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  • What book is this?

    It was made into a movie in the 90s or very early 2000s. It was about a man who is all quite and pious. The family are Quakers or if not Quakers then some type of lifestyle close to that. The wife is mean and due to being sickly she looks older. The wife invites her younger relative to live in their house in order to take care of the kids and house. Despite his best efforts the man falls in love with the younger woman. This is extremely taboo. I can't remember the rest but there is alot of anguish and drama. I think at some point the wife might die.

    1 AnswerMovies3 years ago
  • Should I wait to get pregnant?

    I am 34 soon to be 35 in a few weeks. I am already frustrated that I don't have a baby. I never wanted to wait so long but I just got married 1.5 yrs ago. I was also finishing a very hard degree later in life and working and then starting new job. Well I am only breadwinner currently so i was thinking to take some on call work in addition to my demanding full time gig. Then I decided to not apply to anymore part time work and just try for baby. Then my co-worker who also works for another company recommended me to her company for on call work and they called and offered me a job on spot and I accepted. I haven't even trained with them yet. Should I hold off trying to get pregnant? My upper level coworker gave me a great recommendation which is why they called me. It is only as needed work but they are counting on me to be available.

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • Do you want to quit your job and the American dream?

    I know that this is more of a rant than a question but feel free to answer. I have always worked like crazy since I was 16. 2 jobs since 18 minus brief periods of having only one job. My 20s passed me by. I tried to have fun as much as possible in between but work also interfered with a lot. I had low wage jobs and come from a poor background. Everyone was always so proud of me when I was younger for working so hard. When Im at work I have anxiety and I give 110%. I have a perfectionist issue causing me to go the extra mile daily my bosses love it. I finally got a B.S. degree and intended to use my new found earning power to work per diem and just quit all of this. My new job was really in need of good dedicated people and they sucked me into full time with lots of OT work. Then I started getting promotions. I enjoy suceeding and perfecting my craft but at the end of the day Im really unhappy. I want to move to someplace with a more simple lifestyle. I want to explore who I really am. I want to develop more spiritually. I want to live semi-nomadic. I want to spend my time doing meaningful things. I want the time to take care of my body. I enjoy working hard but I want to do that on my own terms. I have worked like a dog to save money to try and develop something which can provide modest cash flow but its taking so long and Im so exhausted. Anyone else feel this life burn out? Am I being realistic? My husband sort of shares my dream but not as hard core as me

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Is a lingerie boutique a. good business?

    There is a revitalized mall in my area. It has mostly independent shops in it and is at least 60 percent Hispanic now.The price of rent there is very attractive. The area that the mall is located in is extremely busy but low income. But this area is centrally located and all kinds of people pass the area. Do you think that an affordable but qualitylingerie and corset boutique could be profitable. I would carry plus size as well and offer custom fittings. I would really want my store to go the extra mile offering all manner of undergarments such as butt lift panties ect. What do yall think? I know that I would have to agressively market.

    3 AnswersOther - Local Businesses6 years ago
  • What is causing this leak in my bathroom?

    I live in a condo and for 3 months there has been a slow leak in my bathroom. It is dripping into the downstairs neighbor's ceiling. We now think that it is coming from behind the bathtub. The overflow drain was cracked and rusty and we think that if we fill up the tub or take really splashy showers that this water goes into the overflow drain which actually does not connect to anything but simply falls into our floor and our downstairs neighbor's roof. We went to a ton of hardware stores and find an overflow drain was kinda hard and then when we did find one which had the hole for 2 screws that we needed, it had an opening at the bottom.

    Why is there an opening at the bottom of this cover if it is meant to keep water inside the tub from spilling out of this hole? Why is it so hard to find. We put a piece of plastic behind that drain plate before we screwed it in and we put caulk around it but we think that it is not really airtight. The neighbor is still getting the leak. Even if it is something else that is leaking the fact is that this drain plate cover is dumb and at least some of the water is probably coming from there. What to do? Why is the tub and the overflow cover designed so stupid

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Name this song please?

    A newer alternative rock song.. very mellow. At least I think it must be from the last year or so I cant be sure. I heard it in the store overhead speaker and a passerby started humming to it and mumbling the words so it must be semi popular. All I can remember is that every so often the band said something like yup-yup in the chorus. They werent really singing that line more like speaking it in unison as part of the chorus. It was a very catchy mellow rock song any ideas???

    1 AnswerLyrics8 years ago
  • Can I leave the bridgetown airport in Barbados?

    Im coming in on an international flight. I am just passing thru but I purchased the next ticket myself from another airline. It is not really a connecting flight.

    2 AnswersBarbados8 years ago
  • Is my dog untrainable?

    I have a 3 year old cocker spaniel mix. He is a tiny little 10 pound thing. He is a scourge upon my life. He still pees for excitement (althought much less than when he was a puppy). He seems to have zero brains literally. He dislikes being held or cuddled with for more than 30 seconds maximun. He never runs out of energy and cannot be trusted in any situation, left alone in room with shredable paper, trash cans, toilets, ect ect ect. When walking he pulls the leash alot. He pulled my mom down and she broke her tooth off. He will be good for several days and then bam with no warning whatsoever he will jump into our bed and piss or take a dump on my new carpet minutes after talking a long and leasuierly walk outside. He is better than he was a year and a half ago but that is not saying much. He cannot sit still long and he howls all night long and scratches really loudly if crated. What should I do? 3 years of trying everything. Every bad situation imagineable has happened with me spinning my wheels. He loves outside more than anything. He seems to be an outside dog even as tiny as he is. He loves to get dirty. When I feed him, he will not eat in the bowl, he must spread the food alover the food usually by knoking the bowl over dragging the food everywhere. He also loves to knock over his water bowl and splash in it.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Using the verb vernir?

    I was watching a T.V. show and the girl seems to say "vengo un entrevista a trabajo". I have 2 questions. #1,why doesn't she use the word "a" such as ( vengo a un entrevista a trabajo). I listened several times and not just in this case but all through out the show actors seem to omit prepositions such as in, to, for, at ect.. Can you explain how and when prepositions are used in Spanish. #2 In this same episode not 1 minute apart the character says "venga un entrevista a trabajo" and then "vengo un entrvista ect." Why the difference? I cannot detect any change in the situation. Are they so close as to be basically interchangeable? (subjective and indicative)

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • If you speak a second language do you.......?

    some times just have an "off" day? I took a test for Spanish placement which indicated that I was Intermediate level 3 which is right below advanced. I didn't put my all into that test. I use Spanish at work two or three times per day and I work in customer service. Today a lady came to me with tons of questions who could not speak any English. I just felt that I was having a terrible time communicating with her for some reason. The words weren't flowing like they sometimes do. I don't feel that she was getting what I was trying to say at all times and I misunderstood the tense that she was speaking in like 2 times which affected the conversation. Sometimes I get so embarrassed I just want to stop trying. Other days I'm chatting and laughing in Spanish and I feel like I can almost say that I'm bilingual. Does this happen to anyone else speaking a foreign language too?

    5 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • In 2050 when the population reaches 9 billion, how crowded will the world feel?

    Will there be no more wide open country spaces or will most people move to the cities causing them to become mega cities with millions of people each that scrawl for hundreds of miles each? I want to know how populated will the world feel? Do you think our world infrastructures can handle this exponential growth?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago

    It was a small early 90s romantic movie about a female cello player who has a male best friend who is also a cello player. Needless to say feelings happen but I can't really remember what happens. I dunno if the guy ends up having a girlfriend by the time she realize her feeling or what. I also don't remember the end but I know that the movie centered around them playing in an orchestra and the girl (main character) was a musical genius and kinda better than everybody.

    Not a big name movie but it is possible that the main character guy has been in other movies. 10 pts to the correct answer right away!

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How can I turn down this job?

    I just graduated school this month and I am beyond broke so even though I have a major in a field that could net me almost double what I am currently making, I applied for a catering job because I like working events and need the money like yesterday. So the catering company took like 3 weeks to call me back which in the mean time I applied to tons of jobs in my field. Keep in mind that this catering job is only "on call". After the phone interview I told the lady that I decided not to take the job for now because they indicated that they really needed someone that would work for them long term. After another 2 weeks passed and my rent was in danger of not getting paid I called them back and begged for the job. I had a second in person interview and was hired. Understandably they were concerned with me being flaky and asked if I would stay at least thru January2013. I said yes and was hired. On the same day I got hired, a girl I know calls me and offers to have her manager hire me (making 3 times what I will make at catering) and it is in my field. I want to be honest and do good at what ever job I do. Is there any good way to quit the catering job. The other new job will be very demanding of my time. Do you think I can wing doing both? What should I do?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • My puppy has parvo what can be done?

    My boyfriend is currently living in the 3rd world and there is not one veterinary doctor on his entire island. So please no comments about how we need to take better care of the puppy. Our puppy was born almost 3 months ago and he is very large for his age. He seems to be some sort of pitbull mix. There are many strays in the area and he has suddenly become very sick. Based on internet research and one experience with a dog I had, I think that he has parvo. He has lost visible amounts of weight in the past day and he wont eat or drink. He has a weird nasty fishy smell and he is lethargic. We haven't noticed any diarrhea but we assume that this is the cause of the sudden weight loss. We have tried to give him sugary water for glucose and to replace fluids but we cannot get it in his system. He clamps his mouth. I know that this is a long shot but we love the little guy. Is there anything that can be done to improve his odds just a bit?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is there any way to get flowers (seeds) from?

    used green onion stalks. I had some old green onion in the fridge. I planted it and it grew big (no flowers). I used the tops again and no they are growing some more. I want to know if these old used green onions will ever grow anything that I can use as seed. I also bought some green onion seed from the store and they are coming along nicely but at what point will any of these produce flowers that i can harvest for seeds. Mo goal is to never buy green onion or seeds again.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What is this Houston Mexican Rap song from late 90's or early 2000's?

    I'm so vague on the details but it was a Houston (I think) based crew of Mexican rappers possibly affiliated with SPM ( but I might be wrong). This song had girls rapping in it too and it was a song with a lot of different people rapping on it. It was played on the radio for a while. I think it was a song with lyrics something like "nobody's gonna get in my way of my" type of vibe. Come on somebody ............

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Guinea pig died, what happened?

    One day my sister's guinea pig got lazy and bleed (anally, vaginally I dunno). The blood loss was small so we thought that she was on her first period. She was about 8 months old and then the next day we woke up and she was dead. What happened. She did not eat poison or anything like that.

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • What scent smells the most like Victoria's secret Naturally?

    Vanilla and Sandalwood? I fell in love with this scent and then last year they discontinued it. It was perfect in my opinion. I have nearly purchased every thing from ebay and amazon and now they are all gone or ridiculously priced and I'm out. I do not like all these kiddy overpowering scents that Victoria's Secret mostly has. I was reading online and Victoria's Secret Heavenly seems to include the same Vanilla and sandalwood notes plus Peony and Musk. Can you tell me if this fragrance from VS smells similar and if so exactly how similar. Are there any other fragrances from any brand that smell light and fresh and similar to the Naturally Vanilla and Sandalwood line??

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • I have a dog who will not stop peeing in the house.?

    One of our two dogs is almost 3 and he is ruining my life. We have had lots of other dogs in the past but non like this. He has made my mother decide to never get another dog again. Here are his issues: He is hyper 24 hours per day and when I say hyper I mean like he is on speed. He is a smallish dog and jumps more than 2 feet in the air (sometimes for over 2 hours straight). I am not exaggerating a thing here. If he is crated he will scratch on the crate very fast like he is digging for at least 4 or more hours per night (still at the age of 3). He will stop occasionally to whine loudly because he wants to run around the house like the other dog. He runs through the house 24/7 when he is out of the crate he is never still. We purchase one of those xtra large gated enclosures for like 300 dollars so that he can spend the whole day outside. He jumped up high inside that fence and swung on it while holding it with his teeth for days and days and days on end until he tore massive holes in the fence. He is also a major digger. He enjoys digging deep pits. Walking him does nothing. I would probably have to run for hours with him to make a dent in his energy. Also he pees constantly. He sees you come in the door, he pees. You say something loud he pees. You try to hurry and open the crate, he pees, you try to grab him and not let his feet touch the floor before you can get him outside, he pees on you! You show him some delicious food and he pees. Take him out all day. Let him spend 10 hours outside and he come right inside and pees. Not a true pee just like a little but it is everywhere. The house starting to stink. He knows right from wrong he is house trained mostly but he still does this. We are semi-dipriving him from water because we are ready to kill him or let him go. 3 years people!!! I have devoted 6 straigh months of my life to giving him extra attention and consistency and there was no change. So now I'm supposed to take him to my apartment but I think that its impossible. He is an extremely cutre dog anyone want him lol??

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago