE the the white D''....LIKE WTF?? So just cause I'm indian he assumed I would fall for him just cause hes white. This happens often in gay bars where I would be hit on by random white gay men twice my age, and they assumed that I would immediately want to have sex with them just cause I'm asian and they think I'm easy to persuade.

    Not only in Gay bars. Also in gay apps such as Grindr would I get messages from top white man, claiming I want to have sex with them just cause I'm a bottom asian. They assume that just cause I'm bottom and indian I would immediately worship them!.

    Most white men in the gay community I've seen think that they are some kind of superior sex god and that men of colour would chase after them. Plus I'm only into black men & latinos anyways.

    I told my friend about it and he said, its not racist at all! I mean how could not be racism? Isn't it so obvious its racism???

  • Why do people hate feminism?

    I've noticed a current trend of people who hates feminism. The main demographics, being middle-aged christian conservatives heterosexual white men. No offense to anyone, a survey was done on this and the majority was identified as such.

    Feminism: philosophy which emphasizes a belief in an integral complementarity of men and women, rather than the superiority of men over women or women over men.

    By the definition, it saids equality for both genders, men and women alike. Even LGBT individuals benefit.

    I do not get how anyone in the right mind would be against this!

    10 AnswersGender Studies6 years ago
  • I'm scared I might be anti-social?

    I do not, 'hate' people, I have a handful of friends who I am close to and they, plus my family are the only people I communicate with and care about.

    I am NOT psychopathic. I LOVE animals and likes to take care of old people, the mentally ill, those who are sick. Anyone who is vulnerable. I work in a hospital and I love caring for people and nurturing them.

    I am suffering from social anxiety and every minute I leave my house I am paranoid and under a lot of stress especially when a random stranger looks at me. I HATE IT!

    I've started to be angry at people who looks at me or stares at me in public and when they do I would roll my eyes or move away from him/her.

    That has to do with my childhood when I was in school, I was severely bullied by both my peers and my teachers; the one who was suppose to help me! I was also bullied in my family by my relatives and had no one to turn to! Hence where my social anxiety originated.

    This is why, I avoid people who resembles my, 'bullies' which are abled-bodied individuals from youths to adults. Most of my friends I mix with also have similar anti-social and anarchistic tendencies. I guess birds of feathers folk together.

    I do no however, want to be anti-social, I want to make friends with everyone and join community clubs and interest groups. However, what happened to me in the past coupled with my anxiety disorder and paranoia, I chose to hate and avoid people as I feel like they might attack me, hurt me and put me down again. :(

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Do you feel theres a lack of diversity in romantic movies in hollywood?

    I am honestly so exhausted and bored to see another white middle class heterosexual cis-gendered couple. Where the women plays hard to get and the men tries his best to get her. In the climax something tragic happens but in the end, they get back together and becomes happily ever after... -.-

    I know there are films out there portraying blacks, latinos, gays, lesbians, disability, low socio-economic backgrounds. But compared to the vast majority of cisgendered white heterosexual middle-class love story in hollywood its like a ratio of 1:500.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • What evolutionary benefit does gay men and women possess?

    Besides being a population control.

    No homophobic or religious answers please!.

  • 19 year old and 52 year old as a gay couple?

    I'm gay and just met this 52 year old guy. Hes sweet and charming also I'm more into older man as I find guys my age to be so immature and childish!

    And another thing being I never really had a father figure growing up.

    Also, he compliments me and gives me the attention all the time and even says im the most sexiest twink he met. He even shows me off to his friends like im his prize which i love.

    I suffered an abusive relationship twice with my exes who were around the age as me and hence i started looking for a partner whos more mature.

    He treats me with respect and hes sweet.

    The only person who knows about my relationship with this older man is my best friend and she calls him a creep and a predator and even says its like dating my father!? She even goes to say that im with him for his money! Which is not true! She totally disagrees with it and keeps forcing me to break up with him.

    God knows what will happen if I tell my family or my other friends about us. And im scared to even hold his hand or be seen with him in public.

    I just dont get how my relationship with him is wrong? I get theres a huge age gap but I'm not an ageist!

  • I think I was raped?

    Im 18 my friend is 19 we decided to go a gay club at around midnight, we're both gay. I was constantly hit on by plenty of men who kept asking if I was interested in dancing with them and I said no. I hate dancing. And not to mention I was groped every second. It made me so uncomfortable but my friend said its normal and its all about having fun. The minute we walked in he was slutting up on lots of men which was disgusting and I was left alone just sitting at the corner while I watched him literally rubbing his crotch against other men.

    Minutes when by I was yet again hit on by lots of man but there was this older gentleman who bought me a drink and kept complianting my looks and physique, he said a "fine young man" shouldnt be left alone so I agreed. His name is Rob and hes 42 and hes charming and fit. So we had a couple of drinks and he asked me to go back to his place to relax and smoke weed. I was reluctant, but later agreed. We took a cab and head to his place. I usually would be nervous but I was drunk. We both smoked weed and he started kissing me, I pushed him and he started grabbing my crotch and pin me down to his bed with his body. He was a lot stronger than me. I tried pushing him off and he pinned me down and started undressing me. He said at this age I should be having lots of fun and I thought he was right since I was always scared of everything. We had sex and i felt like I was made used of. Was I raped? I cant tell anyone cause im in the closet. :(

  • I'm gay male and prefer having female friends?

    I'm a gay male, 18 years of age and I prefer having female friends as I feel more comfortable, unlike having a male friends. I'm not feminine at all, but enjoy the company of female companionship.

    I've had male friends in the past and they are all so annoying and immature and they joke about the stupidest thing and also being around my male mates I could feel the tension and competition among us, they would compete for the stupidest thing like, ''lets see who gets there first!''.

    I find my male mates boring and they also like to play rough, whereas when I'm around my female mates I never get bored! I feel like I could relate to them more and we would gossip about people, its much more fun.

    Is this normal? I don't enjoy the company of men, only sexually not for friendship.

    Also I find all men regardless of sexual orientation(with the exception of feminine men) to be intimidating, while I find women to be gentle and comforting.

  • Do you think the earth would be better off without humans?

    Humans has been destroying mother earth since the beginning of our existence like war & conflicts, environmental destruction, animal extinction.

    I imagine a world without humans, a world where animals could roam free, plants would be in abundance, new species discovered, life blooming and flourishing in the ocean. A utopia that is so heavenly and peaceful. What are your thoughts on human existence on earth? Wouldn't she be better off without humans?

    PS: no religious answer please.

    11 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Why do ignorant people exist?

    Why do some people not want to get educated and continue to stay ignorant? I'll admit im ignorant at certian things such as complicated mathematics, science thoeries, and so on, since these aren't my field of expertise. But at least im being honest. Most people today think they are a know-it-all even when they know nothing and they are so bias in their thinking that when someone provides a good argument with supported evidence, they'll ignore and still think their answer is right. Example, religion and politics. Why so these people exist?

    "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." -William Shakespeare

    10 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • If you could turn straight, would you?

    To all those LGBT people, if there was a cure to turn straight would you do it?

    For me personally I would cause it would make my life so much easier then again, I would not feel special and would be the same like everyone else.

  • Why do people hate us liberals?

    I mean I dont get it. We are trying to make the world a better place for everyone and allowing all regardless of our differences to strife academically, and financially. Ive been called names just for identifying myself as a liberal and leftist, maybe cause where im from we are the minority.

    I think we should move forward instead of clinging onto traditional beliefs that is irrelevant to todays society.

    12 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why are religious people hypocrites?

    I think religious people are hypocrites. They love to cherry pick things from the bible or quran, and only choose to follow things they think its right when the bible and quran clearly prohibits it. Like eating shelfish, wearing mixed fabrics, masterbating, watching porn in the bible and smoking, having tattoos, gambling or drinking in the quran, to name a few. All of which ive seen my christian and muslim friends doing. But when it comes to gay rights or womens rights they immediately justify it by saying its prohibited in their holy book and its immoral.

    Im an atheist by the way but in no way discriminating peoples belief just calling out on the obvious BS.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why is suicide considered a bad thing?

    Some say its egocentric and selfish for an individual for kill themselves. While others say the individual is weak. Even in some countries suicide is considered a crime by the law.

    In my opinion, suicide is an individual right and if a person wants to kill themselves its up to them. Life can be tough for some people to go through and suicide might be their only and last option. Ive been called a morally corrupt person for saying this.

    What are your thoughts on suicide? Why is it a bad thing.? Anyone share my view on this?

    10 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • I hate being gay and want to kill myself?

    About me: im 18 male and known I was gay since I was 5.

    I cant help being attracted to man and I just wish I was straight like the majority. I feel like I have no support and where I live majority of the people are traditionalist and conservatives. I was chatting with my mother the other day and gay marriage came up she said, 'gays are disgusting and needs to be shot', which breaks my heart and made me realize I was the problem. I thought to myself that all my mother wants was a normal straight son and if I came out she would probably disown and hate me. This made me fell into depression and become suicidal. I have no one to turn to. And to make things worse ive suffered from social anxiety disorder due to the trauma of bullying in school. I feel exhausted trying to pretend being someone im not. Ive never had any boyfriends and all the guys ive met online or on social app are crazy for sex and for a relationship. I feel so lonely everday.

    I've had few friends who come and go in my life, but never had any proper friends.

    I just feel like if I was born straight my life would be so much easier and simple. I feel like my homosexuality is a curse. And i hate being born and want to kill myself. Is there a way to cope with my homosexuality which is killing me everyday. :(

    (Sorry for it being to long.)