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Lv 31,488 points


Favorite Answers26%

√Jack of all trades, master of none. √Intense interest in psychedelics and other entheogenic tools. √Addicted to music. Doesn't really think most of the top 40 stuff out on any given day qualifies as good music. Not a genre bias, but a bias against music with no substance geared for the masses, whom, apparently, the record companies think are mindless. √Thank god for the internet and the slow but increasing importance of independent ('indie') music of all types and the increasing influence of British music in America once again. √I'm not a big fan of *insert current 'political situation / politician / laughing stock' here.* √Beck, Iron and Wine, and Hot Chip. Phukk yeah. √Most of my answers are too long.

  • Why is it that the further right a person's ideology, the less likely they will seem to comprehend irony?

    I know this isn't an across the board automatic, and I'm not lumping in everybody. But it sure seems that of all the things that the vocal, moral majority segment of the far right ideologues tend to do that are obnoxious, hypocritical, & toxic, there is still one thing more fundamentally irksome, which stands tall above all the others.

    The personalities on the air, on the radio, on the Fox news circuit, etc all regularly fail to see that every time they get judgmental and arrogant, every time they know what is best for everyone else, and every time they are expounding on the corruption of our youth and the crumbling of the very foundation of society its because it pertains to some looming disaster that God will be punishing us for, or some such nonsense.

    When this is happening, pay close attention, because often, its actually THEM who are committing the more blatantly flagrant offenses, according to their own moral judgment. Not only is the topic on which they expound a good indicator of what sort of self-described "sins" they are likely to be caught committing, but they fail, time, and time, and time again to see how incredibly ironic this continuing bout of permanent hypocrisy is for them. The more things change the more they stay the same it would seem.

    I cite the Todd Akin Rape comments, the Romney 47% comments, the doesn't-care-about-poor-people comments, the immigration issue backtrack/about face, the pride swallowed about the birther situation, the romney polls, the nut-jobs who all try to use horrible traumatizing therapy to rid homosexuals of their homosexuality and then are caught at a gay bathhouse with a dick in their mouth, etc etc.... How on Earth can the irony of these situations be lost on the very people who continue to keep letting it happen?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What is needed for me to most cost effectively improve the RAM speed/stability in my desktop PC? Read Details:

    OK, I have a desktop PC, running Windows XP, a 1.8 ghz Pentium processor. I forget the type of motherboard it has, but it has 4 DIMM slots, set up for dual channel mode, all of which are filled. They are currently filled with the following:

    (All RAM is/will be DDR.)

    Slot 1 : 1 gb Crucial Dual-Channel 400mhz PC 3200

    Slot 2 : 512 MB unknown brand, 400mhz PC3200. Whether its Dual-Ch. RAM or simply single channel is *unknown*.

    Slot 3 & 4: Matching identical 256 MB, Dual-Ch. Sticks of 400mhz, PC3200.

    I have a total of 2G of RAM, obviously, installed.

    My goal is to spend as little as I can, while improving RAM performance as much as possible, finishing w/min 3G of RAM total.

    I'm willing to buy a maximum of 2 more gigs of RAM.

    Taking all I've listed into mind, what final setup should I go with? Would adding 2g, for 3.5g total be dumb? Should I go wtih 3 total, buying 1.5 more? What order should the RAM ultimately be installed in? Is dual really far superior to single?

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • When it comes to searching: Yahoo! or Google, or neither? If neither, elaborate on why.....?

    If your answer was Google, is it out of fear that you use their search service despite an overall inferior user experience with regard to site depth?

    Also: If you list "Yahoo!" or "Neither "as your choice, do you fear Google will have you assassinated tonight while you sleep? Probably with a "Web Search Renegade Seeking Google® SmartBullet"™ or some such other project they currently have in development?

    Admittedly I still use Yahoo as my search engine of choice, and I now fear for my life for publicly admitting so. What about you?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Sex questions regarding wet dreams: See details for full questions. 1 for the men, 1 for the ladies........(?)

    Guys: Do you find as you get older (approaching 30, very quickly, here) your wet dreams, which used to be somewhat commonplace whether or not you were having regular sex seem to have tapered off or disappeared altogether? Am I in anomaly with regard to the disappearance of a once very frequent (and much loved and endeared) event, or as you get older does this seem to be the norm?

    Ladies: What is the closest thing you have to "wet dreams?" Do you find you have/used to have dreams where you reached full orgasm like men are known to have, where you may even wake up part of the way through it, shuddering with pleasure? Or are these nocturnal events an experience you've mostly seen in your men/heard about and you have no specific experiences to directly equate them with?

    I could pretend I have a "legit" research reason for this questions, but in actuality, the question for the men is my own curiosity, and the one for the women is my wife's query; Call it "a desire to compare notes."

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • COLLECTORS: Question about an old 20 dollar bill- (Twenty $$ Bill) -Help?

    So, I got an old, old twenty dollar bil out of the cash machine today. I don't way "old, old" as if 56 years is ancient, but I collected coins in the past, and I know how rare it is to get a bill *or* coin (other then a nickel) in change that is this old. Espeically because a bill has an average lifespan of 25 months before it is recycled and destroyed.

    So, here are the details: Its a Series 1950. The serial is D-19707249-A and the D represents, I believe, the same D that has the city Federal Reserve Bank signified. It is D-Cleveland, Ohio.

    The treasurer is John W. *somethingorother* and no, it is not the John W. Snow that graces our bills today.

    It says "Will pay to the bearer on demand Twenty Dollars" at the bottom, but it is not a silver or gold certficate.

    Anyone have a clue whether this is worth more then 20 bucks, and if so, why, and how much, and where, etc? Thanks. Any help would be appreciated. I'm really more curious then anything at getting this from an ATM...

    10 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Anybody heard the new Decemberists album yet? How is it?

    Compared to their previous work, what do you think about it? Worth getting?

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Survey: Strictly based on your tastes, what is the absolute greatest movie soundtrack of all time?

    I have to go with either Spun, or Garden State. Or Maybe Donnie Darko. Sh!t, I don't know. Got a film/soundtrack in mind?

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Here's a list of some of my very favorite movies. Based on these, what other movies do you recommend I see?

    Donnie Darko - (The Directors Cut, possibly my favorite movie)

    Pulp Fiction (Also Possibly My Favorite)

    O' Brother Where Art Thou (Also Possibly My Favorite)

    ¶ (Pi, the symbol in case they do't accept unicode text)

    City of God (Ciudad De Deus,)

    The Motorcycle Diaries

    Pee Wee's Big Adventure (Yes for real)



    The Big Lebowski

    A Scanner Darkly


    The Princess Bride

    V for Vendetta


    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas





    Yellow Submarine (original, not the remastered/rereleased version)

    The Jacket

    The Matrix (first one in particular)

    Not exactly a particular genre to classify them all in, but hopefully the variety will help bring all sorts of stuff to mind. If you recommend a movie, please explain why you are recommending this movie. Thanks!

    16 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Question for Christian Republicans; Why are you not happy with this election? Was this not "God's will"?

    If everything happens for a reason, and nothing is random, and God has his hands in everything, then shouldn't you be rejoicing that his will has, (once again, as with everything that happens,) been done?

    In a related issue, regarding another way to look at it; It looks like even God is sick of Bush's modern day crusades, and placed some of his own checks in place for Bush's balances. Be happy that his will is finally in favor of displacing the regime that has been in power for over a decade.

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Wow. You guys seriously broke absolutely no stereotypes I had at all.?

    Remember this?;_ylt=AlxQs...

    I do. I've been reading stuff here for the last hour. Nobody seems to care that they spend all day arguing religion on a message board. You know this is practically a national sport, right? It happens on every message board. Yahoo! Stock boards argue about religiona ll day, for phukk sake. Thank THE ONE TRUE AND GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ I can leave any time.

    "You Cannot Answer Your Own Question."

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Remember me? I'm the guy that hasn't been in a question here besides my own yet. You'll never believe this.

    So check this out: I added some "details" to that question I asked a moment ago, which were an attempt at a humourous parody of some sort of doom cult or something. No real reason, just rambling. Well, right as I'm typing about how I HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS and all that, I look, and I see that Yahoo Answers, by way of attending my own question only, actually gave me the secret of the universe, to which, if everyone knows it, we'd all get along and live in Peace. It was from MY OWN question that the ACTUAL ANSWER to all the things you guys on both sides of the spectrum argue about need to know! The best part? You can get the same answer from YOUR OWN Questions!! Here it is. It said it, right AFTER my question to you guys. My Answer, direct from the actual "Yahoo Answers" itself:

    "You can't answer your own question."

    HOLY BALLS. Pro-phukking-found is the only way to describe this experience. I can't believe the irony. Do you guys understand?

    "You can't answer your own question."

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wow. I haven't gone into any questions in this section yet. Are they going to be exactly how I expect?

    Vehement arguments with self righteous religious people who "know" they're right and think they are the only people in the whole world who, by way of their absolute KNOWLEDGE that they have all the answers and that if only people would believe that the other 5 billion humans god created in his image that aren't like them are going to hell, just maybe, they could bask in his light with them?

    &: A shot in the dark here on the other ½-

    Self righteous atheists, equally positive logic explains all that is, even though everything about the Universe is completely illogical, proven by how thinking about questions such as, "what was there before the big bang?" & "if the universe is expanding, who's space are we taking up?" torture the logical mind. Another "guess": Sure as the religious nuts feel Yahoo Answers is THE place to proselytize, the atheists feel just as sure they're robbing people of their faith with pure cynicism & lack of creativity, Right?

    Or am I in bizarro world?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which artist's lyrics speak to your soul over any other? What song(s) in particular affect you so emotionally?

    Is there a particular song that brings you to tears even though its not sad? Is there an artist with the power to make you scream, dance, jump, cry, ***, laugh? Lyrics that make you remember how good it is be to be alive, or remind you to call your loved ones and tell them how you feel? Make you so angry you shout the refrain in the car as you drive or in the shower like a madperson until you're hoarse?

    Comments with your answer encouraged.


    Rufus Wainright's version of Cohen's 'Hallelujah', Flaming Lips' 'Do You Realize?' and Iron and Wine's 'Upwards Over the Mountain' seem to have a power over me that I can't reign in.... Tears regardless of whose presence I'm in or what mood I'm in.

    Modest Mouse's 'Float On', Beck's 'Girl', and Hot Chip's entire album 'The Warning' all make me implicitly happy regardless of my state at the time.

    Lastly, for raw power and intelligence unsurpassed, Iron and Wine, The Shins, and Jose Gonzales all deserve a Nobel....

    11 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • My favorite band is Iron and Wine. Does anybody else in the business sound at all like them?

    I have an extensive music collection (3,000 albums), as music is my passion and my life. "Iron and Wine" has, for the last two years, taken the top spot as my favorite band on the planet today. In all my life I've not heard a band or artist that writes or sounds anything remotely close to Sam Beam's sound. (Sam Beam, essentially, IS Iron and Wine.... frontman, writer, etc...) --I was curious as to whether anybody else is a huge I & W fan, and knows of some other artists close to their sound. Obscurity is welcome, as, with the amount of music with which I'm familiar, it will almost need to be if I haven't heard it yet..... Also, any big fans of I & W are welcome to give opinions, thoughts, recommendations, etc. on other artists or on Iron and Wine themselves.... Thanks!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • When doing your taxes, is there a legal way to avoid listing out each stock buy/sell you had that year?

    I have made a few hundred trades a year, on average, for the last 8 years. I am terribly disorganized, and already dreading tax time and its not for another three months. I would love a way to not have to list out every trade, the value, the number of shares, the gain/loss, trade date, etc in my tax forms. Talk about a pain in the a$$.

    In my perfect scenario, I'd list the entire profit/loss numbers on a single line somewhere, which I'd have computed on my own using numbers I *know* to be accurate, but computed via a system I created for tracking them in MS Excel....

    4 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What rights does a business owner (bar) on *rented* property have if the city buys the land for redevelopment?

    In the scenario to consider, the building and property would be owned by a separate entity, and the city would be acquiring them via eminent domain from the owner of the property. I would like to know if the owner of the bar/restaurant inside this property would need to be fairly reimbursed for the cost of the business, or would they be reimbursed for lost income and moving expenses only, or something different or worse then this?

    In this scenario, the bar is in Hennepin County, in Minnesota.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What are you putting in the Yahoo! Time Capsule? Why?

    What contribution are you making to the Yahoo! Time Capsule? Why are you making this contribution specifically, versus something else? If you'd like to, feel free to include your Yahoo! ID, if you want people to go and see what you've contributed after they've read why you left what you did!

    I added a photo of my wife and a friend of ours, a photo collage of my life back in 1997, and an answer I gave somebody here in Yahoo! Answers about "what I'd say to Jesus if he were here today." I titled it "some thoughts on religion." Its probably not what you'd expect. I'm not a fan of organized religion.

    My ID to search for my capsule stuff is "jdmoltzen"

    I hope the response to this question is positive, and stays highly rated so as to attract more people with their own additions. This is a great way to get to know fellow answerers on a slightly more personal level, and could prove very intereresting. I hope you participate, and enjoy.



    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Erotic Fiction Websites *Besides* Literotica. Know a good one?

    My wife and I often prefer reading erotic fiction together, rather then watch a porno or go out to a strip club when we are feeling kinkier then usual and want to slowly get aroused together or tease each other without moving directly into foreplay... (the more you drag out your play time the better the end is...) One of our favorite sites, and likely the premier free erotic fiction site on the web is We've looked for other sites but none even hold a candle to literotica in terms of volume of free material to peruse. We were curious as to whether or not anyone else our there had any recommendations on other free sites which are good sources for erotic fiction... (When I say free, I mean for REAL free, like literotica is, not porno website "free-but-still-give-us-your-credit-card-number" free, but actually free..... Any ideas are appreciated. Grazi.

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago