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Strawberry Gashes

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  • Can my naltrexone dose be increased?

    I m on naltrexone to decrease urges to self-harm. I don t think it s effective as I m cutting daily. Sometimes twice a day. The urges are just too strong and I m just getting too much of a release from cutting. I m on 50 mg of naltrexone. Can my doctor increase the dose? And how much?

    3 AnswersMedicine5 years ago
  • How do I get my boyfriend to act more like a man?

    He's like 15 years older than me, but uses his "mental illness" (severe depression and ocd) as an excuse to act like a big baby. He says that its the reason he cant get out of bed in the morning so I hav to wake him up every day. Then when we're getting ready to go anywhere, I take maybe 20 minutes to get ready- he takes like 2 hours and most of its standing in front of the mirror playing with his hair- his hair is short! Then when were sitting next to each other on the couch, he some how ends up in my lap- I thought the girl generally sat in the guys lap- and I weigh half as much as him. Then the other day, he had cat hair on his pant and wanted me to wipe it off for him. I was like "um no". Anyways how do I get him to take on the role of the man in the relationship- or is there absolutely no hope?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I ask him to be officially dating or just let it go?

    I told this guy that I didn t think we should and said it d probably never happen. However, as I ve gotten to know him better, I now have feelings for him. We spend so much time together and see each other daily. He still has feelings for me and we ve talked about it, but I m scared admitting that I have feeling and becoming a couple will change the great friendship we have. I need someone else opinion, but most of my family will say no (because they don't know him and hes 15 years older than me), while my friends would probably say yes (because they do know him and think we make a cute couple.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should i quit my job?

    Its a supported temporary job that I'm supposed to have until May. I'm a dining room attendant at a local university. I keep up my work and do everything I'm supposed to do. I also help in the dish room, putting pots and pans away. I thought things were going well at work until last week. Last Thursday, I was told I should look for an independent job. I don't think I can get an independent job. I don't drive and its not safe to walk on my own. Independent jobs don't have set schedules and are unpredictable; I don't thank I could deal with it. Them telling me to get an independent job made me super nervous and scared that they want me off the job. Then, yesterday, this girl was on my case about stuff being put away in the wrong places, which I've been trying really hard to put things away in the right place, but since they've hired the new pot room worker, things have been getting completely unorganized, making my job very difficult. I tried to be nice and just nod, but then she complained about me to my placement managers. Now, my placement managers are upset with me and I got bitched at for it. Part of me just wants to give up, but I don't want them to think I'm incompetent. Maybe I am incompetent. If you have some ideas or opinions, I'd love to hear

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • How do I know if I need help or not?

    I feel very conflicted. I've been trying to do everything right, but I'm getting stressed and starting to return to old coping mechanisms. My suicidal thoughts are starting to be more frequent and detailed. I haven't been to therapy in almost two months, because the therapist thinks I'm just a drama queen. I don't even have a next appointment set up (even though I'm court ordered to see her once a month). I stopped one of my medications, because I think its making me gain weight and the nurse won't take me off of it, because the drug company pays her to keep me on my current meds. I think my treatment team sucks and doesn't know what they're doing. I feel lik I need help, but don't wanna ask for it because I feel like I'll just be told that I'm being dramatic. I just want someone's opinion: Should I call the therapist or nurse? And what should I tell them, so that they'll listen to me and help me before I get hospitalized again?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • How do I make friends my own age?

    I've always been kinda awkward and had a lot of social anxiety, so I didn't have many friends. I'm 21 and only hang out with my sister and people that are a lot older than me. I don't go to school, but i work at a university. I'm not supposed to interact with the students. How do I go about making friends? I just wanna hang out with young adults my own age.

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What is the best diet that you've ever been on?

    Did you lose weight? How much?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How should I handle these ups and downs?

    I had a medication change back in May or June to ease my ups and downs, but I feel like the medication change has worsen them. I do really well, have lots of energy, and get a lot done for a few days. Then I get into this sluggish mood where I just don't wanna do anything. At first, I thought the meds take some time to get into my system and I'll just have to wait it out. The problem is my lows are starting to get lower and its getting to the point where I just want to relapse with self-injury at times. The other problem that I am having is I recently found out that my younger brother is starting to have similar problems to mine (he may be doing drugs). He's always kinda had anger problems, but they seemed to get better once he was in high school. However, he seemed really depressed and I don't blame him. My dad has some of his own mental health issues. I just worry about my younger brother, which worsens my anxiety and anger, making my lows seem even lower. Then last night, I was thinking that maybe this is as okay as I'll ever be, so I'd be better off dead. I don't think I wanna kill myself, but I definately don't wanna keep going through this cycle. Advice?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Can people witth mental illness adopt?

    I've struggled with severe mental illness, but am in recovery. I want to adopt some day. Would I get approved?

    4 AnswersAdoption8 years ago
  • How many different ways can you use cabbage?

    I want something different and fun

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What goes with south western turkey?

    I volunteer in a kitchen and we got a donation of south western turkey. We are planning to serve it this week. What sides would go with it?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What would be the best way to stop myself from binging?

    I have a really bad habit of not eating til around 4 pm. When I start to eat, I can't stop and I eat until I feel sick. Then all I wanna do is purge. Instead, I've been taking my sleep meds and passing out. So what are some helpful tips to keep me from binging in my evenings?

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What goes with quinoa salad?

    I'm making a black bean quinoa salad. What should be the main entree? It has to be vegan. I was thinking about baking either tofu or tempeh? Any recipe recommendations?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Need Vegan Dinner Ideas?

    I'm having my sister over for dinner this week to show my appreciation for all of her support this past year. She's got me off the streets last year and let me stay with her for a little while. She's also helped move into two different apartments, took care of my cat when I was in the hospital (and when I was out of town), helped me get to a few doctor appointments, took me to the grocery store, and has listened to me when I've needed someone to talk to. I wanna show my appreciation.

    This is the first time, I've been able to have her over for dinner. We normally go out or have dinner at her place. Anyways I'm vegan, but I wanna make something she'll like. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • What should I do when possessed?

    I have a friend, who believes that she is possessed by demons, and is in need of prayer and advice or comfort to get through these dark moments. Please answer kind words only. Thank you!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is smoking acceptable, but not cutting?

    People never get upset with me for lighting another cigarette, but when they see a new cut on my arm, they complain and give me **** for it. They're no different. They both harm the body. The only differences that I see are cutting gives me a quicker release, and heals over time, while my lungs won't repair themselves. So why is it ok for me to slowly kill myself and the environment around me, but it's not ok for me to cut?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Is it normal for a period?

    I'm 13 years old and still a virgin. I've been on my period for about 2 days. I always have a heavy period with a lot of blood clots, but this morning something wierd came out. It was a grey blob about the size of my fist. Its never happened before. I didn't tell my drunk parents and I'm not close to my big sister. It freaked me out. Is it normal? Do you think it'll happen again? Do i needa go to a doctor? I really don't wanna see a doctor. I feel so embarrassed posting this, but if it's something's serious...

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Need friends, but there's like nothing to do in SC?

    Live in Greenville, dont drive or work due to medical problems. But I really wanna hang out and hav fun. I broke up with my boyfriend, and jus feel a little lonely. What should i do?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago