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  • Looking for a specific love triangle movie?

    The movie starts out with a husband and wife at some sort of party where we are introduced to the two main characters, and then the best friend of the husband. The next scene I remember the wife calls the husband acting like a different woman. She then starts having an "affair" with her husband over the phone, in the midst of the "affair" we discover that the best friend is in love with the wife, and has always wanted to be with her. There is a part where the wife goes to the friend to borrow his boat, and the friend believes it is because she wants to have an affair. He gets upset with her because of this. Later the wife agrees to meet her husband at the hotel to finally seal the "affair". I think she either steals his clothes or handcuffs him to the bed.

    Can't think of the movie title at all!!!

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Picking a lens... Canon vs Tamron?

    I have been using a Canon 50D with a kit lens for all my photography for the past 2 years. I am now upgrading. I have been looking at the Canon 24-70 2.8, and then I found the Tamron 28-75mm 2.8. There is a large price difference ($1400 for Canon, $500 for Tamron) but I almost have the full amount for the Canon. My question is should I hold off on Canon and just go for the Tamron (I would be able to then purchase a new zoom lens - 70-200 2.8 for $700) or should I get the Canon and wait to upgrade to the Canon 70-200 2.8 when I have another couple thousand?

    I have read positive and negative reviews on both... I just can't decide. The weight factor of the Tamron might be nice (it is 1 pound less than the Canon) because I have been experiencing Carpal Tunnel and lifting a camera sometimes hurts.... Any thoughts?

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Why is it that all of a sudden every teen on here wants to be in business?

    But when photographers in the field give them advice, they just fly off the handle at them?

    I have had two girls ask questions that were simple enough about starting a photography business, and in the process of answering they immediately fired off several emails at me, blasting me for pushing my suggestions onto them. Isn't the whole idea of Yahoo!Answers that we share these opinions? Those that know something share that knowledge? And then it is the choice of the asker to decide if they want to listen to those with more knowledge.

    I know that some of you know exactly who I am talking about, these girls have deleted questions in which people told them the "ugly" truth, blocked someone that responded poorly against them, and so on. But it is not like we were uninvited in our attempt to answer the question. We are all here for the same purpose I believe, to help others.

    How can we take back this photography section so that it is truly just people that are looking for honest (and sometimes harsh) criticism and compliments on their work? I know sometimes I have a simple question that I can't figure out, but I take all opinions into consideration and really look at all the answers. Even if the person answering makes the answer seem so simple, I don't get pissed at them. Maybe it is because I have left my early 20s and am now too "old" at 27. Maybe I just have matured enough to not believe in fantasies and fairyland of everything will be good and everyone will want to come to me as a photographer because I give everything away for free.

    So anyone have suggestions on how to clean up this photography section!!!????

    17 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Deleting a printer - Windows Vista?

    For some reason my wireless printer has to "found" each time I bring my computer into the office. I have about 6 "different" printers on my computer. I have attempted to delete these several times, and they are all pending being deleted.

    How can I go about deleting these for good?

    1 AnswerPrinters1 decade ago
  • Opening multiple photos in Photoshop CS5?

    When I open multiple photos in CS5 they open together as tabs, I can go to a button and arrange documents - to make them all float in new windows (separate windows) but if I then go to open a new photo it will tab it with the last opened file.

    Is there any way I can change the settings so that from the start of the program opening it will force all photos to open in separate windows?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Movie from the 80's... Teacher, girl, casino...?

    There is a movie that I remember from when I was younger, there was a teacher that went to the bank and when the banker walked away he changed his account balance. He took a large sum out then went to a casino where he used a machine to count the cards. He was caught at the casino and then was told instead of going to jail he would be tutoring the spoiled daughter of the casino owner. She had every new toy, skated around her room all the time and was doing poor in school. At the end of the movie she ran away and the teacher was afraid that she was gone for good, but she had actually went to the school where she was taking the placement tests and was admitted.

    I can't remember the name of this movie... Does anyone know?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Kidney Trauma due to punch in back?

    I was punched several times (4-5) in the lower back on Saturday night. Immediately after my back started hurting. I am assuming that it is my kidney that was hit. I have no bruising but am in incredible pain. It hurts to touch and some basic movements are too much.

    I do not have any kind of insurance but can always go into planned parenthood if I need to, like if I suspect that it is a kidney infection. Could the trauma turn into an infection? Or is my kidney just badly bruised and needs to heal on its own? I took a percocet, but that didn't help the pain much, and I only had the one.

    7 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Saving an HDR image from Photoshop CS4 as JPEG?

    I did my first bit of experimenting, not only on HDR, but also on waterfalls (long exposure).

    Now I used Photoshop to put all the images together, but I only have a few options to save my photo. I would love to get this printed on Metallic paper, and I use ROES to order my prints through my printing company. When I open the folder, these HDR images (saved both as PSD and TIFF) do not show up as options to have printed. I tried saving it at a lower bit depth, hoping that I could open it in photoshop 7 and save it as a jpeg, but that turns the photo to a gray image.

    The only solution that I have been able to come up with for now is to take a screen shot of the image and then paste it into a new image and save it as a jpeg. The downside to this is that it will only look good at a 4 x 6 size.

    Does anyone know of a different way to save this so that I can get it printed (at larger sizes)? or a different program that I can use to make HDR images?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Here is the link for one of the images (I used the screenshot method to get this as a jpeg):

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Best DPI for 5x7 digital file?

    I am looking to sell a digital image to a client. After much research and thought, I am going to sell them a 5x7 size, and the ability to print where they would like. My only question/concern is what DPI do I save this at so they can not print larger images. I just uploaded 3 files to Shutterfly, since they tend to tell me what will/will not work. I used 300 DPI, 200 DPI and 150 DPI. It seems that a 300 DPI (sized at 5x7) has no issue printing all the way up to 20x30. The 200 DPI has no issues all the way up to 11x14, and the 150 has issues at anything over 5x7.

    So it would seem that 150 would be the size, but I want to confirm with other photographers. What DPI would you recommend using? The file size just seems so small at 2.5 MB.

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Really bad Shin Splints?

    I got really bad shin splints last week, I ended up spending most of the week on crutches, icing it and taking Ibuprofen. I am no longer using the crutches, trying to get my shin back to normal, but when I stretch my leg I can feel the muscles pulling and stretching. It still hurts really bad, I can stand on it for long, what else can I do for my leg? And how long should I expect to have this pain?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Hiring a photography Intern?

    I am considering hiring a local student as an unpaid intern for help with shoots. My thoughts are that they would gain experience (and possibly school credit) while helping with carrying gear, holding reflectors and such. I am thinking of letting them take some photos to get the experience. After the photo shoot I would take my photos and their photos and place them on the website for viewing by the client. (The client would know that this is a photography student) I am thinking that I will give the intern a percentage of the profit if their pictures are chosen by the client.

    My question is, I own the rights to my photos, and the client is signing off saying that I can post those photos on my website, but do I need the client to sign off for the intern as well or is it covered since it is my business and my intern? Also, when my intern leaves my company, they will be taking their photos, but what rights do they have to use these photos as a part of their portfolio?

    Anyone have interns or students working for them that might be able to answer this?

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Model Release in California, do I need both parent's permission?

    I have recently started my photography business in California. I took my boyfriend's daughters out and did a model shoot with them (mainly for school photos). Months later I used a couple photos for my business card and newspaper advertisement. I have some of these pictures on my website, but have been replacing them as I get more clients. Today when the youngest was getting picked up by her mother, we mentioned bringing a specific outfit (her favorite outfit) the following weekend for new school photos. The mother immediately stated that I was not allowed to use these photos for my business, stating that it was against the law and that I never got her permission. My boyfriend responded that I had received his permission for use of the photos. She has previously given permission for her daughter's picture to be published in magazines (summer camp) and never sought out my boyfriend's (the father) permission.

    My question is, can I get into trouble for not having both parents permission? She said something about a civil suit.... I have taken model releases from parents before, and I only get one signature. Also, when I researched model releases, the examples always said (Mother/Father/Legal Guardian)... with one spot for signature. Is this something for me to get worried about?

    The pictures are nothing bad, there are no names (of models) on the website, no location of where she lives....

    I asked in Law and Ethics as well, I just wanted other photographer's opinions as well...

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What is the best flash?

    I am looking for a flash to go with my Canon 50D. I have two lenses that I use: Canon EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 & Canon EFS 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 IS. I am helping a friend with some wedding photos, and I imagine that after the wedding it will be dark in the reception hall.

    Most of my photography has been outdoors using natural lighting, including the past couple of weddings I have done. It has been a couple of years since I have taken photography classes, and my lighting with flash is a bit rusty! I will be taking a lighting class soon, but not in time for this wedding.

    I am hoping to spend no more than $300, but will take any suggestions that other photographers might have. Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerPhotography1 decade ago
  • Why do I get so emotional?

    I am 25, I have been pretty successful with my life so far, college, job, boyfriend... However I tend to get overly emotional and cry very easily. For example tonight when talking to my boyfriend about his daughter and her lack of doing what she is told, I started to get emotional in my voice and then my eyes started to water. He sees this as a weakness, does not want his daughters to learn this. I try to think of other things, bite my lip, hold something cold... to get my mind off of it, but most of the time it shows pretty well that I am going to cry.

    I also did this back in high school when I had to talk to a teacher about something, when I talked with my parents (a lot of times), and even at my job there were a few times that I came close.

    I am really tired of it. Yes, I understand that when I watch Shall We Dance, I am always going to cry at the same exact scene, and when I read a book that is sad I am going to cry. But what else can I do to not cry on a daily or every other day basis with my boyfriend? One thing with his daughter is that when she is around the tension is high (she doesn't like me, her mom abandoned her, her step-mom abandoned her and now her dad is happy with me.... and she is a teenager) We get into fights more when she is in the house. When she is gone for the week (at her stepdad's) then we have very little problems. It sucks because he defends her so much, but when I defend myself for something, he doesn't even want to talk because I am defending and he is not attacking me. He thinks that the crying is me making it about myself, and that it shows me being selfish. I can see why he would say that, but it still doesn't make it easier to overcome.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago