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After spending 7 years as a college counselor, I switched gears and went into the insurance industry. I am an SCLA (Senior Claims Law Associate) designee and handle auto liability/bodily injury claims for the states of CA and NV. I sit on the arbitration board and render "verdicts" weekly on auto accident cases where liability is disputed. Additionally, I conduct liability training classes for new adjusters entering into the industry and "refresher courses" for the "old timers" in the office, on topcis ranging from Joint and Several, vicarious, aggravated, and imputed liability.

  • In Florida, can a spouse sue the other for injuries arising from an MVA?

    Let's assume one spouse is the at fault driver and they reside in the same household. If you can cite statutes or case law that would be perfect.

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Overweight dog food recommendations for standard size dachshund?

    As we live in Las Vegas the heat is too much and he can't get the exercise he needs. I've put him on a treadmill and he wasn't crazy about that idea; until the temps drop his doggie walking outings are pretty much on hold. He porks up in the summer and sheds weight in the cooler months because he's out running around. He's not a big eater but he does love his treats and chewies.

    My vet said to get a dog food that helps speed up his metabolism instead of a diet food that maintains his weight. He recommended Purina OM and Science Diet R/D....anyone have any experience with either of these or any other brands for doggie diets? He needs to lose at minimum 5 lbs, 10 at the most.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pidgeon advice needed?

    Suggestions for keeping them out of and off my balcony?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Finger counting??

    I was reading a medical report this morning and the doctor referenced the right hand 4th and 5th fingers. I'm assuming this means the right hand "ring" finger and pinky and NOT the right hand index & middle fingers?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Unethical lawyer behavior?

    Do you think it is ethical for a lawyer to sue someone and win a judgement against them, only to immediately turn around and sign this same person on as their client to sue another lawyer?

    For example, person A hires lawyer A to sue person B and person B has hired lawyer B. Lawyer A is successful at trial and wins judgement against person B in the amount of $1 million dollars.

    Person B has no money but Lawyer B over $5 million dollars and Lawyer A knows this. Lawyer A calls Person B and says "sign with me and I'll get your $1 million you owe Person A, plus I'll get you an additional $1 million out of lawyer B because he was ineffective as your counsel."

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Teens & Sex???

    I've been out of high school for 17 years and am amazed at the amount of teen age sex and teen pregnancy running rampant in our society today. What's the fascination with teenagers and sex? Why do you think it's cool to be a teen parent?

    15 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • 85 BMW 325e won't start w/new battery & full tank?

    OUr 85 BMW 325e has sat in our parking lot for about 4 months. We tried to start it and realized the battery was dead so we put a new fresh battery in it. It still won't start. We had AAA come out & add additional gas to the tank...won't start. We replaced the fuel line about 5 months ago.

    This vehicle is fuel injected.....any suggestions?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can't help it...have to ask.....VW Rabbit?

    do you love it or hate it, and why????

    I just bought one (2.5) and I love's so fun to drive and hauls!!!! (Too bad it's my husbands car!)

    4 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • 2006 Honda CRV SE?

    Anyone out there having trouble with the vehicle drifting (not pulling) to the right when you take your hands off the wheel? How about feeling like you're fighting with the steering wheel while driving straight?

    5 AnswersHonda1 decade ago