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I ran out of my adderall, and I need it for school, any advice? Alternatives?
I have a prescription for Vyvanse, which I am getting refilled as soon as I can. I also buy Adderall from a friend (I am aware of the legal consequences, addiction, abuse, etc). Stimulants such as these assist me in school, and unfortunately, I do not do well in school without them. Currently I am unable to refill my prescription or buy Adderall, and school is starting soon. I am also struggling with depression and posttraumatic stress, which makes it very hard to focus. I have no motivation. The stimulants are very helpful to lift my mood and help me focus during times of distress.
So, when I am unable to take Adderall or Vyvanse, what should I do to keep up with school? Any advice on coping with the depression and lack of motivation? Also, I am on Prozac (20 mg) and I occasionally take xanax to manage panic attacks. I also drink a lot of coffee, I am usually very tired. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
3 AnswersMental Health7 years agoHow to get drunk with out the hangover?
Hello there!
I don't drink alcohol very much, but when I do, I get HORRIBLE hangovers. Is there a way to minimize a hangover? I have heard drinking water while drinking alcoholic beverages helps. I am going to a party soon, and I would like to enjoy the intoxication with out being deathly ill the next day. Thanks people! xx
3 AnswersOther - Health8 years agoHow to get drunk with out the hangover?
Hello there!
I don't drink alcohol very much, but when I do, I get HORRIBLE hangovers. Is there a way to minimize a hangover? I have heard drinking water while drinking alcoholic beverages helps. I am going to a party soon, and I would like to enjoy the intoxication with out being deathly ill the next day. Thanks people! xx
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years agoIt seems that my hangover has lasted for days. Help?
Soooo, I got very drunk a couple nights ago. I was very sick while being drunk. I threw up a lot, and felt like absolute ****. The next day, I had a horrible hangover. No puking, but my stomach hurt and I had a headache. Its been a couple days, and I still don't feel right. I have this dull, nauseating headache that is like ALWAYS there, and I usually get a little suck after eating. Is this normal? Aghh...what to do?
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoWhat are some good movies out to rent?
I like sci-fi, pretty much anything though. Doesn't have to be new. Thank ya:)
4 AnswersMovies9 years agoWhere to begin with meditation?
I have depression and anxiety, and I am looking towards Buddhism for some help but of course you don't have to be a Buddhist to answer this question. So where to begin with meditating? Any recommended poses, hand gestures, breathing patterns, thoughts? Thank you!!
6 AnswersMental Health9 years agoWhere to begin on meditation?
I have depression and anxiety, and I am looking towards Buddhism for some help but of course you don't have to be a Buddhist to answer this question. So where to begin with meditating? Any recommended poses, hand gestures, breathing patterns, thoughts? Thank you!!
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoEar buds on an airplane?
Will ear buds on a plane sort of act like those plugs that make the pain in your ears lessen? Because I want to listen to music on the plane, and I was also thinking about wearing those "ear plane" things. And by the way, when you are wearing either of them, can you still to the valsenva manuever and stuff? So which is better, ear buds or ear planes? :D Thanks so much. And hurry! I'm boarding EARLY tomorrow.
5 AnswersAir Travel9 years agoMy ears hurt when I'm on a plane, advice please?
If you don't want to read the deetz, just answer the questions above, and thankya :D
Okay, so the last time I flew, my ears hurt pretty bad. Maybe it was because I was younger, but I am not sure. I am 14 right now, and I will be flying very SOON. Don't ask me why, but I am really scared to fly because of my ears. Yes, I know its pathetic. Anyone know any methods to help? Do ear plugs help? Thank you!!
7 AnswersAir Travel9 years agoHow many holes should there be in a water bottle bong?
If you don't want to read all this crap, you can just answer my title question. :3
Obviously I am new at this, so bear with me. You know how the nut/bolt thing connects to the hollow pen tube? Is the nut supposed to have a hole in it? Mine does. If it is not supposed to have a hole in it, how do I fix that? I also have a hole on the upper side (I assume to smoke out of) but I also see that people smoke out of the cap hole. So should I just cover that hole up, and smoke out of the cap opening of the bottle? Sorry if this is confusing. Also, I don't want to use aluminum foil. ANOOOTHER bible paper okay to make a joint? If so, that would save me some time. Thank ya!!!
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years agoTips for making friends and succeeding in High school?
I am starting High School TOMORROW. I am really nervous, and I really want to make some real friends. Any tips/advice? Thank you ! :D
2 AnswersMental Health9 years agoHow to cover up zits?
I am breaking out on my nose, and school starts tomorrow D:
So can anyone tell me a simple way to cover up my blemishes? I only have garnierr BB cream, and a little bit of Smashbox BB cream. Will that be enough to cover up my blemishes? If not, my sister had some shizz I could use, but her skin tone is a bit lighter than mine... Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
2 AnswersMakeup9 years agoVery sick, and High school starts VERY soon!?
I have a really bad sinus cold or something. My symptoms are post-nasal drip, stuffy nose, and slightly blocked ears. It has been going on for about two days now. Every day I have been taking one Emergen-C packet, an elderberry pill with all my meals and a detox tea. I have also been doing the netti pot, and taking usual cold pills. The reason why I am freaking out over this so much is because my first day of highschool is THIS Tuesday, and I really do not want to be sick.
Any advice on how to stop this thing? I am nervous enough about Highschool, this is making it much worse. Thank you.
2 AnswersOther - Education9 years agoHelp! Very Sick, and Highschool starts REALLY soon!?
I have a really bad sinus cold or something. My symptoms are post-nasal drip, stuffy nose, and slightly blocked ears. It has been going on for about two days now. Every day I have been taking one Emergen-C packet, an elderberry pill with all my meals and a detox tea. I have also been doing the netti pot, and taking usual cold pills. The reason why I am freaking out over this so much is because my first day of highschool is THIS Tuesday, and I really do not want to be sick.
Any advice on how to stop this thing? I am nervous enough about Highschool, this is making it much worse. Thank you.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years agoUnstraight teeth are making feel crappy!?
My teeth are always white and clean, but they are not straight. They are bit crowded and stuff. I am just really insecure about them. I can't get braces for a while. How can I feel pretty with my teeth all messed up? Do guys really care? : (
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years agoBreaking out on my nose?
I have tiny little dark spots (they sort of look like pores) on my nose, and I also break out on my nose a lot. It tends to get oily, which I assume is the cause. Any suggestions on products I could use to clear it up? I have already gotten "Biore" strips that go on your nose. Would you say those works? Thank you, I really appreciate it. :D
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoBest BB cream and primer?
I usually do not where make up, but I just want a little something to cover up blemishes, redness, etc. I don't want it to look caked on or anything, I want it natural. So any recommendations for BB cream and primer? Or even foundation and what not. Honestly, I don't know too much about make up. I have heard that smash box BB cream is good....also, I tend to have dry skin, and I break out on my nose...thank ya!! :D
3 AnswersMakeup9 years agoQuestion about litter box for gerbils?
I have heard you can put a little box of sand for bathing and removing waster for there anything else I can use besides sand? They are about 4 weeks old, so if I do get some sort of litter box for them, can I just put it in there with out any special training? Thank ya!
1 AnswerRodents9 years agosome questions about gerbils?
I am getting 2 gerbils soon, and I already bought an aquarium. Its about 10 gallons, and I also have an exercise wheel, hiding hole, water, and a small food bowl in there. Do you think that is enough space for them? Also, is okay for the gerbils to be separated sometimes? Like for instance, is it okay to take one out and play with it? Or do they just not do well with out their buddy...?
Here's a bonus question, you don't have to answer it...I bought a pack of wooden toys, but they are colored. Is the coloring bad for gerbils to consume? Thank you!
4 AnswersRodents9 years ago