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  • Pros/Cons to help decide on Orthodontist or Vet?

    I think I've narrowed it down to me wanting to be a Orthodontist or a Vet. Now I need some help on deciding which one. What are the cost and amount of schooling differences? I love animals as well as I love helping people. And with either I'm hoping I could get on with the military for getting put through school. If you have any other suggestions that I should look into for careers, I'd appreciate it. I get along great with people, love helping them as well as all animals, I like talking and I'm more of an active person. Going into my second year of college next week thus why I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my life so I can narrow down what I need to take.

  • Comparison/Contrast essay topic ideas?

    I have to write a 4 page comparison/contrast essay for my college english class. I always get writers block and I can never think of what would be a great topic to write about that could get me a good grade, my teacher didn't give me any help for topic ideas.. just told me that she hates reading ones about cars.

    So comparing cars is out. Anything else, please suggest thank you very much!

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Comparison/Contrast Essay topic Idea's?

    I have to write a 4 page comparison/contrast essay for my college english class. I always get writers block and I can never think of what would be a great topic to write about that could get me a good grade, my teacher didn't give me any help for topic ideas.. just told me that she hates reading ones about cars.

    So comparing cars is out. Anything else, please suggest thank you very much!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Rear ended car, what can happen?

    Stop and go traffic and I failed to look up before I accelerated and I rear ended a car, I pulled over behind them and looked for damage, I didn't see any so I backed up and took off, they caught up to me, probably got my license plate # and tried to get what I looked like, what can they do about it? and how could it effect me?

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • birthday is next month, party place ideas?

    I want to have a nice party but I need some good place ideas. the only thing I could think of was ice skating but it seems like that would get boring.. I'm only going to have around 6 people or less and I'm going to be turning 17 and i'm a girl with guy and girl friends coming. so help me out? i'm stuck.

    any other good tips would be great =)

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What do you consider flirting?

    so I'm a really big natural flirt, its not obvious to me when i'm flirting or when i'm not so i'm trying to figure out what you all consider flirting cause i'm trying to tone it down because my friends are starting to get jealous of me and all my boys lol so.. answers these please..

    What do you Do to flirt?

    How do you not flirt?

    How do your friends flirt?

    Thanks so much <3

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • difference of girl/guy sweaters?

    Whats the difference between girl and guy sweaters? I couldn't find anything on google about it..

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • what does it mean if a Horse is Off?

    Off in their gait, what does that mean? why are they off? how can it be fixed?


    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch hannah montana movie online?

    I wanna watch it online.. but where? and I don't wanna have to download any program or anything either (cause of spyware, etc..)


    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Guinea Pig Tooth seperation?

    I have a male guinea pig, he is coming up on a year old. I picked him up and did a little mini health check on him, and when I looked at his teeth --- they looked like this :( I figured it couldn't be good, but I was wondering if anyone can tell me whats going on with his teeth? They were fine a few days ago..

    They align up fine when he bites down and stuff, he eats veggies slower than normal and he's eating his pellets noramally. I have tried pushing them together but they just go right back apart :-X

    So anyone of you might have experienced this? or have any suggestions what to do (other than take him to the vet) that would be great! thanks!

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • tips you use to motivate yourself?

    Okay so i'm 15 only 1 out of three kids still at home, homeschooling and It seems like I find every excuse to not do my school.. and nobody else is home to force me to do my school. how can I motivate myself to want to do my school and also stay focused? What have you done that works for you? any other advice would help me too. I'm doing Abeka with the videos..


    6 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • legal matters over a copyrighted picture used as reference/idea?

    I need some court law and legal people to help me anwser this!

    okay this might be long but I need to include the whole thing.. I play a virtual dog game and lots of people do art on it. I ordered some sketches for virtual money and I to give the artist of the sketches an Idea of what I wanted I included a picture of what I was looking for, or as to show them as a reference/idea of what I wanted. instead of describing each pic of what I wanted. sounds logical right? I got the sketch of the picture and I thought that was it. done right? or not. somehow the person from flickr found I copied her link to show the artist what I wanted and they messaged me on the virtual site today saying "You ordered an image using a copyrighted picture as a reference, which is against the law. It was my image and I am thinking about taking legal action, as well as reporting it to the site admin **site link here** is copyrighted to me. It has a copyright warning on the image, and I still have the original image if I do decide to take it to court." what can they really do legally? they don't know who I am, all they know is I play that site and I used their picture as an idea of what I would like? below I have a printscreen of the page and what they said below the image I used as an Idea, I didn't see what it said below the image because its not like I was copying it or anything. and also I put the sketch the artist sent me on there too. is there something like if I only use the sketch they could actually have evidence or what? I'm planning not to reply until I get some answers from you guys. I would like to continue to play the site so how could I get out of this? note: the sketch doesn't even look anything like their pic.. HELP!

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Not sure if I like this guy (help me out)?

    Okay so I talked briefly with this guy, we have seen each other before 3 times. I didn't pay any attention to him because I was hanging with my best friend. Then he told her and then she told me that he liked me.. I was thinking no, he doesn't like really like me, how could he? Unfortunately I have looks going for me and I don't want him to like me because of that. He doesn't even know really anything about me. Its been 3 days since I saw him and now I can't stop looking at his myspace. I'm not sure if I like him or I just like him because he likes me.

    I don't know what to do.. since I found out my last BF dated me for my butt.. I just want him to like me and not how I look.. HELP!


    Do you think I like him? Should I just be friends first and get to know him better? Why does he like me after seeing me only 3 times? Do you think he likes me for my looks? Could a relationship actually work out?

    Please answer as many questions as you can. we are both 15.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is a nice way to tell a girl you.. ?

    Okay, right now I am brain dead and my friend is trying to get me to help him and I don't know what to say but here is his problem

    "there is this fifteen year old girl who has a crush on me and i honestly am really annoyed cuz she just wont stop hitting on me.

    i was wondering if you have any tips on how to tell her no nicely. she goes to the same church as i do and if i piss her off that could cause some real problems"

    Thanks Yahooers!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question for Guys about being 'just friends'?

    so If you really like a girl and a she tells you that she just want to be friends.. What do you do?

    I just am wondering what other guys would do in this situation.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guy Likes me, don't know him really.. what to do?

    Okay so there is this guy who I found out likes me today (he told my BF and she told me.) But, I have only seen the guy twice, and now he likes me! I'm not sure what my feelings are for him, probably because I don't really know him at all. I want to get to know him, but I think he'll just try to be somebody other than he is.

    I was thinking I would just tell him "Lets just be friends" but is it possible for them just to like you as a friend and not anything more still? My BF and other friends are trying to hook us up. I think he is really nice but I don't think I know enough about him. Also I recently ended a 9 mo. relationship with another guy (he was a jerk) and I'm really not sure I want to date someone right now. Is it possible to just be friends and get to know each other without dating? maybe have lunch together or something. How can I get him not to like me but still be his friend? What should I do?


    Spunko (15)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago