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We are very peace lovely people

  • Translate to English please?

    Laisses tomber la pluie, écoute-moi

    Et tout le monde ça pour moi

    It's French

    2 AnswersLyrics5 years ago
  • What does it mean?,Rocking me steady?

    What does mean "Rocking me steady"?

    Please explain


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • What does it means? Translate or explain it. Farsi/Persian?

    Congratulations, So Just one's left?

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Atheist,Muslim,Jew,Christian?

    Why do atheists make fun of believers( Muslims,Jews,Christians ) ? but believers don't do it.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Was Michael Jackson a muslim?

    I've heard a song called "Give Thanks To Allah",He sang this song,shortly before his death

    He had used Arabic word and Quran verses like Ghafur,Rahim,Mohsisnin,

    Or Quran verses:

    Allahu yuhebu el Mohsinin means "Allah loves the charitable"3-134

    Whahova ala kolli seiin ghadir means "He has power over all things"57-2

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Organ transplant those who are condemned to death?

    Do you agree that those who are condemned to death, their heart & kidneys & other organs to be transplanted,if they want to do this.Or even if they want to make money and help their families after their death,

    What do you think about this?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Should film makers be punished for insulting the Prophet of Islam?

    First,I've already asked a question about Muslim violence,and I condemned these violence,I hate these,but my question is:

    Some say they should not be punished for Freedom of Expression,But there were two people,Mr,Robert Faurisson and Mr, Roger Garaudy,These two were punished for denying Holocaust(I don't know Holocaust is true or not),If we have Freedom of Expression so why do we have a contradiction in this issue,The court said:Doing things that cause resentment and hatred of a folk,tribe,country is crime(Consistent with human rights law),and that's why they were fined and jailed,As you know jews hate denying Holocaust and muslims hate insulting the Prophet,Both Jews and Muslims used violence,and Muslim violence was extremely high but Mr Robert Faurisson was just a bloody and injured by jews, so Should film makers be punished for insulting the Prophet of Islam or Salman Rushdie, and Terry Jones?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Question about recent violent Muslims?

    I'm a muslim & an iranian,Fortunately it was not accompanied by violent protests in Iran,but i can't understand these violents,as you know all scriptures are distorted(Torah,Koran,Bible...), Unfortunately sensitive parts of the Koran are distorted and i think you think islam is religion of war or hate, but Koran says:"You can not make them Muslims except they want themselves,They will make fun of you & do things against you,But you should be patient(those who wait) & Allah loves patients,Leave them to their own,let them to do ererything they want"it was excerpts of the Koran

    In your opinion, why are Muslims prejudice?

    Why don't they consider these excerpts in the Koran?if they are really muslim,

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If We Have No Religion So ....?

    As you know If you ask anyone he/she will tell you that my religion is the best,

    Don't you think if there was no religion we can live better?

    If all people could recognize the good things or bad,we have no need that a religion to teach us

    For example, we see that Al-Qaeda killed people of the other religions,Hitler hated the Jews & killed Jews,Muslims & Christians(He killed anyone who was not of his own race),A Norwegian man for the spread of Islam in his country killed about 75 ppl,

    Don't you think if there was no religion so these events didn't occur?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do we recognize Israel?

    I asked this question before here;_ylt=AqZfi...

    please see the best answer and Mr,longrove's answer

    I think this two answers is the most important reason for the world to recognize Israel,we have three question

    1-the best answer was talking about many years ago(The Emperor Hadrian)and muslim attacking Jews if this is our reason,Zoroastrians must attack iran because they have already been in iran,they don't have an independent country and their lower population is not the reason for the lack of independent,Kurds & Torks in the Middle East region should be independent country,many examples like these that a tribe or religion was living in a country like spania and native (indian) america

    2-Mr,longrove talked about Torah that God has promised to them there,The first issue is that Torah is distorted like most of the holy books such as the Koran and the Bible(It's not insulting or racist),The second issue is that in Koran God has promised to Muslims all over the world.Koran says Religion with Allah is Islam(muslims will inherit the earth),Must muslims unite to destroy the world?Should the ppl who live now become victims of oppressions fathers,Must jews avenge muslim right now?If this is the reason we should have many war in the world,

    3-Last question is Holocaust,Why for Holocaust Jews has thrown out palestinians living area and most important of all is that why other countries for the establishment of Israel was offered?Are there several holy land for the Jews?

    I don't have any judgment about this some ppl thought the previous times that I'm anti-Semitism and they thought i don't read history but i read history this is just my personal opinion & my historical results,I didn't find another reason to recognize Israel if you have new reasons please write to me,

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do we recognize israel?

    As you know from before 1948, There was no country called Israel,Israel invaded Palestine with the aid of Britain and they killed muslims,

    Now my question is this. What is there a reason that we recognize Israel?

    18 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do we recognize Israel?

    As you know from before 1948, There was no country called Israel,Israel invaded Palestine with the aid of Britain and they killed muslims,

    Now my question is this. What is there a reason that we recognize Israel?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why iran does not recognize Israel?

    As you know it is not unreasonable.

    Do you recognize israel? if your answer is yes tell me why?if your answer is no tell me why too?.

    I want to konw,What are you think about and what do you hear about this?

    8 AnswersIsrael9 years ago
  • Why Iran does not recognize Israel?

    As you know it is not unreasonable.

    Do you recognize israel? if your answer is yes tell me why?if your answer is no tell me why too?.

    I want to konw,What are you think about and what do you hear about this?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Sex before marriage in different cultures?

    Why sex before marriage in some countries it is normal like america

    But in some countries is a bad,guilty and nerveless like muslim countries

    I am iranian and i don't say, Iranians don't have sex before marriage,But if a girl is not virgin usually no one will marry her because in Islam is forbidden and apart from religion; boys don't like their future wife no one is seen naked,they believe privacy in family and children's future will be broken and don't like anyone to konw about their wife sexual characteristics after marriage with themselves.Is this difference is cultural differences?Is it bad or good?Are girls oppressed and limited because It is possible to understand they are a virgin or not but the boys is free and no body knows about their sex.Is this important to you that your wives don't have sex before marriage.What do you think about boy's sex before marriage.What do you think about this?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Question about the recent shootings in America?

    I want to know if a muslim kills some one What will the people of America react?

    And why, if he is Muslim all say he is a terrorists but Christian or Jewish are crazy or psychosis?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why doesn't iran has a nuclear bomb?

    I am an Iranian and I believe that my country doesn't want to have a atomic bomb.I want to know why america's friends can have the atomic bomb like Israel, Pakistan, France?.But opponents of America can not like north Korea or iran,America used the atomic bomb in Japan,what guarantee is there to not re-use this?

    Iraq used chemical weapons in war against Iran,iran could use but iran didn't want to use.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Who has information about the feasibility study of recycling tires?

    I want some information about recycle tires to powder rubber.

    1 AnswerGreen Living9 years ago