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How old is too old to go trick-or-treating?
How old do you think is too old?
1 AnswerHalloween1 decade agoStray kittens and cats with URI?
There are a lot of stray cats where I live. Well, I feed them so they all come here I guess. One cat had a litter of kittens and the kittens all have an upper respiratory infection. I can not afford to go to the vet and am willing and able to bring them inside. I clean their eyes and nose with wet cotton balls but they are getting weaker. Is there any over the counter medicine that will help them? I had a dog with Kennel Cough once and he was given Robitussin and it worked.Is there anything I can do for them?
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoA friend who lives out of towns son just told her he was getting married...?
her son is going to bring her to my house. What are some questions I could ask her? Both serious ones as well as funny ones. Oh, by the way, they met two months ago and applied for a marriage license today and they are both 30.
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes anyone have the lyrics to Deb Talan's song Rocks and Water?
I have tried yahoo search and I can not find them.
1 AnswerLyrics1 decade agoWhy is a raven like a writing desk?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoIf someone is comatose, on life support and has no brain waves can they?
If someone is comatose, on life support and has no brain waves can they ever come back?
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWhat are you doing to celebrate Lughnasadh?
My family is going to meet up with a local group to celebrate. It will be a day of gaming followed by a meditation, then the ritual followed by a feast and then drumming. Merry Lughnasadh!
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAre there any Pagan shops in Jacksonville, FL?
I will be going there next week and can not find any new age, earthbased spirituality or plane old pagan shops. I tried witchvox to no avail. Please help.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do you cook rice in a microwave rice cooker?
I bought a rice cooker at a yard sale and I have no idea how to use it. Does anyone know how and if so can you tell me?
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoHow to deal with a soldiers death?
A friend of mine is stationed in Iraq. He is a platoon leader. He recently lost three men to an IED and one was seriously injured. How can I help him cope with what has happened and how can I help him help his troops? I appreciate any and all replies.
13 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhen someone dies a new child if born?
A friend passed away a year ago today and he liked a song. There is an older song about whenever someone dies a new child is born to take their place. Does anyone know what the name of this song is or the lyrics?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoOld song lyrics?
There is an older song about whenever someone dies a new child is born to take their place. Does anyone know what the name of this song is or the lyrics?
3 AnswersMusic1 decade agoFor Pagans...What are you doing for Ostara?
And are you a part of a group of other Pagans or solitary? Will you be participating in a ritual?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas any dyslexics ever sold their soul to Santa or prayed to Dog?
Yeah, I know, SiIly question. I just had to throw that out there.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDoes "Lost" come on tonight or next Wednesday?
Does "Lost" come on tonight or next Wednesday?
4 AnswersTelevision1 decade agoDid anyones dog get sick using Frontline?
My dog, part Chiwawa part daschond, is very sick. Two days ago I put Frontline on him and four other bigger dogs. The others are all fine, but he is lethargic, vomiting foam, diarrhea and the shakes. I have given him Peptobismal and gatorade as well as yogurt. Any suggestions? Has this happened to you? Will he be OK?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoFor all Pagans...Why do you think we are the ones who are happy and tolerant?
Why is it that so many non-tolerant, non-pagan people seem so unhappy ?
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago