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Favorite Answers12%
  • White mum - Turning purple!?

    I purchased a white mum about a month ago. i noticed today that as the white flowers are dying off, new ones are coming in purple! Its so odd. Is this typical or is there a type of mum that usually does this?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I am so disgusted re: Fannie/Freddie Mac?

    I cannot believe that our Federal Gov't is stepping in to take over these twin lenders.

    Why has it become MY responsibility to bail out these lenders?

    I am a responsible saver and homeowner.

    I do not extend my credit and I buy what I CAN AFFORD.

    What the h*ll is it coming to?

    How do yuo feel about this? Both sides of the arguement welcome - Thanks

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Ice maker problem- Frigidaire?

    My ice maker stopped working. i checked all parts to make sure that ice wasn't jammed in the back etc.

    So I call repairman. he comes out this morning, checks everything and tells me that it's in working order (although he has done NOTHING in the way of replacement parts, repairs etc). He just "checked" out all the components to the tune of $125-

    He tells me to wait overnight and see if it makes ice. If it doesn't, I am to call him back - he will order a new icemaker ($150) + $30 service call for a re-visit + labor.

    Does this sound right? How come he didn't come with all the needed items to make a repair if needed? I feel as if I was simply charged for diagnostics and he didn't even do that. Isnt that like bring in your broken car and being told - well, it looks ok but if its still broken tomorrow I will charge you again when I FIX IT?

    Any knowledgable people or appliance repair persons want 10 points? Please HELP!! Thank you for reading

    14 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What kind of trees should I plant?

    I live in the Northeast and want to plant trees at my property line for privacy.

    I am looking for the most affordale tree that is:

    1. tall, fast-growing and dense

    2. good for privacy

    3. affordable.

    4. deer resistant

    I would probably want to start out in the 6-7 foot range.

    Any answers/suggestions would be appreciated and

    BEST ANSWER = 10 points.

    thank you for reading

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Family Drama.HELP!!?

    I cut ties with my mother about a month ago b/c she is a terrible alcoholic that won't help herself. I paid for her to go to rehab and the she started drinking 2 weeks after she got out. She refuses to go to AA and wants to keep drinking - Her choice.

    My choice is to refrain from including her in my family. I am married with a 2 year old and a new baby on the way. I cant stand the drama and b/s that she adds to my life!!

    I have made "the break" CLEAR to my entire family, yet my aunt (her sister) came to town to visit me and did not 'get it". She would talk about my mother a lot and make hints at us "making up". My mother was calling the house to talk to my aunt and it was all stressing me out!

    All the anxiety came to a head last night and I cried for 2 hours. My husband lovingly and gently asked her to leave this morning and there were lots of tears. I feel awful but my family needs to respect my wishes if they want to be a part of my life, right?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Family Issue - HELP!?

    I decided to cut ties with my alcoholic mother about a month ago. She went to rehab and started drinking a week after she got out.

    After 30+ years of stress having a mother like this, I decided that it would be healthiest for my family (my husband, my 2 year old and me) to cut her out. Things have been pretty stress-free since then.

    My problem lies with her sister (my aunt, whom I am very close with). My aunt somehow doen't understand what 'cut ties" means. She tells my mother things that I share w/ her that prompt my mother to call me - therefore, I have to avoid her when i see the caller ID. My aunt thinks that "my mother should know...this or that".

    My aunt has plans to come and stay with me next week for 5 days (she lives out of town). Im not sure how to handle this when I know that she will want to see my mother while she is here. She doesnt want to STAY with my mother (of course) b/c of the drinking situation. I dont want to put anyone in the middle, I just want OUT

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My toddler injured her leg?

    after a hard fall in the yard. We took her to the ER on Saturday after she would not stand on it. They xray'd and it came back neg. She still wouldn't bear weight on it on Sunday, we called her regular pediatrician and he met us at the office on Sunday. Additional xrays were ordered and done this morning - still came up neg for fracture.

    My toddler will bear ZERO weight on it and therefore cannot walk. Pediatrician said to call tomorrow if no improvement.

    I have heard that toddler fractures dont always show up on xrays. If she's no better tomorrow, I cannot do the "wait and see" routine for any longer. I am pretty concerned that it may be a break.

    Anyone know anything about this?

    Best and most thorough answer=10 pts. THANKS!

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Toilet training...HELP!!?

    I have been practicing toilet training with my 23 month old. I want to let her go at her own pace but she REFUSES to keep a diaper on. Every time I put one on, she strips her pants off and off comes the diaper too.

    She will sit on the toilet and likes the idea of flushing and washing hands - but thats it.

    I've tried pull ups and "big girl" pants and she hates them - they come off too!

    Every morning (and after naps) I go in and get her and find a stripped off diaper and poop and pee (in the bed, on the floor). Changing all bedding 2x a days and this is really gross for her and I don't know what to do.

    Any helpful hints to get us thru while potty training is in process? Thanks to all who answer and 10 pts. for best informative and thorough answer.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy concern?

    I had my HCG levels drawn at 4wks 6 days = 1675

    24 hours later = 2400

    This is just under a 50% increase and i know that they are supposed to "double"

    I have had some on and off, slight cramping 9isolated, i think that is normal)

    And not to be too "graphic" but instead of vaginal discharge being white (like it is in pregnancy) I have found some that has a bit of an orangish tinge to it (sort of weird I think)

    Does any of the aforementioned seem of concern?

    The doctor wants to see me next week for ultrasound. She said it is just to "confirm and be sure of dates". She also did not seem to concerned with the HCG levels but it seems odd to me.

    thanks to all who answer and 10 pts. for best answer!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy trivia?

    ok, it's not really trivia...but it is fun to play all these little guessing games.

    I just found out I am 5 weeks along. HCG levels at 1465 yesterday and will go for 2nd one tomorrow.

    Uterus is measuring large 7-10 weeks but it was too soon to see anything on transvaginal ultrasound yesterday - so I am definatly not that far along

    Don't know why but I am thinking twins between the large measurement and HCG levels. I am over 35 and have one child already (age 2)

    What have your experiences been...just curious what everyone thinks.

    Thanks to all that answer and 10 pt for best answer!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy Question?

    I am 5 weeks according to LMP.

    By examination, I measured large at 7-10 weeks.

    I had a transvaginal ultrasound done and NOTHING was seen.

    Doctor ordered HCG levels and I had them drawn this morning. Doctor is looking at possible etopic pregnancy.

    Why would my uterus measure so large?

    Doctor also said that sometimes nothing is seen at 5 weeks...but I'm not comfortable believing that.

    Anyone been thru this? I have another blood draw on Saturday then will have to wait until Monday for anything conclusive...the waiting is h*ll.

    Thanks to all and 10 pts. for best answer.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Confused about how far along in pregnancy?

    I saw doctor yesterday. According to LMP, I should be about 5 weeks. Doctor said I measure 7-10 weeks but this makes no sense to me. Also, 3 week range seems like a lot to me.

    I had a period in January, February and March - all on time

    (they may have been shorter?) My period was due on 3/21.

    1st test was 3 days before period and it was so faint, i had to really analyze to see even a slight line. 2 days later, it was glowing!

    When did I conceive if I am 7-10? We used protection..and would'nt my 1st test have picked this up if I am really that far along? im kinda freaked out

    I am over 35. Could it be twins? fibroids?

    2 weeks until ultrasound. Anyone else have this experience? What was the outcome?

    Lastly, I JUST started with the major constant headache and breasts are only slightly sore (2nd pregnancy in 2 years)

    Thanks to all who answer and 10 pts for best and thorough!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy question?

    I took HPT on thursday and it was slight positive line. Retested on Sunday and glowing bright positive line. So I am in fact pregnant.

    QUESTION: According to LMP, I would be 5 weeks pregnant. But, my last 2 periods were shorter and I have been tired for the past 2 months as well.

    What do you think my chances are of having conceived 2-3 months ago? i am hoping that the HPT being slight on Thursday and then darker on Sunday is a good indicator of a recent pregnancy.

    Any experience with this ? best answer = 10 pts. thanks

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant 5 weeks!?

    Very excited - due 12/25!

    Our 1st born is a girl. In our families, I am first born girl, my husband's sister is the 1st born, each with a boy being the 2nd born.

    Is there any connection between birth orders in families (gender wise)?

    We are hoing for a boy.....but more important than that, a healthy baby (boy or girl)....this will be our last

    Anyone have any experience with this either way....just curious. I know there is no scientific data.


    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Major Family Problem..advise?

    My mother is a desperate everyday drinking alcoholic. My step father was unemployed for 2 years and they are now losing their house to foreclosure & have to be out in one month.

    My mother continues to get sloshed every single night and I cannot have conversations with her on the phone. By 6PM...she is drunk!

    They have no where to go and I cannot take them in. I have my own family (husband and baby) and we are normal people.

    i love my mother but dont know if I can legally do anything to have her committed. She has no insurance and no desire to quit drinking. If I allow her into my home, i might as well get divorced. it would be a nightmare.

    I feel guilty like there is something I can do. We have already leant them several thousand dollars to pay for bills and I cant do anything more.

    im pretty sure that she thinks that if they become homeless, that she can stay here. No way. What can i do? there is a teenage kid involved too that I cant take in!!

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How to Stop Jehovah's Witness People from Coming to My Door?

    SERIOUSLY....Someone knocks on my door 1-2 times a month. I had to chase one lady out of my driveway one time. Is there anything that I can do to make them stop? It is harassment at this point. They ring the bell while my baby is sleeping, the dog barks and all h*ll breaks loose (no pun).

    Any creative suggestions? I've already told them that I've found God and don't want to hear about their "Good News".

    What a bunch of freaks.

    10 pts for best answer. Thank you for reading

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My Mother met some guy online?

    and they have been chatting thru instant messenger for about a year.

    She lives in The States and he is in England.

    They arranged to meet and flew to a destination today for vacation.

    I think she's crazy and I don't approve.


    I know her flight arrived over 2 hours ago

    She promised to call me once she got in

    She doesnt pick up her cell - it rings but then I goes to voice mail (so I know the phone is on)

    How long do I wait before taking some kind of action?

    I starting to get even more worried than I was before

    What should I do and how long to I continue to wait?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Uncle Doing Hard Time in Prison?

    My family and I are all very shaked and saddened by this. Although we do not condone his offense and we belive he should "do his time for his (unexcusable) crime", I am looking for ideas on how to emotionally support him over the next 10 or so years!

    I am writing casual letters 2x a week and I have mailed in a few books.

    Anyone here have any experience behind bars or dealing with a loved one in prison?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Looking for a Fun Adult Board Game?

    We are hosting a small adult New Years Eve Party with

    3 couples.

    What is a fun board game to play to keep everyone awake and laughing until midnight?

    6 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Controlling Father In law?

    My husband works for his fathers business and is slowly getting shares. The plan is that eventually, my husband will inherit the business.

    My father-in-law will only do this if my husband has a will done to give the shares back to his father (if my husband dies 1st) or to leave the shares to his sister if the Dad dies before my husband.

    I think this is wrong. My children should be recipients of their fathers hard work - not my sister in law, nieces and nephews.

    My husband has taken out a lot of life insurance and this would take care of me and my children forever in the event he dies but I think its morally wrong to have to leave the business back to his Dad or sister.

    Am I wrong? His Dad also made us get a prenup before we got married or he wouldnt give shares to my husband.

    I can understand that my father in law might not want an ex-wife to go after a family business...but isn't a widow different?

    Even our estate planner is having a hard time with this arrangement

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago