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Jennifer Wilde
is this bike actually worth $120?
I was looking for a bike for my boyfriend and this cannondale bike kind of got my interest. mostly because i looked up other cannondales and found only $500+ ones. is this cheap for this bike or should i keep looking?
1 AnswerCycling8 years agoWhat name does this say?
it's too messy for me to read + im awful at cursive. can anybody read this and tell me what the name is?
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoI don't want to leave my dog?
my dog is almost 5 years old now and my family and i have had him since he was a puppy. My parents refuse to walk him and they are gone sometimes from 6 am to like midnight drinking. I really can't stand to be around them anymore and i have to get away but they refuse to let me take him with me. I feel so awful just being away for even a few weeks, but if i leave for good I feel like it would be abandoning him, what should I do??
11 AnswersDogs8 years agoI caught my boyfriend cybering online?
me and my boyfriend of2 years (very close always trusted him) started playing this mmo called perfect world and he would stay up all morning typing away at somebody and would always tell me it was just a normal conversation, but he gave me the name of one of the people and she told me he was talking sexually to her he even tried to get her not to tell, by telling her he would do it but I didn't believe him. I knew from the beginning he was doing it and even gave him chances to tell me but he didn't. When I caught him he told me it was with multiple people and I cried for hours about it. I am just not sure what to do it was only this weekend he started acting like this we are so close and I really don't know what I would do without him.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat's wrong with my tooth?
one of my right molars on the top of my mouth has been swelling on the outer portion of my gum, not the inner and has shifted inwards away from the swollen (now hard) portion of my gums. It's strange to me because its the only tooth that is doing this (shifting). I also have another tooth that is swollen on the inner portion of my mouth (not outer) but is not shifting and it isn't hard like the other one.
I'm going to the dentist as soon as I have enough money but for now I don't.
1 AnswerDental9 years agoI have gingivitis and I have a question?
I am going to the dentist soon! so spare me the "go to a dentist" stuff. I looked up a few ways to make the gingivitis reverse and it said to brush your teeth and use a waterpik everyday twice a day and your teeth should be back to normal in a week or so. I do have a waterpik and have been using it and made sure to clean my teeth every morning and night for a while now. One of my teeth has shifted inwards into my mouth and there is a small pocket on the side of it. I brushed my teeth and flossed last night and I feel like every time I brush the pocket gets worse, i feel like it doesnt have time to heal enough so I thought maybe I should skip the eating AND brushing today to see what happens? so far the swollen has gone down much more then it was yesterday but was it because of me brushing or because i stopped to let it heal do you think?
1 AnswerDental9 years agoWhat should I do about my dog?
My dog is a boxer/rottweiler/pittbull mix, the problem i'm having is that he just wants too much attention and when he doesnt get it he acts like i'm a monster and its stressful because I get mad at him for it. I take him on a walk for an hour in the morning my parents play with him all day when they are home and when they are gone at work I play with him outside and in the living room occasionally. He doesntt know how to entertain himself... and when I dont give him attention all the time he acts like i beat him and lowers his head and stuff when i walk by.. wtf do i do?
4 AnswersDogs9 years agoMy dog is acting weird and its frustrating me, advise?
I take my dog out for walks every morning at the same time, sometimes afternoons. he eats right, and is perfectly normal/housebroken and all that other dog stuff... he has playdates sometimes when we go out to the dog park, so i know he gets enough dog socializing and we also have another dog/puppy (we've had this puppy for about 6 months now and he seems to like him so i don't think this is the problem). hes also only 4 years old.
This is where i have my problem:
during the time we are not on our walks and such he acts weirdly anxious. im writing this now, however because I called my dog into my room to give him a treat, getting no response I got frustrated and walked out to see him huddling into a corner looking like i beat him with my dad half asleep sitting on the couch - he will not let my dad go to his room and sleep and whenever he tries to he will whine until he goes back into the living room. he does this kind of thing a lot lately so i dunno maybe it is the puppy? there have been a lot of times where me or my mom or my dad have called him and he just kind of stays put and listens to us call, then acts scolded when we come and look for him. the puppy follows him around everywhere he goes and tries to play with him and stuff but my dog mostly just isnt interested and ignores him.
right now my dog is laying on my bed perfectly fine sleeping, so i dunno what the problem was...? help?
1 AnswerDogs9 years agoEmergency!! My dogs face is swelling in multiple places. Whats happening and what can I do?
I just woke up to find that my dog's face has swollen under his left eye. My dad told me that his jaw was swollen last night. Now his face is swelling over his left eye and on the back of his neck. I just gave him an antihistemine and I haven't seen noticeable results in the last 5-8 mins. I don't think any vets are open here in Mesa, AZ at this time of day, nor do I think I could pay for it if they were. Please, anybody with any knowledge or guess of what's happening here with a solution suggest it.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years agoEmergency!! My dogs face is swelling in multiple places. Whats happening and what can I do?
I just woke up to find that my dog's face has swollen under his left eye. My dad told me that his jaw was swollen last night. Now his face is swelling over his left eye and on the back of his neck. I just gave him an antihistemine and I haven't seen noticeable results in the last 5-8 mins. I don't think any vets are open here in Mesa, AZ at this time of day, nor do I think I could pay for it if they were. Please, anybody with any knowledge or guess of what's happening here with a solution suggest it.
6 AnswersDogs9 years agoI don't understand how to install all of these things?
do i install ALL of the files??? or what the hell do i do?? i was thinking maybe i have to instal all of the more recent ones but im just so confused.
3 AnswersSoftware9 years agowhats wrong with my computer?
Lets start with how it starts up! When I'm starting my computer it will first of all blink a couple times in the beginning, take me to the log in screen I'll log in, and then sometimes it'll crash and freeze eventually and I'll have to push the big button and wait a million years for it to shut down.
Sometimes it crashes like out of nowhere when I'm opening firefox or something, norton will tell me "high CPU usage by firefox" like 83% of one cpu.
I defrag normally, I have fixcleaner, an antivirus that seems to have gotten rid of all of my virus', i had like 2 trogens it found when i got it and did multiple scans to be sure that I didn't have anymore. I can't watch netflix anymore because it lags out and semi freezes.
I replaced my CPU (3.2 GHZ) to a dual core a while ago, but it was a used one i bought on ebay to play swtor. my computer is pretty old, its a windows XP professional 34 bit emachine, 1.6 gb ram 115 GB free disk space, radeon HD 6570 graphics card and my motherboard is a w3503.
the problem started when i was playing swtor one day and it sort of crashed while i was in this instance and kept freaking out and lagging after. think i blew out my CPU?
4 AnswersOther - Computers9 years agocan you identify the problem with my computer?
Lets start with how it starts up! When I'm starting my computer it will first of all blink a couple times in the beginning, take me to the log in screen I'll log in, and then sometimes it'll crash and freeze eventually and I'll have to push the big button and wait a million years for it to shut down.
Sometimes it crashes like out of nowhere when I'm opening firefox or something, norton will tell me "high CPU usage by firefox" like 83% of one cpu.
I defrag normally, I have fixcleaner, an antivirus that seems to have gotten rid of all of my virus', i had like 2 trogens it found when i got it and did multiple scans to be sure that I didn't have anymore. I can't watch netflix anymore because it lags out and semi freezes.
I replaced my CPU (3.2 GHZ) to a dual core a while ago, but it was a used one i bought on ebay to play swtor. my computer is pretty old, its a windows XP professional 34 bit emachine, 1.6 gb ram 115 GB free disk space, radeon HD 6570 graphics card and my motherboard is a w3503.
the problem started when i was playing swtor one day and it sort of crashed while i was in this instance and kept freaking out and lagging after. think i blew out my CPU?
3 AnswersDesktops9 years agoI was arrested a while back for lying to the police, but no ticket?
The police took me home uncuffed me told me i was a criminal and i was to be getting a letter in the mail on my birthday, well i got a letter from them but it was just a survey for my boyfriend's case (was connected to my case, because he was in trouble for me being under 18 (which i said i was to the police, but he knew i was only 17), they dropped his charges and sent that to me to inform me and get my feedback because i was apparently the "victim", but thats all i got. Was i being messed with? they never left me with a ticket or sent one in the mail or anything about "my" case at all.
were they trying to scare me? its all very confusing.
4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoi told the police I was 18 but i;m seventeen, I was arrested and called a criminal what is going to happen?
I was fooling around with my boyfriend in his car he is 23 i am 17, but my birthday is is two months and by time they got all the court **** together it woulden't even matter for the sex thing. but they pinned me for lying to a police officer and told me i would get a warrent out on my birthday and a court hearing. what is going to happen to me? i can't sleep i keep waking up and getting nauseous. my boyfriend is going to court for "helping" me lie but not for statuatory or anything. will we be ok? I love him a lot and we have been talking over the internet for almost a year now and he got worried around me because my power went out and i coulden't speak with him. I didnt wnt him to get in trouble i would rather risk my own life then for him to be sent to jail. i have such bad social anxiety and he helped me through it and took me places i couldent go otherwise with anyone. I feel so terrible please don't be mean im so scared
7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoare these workboots leather?
my boyfriend needs them for welding, and they absolutely need to be leather and these look perfect.
but are they the right material?
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoplease help! D: I cannot get my dog to stop rolling in the dirt?
It is just awful, he rolls almost everyday and i'm sick of giving him baths. He usually sleeps on my bed but I cannot let him because of all the dirt, it gets on my pillows, then i have to clean those all the time too. Please help this is so stressful. I try and catch him doing ti and tell him not to and he knows it upsets me. Every time he rolls he comes back in the house and hides from me, but when he doesn't roll he always comes over to me and wants to play. what am i supposed to do? it's just making him scared of me and i don't want that :[.
5 AnswersDogs9 years agoare energy drinks bad for your health? Why?
My boyfriend drinks one almost everyday but I can't stand them. Are they bad for you? and if they are why?
4 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoI am having problems with installing windows XP SP3?
It tells me that some of the data or file on the CD is corrupt? also when I put it in my computer it lags me so much I can barely click anything, and if i do it doesnt close the program or anything. It's fine with the disk out though. What do I do? I need this disk for one of my drivers on my graphics card. and DO NOT tell me to get it from windows update I already have sp3 on my computer but it asks for the disk. I just want this ******* graphics card to work i spent a lot of money trying to play this starwars game and it's starting to piss me off lol. Thanks.
2 AnswersSoftware9 years agowhat kind of gloves should I wear in during Oxy-Acetylene welding?
I want to know what the safest fabric of gloves there is out there for this, is it wool? or horse hide?
1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago