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Laptop reboots automatically.... ?
So, my laptop is old, somewhat 8-10 years. Whenever i turn it on, it runs fine for 10-15 minutes, After that it reboots again and again. I don't know what is the issue with it. Now again when i leave it for 1/2hr and after that when i start it, then again it runs for 10-15 minutes and then starts rebooting again and again.... What can be the issue?
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 months agoCan i print letter head on any paper.?
I know this is a dumb question.,but i am new to this. Well i know, that the standard letter head is printed on 100-120gsm paper. But i want to know if i can use the letter head on any paper. Will it be valid if i print a letter head on a paper that is used in xerox
2 AnswersPrinters2 years agoWill i get my money back on a imported item... If i do not pay custom duty.?
So, i want to order a laptop(used) from e-commerce sites like=aliexpress, bangood, gearbest, alibaba Now, what happens if i do not pay custom duty in india. For ex= let s assume i want to order a laptop whose worth on the aliexpress is 50$... Now all these sites require pre-payment for any product, so i pay them in advance... Now the product comes to india... And there is of course a custom department to impose tax on it.... But what would happen if i custom duty is more than the product itself or the duty amount is too much high... Now i don t want to pay the duty... So i think custom department will send the product back to the seller/supplier... Now what would happen to the money i paid to the websites... Will i get the refund back....
5 AnswersIndia2 years agoI want to buy a laptop.First one is lenovo and other one is Acer.?
So first one is lenovo and 2nd one is Acer. Could you just suggest me which one is better and should I buy it offline or online
Lenovo 310 Core i5 6th Gen - (8 GB/1 TB HDD/DOS/2 GB Graphics) IP 310 Notebook (15.6 inch, Black, 2.2 kg)
Acer E5 - 575 Core i5 7th Gen
I am providing link so you can have better understanding.
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks4 years agoWhat does Formatting string means in PHP?
Well,this topic is in my syllabus named as “Formatting string”. I looked all over the internet but got no success. I’m not able to understand the meaning of formatting string in php. Can u explain me in detail,can you provide the reference for the topic on internet. Any pdf,blog, anything at all.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design4 years agoDo people remember who they were after their death...?
My grandma died yesterday,and I m missing her so much just after one day of her death.She was so kind to me and she loved me a lot.Does she remember her family and who I were...I am so sad right now.Will I see her again ever..? Is there any chance that I meet her before her rebirth ?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWhat will be the day on 1st July if there are 5 sundays in the month of july?
and what will be the day on 31st july
1 AnswerMathematics6 years agoA man spends 1/3 of his income on food, 2/5 of the total income on house rent and 1/5 of the income .....(please help me on this).?
A man spends 1/3 of his income on food, 2/5 of the total income on house rent and 1/5 of the income on clothes. If he saves 400 rs then his total income is
1 AnswerHomework Help6 years agoWhat does dualy affixing a postal stamp means.....?
So here is my problem....I am trying to fill an application form which is asking me to duly affix postal Stamps on 2 envelopes each of 22/- rs each.So should I affix 2 postal stamps on each I.e. total will be 4 or 1-1 each on the envelopes I.e. total 2.....I am confused due to duly affix of postal other questions are....
1. What does 'P.S.' mean under permanent address section and what to fill ?
2. What does 'Post'mean under permanent address section and what to fill ?
Please please reply fast....asap
1 AnswerGovernment6 years agoSuggest me a good gaming pc....?
So i am planning to build a good gaming pc,so i can play latest games.i am on tight bulget of 15000 rs (around 250$).Dont consider the Price of hdd ,dvd writer,monitor,keyboard mouse,cables and nvidia graphics card gt 610 2 gb ddr3 because i already got them.
Please note-
1. I want to build a pc with amd processors(amd fx 6300 preferred otherwise you tell) only.
2. I want a motherborard which supports nvidia gt 610 dd3 graphics card because i have already purchased it.
3. I am on tight buget so price less then 15000(250$) would be considerable.
4. A good 4gb ddr3 gaming ram(corsair would be preferred otherwise you tell).
2 AnswersAdd-ons7 years agoDisplay is not coming in my monitor...?
So,my monitor is not displaying anything.whenever i start my pc everything is working in my cpu including fan+dvd drive+mobo+hdd and every thing else.i see blue light in my cpu,whenever i poweron it, no display is coming.i have down step already like-
I have replaced my monitor with other one but in that monitor also display is not cpu turns on but no display comes in monitor,it shows no guys what is the problem....
2 AnswersMonitors7 years agoIn my htc explorer wifi not working...any help?
whenever i turned on my wifi on my htc explorer it says unable to scan wifi...this problem rised after 15 days of rooting my phone.please friends help me
1 AnswerComputer Networking7 years agoIs there any Rom for htc explorer which doesn't have any bugs or issues...?
Like in many android forums,we have seen that somethings working while some not.In many cases i found that camera not working or Bluetooth or i want to know if there is any Rom which doesn't have any bugs and issues...please let me know where can i find it.?
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years agoSo,can i use a desktop processer on laptop motherboard if both having LGA 775 soket.?
i have a desktop which has Intel Pentium dual core cpu 3.0 ghz and my laptop has intel core2duo 1.8 ghz,both having LGA 775 soket,so can i put desktop cpu on laptop me
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoI would like to buy a graphics card for my pc....suggest me one.?
Actually i want to play games at medium setting or may be at low.I want to play latest games not at high setting but at medium or low setting.i dont want any cheap performing graphics card.i want a decent graphics card to run latest games on medium and low system specification are -
* Intel Pentium dual core E5700 @3.00 ghz
* 2 gb ram ddr 2
* Intel G41 express chipset
* Asus tek motherboard ASUS P5G41C-MLX
what about Ati radon 6670 and 7750,how will they perform.
and suggest a decent one from ur side
6 AnswersOther - Hardware7 years agoWhich wifi router support mts mbrowse.?
is there are any wifi router support which supports mts mbrowse data card
1 AnswerComputer Networking7 years agoHow do i know that my psp 3004 has custom firmware?
i can play games by putting ISOs and CSOs in memory card,does this makes my psp have a custom firmware,i have firmware version 6.60
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years agoHow to put games on Sony Psp to put games in sd card?
so i am using sony psp 3004.and i want to play games by installing the games in the memory card .my memory card capacity is 4gb .now i dont know that i am on the official firmware of sony.maybe i m .my first question is -
1. does my sony psp has officially or custom firmware,details are-
system software version 6.60
Mac address-5C:6D:20:C6:7E:B5
if this is the official firmware ,then i am still playing games on my memory card -like assasian creed bloodlines,wolverine,taken 6,swat,dead to rights.
but i have heard that the games cannot be installed without a custom firmware,if the games cannot be played without a custom firmware then how am i playing these games .
if my psp has official version then what is the procedure to install the games like gta vice city etc.
please guide me....
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago