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  • How can I prove to the contractor and manufacturer that my replacement windows are not good?

    I replaced all of the windows and doors in my house. My house is still cold in all the rooms and I cannot sit on the couch or chairs by the windows. It doesn't matter what I put the thermostat on. The heat warms the interior corridors, then when we walk into a room with windows it is cold. When I open the blinds in the morning, a blast of cold escapes into the room. I also feel a small amount of cold air leaking at the window corners where the glass meets the vinyl frame. The window sills and glass are cold. It seems that the cold comes right through the glass itself. These are low e, argon gas double panes (Ideal 4500 series windows). Is there a technical test to prove that these windows are not good so that I can argue this to the installer and manufacturer?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are cancers in dogs contagious to another dog who smells or licks the area of the cancer?

    Do you know if dog cancers are contagious? My dog used to meet his doggie friend at the fence and they'd sniff nose to nose for a few minutes. His doggie friend was soon put to rest because he had malignant nasal tumors. Now I'm worried that some cells would have planted themselves into my dog's nose and he might develop this one day. Also, his other best doggie friend has bladder cancer. He has been going to lick his friend's private part over the past year whenever they meet. Although I pulled him away, I am concerned that he could have ingested some cells which might later develop in him. I did not know about these dog's cancers until they were long developed, months (even a year) later. Does anyone know if he can catch these cancers by sniffing or licking the diseased area?

    6 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Does an Irrevocable Trust get retitled to estate of . ., ., upon passing of the person the trust is named for?

    My mother has an irrevocable trust and I want to know if upon her passing it automatically gets retitled to "estate of" or does it keep the same name it currently has until we dissolve it or change it?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Senior pending NY Medicaid: Can I give a room in my house to an unemployed friend and not count her assets?

    If my friend, who is unemployed needs a place to stay and temporarily lives in my house for free (she'll pay for her food) do I need to add her to my Medicaid application? Does Medicaid even have to be made aware of her? I am only looking for Community medicaid, home health care services. She is not changing her address to mine, although it will be for a number of months.

    4 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Senior pending NY Medicaid: Can I give a room in my house to an unemployed friend and not count her assets?

    If my friend, who is unemployed needs a place to stay and temporarily lives in my house for free (she'll pay for her food) do I need to add her to my Medicaid application? Does Medicaid even have to be made aware of her? I am only looking for Community medicaid, home health care services. She is not changing her address to mine, although it will be for a number of months.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Where can I get help getting my earnest deposit and appraisal fees reimbursed?

    I am a first time home-buyer and my real estate agent knew the condo I went under contract with would not qualify me for a mortgage since it is only 40% owner occupied. My credit score is excellent, I would put down 30% and do not have other qualifying issues. This property advertises the low home owner occupancy rate and yet she pursued it for me, ordered the survey, inspection and appraisal at the same time, and now I cannot get a mortgage. She told me I have to sign the earnest deposit waiver or my contract would not be binding. She should have known better in all regards and she ill advised me at my expense. Isn't there any organization that I can go for help without incurring any more expenses? She knew I was inexperienced in this and counted on her professional guidance. This is in California.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Got prequalified for mortgage, survey& appraisal ordered, Was denied mortgage Should I get appraisal refunded?

    According to real estate agents I've questioned, after prequalification for a mortgage they order the survey. If satisfactory the appraisal is then ordered. My appraisal is satisfactory but the mortgage was denied after all this because of insufficient trade lines and the property is not FHA approved. Shouldn't they have known this after the survey and thus do I have the right to have my appraisal cost refunded? What advocate agency can I go to for help with this?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • free it training?

    Do you know of a free site that gives free self help IT training or re training?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Will a hit and run in parking lot raise my premiums?

    I have a clean driving record, my car was hit in a parking lot and I don't know who did it. Damage is $2400. Prior to this, I was rear ended three separate times and my insurance company got reimbursed from guilty party's insurance company. Do you think my premiums will be raised? How can I find out without filing a claim or revealing to the company my identity?

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • My Lhasa Apso, 19 pounds, has gas and vomitting today.?

    I gave him a 1/2 caplet of Pepto Bismo in a small portion of chicken, which has worked well for him before, but he threw up approximately 1/2 hour to 3/4 hour later so I don't know if he absorbed the Pepto Bismo or if I should give him another? Suggestions? Are there over the counter pet products for gas and vomitting? He also has bowel movements, which are normal.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Lhasa Apso has such a finicky digestive system?

    I have a 6 year old Lhasa Apso. He seems fine, but I am so tired of walking him. He gets walked about 10 - 15 times a day and actually needs each walk. He has bowel movements 4 - 6 times/day on the average, sometimes more, but never less. Is this really normal? I can't see how this is normal. I feed him Moist and Meaty and Iams minichunks. His food bowls are full and always available because he only eats once/day and then nibbles once or twice additionally and this hour is not predictable. He has a very sensitive stomach. Diarhea for 3 days with any gravies. What can I do? He seems fine, but isn't this number of BMs abnormal?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog swallowed rawhide. He's not obsructed but he's very uncomfortable. Is it Stuck? See a Vet or wait?

    2 days ago my Lhasa Apso was gleefully enjoying a rawhide chew. It was softened up and a few inches long (maybe about 2-3 inches or maybe longer and about 1 inch wide). I watched him and before I knew it, it was gone! He swallowed the whole remainder. I was on guard for signs of blockage. He's eating and has bowel movements. His bowel is sometimes formed but loose and other times just little amounts of colored mucous or like water. He has been very clingy to me and uncomfortable. He won't jump up steps and when I lift him up he yelps. I do feel a hardness in his abdominal area, so I figured it's the bloat or even the rawhide making it's way down. Is this just trying to digest or is it possible stuck, although not blocking him? Do I run to the vet now or give it another day? I hate to put him through an exam when he's so uncomfortable if it's not necessary.

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • is there a version of "Immodium" out there for dogs over the counter? My dog often has upset stomach.

    I took him to the vet so many times, he says he has a battle going on in his intestines (listens with stethoscope). He gives him a shot and pills to take for a few days which work. The pills, he says, are like immodium. My dog gets this every other month. Isn't there something over the counter I can get in the pet store? My dog is a Lhasa Apso and weighs 19 pounds.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog was sick, didn't eat all day diarhea and vomitting.?

    Yesterday, my dog was vomitting and had diarhea all day that came out of nowhere. I gave him a Lomitril pill that the vet had given me once before for him. There was no obvious reason for this. He didn't eat anything new. I gave him a lomotril pill which the vet had given him once before for same symptoms. If he wasn't better after that we were going to the animal hospital. It held him all night. Today he is not vomitting anymore and has no diarhea but still had his usual 3 - 4 bowel movements so far (it's evening) which were normal. He still was not eating so I boiled some white chicken breast. He was starved and devoured it "like an animal"! That was an hour ago and he seems happy now. He hasn't thrown up all day and his movements are formed. Question: without eating for 1.5 days and having diarhea all day, how can he still have significant bowel movements the next day? This can't be coming from any food? What could have caused this since he had nothing different to eat

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Installed Frontpage 2003. When I open a page I can only see it in code view, not in design view. What to do?

    Perhaps a setting got changed? I cannot see my page in design view, only in code view. I am afraid to change anything live without first previewing it. Should I just reinstall it or is there a setting or patch? I originally had Frontpage 2000 on the computer but did a complete install with 2003. I'm pretty sure that 2000 gets deleted automatically.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • FLEAS? Just one or maybe two, but what is the quickest way to help my dog? Does anything out there work FAST

    My dog's been biting the top of his tail where it connects to his back and his inner thigh. I followed all the advice given to me a few days ago and it seemed to work, but now I think he might have flea/fleas. I saw a single small thin, black bug his coat on 2 occassions. Might be the same bug or another? When I tried to grab it, it was so fast and disappeared into nowhere! I put the topical oil on him (Sentry - a kind that does NOT absorb into the blood) and gave him a flea bath (Hartz). He is still biting a few times a day. I don't know if there is a bug left or not since I can't find any or if he is just irritated. Now what do I do? Will Frontline Plus take too long to work at this point? Someone suggested the oil sold at Wal-Mart. Did that work quickly - the same day? PLEASE - ALL SUGGESTIONS!

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog keeps biting the top of his tail, where it connects to his back.?

    I don't see any fleas (he's white) and his skin looks normal, no rash or bites or anything. If he had worms wouldn't he walk on his butt? I do not think it is worms because he is not. There is nothing visibly wrong. He only gets an "itch" attack 3-4 times per day. I tried anti-itch sprays from the pet store but it doesn't help. Any ideas of what this could be or what to do? It's not a habit, it just started 3 days ago. When we scratch for him he really leans into it so I'm sure it's an itch. From what? What to do?

    22 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • When does a dog's deep exhaling (as if he's trying to cough) cause concern?

    On occassion, my dog exhales very hard as if he's either coughing or trying to exhale something. It's not like a reverse cough where he goes into spasms, more like a very hard attempt to exhale something, but then he's breathing fine. Thoughts on this? What could it be?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog's body contortioned: eyelid pulled down,back hunched, stand w head on ground, off balance.What could it be

    Dog never had medical problems. 6 years old. Lasted about 2 minutes. Fine now. What might they test for? He couldn't stand right. His head stayed chin down on the ground, his back was oddly arched and quivering, he kept falling over. Yes, I will go to the vet, but since this is the first time this happened and lasted only a minute or two, I'm not sure whether to pursue all the tests they will probably suggest. And of course if I see it again I will not hesitate to get him to the hospital - but any ideas what this might be? There were fire works last night that he was nervous about. Could this have been a fear reaction?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago