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Lv 31,888 points

andrea q

Favorite Answers36%

13, young, not very judgemental. Back cause my sis wants me to stay. And I can't help to check it daily. Umm...yea. Kore o yonde kurete arigato. Learning Japanese ;)

  • My sister kicked me out of her wedding party...did I overreact?

    Last night, I came home to pick up my nephew from my parents house and get him dinner like his mother asked me too while she was on a business trip. My sister wanted to have a water balloon fight with him, but I told her I needed to take him home. She pitched a fit and screamed that I was being rude and I should wait till they were finished. I told her I'm not going to plan around her and I'm watching him, not her.

    So she then proceeded to call me the biggest ***** she's ever met and told me point blank, "Burn your wedding dress, you aren't welcomed anymore, *****. I don't want you as my maid of honor, goodbye." So logically, I responded with, Okay, goodbye.

    I cancelled her party that I reserved up in Orlando and the hotel ($600). I threw my dress out, I asked her my money back that I used to pay for her DJ (which she refusing to give me, after kicking me out of the wedding) and my other sister is repaying me for her dress, cause I bought it for her as well.

    My dad then proceeded to tell me I was over-reacting and I shouldn't let her get to me.

    Is my family insane?

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • If I air out my room after I smoked 2 cigarettes on the balcony, would it be alright?

    I didn't smoke in the room, but I just want to make sure it can't be smelled. Should I do something about my clothes too?

    2 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • Meganium mega stone?

    In Alpha sapphire I cannot for the life of me get Meganiums mega stone. On route 114 the guy only has a hard stone left and I got the two other mega stones but not Meganiums. Help please!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • I have a toxic boss, what to do?

    I'm pretty sure my boss is toxic. She is one of the owners for the company I work for, and therefore, one of the 3 coworkers I have. She's extremely toxic. When I first started, she was always talking to me. Trying to talk me from being a vegetarian to a vegan, trying to get me to eat the same way she does, and take the same politic and or religious views. As we do share the same views on a few tokens, our personalities are vastly different. She whines about EVERYONE, constantly says everyone is full of bullshit, but while she's doing that, she's also 3 or 4 months behind in work and she's too busy online shopping for makeup and clothes to be bothered with work.

    I've begin to stop talking to her, because her lack of motivation and work ethic frustrates me. I mean, this is the same lady who literally had hundreds of deeds pilled up in in the front of the office, hundreds of policies overdue, and was leaving at 3pm and coming in at 9am, with a hour break.

    I'm frustrated. I do everything; I do mean, quite literally, everything for the company. The only thing she has to do now is reconcile the accounts, ONCE A MONTH. However, in me taking over the company so to speak, the exact reason they hired me, she now is threatened.

    She belittles me, she puts me down every chance she gets. She tells me I don't eat enough, I'm too skinny, I need to go home, I shouldn't eat what I eat. I'm about to lose it. Help. I can't make small talk forever.

  • How can I tame my oily face?

    Sorry, I forgot to add details. I exfoliate every other day, I moisturize, I put on a serum, I have tarte foundation (clay based), and nyx finishing powder. All this and I still have a oily face four hours into the day.

    I'm going insane!

    6 AnswersMakeup6 years ago
  • Is this too cheesy of a gift?

    I made my boyfriend the 52 reasons why i LIKE you cards, sanded them down, cut the cards and made them into a ring. It was a process, but after writing all these reasons on the card, I began to wonder if this was too soon to give him something as skin crawling as this. I do not know anymore...if I like I am making a last stitch effort to save whatever it is we have, but I am at a loss. We have been dating for 4 months now...Thoughts?

    4 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • What should I do?

    I need a little help. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 months. For the last 3 months, it has been me driving to his house, doing his homework for him, and giving him a *******. Every now and then he'll reward me with a fingering or a dinner, but both those things are once a week. I just feel like he does not really care. All he did previously was pick on me to the point where I just wanted to leave him. Only then does he show that he cares, and starts to suggest things he knows will make me happy - like having sex, which we have not had in the last month. And that bothers me, because we are both so young and I feel like he should at least want me every now and then...but he does not. He is too scared about getting me prego. Which is fine, I suppose. But he does nothing at all for me...he does not pick me up, like he did his exes (which he never fails to tell me about) , he does not spend more than 30 bucks on me (which, one of his exes, he spent 500 on, again, which he told me) and he barely text me. When we are together though, he says he could not imagine life without me and if I did not come along, he has no idea where'd he be now. But I feel used. All I want him to do is show me he cares, and not when I'm about to walk out the door. And I've tried to talk about this with him and it just ends with him calling me beautiful and stupid **** like that. Words do not show me you care...he does not try. I've been telling him this for the past month. I am at a loss.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What am I supposed to do?

    I've been talking to a guy for almost a month now and we've seen each other quite a lot. He called me his girlfriend two days ago and presented me with a rose. I told him that same day, please don't call me your girlfriend if you're still dating other people. He said he wasn't. Last night, he confessed to me after calling me his girlfriend earlier in the evening, that he was seeing someone else. I was kind of upset - I was thrown for a complete loop. I asked him why he was calling me his girlfriend when I just told him not to, and he responded "I had ADHD. I didn't hear you. I wasn't listening."

    You know what really ******* sucks on top of this? He tells me this after I write two of his college essays and I'm not even in college!!!!! I feel used. I feel hurt. Mostly, I'm confused because I was starting to care about him and then this happened. I don't know what to do, at all. Period. Advice, please, I'm at a lost.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Sudden coughing fits?

    It's back again! I have these random and I mean random coughing fits that results in me not being able to keep my eyes open, tears start coming, my throat is itchy and tight and I can't speak nor do I like to attempt to move. I can, I just wobble because well, my entire attention is on how much I can't breath or barely breath. The thing is, these come whenever they want. Sometimes I won't have one for months other times I'll have three in a week. They don't last more than a few minutes to half a hour, but I want to know what it could possibly be. Just so I have somewhere to start.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Can I date my best friends older brother?

    Some background (because that makes a world of difference).

    My and my friend have been friends for almost 11 years. We even live together at this point with another friend of ours, who we have known for 10 years. So yes, we all get along great. We all joke, we play, and we all talk. We also hang out with my friend B's family because well her family is fun and crazy. Over the years I've seen her older brother and we've never really talked because I was only like 14 and he was 18 and so there was a obvious age difference. I just turned 19 and he's still 24 and lately, every time we hang out we're completely drawn to him. He's literally everything I could possibly want. He's charming, he's smart, and he's a goof. Not to mention other things that aren't smiled upon that we both take part of, but regardless.

    I really like him, and he really likes me. Now my friend says she doesn't mind...but I can't be sure if she's telling the truth or not. My other friend, C, told me that B, is worried I'll break his heart (which I don't understand why she'd be worried about that). I'm worried it'll damage our friendship. I'm trying to keep her out of it, but she thinks I'm always mad at her now.

    It's just a twisted situation. Her brother never really was around for her, so she isn't like super close with him. He lives on his own and we're all adults here and I'm just worried someone isn't going to mature and ruin everything.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How much longer should I wait?

    I met this guy at a closing during work. I know it sounds weird, but it was a instant connection. We talked for at least two hours...even joked around...but we haven't met each other before this. He even made the comment, "I'll see you later...and I need this." when he took my business card and left. We've been emailing up to two days ago (since my card doesn't have my cell) and I finally just gave it to him. But now, I haven't heard anything. I really liked him for some was the first person I've met since my ex that I've just instantly became fond of. It kind of sucks that since I've given him my number he hasn't said a word to me.

    How much longer should I wait? I really just...wanted to at least be friends with him. I mean I'm not just sitting around waiting to hear from him. I'm talking to other guys, hanging out with my girlfriends, but...I mean, should I contact him again? Or should I just wait? He might be freaked out...he is 24 years old and a cop, and I'm a 19 year old real estate closer. Let's just pretend here for a second age doesn't play a role....okay?

    I just honestly need some advice. A little guidance from a third point of view.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I move in with my older sister?

    I work but no car. I'm 18 years old. I'm trying to go to a school during the nights. She already drives me everywhere and I pay her for it but I'm worried. She has two kids who I am close with and her husband who again I'm close with. I just worry. I'm willing to do just about anything but I can't decide if I should just stay at my moms house where it's seriously the biggest hell hole they could possibly make it or I brace the change and move in? Advice ?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • How can I view past certifications?

    I took Adobe test at school and I can't find my actual hard copy papers, so I was wondering how I could view them. However, my account was through the school so I'm not sure how to view it.

    It took me here:

    but the password and username aren't working that worked at school.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • How could I move to South Korea?

    I'm 17 years old and have 3g in the bank. I wanted to move to Korea-not sure how though. I don't speak much Korean, just the basics. But I do have a Florida CNA license. I was wondering if I could work on a military base as a civilian or something in Korea. Any suggestions? Any sites I should visit? Please help, I'm desperate ;a; I don't want to be stuck here orz

    7 AnswersKorea8 years ago
  • Text based roleplay sites?

    Anyone else know any sites to roleplay on? Text based? Anything but Gaia, Asianfanfics, RoleplayRepublic, and Crunchyroll.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • What's wrong with me?

    I'm losing handfuls of hair everynight. I can't run my hands through my hair without picking up a few dead strands. I haven't had my period in 3 months, but haven't been sexually active for almost a year now. And all day long there is a throbbing pain in my back/sides. It's mostly in my back..right where the middle of your ribs are. Expect well in my back orz and it's ALL day long. It hurts to move it, so I don't bend my back anymore than I have to.

    What's going on? By the way, I'm only 17.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Will I pass my drug test?

    I just posted this, but I really need more than one answer. So I have a drug test next week, Tuesday. And I stopped smoking August 8th. I need to know if it'd be out by now. I'm 5'4 and 120 pounds. I've tried to drink at least 6 glasses of water everyday, and today, I just drank a glass every hour. Would it be out by now or...? I've even did those stupid vinegar shots, and I've been drinking water before every meal. I really, really need to pass this. I used to smoke like 3 days every week during the summer. Sometimes, I would smoke 4 days. If it means anything, I did donate blood (but I doubt this effects anything)

    6 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • I need a new roleplay site.?

    I'm going to die. I need a new one, I'm so frustrated. I can't find a active writing roleplaying site.

    Anything besides Gaia...please list some. The site doesn't even have to be focused on roleplaying alone, as long as 3rd person roleplaying occurs within that site.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago