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  • women only!!! guy is confused needs advice?

    I need advice on dating and women in general

    All men give me is basically treat her like crap , talk about her physical features alot, touch those physical features when they are open (sounds like a sexual harassment lawsuit and/or a healthy spray of mace). Talk sexually to her until she caves in. They just refer to women as bitches.

    Women tell me to be respectful, talk to them about general stuff (books, movies music art).  DO NOT touch them without permission. Do nice stuff for her. Stimulate her emotionally (send her flowers, write poems, gently hold her hand (DO NOT grab her y the wrist and lead her around) compliment her. Always try to compromise and not to dominate her. Make her happy and love her for who she is and not try to maker into who you want. 

    im defintely the latter. My guy friends torment me for being this way. Sure they have a new gf every other week. I would rather have maybe 1-3 long term healthy relationships my whole life than have a different girl every other week. Quality over quantity. I want to have relationships and learn about and appreciate a woman even though we have differences. I care about them. They don't. what do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Why has dating become so unappealing and complicated since I was a teenager.?

    Im 37 and I have tried dating some 20something year olds and they were just so uninteresting, they were too connected to their phone, didn't really have any social skills, they were far more interested in the media (tv shows and really bad music) than talking about things like what they wanted in a relationship and deep conversation. They expected me to be a source of cash and were just so shallow and vapid. I actually wanted to bail on one because she was just so goddamn boring. Maybe my generation actually had social skills and not social media skills (it didnt really exist). I found i'm a much better conversationalist than people in the 20's range. Its just why are the things I was taught are now seen as wrong. Theres so many stupid labels and terms these days that I feel are doing nothing but harm. I knew football players in high school who would now been seen as "beta males" and not "dating material". The dating world sucks these days. 

    Singles & Dating1 month ago
  • How do you know that you're good looking (for a guy)?

    I don't feel good looking, but pretty girls hit on me all the time. even ones that are much older than me. I once had two girls in one class like me at the same time. (I didnt want to hurt eithers feelings I didn't date either). girls tell me I'm handsome, have a nice smile and am really funny and easy to talk to. It's just I don't feel good looking. I was also wanting to know exactly what easy to talk to meant. I get told that one a lot and they feel safe around me. ( I've walked 4 girls to their car after night classes because they wanted me to, I didn't want them to get hurt.) 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • How much do you think the media has influence over relationships?

    I mean that they are always throwing terms at young people like beta male, friend zone. Quizzes that people take to heart. I think it has a great affect on young people and a negative effect too. I forgot to add in the dating apps that push judgement based on profile pictures. Back in say the 50s you had to get out there to meet people and you got to know people better that way instead of through a computer screen. I think dating today is very hard and is only just dating. People aren't making any real connections with each other and it's only physical.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • what do you call a depression that causes severe physical pain.?

    mine makes my chest hurt, my stomach is always twisting and hurts, my head is always in pain and i feel like im going to throw up all the time. ive felt this way for years. sometimes i dont go to work because of it.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 month ago
  • women only guy has a question?

    My father says women are only interested in money and won't love you unless you have it. He's very alpha male type and uber macho. He says to find a girl you find attractive and basically say every sexually demeaning thing you can to them and start touching them. I want to be sweet and kind to them and do things for them and make them feel special and love them. I treat women with a lot of respect.I want a realtionship and not a one night stand. I want love and romance and sex but not just sex. He doesnt treat my mom well either he just sits on his *** and she does everything.He calls her stupid and crazy behind her back and it pisses me off. He tells me I am wrong for the way I want to treat a woman.his views have greatly affected my self worth and values and he ridicules me for them. Am i wrong for beleiving what I do, 

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • why are european girls nicer than american women?

    i know a female scottish bartender and she is very polite and rarely ever uses foul language and says sorry when she does. She works hard and never complains about it either. She is very welcoming to people and doesn't look down on anyone. She told me I'm the nicest guy in the bar and thanks me for helping her. She's very commited to her schoolwork and we help each other out (im in college too) 

    \She's like the polar opposite of the women who come in and are very rude to the bartenders and do not care about anything other that getting drunk and laid. Are european women taught better manners than american women?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • what do you do if your family hates you?

    my fathers side has repeatedly tried to kill me. They have given me some mild brain damage. they treated me like crap my whole life and I am kicked out because my grandfather was in the military and they did this to him and my dad too. They tell me that no one will ever love me and it has affected my dating life because they make me feel unworthy of love. I am out of my grandmothers will because of this. My moms side doesn't care about me either. I am very hurt and lonely as a person. what should I do?

    2 AnswersFamily1 month ago
  • Women only guy has a question?

    What do you think of this guy, A nice smart guy with a good sense of humor (albeit dry and sarcastic), does a lot of art projects and is recognized for them. Likes to be educated, doesn't drink or do drugs has a good job shows women a lot of respect and wants to get married so that he will never be alone again and would give his wife his undying love and support. He has a dark side that comes out in his artwork and has a rule to keep his darkside on the canvas. He loves animals and to cook. He doesn't view women as a sex object and has had only 2 relationships but they were long and were ended on good terms and is still friendly with his exes ( no hateful baggage.) He has a strong romantic side and puts forth a ton of effort in a relationship. He cares about it and it isn't something he views as throwaway thing.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Guy needs a womans opinion:a guy at a bar told me something I'm unsure of?

    He saw me reading a book and told me that being a nice guy will pay off in the end. you may not get girls now but later on they will be all over you. just wanting clarifcation. The bartenders are all female at the bar I go to and I am very nice to them. I help them take trash out ( a bag trashcan with 50 lbs of empty bottles are heavy.) They are nice to me and dont charge me for drinks most of the time. 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • what jobs are there with a bachelors in human services?

    just wanting to know before I commit to it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Any thoughts on when covid will end ?

    I really want to start dating again, but covid has stopped pretty much all socializing. Talking to people over the phone and zoom isn't the same. You can't kiss a woman on zoom. I haven't dated because I don't want to give my mom (a heart patient) covid. Too risky 

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Women only guy has some questions.?

    1. If a guy really hates his family and yours is ok would you let him hang around yours as long as he is respectful and polite?

    2. do you prefer friends first or dating romantically? I prefer friends first.

    3. do you prefer the guy who gently holds you hand when walking or the guys who is always trying to force you his way?

    4. Is kissing you on the forehead sweet or too much. like when you're out somewhere or when you go to sleep.

    5. if a guy makes it a point to maybe every month to ask you about things you think you two could work on is that ok. I believe in communication.

    Singles & Dating1 month ago
  • How do you approach shy women?

    Theres this really cute tall redhead in my art class and she doesnt say much and is very soft spoken and shy. I've passed by her on my way to clean my brushes and saw a stephen king book sticking out of her purse. I love king. I just don't want to scare her off. I know to take it slow  I just want some more advice than that.   

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Why do some women call the same guy ugly or cute?

    Its just something I've experienced. Usually the cute girls call me handsome and the (sorry) not so attractive girls call me the opposite. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I mean there's girls that find lady gaga really ugly and i think she's beautiful (and wild). 

    Singles & Dating1 month ago
  • Do women all look for perfect men.?

    I mean we all have that dream person. Which doesn't exist. Do women expect all men to be perfect.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • What qualities do women look for in men.?

    I mean besides money power and looks. 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Do women have any sympathy for male abuse victims?

    ive had a lot of abuse growing up and im afraid to tell my gf about  it. its an area of anger and depression and im afraid she might think I will do it to her.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 month ago
  • Anybody from or around Bellingham, WA?

    i want to move out that way after I get my masters done. I heard they have a great art district and are very friendly towards artists. I also want to go to Canada a lot. 

    1 AnswerSeattle1 month ago
  • I had a juvie record expunged what does that mean exactly?

    It says its been destroyed, but it is also still on the court record database. It is the 1 and only time i have ever been in trouble I was 14 I'm 37 now and want to start getting my artwork out. I'm just afraid of somebody finding out. I have never been in trouble since, not even a speeding ticket, I swear.  

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 month ago