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I believe that Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins and that the gift of his shed blood is a shield between us and evil. My favorite hymn is, " When the role is called up yonder "... cause I will be there!!! How about you? Email me anytime if you want to find out how you can be called upon when the role is called up yonder..... Baptized June 8, 2008!!!!

  • i had a dream and want to know what it means?

    i dreamed i was standing in the doorway of my house talking to someone on the porch. It was late evening/dusk yet i noticed it was really bright outside for the time of day. I look passed the door frame to the left and saw a HUGE full moon that was many many times larger than I had ever seen before. I looked and thought wow it is big and bright then looked again to be sure it was still there.

    Any idea if this dream holds a meaning?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • I had a bad dream then, something happened?

    I woke this morning and looked at the clock, 6:30 am. I dreamt that i had been naked trying to leave work to find clothes to put on. I was using the bathroom talking to my daughter and a man came at me with a butcher knife. I instantly woke up. Of course, i had to pee ( hence sitting on the toilet in my dream ). While peeing i was thinking about my dream and how i could not remember ever having a bad dream in the morning time.. odd... i came out of my bathroom and looked at my bedroom door which was cracked open, and i saw a woman cloaked in black. she spooked me but didn't freak me out.. i looked again, and she was gone. i laid in bed thinking about it and wondered what the heck?? i believe in ghosts and i believe that they occupy the house i currently live in, but i have never been bothered by one... do you think one of the ghosts presented themselves to me or is it possible i was still asleep?

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • What do you think would be the consensus?

    What do you think the opinion would be of our founding fathers if they knew how we would destroy and dismiss what the founding basis for our country was. Our national anthem states... one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all....

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is it religion you do not believe in or is it love?

    I know that I am probably in for it for asking, but i swear, sometimes it sounds like most are running from religion when religion doesn't have anything to do with going to Heaven or not... I am perplexed that you have the capability to love but have limitations on who or what you love...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you mind if I asked you a question?

    If you would like to elaborate or even condemn me for my answers here, please post what question you have that needs additional information from me. My email and instant messenger is available to all of you. Would you mind doing that?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How cold did your feet get?

    I have heard of cold feet and I have heard of people getting it... but i never would have imagined i would... so, here i am... less than 6 days from walking down the isle, family is already coming into town most everything has been purchased and paid for.... and i am thinking i am not sure i want to do this... we have been together for 7 years and have been through everything imaginable and now here i sit, not sure i want to marry him..... is this cold feet?? I feel like this is a pretty intense for just cold feet....

    please be sensitive... i am only posting this question because i don't want to freak my friends and family out by calling them up and talking to them about it.... till i am sure how i feel... i am really confused...

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know who is seated first?

    Etiquette on which mother is seated first.... the brides mother or the grooms mother?

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • how many will i have?

    before i get married... panic attacks....i swear, is anyone else out there panicking about details? i have 11 days to go and there is soooo much i can't do till at most a couple days before... and i soooo don't want to be rushed at the last minute... i want this to remain the happiest day of my life... any suggestions.... helpful ones that is.....

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • what were your last minute worries?

    i am at 22 days... what were some things that through you for a loop when you were this close... i still have a since of calm... but i am worried i am forgetting something... ?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did you know that facebook has a wedding page?

    my friend just sent me a link.... i wish she hadn't now... something else to keep up with... anyone else starting to feel this way... like what more can i worry about or take on?? my future mother in law just reminded me that i needed someone to cut the wedding cake and someone to dip the punch.... does the " you gottas " ever end????


    facebook says the count down is 42 days till the big day.....

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Do only those with souls go to Heaven?

    the reason i ask is because a friend and i were discussing whether or not animals go to Heaven... and do they have souls?

    no sarcastic remarks needed... just really would like opinions unless someone knows where in the Bible it talks about it... then i won't need an opinion... ( :

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ever been on an emotional roller coaster ride?

    i have been with my now fiance for almost 7 years ( we are getting married in about 8 weeks ) and i am not sure if this is the right thing to do... i know i want to get married but i am afraid that i am marring him because we have been together so long and we have still managed to keep it together... i say we... but it is really me... which is where i am at...yes, he went and bought the ring, and proposed, but i am not sure if i am cut out for this... it is getting harder to keep to the plans the closer we get... but what to do...? do you break off the engagement and still stay together or do i totally break it off.... one day he is full of love for me... the next, we barely speak... and that is uncomfortable, and since he isn't speaking i don't know what is going on in his mind... and i sit back and try to figure it out... and mind you, i am not thinking he is thinking something positive... i don't think he will call off the wedding because of all the involvement, but i will tell you, i have been divorced once and don't want to do that this cold feet or is this getting what you asked for???? whether it is right or not.... like that old saying.... be careful, you just might get what you ask for...

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is it always hard to let God take revenge?

    I have had a situation come up that was my fault... i made some not so honest decisions and another person let it be known and now i have found myself in a bad place, not jail, it wasn't anything like that...... i don't want to go into detail of the "what" because i am ashamed, but i have been sooooo tempted to get revenge.... God said revenge was his... anyone wanna share with me how their experience worked out better than anything you could have come up with???

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where to find 72" table clothes?

    I need 12 clothes to cover 60" tables. any idea where the cheapest place is to purchase them?? i need white.

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • which is more supportive in a large vase, sand or colored glass beads to hold candles?

    they are hurricane vases and i only pane to put one taper candle in each one, but i don't want them to fall over.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be diagnosed with allergies with out being tested?

    My children are at their dad's this weekend and their step mom took them to the doctor because the kids have stuffy noses and sore throats. When the step mom called me to tell how the appointment went, she said that Hannah has allergies AND a heart murmur?? I know that the step mom has always used the Now Care offices ( I call them clinics which makes her frustrated ) and trusts them, but in all the years that my daughter has seen her pediatrician ( 11 years ) he has never said anything about allergies nor a heart murmur...? So, is there not tests that have to be done in order to diagnose these things? Other than a routine office ( clinic ) visit?

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Why do some of you keep saying God's judgment is not fair?

    How are rules different? or even call them laws if you like... If you run a red light, and you get a ticket from a police officer, is that fair? and remember, his main concern is safety for everyone and his job is not to write tickets, but to enforce the laws of the community he protects. what if you are found guilty and have to pay a fine? is that fair? what if you don't believe that should be a law even? is it still fair? But here is the biggest question!! What difference does it make if YOU think it is fair?? It doesn't change the rule / law... so why would you think that God's laws would all the sudden be different? I am just curious.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you read The Shack?

    The reason I am asking is because it has been 2 weeks since I read it and I am finding that the more I think on the book and the things talked about, the more I find my belief system changing... not necessarily in the negative direction, but maybe has given me different insights... tell me how it has changed your thinking...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you realize?

    That when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, there wasn't a single sin He forgot to die for... No matter where you are, what you have or are doing, he died for that sin too!!!

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • any fellow Christians on there?

    How long does it take to get past the hurt and to be able to look forward to what is ahead?

    I am having a difficult time with some sadness of the heart. I know that when more than one prays, it pleases God... Please pray that my pain be eased if it is his will...

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago