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kd baby
does anyone know why i keep gettin this infection?
I have a problem with getting bacteria vaginosis over and over. it seems to happen after each period. i know that its because of an upset in ph and bacteria but what can i do to prevent this if anything?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoplease help me find a program?
where can i find a FREE FULL VERSION download of a folder password protection program. im trying to put security on a certain folder so that others cannot access it without permission or password
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agohow do i email larger files than what yahoo allows?
what other program am i able to do that with?
5 AnswersAttachments and Photos1 decade agoplease end my frustration - 10 points first answer that works?
i emailed a video using windows live movie maker and it cannot be opened on vista computer. how can it be opened or what program can i use that will recognize the program?
4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade agoam i being too overprotective or unreasonable?
my daughter's school drives me insane. she is 6 her teacher is constantly putting her in "break" the other day she was scratching her ankle during circle time. the teacher told her to stop moving around. she scratched again and was put in "break" until the storytime was over. this really pisses me off and this is just one example
also she came home with a sprained neck - she fell off the swing at schoool - no one called me. she had a gash on her head - not a single call. the only call i did get was saying that my daughter had scraped her knee on the playground. when she got home it wasnt even her - it was another child and when she does get hurt or sick they call me at the end of the day rather than when it happens
am i being unreasonable in my concerns? i dont want to move but i cant stand this school system. other parents have told me they have the same probs. my husband called the school superintendent and all its done is make things worse for my child. opinions please? am i being overly judgemental and if not what can i do. ive talked to the school each week and nothing improves
9 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agois there something i can do to make my breasts hurt less?
about a week and a half before i start my period my breasts hurt really bad. i know its normal but sometimes it hurts just to have them rub against my shirt. its almost like it was when i was breastfeeding and i would become engorged - anyone know any vitamins or anything that may help?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agodoes anyone know the answer?
if someone is showing up as available on yahoo messenger all day does that mean that they are actually sitting there chatting or not? i know it used to switch to idle after a certain amount of time that u were not active. does it still do that? and if so how long before it does?
4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade agocan i ask you a personal question ladies?
I have endometriosis and interstitial cystitis so I am constantly having pelvic pain. Anyway has anyone ever experienced a feeling of pressure when u pee while u are having your period? do u know what causes this?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoi really need some help?
i have been suffering from severe depression for the last 7 years and had the idea that i could solve my own problems. about 4 months ago i went to the dr to get some help. the meds were recently changed, no improvement. ive been going to counseling. im at my wits end. im in and out of the hospital everyday. i lost 30 pounds in the last month and 8 just in the last few days. i need someone to help me before i break down completely. i have two little girls to raise by myself and im scared to death of what is happening to me. i am trying to get help but not having much success. any suggestions. please i am begging and desperate for help
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agowhat is the name of this song- 10 points to first correct answer, artist too please?
the chorus goes like this
to my ****** my dogs we tearing the club up tonight my bitches fly broads you gonna take off your clothes tonight.....we getting high and drunk tonight we just chillin
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoi tunes help - 10 points for first correct answer?
is there away to adjust the settings of itunes so that it will automatically add files that i either rip to media windows player or ones that i download from frostwire. please help
1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade agoon the show tough love 2 --- during the intro of the girls there is a song that says " what would an angel say?
..... something about changing my ways == does anyone know what the song is and who the artist is?
1 AnswerReality Television1 decade agothose nasty little critters?
my children and I have been battling head lice since may. my dr is at a point where he will not prescribe any more meds and the school is saying if they are not gone by monday that my daughter will have to be home tutored. we have tried everything from meds to mayo to castor oil. I even called the board of health and they dont know what to do. I have lost my job over this as well because I had to miss work to be home with my children. I even tried an exterminator. The only luck Ive had is a dermatologist, but he cant get us in until 2 weeks from now. Does anyone know anything else that I could possibly try? The little girl that they got it from has been battling for over 2 years - that cant be us. Please help
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agodoes anyone know this song and artist? lyrics included?
if you make a promise i can see me being around know that im beside you, promise you wont let me down
man rap
since your the wife u taste mine i taste yours
1 AnswerLyrics1 decade agowhere can i download movies absolutely free?
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agois there a way to fix this problem?
i wrote a lab report for school in microsoft works. however, my printer wont work at the moment and i need to print my report off at school - the computers at school only have notepad and microsoft word. how can i convert my original file to a file that is able to be opened by one of the programs at school. i did convert it to notepad but when i open it everything is in one line and squares are all through it. please help
11 AnswersSoftware1 decade agowould someone please help me....?
find some websites that describe meniscus tears. i need to know the specific anatomy that is damaged when this happens, how it happens, what is done for it ....
thank you
4 AnswersMedicine1 decade agowhy does my computer do this?
if i have a pop up or a window open on my pc and i try to close it the whole internet shuts down. why does it do this and how do you fix it?
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agocould someone please help me?
please go to and tell me if its just my computer or is the website down?
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago