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saving the world with one question at a time.

  • I'm looking for a metal wire....?

    Kind of like the wire in a bra...or one of those fabric frisbees with the wire on the edge. I need it to bend without breaking and return to its original shape.

    What kind of wire would that be?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years ago
  • My car won't lock from the outside?

    I have a 99 Ford Explorer and you can open it from the passenger side door even if it's locked. The other doors are alright. (Except for rear drivers side that doesn't open at all) The alarm doesn't even go off if you open it while it's locked. Can I fix it myself or should I take it in?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • How do you feel about the robot sign spinners that have been appearing in front of businesses?

    With so much underemployment and unemployment around isn't it kind of a slap in the face?

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • All of my boy kitties are?

    laying on my bed with me but my girl kitty is out in the living room by herself. Should I go get her so she's not alone or just stay here and not get up?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Need help with a song man?


    It sounds like Florence and The Machine. I am not sure if it is or not. Female vocals. It is kind of slow tempo. They mention the devil repeatedly somewhere in the song. The chorus I believe goes something like "AAAAAAAYYY AY AY AY AY AY AY.....AYYYYYYYY AY AY AY AY AY AY"

    I know.........not much to go off of. It's killing me D: Please help. I've heard it twice on 94.9 San Diego station lololol.

    I'm just giving all the info I can..

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Are people aware we're slaves?

    We are the only creatures born on this planet that have to pay to live here.

    It's all around us, we are living in a global mall. Next time you're driving down the street, look to your left and look to your right. What do you see? Shop here! When you're watching television, what do you see? Buy this! Do this! Go here! Eat this! Look like this! Doesn't that say something? On the radio, when a new song comes out what are they saying? Dance! Party! Drink! Repeat.......

    Do we know who throws all this at us every day for hours on end?

    Do we know who owns all the television companies? Do we know who owns all the music companies? Do we know who owns all the retail companies? Do we know who owns all the food companies? For those who don't know... It comes down to a very few, very wealthy, selfish individuals who control everything..

    It doesn't matter what anyone's beliefs are... The truth is we are in desperation and it's only getting uglier. We need people to educate themselves and wake up at the wheel. We are here now, yet we are never focused on it. We cannot hope to fix the future if we can't accept the truth now, and work together now.

    We lost our voices some time ago, we've lost our jobs, and we're losing our homes.. What do you think is next? Freedom? They've just begun trying to eliminate the First Amendment of The Constitution..

    If you're interested in learning more about the condition of the US and the world even.. Life in general maybe.. I'm going to list some of my favorite links

    If you don't have time for all that... go Youtube some of George Carlin's bits on America :) You'll get a laugh or too while learning, Double Whammy!

    If you got Facebook open then search for Small People Against Big Government.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • biggg mother problems...?

    Okay where to begin..

    I'm a 20 year old female and my boyfriend moved in with us about a year ago. I was working at a grocery store but I quit about 4 months ago because of health reasons and my car broke down. (It was about an hour commute) My boyfriend moved down here from 8 hours away and went through a couple odd jobs, but finally found a good steady one. I was using the family car to drive to work, and my mom is borrowing my sister's. Well, my boyfriend and I pretty much stay in our small room when we're home because we feel really unwelcome anywhere else in the house. My mom watches my sister's son while she works and goes to school, unpaid.. (Mon-Fri sometimes sat) The father is in rehab. (I hope) Well my nephew is 3 1/2 and hits, bites, screams, throws, is mean to his new kitten, and does NOT get disciplined whatsoever. My mother thinks its okay to spoil him because she's grandma, but she doesn't realize she is the one raising him. She doesn't allow anyone else to tell the child what to do. (Not even grandpa when the child is kicking him) I feel like she's ruining his life because of her immaturity and cluelessness. The only family that comes around is my mom's family, and they feed off drama. They think my mom's perfect, yet they don't see her sit on facebook all day playing farmville and gossiping about them. I've even seen her talk bad about me behind my back to my sister, saying "Oh if it wasn't for dad, I would have kicked them (me & boyfriend) out a long time ago." Because we had gotten into an argument and she said we never helped around the house. (Even though we take turns cooking dinners, cleaning up, I drive her everywhere, my bf even gets her the morning paper) Anything other than that is their mess, because we don't come out of the room except to go to the bathroom or kitchen. I've also seen other men leave comments on her page saying "Where are you when I need you xoxoxox." It's ridiculous. She's said before it's HER house, not mine. They haven't fixed the car I was using to drive to work after 4 months because after it had broken down she asked me if I wanted to go to the DMV and put the car in my name (What? So I can pay to fix it? I didn't intentionally break it) She had promised to buy me a cheap car a long time ago before she won her social security case. (I've never had a car, my sisters totalled 2) Well I asked her after 4 months of the car just sitting there broken, if she still wanted to give it to me and I would pay to fix it. She says "Ohh no because the baby's dad is back in town and i don't know if your sister's going to give him the car (she was using) and we wouldn't have a car." They recently spent about 1000 dollars on my dad's motorcycle that doesn't get driven except for maybe once a month.

    Also, I went to sign up for school about 2 months ago.. my boyfriend went with me. I needed a co-signer for the financial aid stuff and my mom refused to help me with any of it. She didn't want it to mess up with her social security.. I tried to go get a loan from the bank but my boyfriends credit wasnt good enough. T____T I just feel trapped and invisible. We're saving money right now and going to move out as soon as we can..

    I'd just like others opinion on this.. idk what to think anymore. thanks

    4 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • movie question????????????????

    Two sisters lose their mom and the dad gets a new girlfriend who is evil and is trying to get rid of them. They live by a lake.

    Whats the freaking name of the movie?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Health Question..............?

    Lately I've been feeling a bit off. I haven't been sleeping normally (example: sleeping 4 hours in the afternoon, then 2 at night) I feel like I'm tired, but I can't or don't want to sleep. But last night I slept all through the night and woke up in the morning, I felt really weak and tired, kinda dizzy and couldn't concentrate and it's been like that all day. I've been sleeping on and off all day. I've felt kind of nauseous and like not able to focus (like typing this is unusually difficult for me) I've been looking at some stuff about diabetes, cause I heard somewhere that you sometimes get a fruity taste in your mouth, and that's been happening to me recently. I'm sure it didn't help that I drank yesterday, but I wouldn't still feel it today. Um, but if it's not diabetes any ideas on what it could be? Gracias

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Lol......................................?

    Do you ever just.....laugh at all these stupid questions? Lol......

    I'm dyin over here.


    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Have you seen this movie..?

    It's called Zeitgeist.

    I think you all should go Google it and watch it.

    Be edumacated. (Maybe you won't have so many questions? :D)

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Question about a boyfriend?

    We've been together for 2 1/2 years, and I love him very much. We fight alot.. and just recently had a big one where he told me he was "done" and he didnt want to be with me anymore. I couldn't tell you how many times we've gone through this.. we've broken up and gotten back together so many times. I know that when he says stuff like that he usually doesnt mean it, and calls a few days later apologizing. It's been a whopping 3 days since we've talked.. 4 is the record. For some reason I don't think he'll call this time. I keep telling myself "if he truly loves you, he'll call." What do you think?

    40 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have a fever but no other symptoms..?

    yea, so I have a fever with not really any symptoms from what I can tell. I've felt kind of weak and tired for the past 2 days, and I took my temperature last night and again tonight, both saying i have a fever. Also, I haven't had much of an appetite..feeling kind of sick to my stomach at times..but not that bad. I'm 16.. haven't really been around any sick people lately.. so i'm confused. Any ideas on what it is?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to get a fever from being heartbroken?

    I've been having a lot of problems with my boyfriend lately, and last night we had a big arguement. Today I felt really exhausted and kind of sick to my stomach, then I took my temperature not too long ago and I have a fever... But I can't tell if feeling sick is from him or actually being sick.

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • help with "boyfriend" problem?

    We were together for almost 2 years, and we fought too much. We've broken up more than you could imagine, but we always got back together because we loved each other so much. Once or twice, he said that he "didn't want a relationship right now," but from knowing him so well, i know that he was mad about something, or afraid of commitment (which is kind of late to say)And he'd always come back a few days later saying how he regretted leaving. Well, the other day he told me again, that "he didn't want to be in a relationship right now." This time, he did it so coldly, like i did something wrong... saying things like "i don't want to be with you, i'm done, nothing you will say will change my mind, i'm not coming back." I know i didn't do anything wrong. I kind of feel like he'll call in a few days when he starts to miss me, and want me back (like he always does) I've started to let him go, because that's what he wanted.. I still love him, i know he loves me.. what do i do when he calls?

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • DO you PLAY???


    if so.. what level???

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Do you know..?

    the muffin man?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help with my cell phone?

    my cell phone screen turned grey.

    i can hear when i get a message, but i can't do anything about it because i can't see ANYthing -_-

    is there a way to read text messages online?

    or any ideas on how to fix my screen?

    [i have virgin mobile] thx

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago