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Joellie H

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  • I think im allergic to insect bites?

    So yesterday morning i woke up and found i had two insect bites on my assuming their not mosquito bites or bites from other insects which like hot or warm weather since its cold here.

    these bites started like how i normaly get a swells up to around the size of a golf ball maybe a bit smaller. They itch like crazy and a clear fluid sometimes comes out. However although the swelling has reduced a tad its still itchy and red and blisters have formed.

    Im not worried like 'omg i might die' etc etc so im not going to a&e or anything. But my bites have never turned into blisters before. The blisters have now popped (on their own) im letting fresh air get to them but all my bites usually scar and bruise (i have a couple from around 2 years ago which have still got a bruise like scar where it was.

    So a few questions.... Is this a normal reaction?

    should i be worried if my reactions get worse?

    and is there anything i can do to reduce scarring?

    Thankyou :)

    3 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • I think my friend is being ridiculous? what can i do?

    The main story is that my 'friend' is becoming annoying and im finding myself wanting to say something to her but because we've only known each other for 3 months (we met at college) i don't want to upset her in any way and i don't want to make college unbearable for either of us.

    The reason why im annoyed is by her choices. Myself, her (call her Amy) and my boyfriend (who i met on my course) used to hand out and be good friends at the beginning of the course. However as the course went on me and my boyfriend got together. It was probably from this point that things started to go down hill. It didn't change all of a sudden but im finding myself getting annoyed at small problems.

    She now hangs out with 2 other girls in our class ( i like all of them) but together they all seem to be inseparable and influence each other. Im also finding that they are all leaving myself and my boyfriend out of things. Like sitting at lunch (the tables are only for 4 people) so myself and my boyfriend got there earlier and sat down. They came in and sat at the other end of the room, To me i find it rude (i don't know why but i do) if that were me i would sit next to them or on a table quite close to see how they are and talk but they never do.

    I also find that all 3 of them talk about me, make sly comments at me or give me dirty looks for no reason. This could be because of saying something or talking about assignment work.

    Another reason is that Amy is 19 and has a boyfriend in the army. They decided after a month and a half to get engaged which i find irresponsible and having to sit there and listen to her is annoying (i want to be supportive and try to sound enthusiastic but i think its a stupid choice) She also explains to me how shes going to come of birth control to become pregnant with his child while he is still in the army and while she is still in college which is a stupid stupid choice. And with this i told her what i thought i said i want and try to be supportive but i think its the wrong choice.

    Do you think that shes acting strange around us because of this? and what can i do to either ignore her (which is pretty hard since our class is close knit) or to make me less annoyed by her :/

    sorry its so long and thankyou!!!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Eye sight perscription? what does this mean?

    I had my eyes tested today and i need glasses for reading, looking at a board, watching tv etc..

    but i dont get what this means?

    Right : Distance

    Sph +0.50

    Cyl -0.50

    axis 180.0

    Left: Distance

    Sph +0.25

    Cyl -0.50

    axis 180.0

    I dont really understand what this means (i know what sph, cyl and axis means but all the numbers i dont get :S does it make me short sighted or long sighted or for focusing :S)


    2 AnswersOptical10 years ago
  • What age can you receieve free therapy/counselling in the UK?

    Im turning 20 in a week and i'm having a break down. I suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and occasionally depression. I had a fantastic counseller at my college but i recently finished this about 5 weeks ago. I had a relapse after stopping my medication and stopping counselling and only had 1 session before college closed for summer. Now im moving on to Uni i dont think i can wait until september to talk to someone.

    The last week has been getting continually worse and im really struggling. Will I be too old to recieve free mental health care in the form of therapy? I need Cognitive Behavioural Therapy i think as this was along the lines as what i had before.

    PLease reply serious answers

    PS going to the doctors later but If i roughly know before i go him saying "you dont get it free" will be less of a shock .

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Sick/vomitting bug started last night cant even hold water down?Advice please.?

    Ive got a sick bug, started last night and ive been up every 2 hours. Finally this morning i seem to have emptied my stomach as it just seems to be bile now. However ive tried to have sips of water between epidodes but i cant hold it down. I know it sounds wierd but im getting really thirsty and I just keep vomitting it back up again! What can i do?

    8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Self esteem after photoshoot has gone right down?

    I had a photoshoot yesterday with a friend thinking itl help me boost my self esteem because i do feel really crap at the moment about myself.

    I came out feeling worse. My friend went photo mad and got like 19 of herself and 3 of us together (all 3 i hated of us) and i chose 3. I only really liked one of them properly but the other 2 werent bad but out of the 100 taken or whatever i liked a grand total of 3.

    Now on facebook everyone is commenting on the album like "Omg c*** your photos are great" (im not gonna post her name) so basically. Theyve looked at hers. Ignored mine and commented on how she looks great.

    I know posting them up for friends to see i should expect stuff liek that but i put them up coz i felt good about them. Now i feel like taking them down never showing them to anyone ever.

    I shouldnt care about how people think but i thought that it would help ME learn to like how i look. Instead im just caring too much about the fact everyone likes hers and not mine.

    I dunno what to do I do something to try and boost my self esteem and have ended up ruining it.

    Dont know what to do now.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to get "cold feet" before having a tattoo?

    Ive been planning a tattoo for over a year now to remember my fight with depression and it is to remember that i came out alive from it. Ive been so into it and went to the tattoo place about a month ago and have put the deposit down. My tattoo artist has e-mailed to say the design is almost done and all of a sudden my stomach dropped and I suddenly didnt want it anymore. Then a minute later I felt like i was just overreacting.

    I know people say if you have doubts about it then dont get it. But ive put so much thought into the different aspects, so much into the meaning and thought so hard on this that it seems silly? I know i want it but now im worried i should listen to that feeling i had?

    But then like marriage (which isnt AS perminant a commitment :) ) people get cold feet even though they know they want to do it. So is this just it?

    11 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Taxi Driver Problem. His word against ours?

    Last night a friend and I went to a party and got a taxi home. It was before midnight and what costed us £15 on the way there costed us £30 on the way back. We asked why as it was before midnight and he said "Its time and a half after 11" Today my friend phoned them and asked what time the rates go up and they said midnight. So one we were charged extra and secondly the taxi driver had marked us down as a no show.

    Is there anything we can do Legally? Its not that much we want the money back its also that he has stolen from his company. The woman on the phone is denying that we ever got in so we are £30 down for a £15 ride and when we described the car and man she is saying that he said we didnt show up.

    What can we do?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I feel like a failure as a dog owner?

    Im on this forum where ive been told im making things worse for my dog because she isnt housetrained yet.

    We took her in when an old owner couldnt properly care for her and she was locked in a crate all day. She wasn't properly housetrained and was allowed to pee and poo in the house without any guidance. Over the last 9 months weve had her (she is now a year and a half) and ive been trying to house train her.

    Shes my first dog and we live with my dad and sister. Im only 19 and i feel im the only one dedicating time to this. We managed to get her to stop going in her crate all together and in the day she occasionally will go to pee and poo on newspaper that i leave out.

    Ive been told on the forum that this isnt house training and that it must be horrible for my dog.

    I just feel so rubbish now, Really upset. I dont know, you guys all might agree but what do you think?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Considering new tattoo. Opinions on placement please :)?

    Ive got one foot tattoo so far that reflects my grandad who died two years ago and ive decided to get another one.

    Since I was about 16 i've used drawing manga (japanese art) as a "stress release" and its been quite a big part of the last 4/5 years. Ive drawn loads of designs since turning 18 about what i want to get to reflect the japanese artist in me and its upsetting to see alot of people having cherry blossoms as tattoos as for me they truely do represent the beauty of japanese art!

    Ive got a design im liking alot and ive based it on this shape :

    Its similar but not the same at all really but im wondering where to get it. And id have that but tilted upwards!

    I work in retail and one day hope to work in schools so i want it somewhere that i can cover up.

    My first tattoo is on one foot but im thinking it would look wierd to have two foot tattoos.

    So my first thought is the back of my neck but then i get the whole "is it appropriate for schools"etc!

    What do you guys suggest!

    10 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Why: When adding 100mls of 100 Degrees Celcius water to another 100mls of 100 Degrees Celcius water does....?

    The temperature not double?

    What are the reasons behind this.

    4 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Starting freelance hairdressing- taxes?

    At what point should I start to pay taxes for this. Is there an income line as im a fulltime student at the moment and dont pay tax for the part time job i am currently working.

    3 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Squeeking Fan Belt questions?

    My fan belt in my car (or so im told is the fan belt by my dad, im not very intelligent when it comes to cars!) is squeaking a lot when i turn the engine on usually a quick rev of the engine will stop it if the rev is high enough. Basically I just need to know if its something that HAS to be checked out as i wont be able to afford the garage until decembers pay! Also what is it that causes this? do i need to replace something? Will it cost very much?

    Thanks :)

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Having fake Stones set into a ring. Cost?

    Hello. I have a tanzanite and diamond ring that was bought for me 2 years ago that has a tanzanite (small marquise shape) missing! Im devastated and have given it back to the jewelers it was bought from (H.Samuel's) and they have given me an Absolutely ridiculous price! The ring has 6 small tanzanite stones and a small diamond set in the middle (like a flower) and it cost 80 at the time of purchase. They are asking for £110 for ONE stone replacement!! So as i can only afford about £20-£30 i am looking for a company that does fake stones that would match the colour and shape so i could replace it.

    Not sure if there are companies but just asking :) Thanks

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • After spending alot of time with my boyfriend (depression related?)?

    Im currently suffering from anxiety and depression, so i knwo theres an eliment of depression in my problem.

    But in the summer, i spent about 15 out of 21 days with my boyfriend at the end of the holidays when usually we see each other every other weekend and occasionally 2 weekends in a row (this has happened for 4 and a half years) It was around this time i got anxiety over "do i love him" ive resolved this as i know i do love him and i felt i was constantly arguing with myself saying "yes of course i do!!!" but now, maybe due to anxiety and depression, i feel like i need space, but i still want to be with him.

    Is this normal? I love him, i do want to see him, just in my depressive state i cant really look forward to thigns or get excited and im worried that this is something negative on my relationship. But then the rational side of me thinks "i just need space because of how long i spent with him then and the depression is just making me feel like i want to be alone"

    Thoughts and ideas? Am i kidding myself (which makes me really upset and anxious!) or does it sound like this is depression related?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Am i developing an eating disorder?

    Im worried! Ive got anxiety and depression and in the last 2 weeks my appitite has crashed. If my body didnt need food in it i could easily avoid it all day every day. However i WANT to eat. I dont want an eating disorder, whenever i get hungry i feel sick and then when i force myself to eat because i KNOW him hungry i just feel really full and sick.

    Worrying about it makes things worse as it fuels my anxiety but i dont know what to do to avoid this turning into something worse?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Citalopram dizziness and sick?

    Started citalopram last night. I used it before for about 4-5 months and when i took it before i had tired side effects but not really anything else. But im at home in bed now (didnt go to work as i cant drive like this) as ive thrown up this morning from it, i feel totally out of it, spaced out, dizzy, drowsy, cant sleep though as ive already had about 10 hours lol

    I took it last night about 8 because from experiance last time, if i take it in the morning i fall asleep in the day.

    What do you think? Should i try taking it earlier or should i just stick to it and work thought the side effects.

    How can i keep the drowsiness at bay for the first few weeks as icant not go to work and college for 3-7 weeks!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Citalopram (20mg) side effects. Drowsiness and dizziness?

    Im feeling pretty out of it, spaced out and dizzy this morning from citalopram ive only started using it yesterday so today is day 2. At the mo im on 10mg for a week then 20mg after that for 6 months.

    I know these are side effects as well as being sick and feeling sick (ive been sick this morning already) but i just wondered if theres a way to sort of just subside them. Ive had to miss work today because i cant drive to get there i really feel like i cant even walk and i think driving would be like driving with a blindfold!

    I plan to do waking up thigns like taking a bath but does anyone have any ideas? Im feeling groggy and just want to get on with the day!

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Depression and withdrawing from loved ones (boyfriend and direct family)?

    Im wondering if its normal for someone with depression and sever anxiety to not want to see someone they love? Tonight i had a depressive episode where i felt like i didnt want to see my boyfriend for a long time even though i know i love him. It was upsetting for us both as i do want to see him i just felt like i didnt want to (confusing i know) but i also feel this way about my mum who i dont live with and normally i do want to see her but recently since the depression has gotten worse ive felt very much like i dont want to do the things i enjoy (such as being with the people i liek seeing Eg my boyfriend and mum) and its really hard as i dont want to hurt them but i feel so negative.

    what do you think? is it normal to not want to see people even though you love them?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Fear of adultery (Me being the cheater) from anxiety?

    Im having an anxiety attack. Im really worried about that i might cheat on my boyfriend in the future. I think it comes from my dad cheating on my mum because no one ever expected him to. I love my boyfriend but i think ive developed a kind of phobia towards this. Im thinking irrationally, considering not going to university as im afriad of this. Im not even moving there but i have this horrible fear that history will repeat itself and il hurt him like my dad hurt my family.

    What can i do?! can the doctors help with this? Im in councelling but this is really playing on my mind.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago