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  • should I get 24 or 12 count acrylics?

    This is for my college level 2D design class. My teacher asked us to buy the 24 count acrylics set, I'm wondering if 12 count would suffice.

    He said we didn't have to get the really expensive paint brush he wrote on the list, that he picked it because he thought it was the best one...

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Should I take painting class?

    I don't have an experience with painting, at all. But I did really enjoy my drawing class and I'm thinking of taking an illustration minor. I'm taking 2d design next semester already.

    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • What should I get my dad's girlfriend?

    I never know what to get her for christmas. We are not very close.

    She was raised jewish and she said she really likes rye bread? She cooks nearly everyday. She likes michael jackson. She has a son who's about 14 and a dog.

    I don't like to pick out clothes for other people, even though i think i know what she likes.

    i don't know because she and my dad make enough money they have everything they want.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for buying fake glasses?

    I want to look smarter :D

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I have to use up a pen...?

    My first assignment for foundation of drawing is to use up a bic pen with in a week.

    I need suggestions for doodles and mini art to create enough variety for myself!

    I'll be referring back to this question through out the week so hopefully you can give me some useful suggestions :D

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • can you help me find my bra size?

    I've tried every bra calculator... now i'm just confused.

    I normally wear a 34D but they feel uncomfortable sometimes i wear a 34C and the straps are too short.

    my measurements:

    31 around my back, 37 widest point, 34 above my breast

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • how do you get bugs out of your house?

    I moved into an apartment a few months ago. it is in the basement of an old apartment.

    After a month or two I'm pretty sure a mouse or rat died in a wall that abutted the storage section of the basement. It smelled really horrible and my landlord came to check it out, he told me that there wasn't anything he could do unless he cut out the wall. We agreed that I would call him back if it got worse, and he gave me industrial strength deodorizer in the mean time. Well the smell went away then for a week or two I had some tiny moth things flying about, those died off but i still see one or two. I also have flies occasionally and spiders, but I think they are unrelated.

    I don't like having ANY bugs at all but I don't think that they're bad enough to complain about since they are just one or two harmless bugs. My chihuahua really likes catching the moths and flies anyhow so they don't stick around...

    I just don't know how they're getting in, and i want to know the best way to prevent them. I'm not used to living anywhere that has any bugs at all. I am phobic of cenitpedes and I'm worried they'll be next.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I trust my boyfriend but i feel really jealous?

    My new boyfriend (2 months) and I get along really great. I trust him and he trusts me and we are very happy together.

    The only problem is that he gets texts from his ex girlfriend sometimes. They say things about how she regrets breaking up with him, and it was the biggest mistake she's ever made, that she's still in love with him. Also sometimes she'll ask him to come visit her.

    I found out about her because she texted him and i jokingly pretended to be suspicious and ask him who she was. He told me the truth that it was his ex girlfriend, and he was upfront and told me that she sent him these texts and that he told her that he was dating someone else now. I didn't tell him that it made me upset even though it did and I know that he has continued to received similar texts and he ignores them. They still talk as friends about other things.

    A couple weeks ago when he spent the night he set his phone alarm. i turned it off when it went off in the morning and noted "wow you have lots of texts!" he asked who they were from and i opened up his text app and saw that she texted him again more about how much she missed/regretted breaking up with him. i didn't say anything at first but it made me so angry. he asked me what was wrong and i told him i saw the text and i was sorry for being nosy. he said that i wasn't being nosy because he asked me to check his texts.

    I don't think that he'll leave me for her at all but it makes me jealous that he is receiving that kind of attention from another girl.

    I wish i could ask him not to talk to her but I don't want to be controlling. I've had a jealous boyfriend before and I don't want to be like him. I want to treat my boyfriend right and let this go but I just don't think what she is doing is right.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how to let things go...?

    A couple months ago my ex started a lot of drama with me. Through out the relationship he was ridiculously jealous of me and a guy friend that i didn't hang out with that much to begin with. After we broke up I started hanging out with the friend more.

    We would go to the bar and since i lived close to the bar I offered to let him sleep over (in my bed because i'm poor and I don't have any guest space). It was completely not sexual and he did stay over a few times but nothing happened except mid-sleep spooning. My ex found out and decided this was grounds for calling me a liar and saying that I liked the friend all along.

    I was infuriated and he didn't believe me when i told the truth. The story got so twisted that i couldn't set it straight. None of my friends would back me up either. My best friend started hanging out with my ex and when i told her she was being shitty - she told me she didn't want to be in the middle of it. She told me that she thought that i liked my friend too because i normally don't let guys sleep over as just friends. Our friendship was already on the rocks as it was. I finally moved out of the apartment my friend and i had together and I stopped talking to her. Since I moved all my friends that were friends with my ex/bff stopped talking to me - which is most of them.

    My real best friend lives out of town. Ihave a new boyfriend who is a sweetheart and i told him about this stuff and he supports me.

    I feel like i can't let this stuff go though, it still makes me so angry. It makes me so angry that my friend(s) threw me away like that and that my ex was irrational, manipulative, and mean. I'm tired of complaining/thinking/living this. I don't even interact with these people but it's something i think about everyday.

    I am tired subjecting my bf to listening to me complain about it. I'm tired of hanging out alone too. I've made minimal effort to branch out but I feel like I'm having a hard time trusting people or finding people that I really want to be close with.

    I want to know how to let go all of this anger and sadness from being betrayed and how to make new friends.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • how rap is affected by geography?

    I need help getting started on my geography cultural diversity paper.

    I want to write about how rap is different by locations (ie east coast, west coast, south, midwest).

    My thesis is something like: Rap’s varied sounds have been modified by its specific geographies as it has developed.

    I am not sure where to look for non-internet sources.

    I'm honestly just scared to start writing it's such a broad topic I don't even know where to start! I am not that knowledgeable about rap actually and i though this would be a good way to learn.

    What would be a good rough outline to follow? should i change my thesis?

    6 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • how rap is affected by geography?

    I need help getting started on my geography cultural diversity paper.

    I want to write about how rap is different by locations (ie east coast, west coast, south, midwest).

    My thesis is something like: Rap’s varied sounds have been modified by its specific geographies as it has developed.

    I am not sure where to look for non-internet sources.

    I'm honestly just scared to start writing it's such a broad topic I don't even know where to start! I am not that knowledgeable about rap actually and i though this would be a good way to learn.

    What would be a good rough outline to follow? should i change my thesis?

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • my exboyfriend is a bully?

    My ex won't leave me alone. he keeps texting me things that are cruel and untruthful.

    i tried very hard after we broke up to be friends, but i think he is just too jealous.

    now whenever he gets drunk he texts me for hours saying i'm a liar and a ***** etc.

    last night he texted me from 3am to 5am. i keep telling him that i don't care and to please leave me alone - clearly that isn't working.

    He got really angry last night because i told a mutual friend that i hope things won't be weird between her and i since he is angry at me. She said no way i think you're cool and you didn't do anything wrong to me, she also said that she is confused about what happened. He didn't lie about me to her, but i think he's said lies about me to other people - because some of our mutual friends do avoid me now.

    last week he originally texted me and told me to delete his number - i thought he was angry because he saw me out with another guy. I gave him some days to cool down and asked him if he wanted to talk about it (because i was still trying to be friendly/understanding). he blew up and started telling me how everyone hates me and all the other things he likes to say.

    my friends are still friends with him, and i guess i can't make them stop being his friend, but i wish that they would stick up for me. I've explained the situation and they know about the lies he tells, even lies about them behind their back.

    I don't know who to talk to. I'm in college, it's not like I can talk to the school guidance counselor about this or call his mom.

    I really just want to be left alone.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how can i be more charming?

    I want to be more likable and personable. I am the type of person who has a propensity for either saying the exact wrong thing, or saying things in a way that make people think i'm being mean.

    I'm sure you can see how this could be a downfall socially and even professionally. How do i stop saying things that are wrong, when i don't know that i'm saying them?

    I actually really like everyone and I want to get along.

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • domestic abuse in a rental situation?

    i'm pretty sure the husband who shares our duplex is abusive to his wife.

    i want to do something about it, but i'm afraid that he will turn on me and my roommates if i contact someone. i'm definitely sure they'll know we are the ones who called because i don't think any of the neighbors can hear.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • domestic abuse in a rental situation?

    i'm pretty sure the husband who shares our duplex is abusive to his wife.

    i want to do something about it, but i'm afraid that he will turn on me and my roommates if i contact someone. i'm definitely sure they'll know we are the ones who called because i don't think any of the neighbors can hear.

    is there any thing i can do?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • high quality casual shoes?

    I am REALLY tired of my shoes falling apart.

    I am not a crazy person who does destructive things to their shoes. i just do normal things like walk my dog and go to the bar, etc.

    but i can't seem to find a pair of quality casual shoes. normally i have to throw out a pair of flats or tennis shoes ever 3 months.

    i have had the same pair of running shoes though for almost a year and i trail run 3 times a week, so i know that quality built shoes are a possibility.

    so please please tell me where i can get a pair of reasonably priced shoes that won't fall apart on me. and also are cute (i am looking for a pair of tennis shoes like keds right now).

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Friend is starting to drive me crazy?

    She's very jealous if i spend time with other people, and that's how she originally started to get on my nerves.

    I was hanging out with a boy i liked and she was angry and saying i was "blowing her off". I also make things "awkward" by inviting him to go out with us even though it was the last night I could see him before he moved!

    She was also jealous when i got invited to hang out with our friends but i didn't ask her if she wanted to go, she hangs out with people all the time with out me. I don't get jealous because that is normal.

    I told her she was jealous and she was like I know, but didn't apologize.

    now i feel like she's always nagging and picking on me. Like i said that i didn't want to order an appetizer at a restaurant that i didn't particularly care for because we can make it at home and the other things were better. But when she ordered it and i ate it she just nagged me about how much i was "hating" untill i was like "OMG stop it!" Then she acted like I was totally wrong for raising my voice and she wasn't antagonizing me.

    I am also annoyed that she always complains about things but never takes action to fix them. She is so passive and sometimes passive aggressive. When she has problems with her roommates instead of having a conversation about it she just whines to me. She'll leave angry notes to her roommates and get an attitude and slam doors and ****. She is never open minded about the situation either, she always thinks she's right and the other person is always wrong.

    I just really needed to vent a little, but if anyone has something constructive to say I'd like to hear it. All these little things add up and my attitude is not very good. I don't even want to hang out with her anymore because she wears me so thin. But she acts like her feelings are so hurt when i don't spend time with her.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • how should i do disco make up?

    i'm going to a roller disco party tonight.

    i need some ideas on how people wore make up in the 70s. if anyone has any pictures or videos to help me that would be great.

    any ideas at all.

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • My face breaks out when i wear sunscreen?

    i already normal sunscreen makes me break out, plus it makes the skin on my face burn - a lot.

    So i went to the store and bought aveeno moisturizer with 15spf. and that made me break out too.

    I am very frustrated because i don't want to have cancer in the future and discoloring and wrinkles. but right now i dont want to have acne. I have had acne for the last 11 years of my life and finally figured out that by not washing my face looks better than it ever did. I have only had like 3 months of no acne and to go back to it is going to make me crazy. I broke out all last week and i felt so ugly!!

    I go exercise everyday outside in the sun, so i really need a solution :(

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago