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  • When a person owes you money, isn't there a lien of some kind?

    If the person doesn't pay a personal loan and for repairs to a home. Is it a lien that I must file or a judgment? They are in the process of selling the house that was repaired.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Bicycle pads in the Healthcare bill? Money for farmers markets?

    Can't these people develop one bill without adding extra spending on non-related agendas in it?

    What does either of these things have to do with health-care?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you think Barney Frank will stab his constituents in the back?

    by voting for the Health care bill because he knows he will not be re-elected, due to the sly things he has been accused of ?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you spell that without any R's?

    Railroad crossing, look at the cars. Can you spell that without any R's?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • How do you tell the difference between Republicans & Democrats?

    Where do Independents, Liberals, Conservatives,Moderates,fall into line? What is their main agenda that separates one from another?

    When you go to vote they ask if you are Rep. or Dem. What if you are a Moderate or Independent?

    Please, This is an honest questions. I am trying to learn something here.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Was this woman a fine example of a racists?

    Yesterday my mother was confronted by a black woman in a parking lot. Mother was parked well between her lines. A woman pulls in beside her (too closely & on the line) she couldn't get out of her car on the drivers side so she got out on the other. Instead of pulling into the space straight.

    She starts bashing my mom calling her an indian (which she is), she called her a pale face B****, (which she is real good about keeping her cool, even thu this event) Just every name she could think of.

    The woman ranted and raved telling mom she "was going to move her F***n truck or she would call the police", the woman followed mom in to the stores yelling and screaming behind my mom. It was as if she was wanting on mom to yell names back at her, or start a fight with her or something.

    Police came, they laughed at the woman and left.

    Is this what some blacks mean when they call white people racists?

    I was brought up believing we should look at a persons soul not the color of their skin,or the names & labels society has used for 100's and 1,000's of years.

    If a person keeps their word, they are a good person. Would you please explain where my mom and her teachings are wrong and the other woman is right if that is the case.

    31 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What are fun and unusual things I can do for a retirement party?

    My mom finally retired this month. I plan to throw a huge party as we (her children) have been waiting to see her take it easy for about 5 years now. She is in her 70's. Please describe the party was you would plan one. From Games vs no games, food vs no food, that sort of thing oh and how would you decorate? It will be given at a community park, we want the kids to have fun to.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Should I close some of my credit card accounts?

    I have doubts due to the new law concerning credit cards.

    I have several credit cards, all in good standing. What effect will closing most of them have on my credit report?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How about Nancy Palosi?

    You would think she would have just stood up and did the right thing the first time she was asked the question. "Did you know.....

    She could have simply said, I stood by Pres. Bush when he was in office and I am standing by the current Pres. because I hope to keep my job.

    Do you think she is lieing for convience or do you believe she really has forgotten?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago