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  • Gun Control Legislation in the US?

    I know this is a touchy subject, but considering the actual events we have seen in the last 12 years, how many people in America will need to die by gun deaths before the nation speaks out and decides that change must happen?

    Will a million citizens need to die in a year's time?

    Would we consider making some kind of restrictions if one of the republican leaders had a relative die in a senseless gun death?

    I don't understand and would like some input so I can have faith that all these 'accidental' deaths, killing sprees, and other issues are not some plot to simply stop rising population pressure.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Daleks, Borg,or Reapers: Which is most powerful?

    Dr Who faces the Daleks all the time. They are focused on destroying all life and have won major battles against most every other species to the point where desperate measures have been needed to survive.

    In Star Trek, the Borg have adapted, improved and added technological uniqueness from every race they have conquered including some (not all) dimensional creatures.

    In the game, Mass Effect, an unbeatable foe of millions of living super ships wipe out all creatures capable of forming a civilization. This is done every 50,000 years and has happened for billions of years.

    So,if any of these three were pitted against any other, what could be a possible outcome? Are Reapers stronger than Borg? Would Daleks over come Borg but fall to Reapers?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Is the shaping of a political message going too far?

    I just saw a video that scared me because of the message that suggests people blindly spread bias onto consumer products without actually measuring the product itself. Is this idea going too far by attempting to change what I see by using a political agenda instead of product ratings based on popularity?

    Here is the video on YouTube?

    P.S. I am not politically active, I am just concerned about censorship.

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Wikileaks traffics in stolen goods?

    Based on U.S. laws, the information that Wikileaks is publishing was not sold legally, not obtained legally, and is not condoned by any legitimate body of trade or government. So the information (cables) that they have recently published, as of Nov. 29th 2010 should be considered trafficking in stolen goods. Am I wrong about this? Why has the U.S. government not brought legal action against Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange?

    Also, whoever has provided this information has committed treason, stolen the property, and trafficked across international borders. Has the government not worked on this as well?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Any guesses how your decisions in Mass Effect 2 will affect ME3?

    I have played ME2 several times and would like to know what other people think about some of the major decisions that are made near the end of the game.

    Who thinks the Geth will be critical to saving the galaxy and will converting the heretics help you or hurt you?

    At the collector base you can kill all living creatures or save the base itself.

    If you save the base, will you have a better understanding of Reapers and create a better solution in ME3, or will you go down the same technology path and be more easily converted to slaves when the Reapers return?

    Any and all ideas are welcome.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Do these revelations help us understand Tiger Woods' erratic play?

    We have all seen Tiger fall apart on his game and lose from time-to-time. The 2009 British Open was a great example of Tiger not performing well.

    Since the game of Golf requires concentration and confidence, do you think these infidelities could be part of why he has played so erratically when we know he should hit better shots with more frequency? Certainly his putting game has been disasterous after Torrey Pines. Maybe his passions and fears were keeping him from focusing on his game?

    3 AnswersGolf1 decade ago
  • Orthodox Jews are not allowed elevators on Sabbath?

    From a news site: "...ever since a rabbinical ruling last month outlawed them."

    My question is, WHY?

    I have a very hard time with the concept of any god wanting to harm a living being as this makes as much sense as wanting to have two of your children kill each other.

    Now, machinery is anti-religion too? How can a device that helps another human being be a problem to any omnipotent being? Is God offended by machines?

    Do machines make the Sabbath un-holy simply by the usage of the machine?

    Do Orthodox Jews use electricity on the Sabbath? It is created by machines as well.

    Please help me understand this ruling as it appears totally arbitrary and inane. (And if possible, make the rabbi who authorized this ruling live on the 10th floor.)

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Coast Lines under water?

    After a few years of being told that Ice shelves are crumbling, glaciers are melting, and if the ice melts, then ocean levels will rise, why are we not seeing this happen?

    Where are the signs of water levels rising that we have been warned would happen if all the ice is melting?

    (The beaches are still just a big in Hawaii, as they are along the Atlantic ocean.)

    5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago