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    What morph is my Leopard Gecko? ?

    I work at PetSmart and this little guy came in as a "fancy leopard gecko" and I've never seen anything like him! Does anyone have a guess on what morph he might be? His eyes are grey 3 dimensional snake eyes. You can see in the photo that he is mostly white with a bit of yellow and pink anti-spots. He has "blue eyeshadow" also. 

    Reptiles5 days ago
  • Bullet ant security?

    So let’s say I have a bunch of bullet ants in a cage next to my back door and front door. An intruder breaks in!! I just run out the opposite door than the one he breaks into, and grab the cage on the way out. Then, if he catches me, I just pour the bullet ants on him. Fool proof 

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden11 months ago
  • Dog abuse laws?

    I moved to CA from UT and I brought a 9-week-old border collie puppy with me to share with my roommate I met on Craigslist. When he met her he basically claimed her as his own. I decided to just roll with it cuz he seemed to take care of her well. Two weeks later, My roommate keeps her in a crate for 9-12+ hours a day. He won’t let me take care of her but I do my best to sneak around and do it when he’s not home. I work 12 hour days but I come home twice to let her out and give her water because he doesn’t. (Even though he only works 4 hour days) She is very dehydrated, she drinks a liter of water in seconds. The past week, every night when I come home, she is covered in **** and the blankets in her kennel are soaked with pee and poo. I bathe her every single night. The kennel is too small for her to turn around. He still hasn’t gotten her vaccinated and he takes her to dog parks. I gave him this puppy for free in the beginning and I want to give her to a family that will take care of her. (I would totally take care of her but I know he will just end up locking his door so I can’t get her.) I just don’t know how to get away wit it. I’ve told him SO MANY times that what he does is abuse and neglect. I’m moving out at the end of this month because my roommate is a terrible person. He is supposed to refund my $900 deposit when I move out but I’m afraid that if I take the puppy he won’t give it to me. I’m thinking I just won’t tell him and I’ll sell her when I leave. Thoughts?

    4 AnswersDogs1 year ago
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    3 tooth bite wound?

    My cat got bit by something and instead of just two teeth marks there are 3. Equally spread out in a straight line and somewhat large. About the size of a cats canine tooth. I live in northern Utah and there are raccoons, coyotes, mountain lions, ferrets, etc. but I just don’t know what animal would have 3 teeth like that. She’s going to the vet tomorrow so I’m not asking for help, I’m just wondering if anyone has an idea of the animal or could be. 

    Other - Pets1 year ago
  • 3 tooth bite wound?

    My cat got bit by something and instead of just two teeth marks there are 3. Equally spread out in a straight line and somewhat large. About the size of a cats canine tooth. I live in northern Utah and there are raccoons, coyotes, mountain lions, ferrets, etc. but I just don’t know what animal would have 3 teeth like that. She’s going to the vet tomorrow so I’m not asking for help, I’m just wondering if anyone has an idea of the animal or could be. 

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 year ago
  • Starving injured gopher snake ?

    So I’ve had my gopher snake since 4th grade (about 7ish years) and on December 20th my friend that was watching him at my house while I was out of town, accidentally let him out. I completely thought he was gone forever but today, February 4th we found him in my garage. (Thank the heavens above) but anyway he’s extremely skinny and he has 2 tiny cuts on him. He drank water but hasn’t eaten. I’m assuming he just needs to get settled before he eats again. But I’m wondering if he went into brumation mode? I’m also wondering if I can put neosporin

    4 AnswersReptiles2 years ago
  • Big cat rescue?

    I’m currently in veterinary medicine school and I’m going to specialize in exotic animals such as big cats. My husband is studying to be a neurosurgeon, and our plan is to move to either Texas or Africa and start a small, 10 acre sanctuary for big cats such as lions, tigers, and cheetahs. Cheetah’s are almost entirely illegal to own in the US so if we decided to live in Texas, we wouldn’t be able to rescue any. But our other option is Botswana, Africa. The only reason we would move there is IF there is a possibility of rescuing injured/abandoned wild cheetahs in hopes of release, or rescuing pet cheetahs from incapable owners. I know that it is legal to own Cheetahs in Africa but I am not sure which countries. So that is my question, which countries in Africa is it legal to own Cheetahs? I’d also like to state that these animals would not be pets, I would adopt them in hopes of changing their lives for the better. I don’t support exotic pet trade

    Conservation2 years ago
  • Do iguanas have red saliva?

    I already know about the toxins and chance of salmonella in iguana saliva so that’s not what I’m asking about. But I decided to hand feed my iguana today and as he was chewing his shredded carrots, red saliva got on them. I don’t think he’s sick at all so I hope this isn’t blood. Please don’t answer if you don’t own an iguana.

    3 AnswersReptiles2 years ago
  • Do tarantulas suck the blood from their prey?

    I have been taught that spiders sucking the blood from their pray was a myth but I have now seen evidence that proves different. I usually feed my tarantula small crickets so I haven’t seen this before, but this time I gave him a larger one and 10 minutes later, their was a hollow shell that was in the shape of the crickets entire body. The shell was translucent too. I watched him and a few minutes later he walked back and ate the shell too.

    5 AnswersZoology2 years ago
  • Frickin crazy super mice??? PLEASE READ?

    Okay so I got these two feeder mice just to save them from being eaten, I built them a gigantic cage out of plastic bins, bottles, Tupperware etc. But no matter what I did, they figured out how to get out. I had no idea until I was gonna get something from my candy stash about a month later and like half of each candy was gone!! So I kept trying to fix the cage with metal patches and packaging tape but it was no good. So I bought them a new super nice cage with plenty of stuff for them to do, and I set it in my window seal which is 1. Four feet above the ground 2. In a window well so there's not too much sun exposure. But they CHEWED A HOLE THROUGH THE CAGE within a 2 days! Which was fine cuz they live in my window seal so it's not like they could go anywhere. BUT I had a huge candle and a signed poster by Christina perri sitting up there and within a week, they had eaten part of the candle and ONLY the signed part of the poster! Literally just the signature. And by eaten I don't mean swallowed I mean chewed up and left there in pieces. Don't tell me they need stuff to chew or new food or something because they have 3 different food options and I put tons of different stuff for them to chew. But listen here: I moved the candle and the poster and I guess they got bored or something because they JUMPED OFF MY WINDOW SEAL AND I FOUND THEM IN MY CLOSET. I don't know what to do. They are destroying my room but I love them so much. My brother suggested getting an all metal cage??

    2 AnswersRodents4 years ago
  • Adding a new chicken?

    I had three chickens. The smallest of them died out of no where last week and my other two babies are just so sad. They are one and a half months old. We're not sure if they killed her by accident or something because she was the smallest in pecking order... or if she was just sick. But if we got a new chick that was still a baby (2 weeks old) would they kill it?

    2 AnswersBirds4 years ago
  • Why doesn't my chicken have a comb?

    I have 3 chickens that are about a month and a half. All three are different breeds that I got from a local petting zoo. But one of them, (the biggest one with long legs and black feathers) does not have a comb at all! I have no idea why. And I don't even know what breed they are.

    2 AnswersBirds4 years ago
  • Panic attack or allergic reaction?

    Okay so just about every other day, this weird thing happens to me that feels like someone is reaching /inside/ of my neck but on the outside of my throat, and strangling me. I can breathe normally but it hurts so bad. It also feels like a fire in a weird way. But it usually happens when I'm very stressed out or right after I take my antidepressants. But sometimes it happens completely out of nowhere.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago