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Lv 610,397 points

Iggy rocks

Favorite Answers14%

This is my second account.....yep I finally got suspended....I have a new hairstyle I wanted to share with you!!! Any of my contacts that see this please add me as I have to start from scratch!!! I am an Aussie chick with a lovely lil man named Iggy and I think he rocks!!!

  • I need some advice about my 4 years olds eating?

    My 4 year old has all of a sudden in the last 2 weeks just not been able to physically get his food down...he has always been able to eat his food with absolutely no complaints. But now even food he likes he just sits there with the food in his mouth and almost every meal he makes himself gag cos the food just stays in his mouth...i tested it with, his fav samwich, he does its with treat foods, like hot chips, i have tried his favorite cheese sticks, last night we asked him what food he would just love for dinner and he said Pizza Hut, so we got it for Sunday night treat, and even that made him do it.... it doesn't matter what meal it is it could be lollies, he just seems to not get through meal...i have stopped snacks through the day, and even snacks he seems to eat 3/4 of and he cant finish or starts to gag....and he wears a pull up nappy at night cos he cant seem to wake himself up to go to the toilet...we know its not a lazy thing as he fell asleep on the couch a week or so ago and had no pull up on and while he was sleeping he just wet the couch while we were laying right there. he didn't wake at all....i feel like its more of a mental thing than physical though...I am 33 weeks pregnant and have had a really bad pregnancy, and cant do a lot physically and he is extremely sensitive! I just sat with him while he was really upset and just asked him why he wont eat and he said he didn't know...and i ask him what lunch do u really want the most and u can have he said a peanut butter sandwich, which i made and again he is sitting here now just sitting with the food in his mouth and trying to use his water to wash it down and it just wont go down! I just don't know what to do! he is so distressed and i get angry about it cos i just don't know how to help him eat?

    Any advice

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Pregnancy Heartburn and need dinner idea?

    i have crappy heartburn and am 20 weeks pregnant! I really need some suggestions for what to eat for dinner...the thought makes me feel a bit sick but i am hungry!!!

    any idea's for dinner? what are u having?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • My Pop committed suicide...what next?

    Ok So 20 years ago my lovely Pop suffered from some sort of breakdown and was not mentally 'all there'. It happened very quickly.

    My dad spoke to him on the phone and he sounded different then flew up to see him and he was not acting his normal self!

    My dad made an appointment with the doctor the next day to get him checked out, but that night while everyone was asleep, he jumped off the balcony killing himself!

    I personally am not religious and don't believe in Hell or Heaven, But my question is for the ones that do believe in the afterlife...

    If my Pop was not mentally ok, but was a good Man, does he go to heaven or Hell?

    i just wonder, cos so many people tell me that murderers and rapists can go to heaven simply by repenting, yet a good man like my Pop who had a mental breakdown and was not in the right frame f mind is meant to go to Hell cos he killed himself, even though he did not know what he was doing!

    how does that all work? Your religions baffles me and i am curious to know where u think my Pop went after death?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • anyone have SPD again with second pregnancy?

    I had very bad SPD with my first pregnancy, and couldn't walk from about 20 weeks with out support, the pain was seriously something i wouldn't wish on anyone! I have scoliosis and pain every day, but the spd was way more overpowering than my back! i had to be induced and have crutches and i couldn't work or do anything really and it sucked so much! But i am now 5 weeks pregnant and worried it will happen again, i am at least more aware of what it is this time and things to help me along, but did anyone ever have it the first pregnancy but not really the second? wishful thinking i guess, but i think it will be difficult this time round with a 4 year old and i own a shop, which ic an work from home a lot more, but anyone have any good news the second time around?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Why does this offend you?

    because man created it....just like man created the concept of god..

    that is what i believe.!

    if u wrote

    'because god created did not create the concept of god, god created man'. then i would not agree with you, but i u have the right to believe that! and i would let you be!


    why is it such a problem for some Christians, that I don't believe in god. I don't knock on your doors, and i don't push my non belief on you at all!

    Why on earth would u delete an answer that is in no way offensive, it just states what i don't believe!

    are u that insecure about Atheists opinions that you need to delete any answers we give now? even if they are not offensive and they are just giving our opinions?

    Why does it bother you that Atheists don't believe in god? cant you just cruise through life believing what you want and keep it to yourself?

    I am happy to have conversations about Your beliefs but u guys need to toughen up a little and realize there are people out here that don't believe what you believe!

    Religious people- Why do Atheists bother you so much?

    #Yahoo tried to pop this in the LGBT section...rad haha

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Who do you love the most?

    Do u love God above all?

    I often hear people say they love God more than anything, and it puzzles me because i love my child more than anything! Even if i believed in God(which i dont) i would still put my child before anything and anyone else on earth!

    if u love God more than your own flesh and blood....what kind of parent are you?

    Does this mean that Atheists are the superior parents? because they actually put their children first!

    I am not saying u are a bad parent, i am just trying to understand how on earth anythign could be more important to you than your child!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Did the Bible say the world was flat?

    Ok so i am not trying to be a smartas*s at all, i am curious!

    I have heard that the bible says somewhere i am sorry i am not sure where, but i have heard it said the world was flat.

    SO what i would like to know is, if this book is something u believe in, and it is a fact the earth is round, basically u have been lied to, and yet you still believe the other things in the book!

    Also, if u are a person who picks and chooses what to believe in the book, how does that work? You either believe it all, or not at all right?

    I am so confused as to how anyone can just walk around knowing the world is round and know they were lied to(this is obviously just one example, there are many more) and then still believe everything else!

    i promise my question is not to pis*s u off, i really want to know how u pick and choose what u believe from the Bible!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Best area to Stay in San Francisco?

    We are heading to the States in May and want to do a little stop over in San Fran for like 4 nights! where is the best area to stay? My Mum and I are taking my 3yr old, so it would be great if there was shopping and parks around!

    Plus is it a good city for public transport? Obviously the trams are everywhere but is it easy to just jump on and off around town?

    Thanks so much

    3 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade ago
  • How long after your period was due did u test?

    My period was due yesterday and I tested today and it said it was negative :( I was so so sure i was pregnant, it feels so similar to my last preganancy I have sore boobs which i never have before a period and i have had that crampy feeling for few days. I normally only start cramping like as my periods are just starting! and feeling tired and head spinny!!!

    I was wondering if anyone tested a day or so close to your period and got a negative? and then tested a few days later for a positive? i know sometimes it takes people longer to get a positive reading!

    Thank you

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Missed period, but neg preg test?

    has this happened to anyone? I am 2 days late, and have done a pregnancy test but it was Negative!!! has anyone else had this and turned out to be pregnant???

    Just wondering if my Hcg levels are too low??? I am not normally late, and we are TTC so just wondering if anyone else had a prob?

    I will go to docs on Monday if no Period, i am just interested to find out if anyone else had the same issue??


    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Preg test 4 days before I am due?

    Ok so I am trying to get pregnant and I was just too impatient to wait till Wednesday! so i tested and it was Negative :( is there still hope???? My period is due on Wednesday!

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Difference between Swine flu and regular flu?

    Whats the difference? I am in Australia and this flippin swine flu is all over the news all the time, and normally i wouldnt even listen to it all, except that I am going to New York Next friday with my husband and son who is 2 next week, and he has a cough and a little temperature( a cold) but I dont want the customs nazi's taking me out cos my little man has a cold!!!

    what are the differences?

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • I need a new book to become addicted to!?

    I am on the second round of reading the twilight books, and I am quite addicted to them and i feel like I wont be able to find another book to draw me in so much!! I know I sound like an obsessed 16 yr old with a crush but honestly i am a 29 yr old mum and although the books were extremely easy to read they just sucked me in!

    Please help me overcome my addiction by suggesting a book that will blow my mind!!!

    Thanks so much

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Twilight soundtrack help?

    I just bought the soundtrack to twilight and the song that is playing after Bella gets bitten by James is not on it!!!! It sounds like its being sung by Rob Pattinson and the only song on the soundtrack by him is not that song!!!

    so does anyone who is a crazy **** twilight fan know what the hell is going on??? i love that song and i pretty much bought the album just to listen to it!!

    can anyone clear my brain up for me??

    Thanks heaps.....

    oh and BTW...even if you hate twilight the music is excellent!!! really good soundtrack!!!

    Thanks heaps

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Numbness in left arm!?

    In the last week i have noticed my arm is slightly numb! it feels like when you lay on it in bed and it goes all tingly and numb....just not that intense!

    I am going to go to the dr next week, but i am wondering if anyone know what could be causing it??

    anybody had this before? I am 29 and not unhealthy! I take a lot of painkillers though for a severe scoliosis!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Best area to stay in LA?

    We only have 3 nights in LA and i wanna be near shopping...not gucci shopping cos I will begoing to New York for all the big labels, just fun affordable shopping!!!

    Any suggestions???

    1 AnswerLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Best area to stay in NYC?

    Hey guys!! My husband, his parents our 2 yr old boy and myself are going to NYC for a week in June! Can you reccommend an area of town that you think would be awesome???

    I want to shop all day every day but my inlaws and our son may need other activities to do? Do you think around times square???? I know its a bit touristy but hey...we are going to be tourist!!!!

    what are your thoughts????

    6 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • car hire from Ottawa to New york 1 way?

    Hey there!!

    My Husband and I are going to New York in June and we will be visiting his family in Ottawa and need to hire a car 1 way from Ottawa to New york!! I have just been looking online and i cant seem to find any companies that will do the one way booking!! does anybody know anyone who do it??? thanks heaps!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Adoption from Australia?

    Hi guys,

    My husband and I have always talked about adopting a child or children! We want to look further into it but are just unsure where to start?

    I know the process in Australia is quite hard and expensive but what should we expect? are there only a few countries in which you can adopt from?

    My husband is Canadian, would it be easier to go through the Canadian system?

    are there any helpful websites i shoudl be looking at?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    3 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How do you write a book?

    where exactly do u start?

    I always wrote little stories when i was young and I would love to try and write something now!

    where is the best place to start?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago