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  • is my pit bull seeing the small dog as prey or toy?

    i have a 4 year old american pit bull. she is only ever aggressive with other big dogs over food. other wise she is very passive rolls on her back anytime another dog approaches her. however if she is on a leash or chain and my small shitsu mix approaches her she uses her paws to roll him under her chest and lay on him. as soon as we say her name she lest him up and has never used her mouth. is she seeing him as a prey item,a toy or a puppy?

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • What is my religion I don’t know what to say when people ask?

    I was raised Catholic and did the Christian thing for a minute but ever sense I was a teenager I identified as Wiccan. As I have gotten older my beliefs have evolved to the point that I am no longer really Wiccan but maybe there is some other religion out there that encompasses my beliefs like Wicca did when I was a teenager. So I believe mostly in science but also believe that everything has energy. I don’t believe in gods in the strict sense that they have a physical being but the energy that they represent is there we just make it have a face bc we need it to understand. Also that everyone has there own reality there own perception of things that makes up there reality. So help me when people ask what religion I am what do I say?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So frustrated with low supply!?

    We just welcomed baby boy # 2 into our family 8 weeks ago. With my first son I tried and tried to breastfeed him. I did every crazy thing pumped so much I busted a blood vessel in my breast. Finally after 3 months of him loosing weight and screaming every time he was put to the breast I gave up and gave him formula and pumped what I could until I totally dried up after a week or so. Between babies I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition. I was certain that was the reason for my trouble the first go round now that it is being treated I should have no problem this time right? Wrong after him loosing weight we started supplementing him at 3 weeks. He does still take to my breast and wants that for comfort so he is getting something from me. He eats 4 oz bottle every 3-4 hours plus whatever he is getting from me which must not be much. I stumbled across an article about male lactation that said this man willed himself to lactate and with no stimulation at all and lactated. Its so frustrating! I’m pretty sure I have tried it all but please any advice. Or at least someone else who has been through this bc from everyone I have talked to it seems I’m the only person who just cant make enough milk.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how to fix a broken pump?

    i broke the pipe hooked to my submersible pump dropping the pump and tearing the wires out is there any way to fix it

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Breeding my ***** soon to go into heat. Southern “bull dog” hodgepodge?

    First and foremost save the lectures. I have a American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier mix. She is a very beautiful girl with a superb amstaff temperament and no health issues. She is showing signs that she may be going into heat soon. We may wait until the next heat as she is just 18 months old but my hubby is a bit anxious. Because of her mix she has the muscle shape and definition of the American pit but added bulk that is a trait of the American Staffordshire. However she also has the narrower head and longer muzzle of the American pit which I don’t find as desirable. Her mother the American pit was of relatively unknown origins but a good looking dog with a great temperament and a trained hunting dog with a strong instinct and great health. The father is of show dog quality but of the litter there were 2 brothers he was the better looking one but had a harder time focusing while being shown. His brother was a born showmen so the breeders chose him to show. Her breeder suggested to us the we breed her back to her father to fix the positive traits but I worry that it may be to close of a relationship to do that. There is another possible match for her an American pit and Staffordshire bull terrier mix, but less is known about his history. He seems to have taken more of the Staffordshire bull traits. He is wide and muscular but not very defined and shorter but still probably 40 pounds, he does have the shorter muzzle and wider head that I find desirable. However I worry that with him me may undo the positives of our ***** and end up with a litter of pups that resemble an amstaff staff bull mix. Any advice from experienced breeders.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • will i have to see a high risk ob for hypothyroidism?

    i will be ttc in 9 months and want to be prepared

    Pregnancy1 decade ago
  • going crazy thyroid wls vbac? Waiting to ttc?

    Ok this is going to be super long. I am married to a wonderful man and have an amazing son who will be 4 next month. I am overweight I weighted 333 when I got pregnant with my son and 350 when he was born. I was induced 8 days b4 my due date bc they were convinced that he would be big even though I had no medical problems and several ultrasounds said he was actually small. After 7 hours on pit they said I was failure to progress and I had a c-section my son was 6lbs 12oz not big at all even if I had had him late he probably wouldn’t have been over 8lbs. After my son was born my weight shot up my highest weight was 404. This was caused by hypothyroidism but I didn’t know. We wanted our children to be 3-4 years apart so even though I wanted to have another baby we waited. When it was finally time for us to ttc we got pregnant the second month. We were so excited but lost the baby at 9 weeks I was devastated. We started ttc after a month and nothing happened. After a few months I decided to go get some test ran. I hadn’t had my sugars or anything tested since I was pregnant with my son, just to rule anything out. That is when I was diagnosed as hypothyroid. I was told I needed to be on the medication for a year b4 I got pregnant. i worried about my weight and its effect on a pregnancy. I wanted to get the lap band surgery but planned to wait until I had another child so our kids wouldn’t be to far apart. After a lot of talking and reasoning we decided that it would be better for me to go ahead and get the surgery first since it would increase the chances of a pregnancy and reduce the chances of complications. I had the surgery jan 28th and have to wait a year, so I have about 9 months to go b4 we can ttc. It is killing me I hate waiting. I feel like my life is on hold my goal weight b4 pregnancy is 250. I am at 328 now so im on my way but this year is taking forever. So now for the question part. Will I be allowed to have a vbac? Will I have to see a high risk dr for my thyroid condition or my wls? If not will I be able to see a midwife. How likely is it that I would have a successful vbac? Is there any way in the world that I would be able to have a hvbac? Please tell me your vbac stories.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Bisexual mom need advice?

    I am a bisexual woman and am married to a man. I am the mother of a soon to be 4 year old and hope to have more children. My question is should I hide my sexual identity from my children, should I keep it a secret until they are old enough to ask or should I just let it be known so that its not a big deal. In some ways I feel like it doesn’t matter bc I am with a man so its not likely to come up. In other ways I want my child to know who I am, feel comfortable being who he is and not judge others based on something like this. Im not going to try to explain this to a 4 year old but in terms of hiding things from my past or saying someone like an actress is hot or whatever. I just don’t want it to be confusing. Kids tend to think of things as black and white and were I stand is hard for most adults to comprehend. I don’t want him to think that bc I like women I am going to leave his father. But then growing up I never thought my mom was going to leave my dad bc she had the hots for some actor or thought the guy down the street was cute. So advice should I lie to my son or just let him see the truth.

  • How do I explain this to my mom?

    First a little history. I have a son who is about to be 3 march of 2007 we decided to try for another. We got pregnant in April but lost the baby in June. After trying for several months and tracking my bbt it appeared that I was not ovulating so I decided to go to my regular dr and get some blood test ran to rule out anything. Well I ended up ruling it in I have hypothyroidism which was causing me not to ovulate. I’m on the medication now and have to wait at least a year before I can start ttc. When I got pregnant with my son we told my parents and sister and asked them not to tell anyone in case we lost the baby. With in 30 minutes my mother and sister had both told a few ppl. So when we got pregnant again we didn’t tell anyone we didn’t even tell anyone we were ttc. When I told her I was having a miscarriage her first response was made that I hadn’t told her I was pregnant. Ever since we lost the baby she now knows we were ttc and I have told her that I cant ttc for at least a year

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • feed them separately?

    We recently got a puppy she is a female pit. We also have another dog a small terrier mix we think lol. I have always just put food out and let my animals get what they wanted when the wanted it. the puppy seems to eat as much food as I put down and her father is known to eat until he gets sick. also the puppy needs a different kind of food than the other dog so I am inclined to feed them separately but I don’t want to cause food aggression down the line. So do you think that feeding them separately will cause food aggression and if I feed them meals what do I do if they don’t finish there food bc my older dog hardly eats at all and has weight gain issues so I don’t want to take his food away.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 5-6 years apart?

    My plan was always to have my children 3-4 years apart I figured it was far enough apart that I wouldn’t have 2 babies at once but still close enough that they could be friends. Well my son will be 3 in may and after a miscarriage and months of no luck I have discovered that I have hypothyroidism and I need to get my hormone levels regulated b4 I can ttc. at minimum a year So my son will be 5 or 6. It seems like a huge age gap to me and like they wont even feel like siblings. My question is if you have experience with this kind of sibling gap how do the children relate and any advise.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • White Bellied Caiques?

    i went and looked at birds today and a Caique caught my attention all the girls working there raved about them and the particular bird was very sweet. I’m more of a give me time to think it over person but my husband was in love so we put a deposit on the bird, after standing around for more than and hour then coming back and sticking around for another hour, and will go back in a couple weeks to get him (we are moving soon and didn’t want to double stress the bird and it gives us time to get ready for him) all i can find is some general info we got a book but i was wondering if anyone had any personal experience and i have seen some mixed info on citrus fruit i live in Florida and have allot of orange tangerine and grapefruit trees in my yard so it would be a very easy fruit to give the bird.

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Hypothyroidism how long b4 i can ttc?

    I have just been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I started on the medication about 2 days ago. My question for anyone with experience is how long before things should be regulated and how long after you start the medication did the dr give you the ok to try to get pregnant. I have been trying to get pregnant and decided to get some blood work ran to see if I could find a reason and that’s when this problem was discovered. If anyone has an experience with Hypothyroidism especially pregnancy with it please share. I know everyone is different.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Hypothyroidism?

    I have just been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I started on the medication about 2 days ago. My question for anyone with experience is how long before things should be regulated and how long after you start the medication did the dr give you the ok to try to get pregnant. I have been trying to get pregnant and decided to get some blood work ran to see if I could find a reason and that’s when this problem was discovered. If anyone has an experience with Hypothyroidism especially pregnancy with it please share. I know everyone is different.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • another Quaker or a different breed?

    4 years ago me and my husband had Quaker parrot. He used to belong to a friends father who after years of letting him have the run of the house locked him in a cage and ignored him. He was some what aggressive and had completely plucked his chest he looked like a thanksgiving turkey with a parrot head and wings. We had him about a year then either all seed diet ,prior to coming to live with us, or a hurricane which caused us to have to stay with a family member who hates birds and made him live on the carport he passed away(im relatively sure that the fumes may have done it) so we have some experience with a bird and one with behavior problems. We have decided to get another bird our first instinct is to get another Quaker but I know they have a tendency to be one person birds and would like the whole family to enjoy the bird my son of course when he is a bit older he is 3

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How do I support her?

    i am married to a wonderful man and we have an amazing 2 1/2 year old son. we decided we wanted to expand our family and got pregnant in April but lost the baby in June. we have been ttc since august when we got the ok from the dr. i have had some irregular cycles which i can only assume are my body still recovering form the miscarriage and d&c. then today i got a call from my younger sister balling and she asked me if pregnancy test were ever wrong i told her that a positive is a positive. so she is pregnant she apologized to me a million times and i kept telling her that it isn’t her fault that im not. her and her boyfriend just bought a house together but really didn’t want this to happen yet she is still finishing up her college and they just simple aren’t ready i guess to late now...she was on the pill but they were a low dose and she missed a pill. she hasn’t told anyone other than her boyfriend. so how can i be there for my sister when she needs me but i am hurting so badly

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • luteal phase length?

    ok I have been charting my basal body temperatures and every month they show a very clear ovulation on day 17 and 9 days latter i have a period. everything i read says that the luteal phase has to be at least 10 days to get pregnant. i have a 2 year old and had a miscarriage in June so i have become pregnant in the past but i wasn’t charting my temps either of those times but i had always had a 23 day cycle until the miscarriage. has anyone ever become pregnant under these circumstances or been through it and have advice.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • how bad is it?

    I live in Florida and have been told that drugs are an above average problem here. I know that they are every were but I have a relative that grew up in Detroit Michigan and spent several years in prison and says drugs are worse here than he has ever seen. Im going to list some questions and if you could put just the state you live in if you live in a big city or small town and answer them. If you don’t want to give your state on here either email me or put like your state plus 3 surrounding states.

    1 out of all the ppl you know how many regularly smoke pot

    2 of all the ppl you know how many regularly do some kind of drug

    3 of the ppl you know how many were at some time strung out on some thing (other than pot or alcohol)

    I am asking this in this section because I am a mother and I am concerned. We have been talking about moving just so he doesn’t have to grow up how we did. We really love it here but worry. We live in a small town. out of every person I know I can only think of maybe 5 that were not on some kind of hard drug at one point and most of the ppl we know do coke and pills regularly and just about everyone smokes pot. It has come to my attention in answering questions on here that maybe it isn’t like that every were? Meth is the worst here but I know a few ppl who were on crack also.

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Any words of wisdom?

    This isn’t really a question I just want support. In April after trying for our second child for only 2 months we got pregnant we were so happy but lost the baby in June. The way things happened was very hard for me. We were told that after 2 months we could start trying again. I just started my period today cycle 3 of trying. I know that isn’t very long but if you think about it it has been 6 moths of trying . Its hard to wait even though we know it will happen eventually. But the part that is so hard for me is I am married we own our home as well as our vehicles all out right we have a 3 bedroom house and a lot of love and I keep getting told about my cousin who doesn’t have custody of her 2 year old is now trying really hard to get pregnant buy some guy she has been dating for like a month she is homeless and her child is living with the grandmother who is soon to be homeless. She had an abortion since her daughter has been born and my uncles wife is apparently trying to get pregnant because there relationship is crumbling again partly because she is a crappy parent and they cant handle the 3 kids they have and make there oldest child responsible for the other 2. and with out getting into all the stories I know a million ppl in bad situations who are pregnant. I just don’t get it why did my baby have to be taken away from me. All I could say when I was told about my cousin was im going to be pissed if she gets pregnant b4 me!! I know everything happens the way it does for a reason and we have already been very blessed with our son and a lot of ppl don’t even have that. It just stinks why cant ppl who actually want to get pregnant and for the right reasons get pregnant. Like I said it isn’t a question I just need to vent.

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • traveling with a 2 year old?

    Ok im going out of state on a 24 hour drive with my 2 year old son and my parents. We are going to the family reunion and my hubby cant go :( but any way we are leaving on Wednesday I want to know if anyone has any suggestions of things to take or do on the trip. Anything you wish you had or couldn’t have lived without. We will be staying with family. My son has sleeping trouble even at home. We will stop once overnight each way. I have a special toy for the trip and a car DVD player im going to take his blanket and teddy bear he sleeps with at home and his story books.

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago