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* I'm taking a little break from Yahoo Answers for a while. Feel free to email me about anything.* I'm currently a 22 year old Graphic Design student in college. My most favorite interest of all is gaming and I like to draw as well. I own a 60GB PS3, PS2, original Playstation and I used to have a SNES. My PS3 games: MGS4 Uncharted Drakes Fortune GT5 Prologue Resistance Fall of Man Lair GTA4 Heavenly Sword Motorstorm Fallout 3 Resistance 2 Bioshock Killzone 2 inFamous Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction Dead Space The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Uncharted 2 Assassin's Creed 2 God of War 3 Red Dead Redemption Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time GTA4: Episodes from Liberty City Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Fallout New Vegas Enslaved Gran Turismo 5 Dead Space 2 Killzone 3 Some favorite PS2 games of mine: MGS2 & 3, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, God of War 1 & 2, Jak and Daxter, Jak 2, Jak 3
UPS Delivery Question?
When I checked the delivery status of my package( Metal Gear Solid 4 Playstation 3 game), it has been Delivered and the Location of the delivery is: SD Door.
Does anyone know what SD Door stands for? Does it stand for Side Door? If anyone knows for sure and could tell me, it would be greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoPhysics Questions?
1. An Airplane has a mass of 3.1 x 10^4 kg and takes off under the influence of a constant net force of 3.7 x 10^4 N. What is the net force that acts on the plane's 78 kg pilot?
2. An amusement park ride accelerates a car and it's riders from rest to 45 m/s in a time of 7.0 seconds. The mass of the car and riders is 5.5 x 10^3 kg. Find the average net force exerted on the car and riders.
3. A 15 gram bullet is fired from a rifle. It takes 2.5 x10^-3 secondsfor the bullet to travel the length of the barrel and it exits the barrel with a speed of 715 m/s. Assuming that the acceleration of the bullet is constant, find the average net force exerted on the bullet.
4. A bowling ball (mass of 7.2 kg and a radius of 11 meters) and a billiard ball ( mass of 0.38 kg and a radius of 0.028 meters) may each be treated as uniform spheres. What is the magnitude of the maximum gravitational force that each can exert on the other?
4 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoHave you seen the Leaked Grand Theft Auto 4 gameplay?
For those of you that don't want spoliers, don't watch this video.
What do you think of the gameplay if you watched it? It's not the American version of the game, but it looks pretty cool.
21 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoPhysics Question?
I need help with 2 Physics questions. If you can answer just 1 of them, it would be greatly appreciated and whatever you can solve will be fine.
1. An Auto race is held on a circular track. A car completes one lap in a time of 15.1seconds, with an average tangential speed of 43.7 m/s. Find the following:
a. the average angular speed
b. the radius of the track
2. The earth orbits the sun once a year (3.16 x 10^7 seconds) in a nearly circular radius 1.50 x 10^11 m. With respect to the sun, determine the following:
a. The angular speed of the earth
b. The tangential speed of the earth
(In the second question, when I put 10^7, the ^ symbol stands for to the power of 7)
2 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoXbox 360 Red Ring of Death at GDC 2008?
Hey, have any of you seen this video on Youtube about an Xbox 360 getting the Red Ring of Death at GDC this month?
Check it out:
And this Xbox 360 was one of the most "current" Xbox 360 models!!
12 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoMicrosoft Advertising for Xbox 360?
Do any of you think that Microsoft cares about the Xbox 360 at all? I'm asking this because, the last time I saw a commercial on T.V. that was advertising the Xbox 360 console itself was around Halo 3's release date. (The commercial with that stupid parachute guy)
However, I've seen Sony Playstation 3 commercials advertising the PS3 console with upcoming games and new games for the PS3 (Haze, Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Unreal Tournament 3, Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge, HOME, etc...) for the PS3 since November last year.
Some people may say that Sony is desperate so they have commercials on T.V., but that's not the case because if a company really cares about a product, they advertise for it and put money into the console.
It's not like I care if Microsoft advertises for the 360 or not because I have a PS3. I just want other people's opinions on what they think.
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoGrand Theft Auto 4 or Metal Gear Solid 4?
I know that Metal Gear Solid 4 and GTA 4 are scheduled to come out within the same time frame and not on the same day, but if GTA 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 came out on the same day and you only had enough money in your wallet to buy one of the games which game would you buy?
It would be a hard decision for me, but even though I've already pre-ordered the Special Edition GTA 4, I would pick-up Metal Gear Solid 4 because it's a PS3 exclusive and it's probably the most anticipated PS3 game of 2008. Which one would you buy first?
8 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago40GB PS3 release?
I own the 60GB PS3 and I've heard a lot of people making a big deal about the 40GB PS3 not being able to play PS1 and PS2 games. Well here is what I think, the majority of people that want to buy a PS3 own a PS1, a PS2 or both, so backwards compatibility really isn't a big deal because they can play their old games on their old Sony consoles.
I mean, at least the 40GB PS3 has WiFi built in. Does anyone else agree with me that it's really not a big deal about backwards compatibility or is it just me?
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoWhat PS3 games will you be getting in the future?
What are some PS3 games that you will be getting before the end of 2007?
Here's some games that I'll be getting:
Haze, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Gran Turismo HD, Need for Speed Pro Street, and possibly Assassin's Creed.
7 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoWhat is the name of this song?
All I know is that the song is a classic song that probably came out in the 80's or something and it's sung by a group of black guys. The only lyrics I know that are in the song is: "Bow Wow Wow Yippe Yo Yippe Yay."
I know that Snoop Dogg says "Bow Wow Wow Yippe Yo Yippe Yay" in one of his rap songs, but it's not by him.
5 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade agoPS3's game price v.s. Xbox 360 game price?
I own a PS3, not a Xbox 360 but I just wonder why the Xbox 360's games and the PS3's games cost $59.99. When you think about it the PS3's games should be $59.99.
It's not like I care or anything, but aren't 360 owners getting ripped off because the regular Xbox used DVD's and so did the PS2 and when new games came out for those 2 consoles they were $49.99 not $59.99
The PS3's games use a Blu-Ray disc not a standard DVD disc like the Xbox 360 and Blu-Ray discs are more expensive, and they can hold way more data than standard DVD's so why are new Xbox 360 games $59.99 when the disc format isn't any different than the previous Xbox and PS2?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoLil Wayne song- Something You Forgot?
Is it possible that someone can email me the song by Lil Wayne feat. Rick Ross- Something you forgot?
I've looked on the music sites that I use and I can't find this song.
I don't use Limewire or other filesharing sites and I would greatly appreciate it if someone can send it to me because I love this song everytime I hear it on the Radio. This is an easy 10 points for whoever can send it.
My email address is:
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoGamestop latenight?
I plan on buying Lair at 12a.m. Tuesday morning at a Gamestop store. Will Gamestop locations be open late for the release of Lair? I know that they have sold new game systems and highly anticipated games late at night, so does anyone know if they will be open late for the release of Lair?
4 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoLair or Heavenly Sword?
I am trying to decide which game to buy this September for my PS3. My mind was really set on buying Lair, and I'm really excited about Lair, but then all of a sudden Heavenly Sword attracted me more because it is going to be something like God of War.
In EGM magazine, the review of Lair wasn't all that good, but I don't make my decision to buy a game or not based on reviews, but the reviews are important to me.
Maybe I should just by both because eventually, I know that I'm going to get both games anyway. But if you could choose one game which game would you choose to buy?
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoPlaystation 3 help?
I get online with my PS3 via wireless internet connection and I can surf the web without a problem but I can't access the Playstation Store to download demos or videos. Do I have to have a wired connection to access the Playstation Network/Playstation Store?
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoFor those who have beaten Metal Gear Solid 3?
What was your game stats at the end of the game after you beat it? I beat the game about 2 years ago and I wrote down my game stats and was just wondering if anyone else did the same thing. Here are my stats:
Play time: 24:00:24
Saves: 76 times
Continue: 25 times
Alert Mode: 38 times
Humans killed: 180 people
Seriously injured: 142 times
Total damage: 31 life bars
Life Medicine Used: 3 times
Plants and Animals Captured: 31 kinds
Meals Eaten: 65 meals
Title: Panther
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoPlaystation 3 games?
I've been looking for some other PS3 games to buy, but I'm not sure which ones to buy. The only other PS3 games that I have even considered buying is Armored Core 4 or Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I don't really know anything about these games. I've heard that Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a pretty tough game, and I love hard games. And I know that in Armored core 4 you pilot these huge robots, but what else about these games? Next month I know that I'm getting Lair and Heavenly Sword, but should I purchase Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Amored Core 4, or should I wait until Lair and Heavenly Sword come out?
8 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoA question for Xbox 360 owners or fanboys?
I own a Playstation 3 and I just don't know what makes the 360 a next gen console. To me the 360 is just like the regular Xbox except it breaks down more often and it has just a few upgraded specs. The 360 doesn't have a motion sensor controller, it still uses standard DVD's, and it doesn't have a built in HD-DVD drive. So what makes the 360 different and innovative from the original Xbox with the exception of upgraded specs?
7 AnswersOther - Games & Gear1 decade agoHow many Playstation 2 games and PS3 games do you have?
I have 45 Playstation 2 games and just 2 PS3 games. My PS3 games are Motorstorm and Resistance Fall of Man. I can't list my PS2 games because I'm not home right now.
9 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoI have very important news about the PS3!!?
I just read a news article on yahoo about the new markdown for the PS3. The new $100 markdown on the PS3 is only temporary because the 60GB version of the PS3 is being discontinued. Once all of the 60GB versions sell out, the only ones available will be the 80GB version that will sell for $599. I already have a 60 GB PS3, but I just want to pass the word around. If you want a PS3, you better get one ASAP!!
Check out the link below if you doubt me.
8 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago