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  • How can the democrats save the economy?

    Clinton ran us into the first depression since 1946

    though carter seemed to do good.

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why did everyone forget that Clinton had the worst recession since the depression.?

    and now Demo crats are saying they can save the greatest economy since wwii?

    There is a reason demo's only won 3 of the last 10 presedential elections. They hurt America.

    8 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • All i think about is boobies,, Is there something wrong with me?

    Not like in a sick or perve way. I just always end up thinking or noticing boobies.

    Boobies FTW.

    18 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How is Obama the candidate for change when he always votes party lines?

    People are dumb.

    Funny part is McCain is more about change then Obama.. but dumb people just see ignorance.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is gay marriage such an issue?

    Personally gay people telling me i need to respect thier marrage is close to me telling them they need to be straight.

    but really, Americans are free, if they want to be gay and married so be it.

    As to should states recognise them as a marraige. i would have to say yes. Though the main reason government support marrage is to increase population growth to ensure government strength.. but still seperation of church and state and all that. Gay people are free to do what they want.

    for you religion nuts.. Jesus died for all of our sins.. and talked to prostitiues and tax collectors.. in those days much worse then ghey people.. get the message already. Love thy neighbor even if they are gay.

  • what exactly does the democratic party do for America?

    based on the census bruro, it doesn't really mater who is the presedent republican Democrate.

    the gdp has gone up a steady ammount since WWII

    Average house hold income goes up 6k

    The only differance is Democrates run high inflation while republicans run low inflation and low taxes.

    basically the only reason you would want democrats in is to destroy the American economy with high taxes.

    And before the dumb people start saying we are in a bad economy check the sensus berurue.. We have the highest GDP, House hold income, and low inflation since WWII.

    the rest is lies by the liberials. The MTV government of reality drama.

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Obama going to turn indian reservations into states?

    Would explain the 57 states coment.

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Anyone else think pulling out of Iraq is dumb?

    History already shows what will happen.. We leave.. we get vietnam, north korea..

    We stay.. most of europe, japan, south korea, china, Taiwan, hello most of the peaceful world is thanks to American military presence..

    Do any of you antiwar idiots have a clue what the most of the world is like? ever left america?

    good lord!

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Anyone else find Huckabee "the man of god with a smear campaign" funny?

    Politics is politics, but the fact that A preacher uses smear machines to attain public office is just plain hillarious to me.

    Good thing this guy doesnt have a chance.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Jena 6, How sad have we become?

    It is so sad and pathetic to see JJ, and sharpton parade around attempting to live some strange vision of their own elitism. Trying to relate this bored Teen's fighting to some type of true race war comparable to the institutionalized racism of Martha brooks, or the Kings age is just absurd.

    The truth is institutionalized racism is gone, defeated long ago by true brave hero's. If anything new racism is being instilled in our government toward White people. Jobs,colleges,scholarships etc.

    The fact that JJ, and sharpton try to kindle and feed on their own racism for personal gain makes me sick.

    The real fight of our age is the "I am a victim" mentality blacks are teaching blacks in America.

    Bottom line is there are jerks everywhere. No matter who or what you are they will give you hell. At the end of the day a black person will say all their troubles are because they are black, and others are racists. This instantly removes any accountability from the individual. Now no matter what they do, or what happens it is because they are a victim of racism. So they do nothing, or always push for their mule and 10 acers.

    Other people have to go home and evaluate their behavior, or performance. Regardless of right or wrong, they adjust to excel or achieve. They never sit around and become the victim.

    You know how i know?

    History! if you look back through old papers you will see how Irish people were considered social trash. They were even thought worse then blacks, and freed slaves. But they fought and strove to improve themselves and their environment. Now being Irish is actually something to be proud of.

    The same thing can happen to Blacks, African Americans, or what ever the PC thing. Until they stop with the self victimization, they will always be the cancer of our society.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is it just a matter of time before develops militant tendencies?

    AL Qaeda isn't really that special. All societies develop militant factions. In my life time Rep, and Demo have both become more and more extreme. With out a external focus all societies become self destructive.

    I am thinking its time to disband both demo, and repub.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is America Doomed because our education system has stagnated?

    The true purpose of education is to establish a social awareness and diversity into our youth. This allows for a continual evolution of our community.

    Educational stagnation results in the stagnation of the society. It is evident in the middle east were their education has not changed, and as a result their society is has been stagnate for 1000’s of years. Yet if you go to Japan their society has surpassed America, equal to their superior education.

    Even when advanced societies share their tech with 3rd worlds, there stagnate society a result of stagnate education, does not evolve to join the global community.

    Since our education system has stagnated are we stuck with irrelevant politicians, and hearing about Britney’s underwear every week.

    9 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Is America Dumb for making Prostitution, drugs illegal?

    First off, Illegalising them has never worked. even with a death pentaly as punishment, it still has never worked. Anyone that thinks we can some how make it work today after 2000+years of failure, is just dumb!

    Second: Anytime you have commerce, or any type of trade a govenment will evolve to manage the profits. In this case gangs, organized crime. By Illiegalizing anything, you basically create a militiant dictatorship inside of your socity. Any governement's strength is based solely on its economy. You can destroy them to a person and a new goverment will return. The only way to destroy a goverment is to take away its comerice. Just like Prohibition and the decline of Midwest gangs that rivealed local police in power. then just disappeared once alchoal was legalized.

    If anyone wants to truly destroy something, they need to control it. For that it has to be legal.

    Why do stuipid people rule the world?

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Evolution is a theory that has not yet been disproved?

    and i thought Evolution as a given!

    Thats right, evolution depends on missing links. Hmm i wonder why they call them "MISSING" links!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many times has man destroyed himself?

    They just found 80,000 year old beads.

    going by the last 3,000 years we could have nuked our selves 3-4 times over and no one would know.

    How long till Iran starts taking out civilization?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do creationalist evolutionists have a clue?

    Who are these people and endlessly beat this to death?

    Since Evolutionists can't prove there is no god.

    And the creationalists can't prove evolution was part of god's plan.

    Let alone niether of them can even prove thier own theory.. Why are we even listening to them?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • HD DVD- blu ray the dumbest argument ever?

    Is there really any point arguing over this?

    Since the media hasn't changed (cd) its just a matter of time before dual players come out that can play both. Especially since there is an upgradeable software application inside of them. Hence the delay in starting up.

    You know like the entire Muilty regional mess they created for more money?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Does Dick durban ever tell the turth?

    Obstructionist democrates are out of control.


    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Would you want a cyborg moth?

    The future is here. how much you want to bet they are testing chips on dead bodies? Zombies here we come.,2933,276182,00.html

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago