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Breeder/exhibitor of Gouldian Finches, Owl Finches & Blue-Face Parrot Finches. Member of: National Finch & Softbill Society Baltimore Bird Fanciers Chester County Bird Club National Cage Bird Show Retail Distributor of Birds R Us, Morning Bird and Twin Beaks Aviary Supplies. - is my website

  • Am I pregnant?!?

    My boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive for a couple months now, but to no avail. All I ever had growing up was pets - never any younger siblings around. I would love nothing more than to have a house full of kids to take care of.

    This morning, my boyfriend woke up with morning sickness. I've heard that sometimes your partner will start to have sympathetic symptoms during pregnancy so - could this be a sign I'm pregnant????

    11 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Current Problems?

    I've felt like asking questions today.

    I've been having some frustrations with my barn lately. A few of my issues involve my horse's belongings and the care - or lack thereof - they are receiving.

    His halter has suddenly gone missing, and I've already purchased three lead ropes - all of which have disappeared, because people take them (students, boarders, the manager) and don't return them, so I've had to resort to using one that isn't mine. I don't know about everyone else buy I buy my horse items so they're personal for him - I don't want to use a rusty halter and lead rope when I already spent $30 on both for him to have.

    I've also had problems with his blanket. Instead of hanging it up when its taken off, it is simply thrown on the ground, and when I went to take it home to wash it - it had earwigs inside of it and it was soaking wet and covered in mud from having been rained on.

    I hate confrontation but the lack of respect for my equipment is really bugging me. What to do?

    20 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever tried this type of tail bag/wrap?

    I recently ordered a tail wrap/bag along with my booster vaccines and some other miscellaneous goodies. I have had one of the nylon tail bags instead (similar to this: but it really was awful. It would fall out in less than 4 hours (even in a stall) and he eventually lost it in the pasture.

    My horse's tail is silver/white, so the bottom tends to get a yellowish hue from poop and pee and what not. I can get it pretty clean with Cowboy Magic Shine in Yellow out, but I want a wrap/bag that will actually STAY in through the night before a show. Has anyone ever used one ever like this or identical? Did it work? It was only $9.00 so not a big spend.. but I also don't want to just lose it in the pasture again.

    Thanks :)

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Raleigh Nightlife?

    I'm looking for a hip club to go to in Raleigh this weekend (Saturday night). Preferably something that does NOT have a strict dresscode, plays a mixture of top 40/hip-hop/dance, and is usually pretty busy.

    Please don't give me a website - I would NEVER recommend any of the options they have on the "Top 10" for MY city.

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite euphemism for "Taking a Crap?"?

    Self explanatory.. I just cracked up when I heard, "I'll brb I'm gonna go fire one off."

    Tops, in my opinion - how about you?

    52 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Girl Scout Cookies?

    What's your favorite girl scout cookie?

    And has anyone noticed this year that the Samoas taste STALE? Did they change the secret recipe or something?

    Personally - mine is now a tie between Tagalongs and Thin Mints since the Samoas went off the deep end apparently.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Decent Night Spots in DC?

    Can anyone recommend any decent night-time spots to visit in DC? Something casual/fun, like a bar/lounge but that also serves some food (even if it's just appetizers or something) - preferably something within walking distance to/from a Metro station.

    Nothing too loud or crowded, just a nice place to hang out and relax on a Friday/Saturday night?

    Any linkage you can offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

    4 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • Garden run over with moles?!?

    My garden is full of moles, and I've tried teaching my dog to kill them, but hshe's only a chihuahua and keeps getting bitten - those things are seriously vicious. Any suggestions on how to improve my dog's chances against the moles? Would a cat be better at this?

    12 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Least favorite show prep activity?

    I was curious to know whatever everyone considers to be their LEAST favorite show prep activity?

    I've lost 98% of my motivation less than half way through cleaning/polishing my boots which leads me to believe this is mine.

    I'm literally just stopping and figure I can probably finish it tomorrow. Hopefully the polish won't harm it sitting for so long? :P LOL..

    So - what DON'T you look forward to when preparing for a show?

    I'm doing Green Hunter and Limit Eq tomorrow.. I've done the flat classes with him before but never the jumping. It should be world class interesting if not completely embarrassing :)

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Is my boyfriend trying to tell me something?

    Lately, my boyfriend has been spending a lot of late nights out with his buddies. He always comes back smelling very strongly of men's cologne (and it's not the one he wears.)

    He has this one friend, Steve. They are always working out together and when they come home they shower together. I asked them why they shower together and they say because it's faster than showering alone and they swear they're not naked when they do so.

    Is my boyfriend trying to tell me something?

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Out of curiosity..?

    Every time before we make love my boyfriend wants me to soak in an ice cold bath. Then while we do the deed he wants me to just lay motionless and not make a sound. I do it because I love him, it's never really that good anyways, and it's really better because I'm always sleepy when we do it because he always comes home late from his shift at the morgue.

    I'm wondering if it's okay for me to indulge his desires and if anyone else has encountered the same problem?

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Demobilizing a vehicle?

    What is the best way to flatten someone's tires? Some idiot keeps parking in front of my driveway and blocking the road and I'm getting really sick of it. Should I just put some tacks behind the back tires? Would tails work better? Or what about pouring sugar in the gas tank? Does that really work?

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Tattoos - The Biblical Transgression?

    The Bible says that defacing your body is a sin. Why is it that so many people are interested in defiling and defacing their bodies with this disgusting "art?" I don't get it - who agrees?!

    19 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • My picture thingymabob?

    Why in the holy hell does my avatar change every time I post a response? Either it's an ugly red "BALETED" X, something about click for nixity's 360 page, or I see this crazy picture of me walkin' it out that I added weeks ago - which I've since changed to a picture of me and my kitty. But I do not see that unless I actually view my 360 page. What picture is everyone seeing? Why is Yahoo! smoking crackrock? Can someone b|tchslap it for me please?


    Love you all!

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is it true?

    That a woman can't get pregnant if she's on top during sex? Also - does doing it reverse cowgirl have any additional anti-pregnancy affects? I need to know pretty quickly, please, I'm about to leave for my blind date.

    23 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Arbor Mist?

    I'm preparing a 5-course meal for my final prep. at culinary school and I was wondering what everyone would suggest would be the best flavor of Arbor Mist to serve? (The dishes include fish, a vinaigrette salad, chowder, and sorbet)

    18 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Conure games?

    Anyone got any fun suggestions for activities/games/tricks I can do with my Jenday during our "interaction" times? I'm in the process of teaching him to "wave hi" with his foot - but he caught on to that faster than I thought, and now I'm sort of stuck wondering what I can do with him as an activity to really engage him during our free time together.

    FYI he's only about 2 weeks post-weening.. and nothing that requires me to go out and buy some crazy miniature bird bicycle or basketball hoop, please. Just some creative playful ideas besides me petting and talking to him. Thanks :)

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Thimerosal?

    I read that Thimerosal is just a cover-up for the cold way mothers are treating their children due to working outside the homes. Do you agree?

    6 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Why are people so down on Scientology?

    It is a religion like Christianity and Islam. Are people jealous because it is supported by influential people? If Tom Cruise had the same outburst on Oprah but was Methodist, would people have reacted just the same? <cue scifi music here>

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does being a hunter truly limit me?

    I read a letter to the editor of Practical Horseman in this month's issue that was apparently criticizing an article from a previous month (which I did not read).

    Because I didn't read the article, I can't be certain what it said, but the letter was to the effect that in order for students to become better equestrians, the focus for the future should be on Jumpers - not within the realm of the Hunter world. That essentially - a Hunter's job is to sit up there while their horse runs the (typical) outside/inside course and this should only be a division for inexperienced or young (children) riders.

    Do you agree with this? Does my preference for the Hunters limit me? I've done the jumpers with my previous horse (he was crap in the Hunters) - but I really disliked it.

    I sometimes think some people resort to the Jumpers because their horses aren't cut out for it, or their equitation isn't up to par.

    So - should the Hunters be left behind after a certain experience level is reached?

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago