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  • am I over-reacting?

    At one time my brother was not just my brother but one of my closest friends, but we had a huge falling out after the death of my mother, my wife, and my father - especially my father. Things did not go well at all between us at my father's funeral. Most of the problem, however, wasn't really me or my brother, but poor decisions my father made, and I really believe my father turned my brother against me. My brother was very abusive to me at that time. I have tried to reconcile with my brother and his family to no avail. After my wife died he just kept telling me he was busy with his family as if I wasn't his family. I decided last year to send every person in my family a nice card which I made myself (I take photos and I have them made into cards) and $20. Most of the people in my family did not acknowledge my gift nor did they thank me, but one person wrote me a nice thank you card which was very nice. They did not contact me on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or my birthday - and then after my birthday they wished me a happy birthday and then gave me lots of excuses as to why they didn't remember, and still kept going on and on about how mentally ill they thought I was. So no matter what I do or say I'm just the mentally ill person in the family. They have no respect for me, I am just an afterthought to them, they view me and treat me like a piece of trash. I'm the black sheep. I am considering cutting off communication with them, am I over-reacting?

    6 AnswersFamily2 years ago
  • Which online photo sites to sell your photos are the least picky?

    I've tried to sell photos online, but most of them require you to go through a rigorous screening process, a process which my photos are not usually good enough to pass. That doesn't mean they aren't decent photos or that they won't sell because they are decent photos and they do sell (I have my photos made into cards and I sell my cards in local stores). I realize that my photos aren't perfect, but I still am looking to find a place to sell my photos?

    2 AnswersPhotography3 years ago
  • Question about Organ Donation?

    I was watching Infowars (The Alex Jones Show) and Alex Jones said that if a person says that they are an organ donar (i.e. on your driver's license) that the doctors don't have to save you and the doctors get paid for harvesting your organs if you die - is that true? My wife died in 2006 and I didn't feel that the doctors did anything to try to save her and I wondered if what Alex Jones said was true - she had made it clear that she wanted to be an organ donor, and they tried to use her organs after she died but none of them were usable. The thought that doctors get paid when someone dies when it is their job to save people's lives and they have a financial incentive for someone to die is absolutely sickening.

    2 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Christianity - loving your enemies?

    I really struggle with this verse - love your enemies, bless those that curse you - do good to those who hate you and who spitefully use you. - are there really people today who practice this? I struggle with this verse because it basically tells people to just be a door mat and let people abuse them. I struggle with this because in many ways this might put a person into more danger as if a person has abused them in the past they are likely to do it again. I struggle with this because this is like rewarding bad behavior? I struggle with this because why should I even think about those people that hate me - why should a person who hates me and who wants to kill me get any of my time or energy or money or prayer or even a thought? why should they get anything? If someone has already harmed me why should I give them a chance to harm me again. So the guy who is sitting in jail right now for robbing me - I should just find a way to do good to him? why? what about the people who have tried to practice this but now they are dead? what good did this do? I have really struggled with this verse for a long time. In many ways I really want the people who have harmed me to be punished for what they have done and I want them to suffer like I've had to suffer. I want to be a person that loves my enemies but that is something I really find that I have not done that very well. I don't wish to harm anyone, but I have certainly withdrawn from these people.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Question about Information Technology jobs?

    I earned a Masters Degree in Computer Science in 1989 and I worked as a System Administrator on OpenVMS systems until 2002. I have not worked full time since 2002. I have had several part time jobs and I am employed part time at a convenience store - I make coffee, clean, etc. But I have not worked professionally in Information Technology since 2002. Obviously, my skills are extremely outdated. I would like to know if I were to try to update my skills, what skills should I learn? I was a fairly high level administrator, but nobody uses OpenVMS anymore (except a few places) I guess I would like to know what kinds of skills I could learn to become employed again. I know I don't have much of a chance because too many years have past, but it doesn't hurt to try - right? Things have changed so much, I don't even know where to begin. I was a hardware / systems person rather than a programmer, but I was fairly good at Oracle, etc. I feel that there's really not much of a chance of ever getting back on my feet again but I want to try anyway.

    1 AnswerTechnology5 years ago
  • what questions am I permitted NOT to answer a doctor or a nurse or a medical professional?

    it seems that there is no limit to the number of questions that medical people ask me, it is like I have no right to any privacy at all - why do doctors need to know personal things like what kind of a car I drive or how much money I have or what I plan to do this summer - why is it any of their business. Why do they ask questions that have nothing to do with what they are treating - what does my mental health have to do with my knee ?

    4 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • question about telling jokes around people?

    several years ago I tried doing stand up comedy and I wrote a large number of jokes. I still write new jokes and I try my jokes out on other people to see what their response is. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. One of the problems is that people don't really know when what I'm saying is a joke or whether what I'm saying is true or not. There are a number of my jokes that are clearly not true about me. They are jokes that I've written - that's all they are. But I think by telling these jokes that I've caused some people to think poorly of me and that isn't what I want really. I'm really not to the point where I don't care about what people think of me, and I think that's where you need to be in order to be a good comic. Sometimes my jokes do pretty well, but I have a very dry sense of humor that some people just don't get - I know that the joke failed when I have to explain to them that it was a joke ... and I've had to do that a number of times. I don't do my jokes at other people's expense, but often at my own expense. I guess I don't want people thinking things about me that aren't true. So, I'm thinking of quitting with the humor but humor is really what helps me get through my day a lot of the time. I really do believe that if it weren't for my dark sense of humor that I probably wouldn't be alive. maybe I should just keep it to myself?

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles5 years ago
  • how can I recover an old yahoo mail account?

    I had several yahoo email addresses one of which was my primary email. but I didn't check them often enough and they got disabled. I need to be able to access these emails. One of them contains pretty much all my correspondence before I got sick and I want to try to recover my old contact information from people. The other is hooked up to my google adsense account, and I cannot get paid from adsense because this account is disabled. Is there anyone who knows how I can recover these email addresses? thanks

    1 AnswerGoogle5 years ago
  • problems dealing with a coworker suggestions?

    I work part time at a convenience store. My job is through a program with vocational rehabilitation i.e. for people with disabilities. I work very hard at my job. One of my coworkers has some anger management issues and what happens is that he gets mad and then he doesn't watch where he is going and he has nearly injured me (unintentionally, I think) quite a few times. He just doesn't pay attention to where he is or where he is going. and he has nearly knocked me to the ground 4 times. On Friday I asked him to watch where he was going and then he saw me and then he moved. he is obviously much younger and faster than I am. If I wouldn't have said anything he would have injured me. but he was angry that I said something and he was condescending to me and rude to me. all I am trying to do is to do my job and not withstand further injuries. I don't think his issues have anything to do with me he is just focused on doing his job and he just isn't paying attention and he isn't looking out for me. I spoke to one of my other coworkers about it and they suggested that I stay away from him because he is a very angry person. but I walk back and forth through the store doing errands all day long. My supervisor isn't someone I can really talk to. Other coworkers know that I've tried everything I know to try. He just doesn't watch where he's going and I don't want to get hurt what can I do? It's getting bad for me and I feel that I'm in a no win situation.

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities6 years ago
  • what does forgiveness really mean?

    I really struggle with this idea of forgiveness it is like people in the church instantly tell someone they are to forgive someone who does something terrible as if what has happened isn't anything. for example someone's husband was gunned down in front of them and they were critically injured and hospitalized for 6 months and people told them that they just needed to forgive them doesn't it take time doesn't it take time for someone to recover from the trauma of what happened? isn't it normal to feel anger towards a person who has cost you greatly? I think it is so unfair in our society that our culture treats the criminals better than they do the ones who are the victims of a crime and that often the victim pays a huge price for someone else's crime.

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago