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I'm a divorced 25 year old father of 2. I am a desk clerk at a hotel and play Rock Band with my buddies during my free time.
How do I get rid of this mildew smell?
I have an oilskin waterproof duster that has moldered over the summer. It reeks of mildew and hosing it down and airing it out haven't worked. Any suggestions on how to get rid of that horrid mildew smell? I'd like to keep the waterproofing intact as well, if at all possible.
Cleaning & Laundry9 years agoWhat is the best way to leash train a puppy to walk behind you?
I'm training my siberian husky puppy. I want her to follow behind me when we go for walks instead of charging ahead, but I'm at a loss at how to accomplish this. I've just been pulling her back behind me when she gets ahead and telling her no, but that doesn't seem to be working too well. Should I do something different or just stick with this approach?
13 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhere do I stand here, are we dating or not?
I've been seeing this girl for about a month now. We started out really heavy(at a party), but things slowed down fairly quickly. Anyway, last week I took her out for her birthday and we had a great time, so I posted that I had a great date on my facebook. When she saw it, she sent me a text and said that it wasn't a date, that it was a birthday present. So, getting mixed signals here, I asked her where I stood and she told me "I don't like labels. Sorry if I'm not enough, but I'm giving all I could give anyone." Whats that supposed to mean?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo you need to keep an in ground pool filled with water year round?
I work for a hotel in Sevierville, TN. We have an outdoor pool that we had drained at the end of the season for some routine maintenance. My question is if we need to fill it with water to keep cracks from forming in the cement or the pool from pushing up out of the ground when it freezes. Is there any harm leaving it dry, or do we need to fill it back up? Any supporting references would be appreciated.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoNew girlfriend with a lot of drama?
I just started dating this girl just after she broke up with her ex boyfriend. I really like her and we get along really well. The problem is, she is still having to deal with her ex boyfriend, who is a cop. He's held a gun on her before and is extremely controlling. She keeps going back over to his place to get more of her stuff out, and is currently staying with him again to try and get some of her money that he has. He found out about us the other night when he went through her phone. She's told him that she was just using me to get back at him and is back at his place now, trying to be nice so he will give her the money he has of hers. I'm scared stiff that he's gonna hurt her, or worse, but she won't go without her money. This is tearing me up inside because I really care for her. Is there anything I can do?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow badly have I screwed things up?
Here goes. I've been talking to this girl at work. She's very attractive and was flirting with me from the time she started. He gave me her number, says how sexy she finds me, how much she likes me and everything. We've been talking for about 2 weeks now. Problem number 1 is I'm her boss. I really like her. We seriously click and none of this interferes with work.
Problem number 2. She has a boyfriend. She says she is going to leave him and move out of his house. She has caught him cheating on her. The problem is, she won't leave. She says she is going to, but doesn't make any attempt to leave. This is making me feel like I'm The "Other" Guy. I really like this girl. So last night, I told her that maybe we should just be friends until she leaves him because I feel like I'm the other guy and I don't want to be the other guy. I told her that I want to be with her, not just be her little secret. Guess how that went. So after she got really upset and I got really upset, I backed off. I really like her and didn't realize how strong my feelings for her were. Now she's hurt and mad at me and I just want to take it back. I want her to leave him and be with me, but I don't know what shes going to do now. I don't know how things are going to be between us anymore. What should I do?
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat would be the best thing to do to keep a cloth couch clean outdoors?
I've recently acquired a new sofa, and put my old sectional pieces couch out on the front porch to dispose of. However, I find that I like having a couch on the porch and am considering keeping it. What would the best thing for me to do to keep it dry, clean, not infested with bugs, and generally where you wouldn't mind sitting on it?
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoIn a divorce, how would an eviction be handled in Tennessee?
My wife and I are getting a divorce. She walked out on me, but I left the home we were staying in so our children wouldn't be put out. We were being allowed to live in a house that my family provided and we did not have a formal rental agreement. We didn't have to pay rent, just utilities. I was the one still paying the utilities even though she was living there. However, about a month ago, she started staying with her grandfather full time and nobody has been living in the house. Can I legally move back in and change the locks so she can no longer live there, or do I need to have my family serve her an eviction first?
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow difficult would it be for me to learn to play the violin?
I'm 24 and I have never had any musical experience before. I'm looking for a hobby to do, and I was thinking of taking up an instrument. I really like the sound of a violin and was wondering how difficult it would be for me to learn to play, or if it would be inadvisable at my age and skill level to even try. Your opinions would be appreciated.
5 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade agoShould I beleive my wife?
My wife told me that she was raped by a friend of hers 2 times. Once was about a month ago and the other time was around the time my 1year old son was conceived. I believed her when she told me and we told our marriage councilor during our scheduled session the next week. While my wife was telling our therapist, I think that the therapist really didn't believe what my wife was saying. My wife also told the therapist that he raped her 3 separate times, not 2. Since then, I have discussed this with some other friends, and even a mutual friend who is friends with the person who raped my wife. She said that she talked to him about it and he says that they have slept together way more than 2 times and that it was always consensual. My wife has cheated on me before and hid things from me before too. I have found out about her affairs before and she was indifferent to them and even blamed me for her indiscretions. Who should I believe? My wife makes a convincing case, but she never filed a police report and waited long enough to where nothing can be proven. It's her word against his and she has lied to me before. My other friend was in the same situation with this guy as my wife was, where is drunk and in bed with him and she said stop and he did. Do I believe my wife or do I believe the person she is accusing of rape?
22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHelp with self centered wife?
My wife and I have been having problems for about 2 years now. She is totally self centered. She stays at home with the kids (ages 1 and 3) and I work 5days a week+. She doen't keep the house clean or do the laundry unless I make her. We fight every day about it. She says she can't do it and it's too much for her. We have a very small house and all she does is stay home and do nothing all day. All I ask her to do is keep the house clean, the laundry done, and watch the kids. I don't even ask her to have supper made every night. I don't ask her to get a job and help with the bills. But she insists to everyone that I don't do a damn thing and she works her *** to the bone and makes it out like I or one of the kids goes right behind her and messes everything up again. She is always bitching because she can't go do what she wants when she wants after I have worked all day and she has sat on her ***. Everyone, her family and mine, know that she's lazy and doesn't do anything, and my mother is pressuring me to set her strait after she called and gave her usual sob story to my grandmother and told her that my mother was a bad grandmother because she wouldn't watch the kids while she went to a movie. My mom is raising 2 kids of her own and her mother doesn't watch the kids any more than my mom does. How do I get her to see the light? And please don't give the usual divorce her/you deserve better answer. I'm well aware of that, but I don't want to go through a custody battle or not be able to see my kids whenever I want to.
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHe's still texting my wife.?
About 3 months ago, I cought my wife talking to a man she had cheated on me with. When I confronted her, she first accused me and said it was no big deal. That they were just friends. Anyway, we started going to counceling because we have 2 young children together. She started treating me better and not taking me for granted so much. I work and she stays home with the kids. However, recently she has started to slip back into her old ways. But I digress. Every few days he still sends a text to my wife. It looks innocent enough, and I never find any proof that she is till talking to him. I check her phone frequently and the outgoing numbers on our cell phone bill. My question is what should I do about him texting her? I'm not a person who does well with confrontation. Should I call him? Text him? Ignore it and wait for it to go away? Should I let her deal with it? What do I do?
19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoShould I feel guilty?
About a month and a half ago, I cought my wife talking with a guy she had cheated on me with. She said she had only been talking to him for about a month, but I cought her in a lie about a week later and found out it had been for over a year. She says she didn't see him any, but I don't beleive her. But anyway, since then I have been looking at other women and wondering what it would be like to go out with them or sleep with them. Whenever I think this, I start to feel guilty. I have never cheated on my wife, physically or emotionally. Some of my friends have suggested that I have an affair because she doesn't have a leg to stand on right now, but I don't feel right about that. I know I'm not going to do anything with any of these women that I fanticise about, but I still feel guilty. Should I? I've already decided that I'm not going to leave my wife this time, but we are in counceling right now.
35 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow can I learn to trust my wife after an affair?
I found out about a month ago that she was talking with a man she cheated on me with before. She wasn't repentant about it and started accusing me of having an affair. We argued and fought about it. Finally we decided to try and work it out for our kids. We started going to weekly counceling and have been for about 3 weeks now. Last week I cought her in a lie and found out that she had been talking to him off and on for over a year. I've been on an emotional roller coaster since then. I still feel that she isn't telling me the whole truth and hiding things from me, but she says she's told me everything. Whenever I'm not around or when she goes out, I feel like she is cheating on me and sleeping around. I want to make it work, but I need to be able to trust her. I've been thinking of seperating for a while to get some space to clear my head, but I don't know if I will just sit there alone and be jealous and suspicous. I'm not happy at home and get severly depressed sometimes.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoShould I stay with my wife?
Recently, I caught my wife talking to a man that she cheated on me with before. She said it was over 3 years ago when I made her choose between him and me. I had the feeling that she was cheating on me, so I checked our phone bill. I found a time that his number showed up. I checked her phone and his number was hidden under a different name. I checked the recent calls and text message inbox, but there was nothing there. So I requested a list of our text message calls. She texed him 148 times last month. I confronted her with this and she didn't seem sorry or remorseful. She said that all she did was talk to him and even that it was my fault because I work too much and don't show her any affection. The next day she accused me of cheating on her. We have 2 young kids together and I want to stay for them, but I don't feel any emotional attachment to my wife anymore. Should I stay or should I go?
27 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago