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I will always give an honest an unbiased answer to whatever question I answer. I don't answer questions just for the sake of answering questions and getting points on here but in the hopes of actually helping someone out with whatever knowledge I've gained by living on this earth.

  • I m living in France going through a divorce. We have debts we are paying on together if I leave the country will my ex get in trouble?

    Will the debts fall on her? I wish to move back to the States but I don t wish for my ex to get in trouble for debts we acquired when we was married. I still plan on helping pay off said debt but gotta find a job first. Please provide hard proof no consequences will arise for my ex. Thx

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years ago
  • What ringtone is used by Jane foster in Thor 2?

    Always thought it was funny she's supposed to be a form of scientist and she doesn't know how to change her own ringtone :p lol It's a rap song of some kind I'm guessing.

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Is becoming a motorcycle mechanic hard?

    Been thinking about taking this as a career path but apart from working/tinkering with my car I have no real hands on experience working with bikes. Are they easier to work on then cars/trucks? I would assume they woukd be given their smaller in size compared to cars and other vehicles in general. Thx for any and all help with my questions.

    7 AnswersMotorcycles7 years ago
  • Gun camo's for COD BO 2?

    How much do they go for? Tried finding them in the game store section and nothing came up. Tried finding answers on the net as well but still no luck.

    Thx for help with this.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • MW 3 Non Elite map packs come out when?

    I bought a 20 Playstation money card thingy and realized cause I'm not an Elite member that I can't get any of the new map packs that came for MW 3 on my PS3.

    Does anyone know when these maps will be available for those who didn't buy the Elite membership stuff?

    If you can include a link as actual proof it would be much appreciated. Thx to all those who answer.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What song is being played in Shrek 3?

    It's after Shrek tells Artie/King Arthur to take off so that Prince Charming wouldn't kill him. It's a guy singing and there's a girl whose either a back up singer who sings parts of the song as well.

    Does anyone know the either name of the singer? Or the name of the song? Thx my wife has been wanting to know who sings it.

    3 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • Is the leather jacket Dean wears in Supernatural out of fashion?

    My wife tends to think it's dated in the fashion sense. I always thought myself that leather jackets never went out of style. What do you all think? Thx to all who answer.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Is Star Wars on blu-ray better than Special editions?

    I currently have 5 of the regular special edition dvd's. My ? is for those who own either the woke set or part of it. In the edition I got they added some stuff that looked stupid and I was hoping that on the blu-ray version they fixed that or not?

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • AC Brotherhood multiplayer questions?

    My wife and I play Wanted on this game for the PS3. We've noticed this has happend to both of us and wondering if it's something were doing wrong or if it's my controller screwing up.

    The problem is when we have someone chasing after us to kill us it doesn't always let us stun them. We push and hold the circle button but do we need to be locked onto them for it to work or is it just really good timing on when to stun them? For example I was behind the guy who wanted to kill me and pushed and held the circle button for nothing to happen apart from of course him turning around and killing me rather easily.

    Plus noticed by times it's showed both my wife and myself starting to stun somone just for it to turn around and show our attackers killing us how come?

    Hate glitches too in this game seriously hope they fix them for the new one coming out cause for me being almost at the very top of building climbing and my attacker being on the ground going through the motions of knocking me off is utter b.s. too.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Batman the dark knight rises/wikipedia ?

    Normally I like reading about a movie if I know I can't see it in theaters right up or have to wait for it to come out on dvd/blu-ray. Anyone know why the last Batman film when I looked up on wikipedia for the plot line they don't have anything on it? Especially when the film was supposed to come out July 20th and were now in August I found it a bit odd. Thx for anyone who can answer this or even better give me a link to show me the plot for the movie itself.

    3 AnswersWikipedia10 years ago
  • Reporting someone in COD Black Ops?

    How would I go about reporting someone in the game? They are not in my friend list but I played or more or less tried playing a match of demolition with TheGouvernator_1 along with 2,3, and 4 of the same name.

    Apparently their way of playing the game is to camp around at the enemies respawn points and mow them down as soon as they appear not to mention getting all the killstreaks possible involved to help them even more.

    Sent him an unfriendly private msg telling basically when he grew up and learned how to play the game without cheating to come look me up. I didn't threaten in any way but told him off real good and supposedly got a msg saying he reported me. Wanna return the favor cause I'm sorry I wasn't in the wrong on that one. For someone whose gonna do nothing but cheat in the game than it's pointless for them to play.

    Other details: this is on PS3 only and pls be as detailed as possible in how I'm supposed to go about reporting him. Thx

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • COD Black Ops questions?

    1st question when you get a killstreak of 11 and your flying around in the attack chopper a Cobra I believe. Is it possible to shoot off flares so that ppl who are trying to shoot you down will mess up and not be able to lock onto you? In 1 of my matches I was playing I swore I saw some sparks or something coming from the chopper when somone was trying to shoot him down.

    2nd question The Strela launcher the one that only takes out only aircraft. How does it work exactly cause I've used it a few times been locked onto choppers or spy planes and the bloody thing doesn't seem to fire when I hit the button to fire. Am I doing something wrong possibly?

    Thx to those who can help with my questions and for those who play this game on their PS3 my gamer tag is Deadman_Inc80.

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • iPhone/YouTube app problem?

    Having a prob with my YouTube app on my iPhone. It says it cannot connect to YouTube. Anyone else experiencing the same problem or is it my cell phone in general that's messing up? Wanted to delete it and reinstall it just like that but can't delete it apparently. Even tried looking it up on iTunes too but no luck there either.

    3 AnswersYouTube10 years ago
  • Assassins Creed Revelations song?

    Anyone know whose playing the song in the background in one of the videos? It's a guy singing that's all I know. The video I'm referring to is at the end of the video they show Enzio at Masayaf where you do the leap of faith and you have a Templar putting a noose around Enzio's neck.

    Both my wife and I really like the song but don't have a clue who sings it.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Call of duty black ops escalation?

    In the zombie part is that the part where you can play as Sarah Michelle cellar aka Buffy? Saw something mentioned about it on tv once and something to do with you could fight George Romero as a zombie boss.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Playing COD Black OPS on Playstation Network problem?

    This problem has occurred more than once when I've tried playing online. Example it lags really bad. While running it's like my character jerks in place while trying to do anything walk,run,shoot. Last night I was playing in Havana I believe and I was trying to get inside a building and the next screen I see shows me out in the middle of the street surrounded by 4 or 5 guys who quickly wasted me.

    Even better I don't even touch my controller and my character continues to move on his own a few times.

    Anyone else have this problem while playing or is it just me? Or the playstaion network? Is there a patch to fix this problem as well?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • What song is playing when they show darth vader in the older movies?

    It goes dum dum dum dum de dum dum de dum or at least that's the best I can do for spelling out the beat. Wanna get that song on my cell. So The most detail would be awesome thx.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Future video games similar to Heavy Rain?

    Is there a way to know if they are gonna develop more games similar in terms of game play like Fahrenheit,Heavy Rain and the soon to be released L.A. Noire?

    If there is a site that gives a list of games like this that are sure to come out pls give a link.

    My wife is into these style of games and we had Fahrenheit and beat it same goes for Heavy Rain but we still got that one. And waiting for to get L.A. Noire when it comes out.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Images superimposed on tv screen?

    First I have a Samsung 32 inch LCD t.v. which is only 2 yrs old. I noticed first at the top right hand corner there is mark of a channel we watch a lot which is superimposed on the screen. And just today my wife and I noticed we have vertical lines on either side of the screen now.

    Is this something that can be repaired or am I going to have to buy another t.v. entirely?

    Never had this happen to any other of my t.v.'s before.

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • PS3 COD Black Ops Zombie Questions?

    Need some serious help. My wife and I we've been playing Kin der toten I believe that's how you spell it anyways.

    1. Where do you find the fuse to get the power back on?

    2. How many pts am I looking to waste get the doors open from the beginning of the board to there?

    3. What is the best gun to use if any? My preference so far is to take the sniper rifle and my wife likes using the shotgun.

    4. Is there a good strategy in dealing with the hell hounds?

    Next board called "Five". Where do we go in general? Same questions apply concerning how do get to the computer room? Have no clue where to go lol. We unlock the door where you have the automatic gun on the wall and that's as far as we get concerning opening up doors. We get overrun by round 5 or 6.

    Pls be as detailed as possible. Thx

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago